Serial Numbers Missing on Some Ballots in Arizona Election Audit

Hold on, I found the technical explanation letter and it explains everything except the missing serial #'s. That question came up later.

Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves? There's a definite agenda to prove something went on and some are getting nervous, because very little has been found. I wouldn't put it past the more crazed individuals to go rogue.

The crazed individuals were the leftists for 4 years before the election. I’ve never witnessed anything like it in my life. That’s one of the reasons I know the election was stolen.
The only thing that you know is what Q and the voices in your head are telling you.

You believe a rich old white 2 time presidential failure who ran a campaign in his basement and generated zero enthusiasm amongst his base received more votes than any president in history? You also believe the same rich old white guy received more black votes than the first AA president in history not only once But Twice! You believe this despite the incumbent receiving a much bigger percentage both total votes and AA votes than the first time.

Are you stupid or something?

There were more voters so even though Trump did a few points better, his deficit grew. 10% of 100 is a deficit of 80. 20% of 1,000 is a deficit of 600. 30% of 10,000 is a deficit of 4,000. Also Trump lost more votes in suburban districts especially among suburban women. Biden generated enthusiasn for his campaign largely because of Trump. Voters opposed Trump's policies.
I think you have brainwashed yourself with this horseshit. We can do simple math, but your analysis doesn't address the issue. The "deficit" consisted of fraud.

There was no measurable fraud. You are just a sore loser. I doubt you can do simple math unless Trump tells you what the answer is.
How do you know there was no measurable fraud? The AZ audit is the first attempt to measure fraud, and it's got all you Democrat Reich NAZIs pissing in your pants.

There were 2 forensic audits of the machines by companies certified to do this work. They found nothing. This is being done by a uncertified company who has never done this before. They claimed the database had been deleted and suddenly they found it. They are using UV lights to look for non-existant watermarks. Looking for bamboo. Next they will be using a ouija board. You NAZIS are so desperate to prove anything even if you have to make it up.
The counting machines aren't the main issue. Fake votes are the main source of fraud.

There are no fake votes.
We already know there are fake votes. All the "copies" that don't have a serial number are fake.

Who says there are no serialo numbers? This is partisan so that is fake news. If they can't find any facts then they will make it up.
That SoS sounded pretty sincere. He said he was going to go to the BOS directly to try and figure it out. Maybe he already has and knows the answer. I hope someone shares it with us. I would not put it past Fann to outright make shit up out of thin air but I doubt if this guy did. More likely they just haven't found them, but why wouldn't the former SoS know how to look for them?

It's a puzzle.
I'm sure he figured it out, unless he is a trumper and under The Delusion... Hard to tell?

A sampling of the Duplicate ballots, about 2500 were audited and checked by judges orders from an earlier lawsuit....

No problems with them, a 1 to 2% error rate.... not enough to change the outcome of the election.....Obviously, they do have the original damaged ballots in storage or in an area that these cuckoos haven't looked....

Just appears to be regurgitation of the same lawsuit that PROVED THEM WRONG the first time they claimed their conspiracy.

How many ballots can they not match up with their original? 1, 5? 10, or 100?

Or 11,000 in trumps favor?

That ain't it, you stupid turd.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President
By "good" you mean a spinless RINO who is easily intimidated by the fake news media and Democrats in Congress.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President
By "good" you mean a spinless RINO who is easily intimidated by the fake news media and Democrats in Congress.
No, I mean someone who cares more about others rather than just just his own needs and fragile ego
Last edited:
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President
By "good" you mean a spinless RINO who is easily intimidated by the fake news media and Democrats in Congress.
No, I mean someone who cares more about others at her than just just his own needs and fragile ego
So you believe all Democrats are evil?
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President
By "good" you mean a spinless RINO who is easily intimidated by the fake news media and Democrats in Congress.
No, I mean someone who cares more about others at her than just just his own needs and fragile ego
So you believe all Democrats are evil?
I know you are, but what am I?
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President
By "good" you mean a spinless RINO who is easily intimidated by the fake news media and Democrats in Congress.
No, I mean someone who cares more about others at her than just just his own needs and fragile ego
So you believe all Democrats are evil?
I know you are, but what am I?
You're a lying douchebag, of course.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Because I am an elections official and have been for 15 years. Only the first ballot submitted gets counted. “First in, first counted”. Very simple.
unless one commits fraud. duh!!!!!
One who? The system will not allow more than one ballot to be counted for the voter.
sure it does we're learning about it now.
No, it doesn't and you haven't been "learning" about anything . You're being fed lies and you lap them up like Kool-Aid.

I don't know how you do things at home, but "lap up" isn't an idiom that's typically used to describe humans drinking Kool-Aid.
It is the way Trumplicans do it.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
They only had to do it in 5 counties, dingbat. The Democrats rioted for 6 months to help Biden win. You have to be kidding to claim they would hesitate to conduct a little bit of election fraud.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
It's been posted 10,000 times already, moron.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
It's been posted 10,000 times already, moron.
Nice dodge Sherlock
How are fake ballots planted?

You say it is us
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
It's been posted 10,000 times already, moron.
Nice dodge Sherlock
How are fake ballots planted?

You say it is us

Here's one way:

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
NOT stupid proof
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
It's been posted 10,000 times already, moron.
Nice dodge Sherlock
How are fake ballots planted?

You say it is us

Here's one way:

OK...let’s try the old....sneak them in while nobody is looking.
So you add 10,000 fake votes to the count

Each town and voting location keeps a book of registered voters and who has voted with signature. At he end of the day they count the number of people who voted. Then they recount the number who voted and seal the book.

Now, what happens when it turns out 10,000 more people voted than showed up in that book. Bells and whistles go off.

Didn’t happen though....the counts matched
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
It's been posted 10,000 times already, moron.
Nice dodge Sherlock
How are fake ballots planted?

You say it is us

Here's one way:

OK...let’s try the old....sneak them in while nobody is looking.
So you add 10,000 fake votes to the count

Each town and voting location keeps a book of registered voters and who has voted with signature. At he end of the day they count the number of people who voted. Then they recount the number who voted and seal the book.

Now, what happens when it turns out 10,000 more people voted than showed up in that book. Bells and whistles go off.

Didn’t happen though....the counts matched

Not every registered voter votes, moron. Only about 60% do. That leaves plenty of room for fraud. Furthermore, they changed to law to allow same day registration.

You're belief that fraudsters can't get past the weak measures that the Dims have left in place is absurd.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count

By dishonest people just like you.

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