Serious and honest question for our board liberals

This non-liberal tells every young person of voting age I come into contact with "NEVER EVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT" !!!

Knowing what you know now, would you still bloody your vote with Biden?

If you say yes, you approve of this horrific disaster then obviously

Be honest now
Yes. And twice on Sunday. It amuses me that if Trump were still President, you'd be waving your flag
sending your "thoughts and prayers" while lauding the job your savior was doing in a situation that
he didn't largely make. You'd excuse anything he said or did.

I am being honest. You sir, are a hack. :)
Knowing what you know now, would you still bloody your vote with Biden?

If you say yes, you approve of this horrific disaster then obviously

Be honest now
Not answering for liberals, because I have never been one, but the choice in November was Joe vs Trump, so the answer was and is yes. It does not mean they are thrilled about how the plan/execution of the very necessary pullout from Afghanistan has been handled. I actually think the Republicans and trumpers are more please about the boondoggle over there than the Democrats or the liberals. Anybody that thinks this was going to be smooth is a fool and unfamiliar with the history of wars on this planet.

Normal conservative thinkers knew this, as we have seen it before. Only morons of the radical right would think anti-American forces taking control of that country would just wave and smile, wishing us and the Afghanis that supported us a happy fond farewell. Or have I missed something?

Can you tell me the places in the world where it has worked that way at the end of a shooting conflict? These people hold grudges, right or wrong, and act on them against us and their own countrymen that did not support their takeover. Suicide bombing is a key act of their radical methods and has been since before I can remember. How childlike would one have to be to not have expected the shitshow, we have watched.

It does not change the fact that we should be getting out and should not have stayed past our stated objective and allowed the US Afghanistan mission to creep into nation building, which we have show absolutely ZERO talent for in the last 76 years and that was well before I was born.

The only real conservative to take us into that whole region in my lifetime was President George H.W. Bush (whom I voted for). There were a crisis. He chose an appropriate limited mission plan from those presented, over staffed, over supplied, saw it executed superbly and got our people out at the end, mission accomplished, though others wanted to extend the mission, even at that time. That was solid conservative leadership, unlike the quagmire created by the dumb Son-of-a-Bush, his son.
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You're honestly has raised my respect for you much higher

You're a much better person than me because mine hasn't. It blows my mind how anybody could still support him when not only should he not be in the white house, he should either be in prison, a nursing home, or an insane asylum. Or,.. behind the wheel of his eighteen wheeler that he got a hundred and eighty years ago from his butt wiper. :rolleyes:
Well considering the fact that this country is currently heading to Hell I guess I really shouldn't be all that surprised.
Wake me up when you have a group of thousands of Biden supporters attacking our nation's political leaders at it's Capitol.

Wake me up when you have a group of thousands of Biden supporters attacking our nation's political leaders at it's Capitol.


So what is worse? Thousands of people that were able to be stopped from attacking them, or thousands of illegal immigrants that nobody is even attempting from entering this country and attacking us?
So what is worse? Thousands of people that were able to be stopped from attacking them, or thousands of illegal immigrants that nobody is even attempting from entering this country and attacking us?
The terrorists are way worse.

That's a silly question.

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