Serious Question For the Conservatives Here Who Voted For Donald

Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

Forgiveness is a Christian value. Especially since he's behaving himself at the moment...

Y'all didn't give a shit about Slick Willie's shenanigans while he was President, hell, most of my friends on the left and in the media have always pushed the narrative that we were creating a national incident over a blowjob.

Y'all didn't care that he lied about it.

Y'all didn't care about Obama's lies, nor did you care about Mrs Clinton's lies and malfeasance.

So no, I ain't fixin to get worked up over something my guy bragged about doing 20 - 40 years ago.

Serious answer.

Let me sum up your post in four words. "Bill did it too!" (Lame)
Again -- is adultery a conservative value?

Who's going to come out of their safe space and actually answer the question?

It's not.

But that doesn't mean that just because we vote for him, that we endorse or espouse the same values.

You are defining us by the actions and rhetoric of the one man we voted for.

How is that honest?

See, that's where you're wrong. Your vote says, "This man's behavior is reprehensible and in direct conflict with my own morals, but I'm going to go ahead and push them aside because I'm a moral relativist." You are broadcasting to the world who YOU are as a person via your endorsement. You are announcing to the world that your values are context-dependent, only applicable when you want them to be, and discard them when they become inconvenient. You are announcing to the world that your word is completely and utterly meaningless. You're admitting that you have ZERO conviction.

This is why I can *not* fucking stand Christian conservatives. They are the absolute embodiment of hypocrisy.

I will say this however, out of all of the Christians, Catholics have been by far the most consistent with their beliefs throughout this campaign and have also shown the most disappointment with Trump's win. I believe this is mostly due to him insulting the pope, but they've still been quite consistent.
You might be shocked but a lot of us conservatives aren't deeply religious.

Well it goes both ways... that's why I said "their political party" and not just Republicans. However the OP is asking why Conservatives are giving Trump a pass on being adulterous, when it is a basic Conservative value to be religious.

No it's not. A lot of us dont go to church we just know hypocrisy when we see it.
AndI'm seeing it right now.

And what's that hypocrisy?

Liberals claiming moral superiority.

I'm not a liberal, and this thread isn't about moral superiority. It's about the hypocrisy of saying you have morals and then ignoring it for political reasons.
so are you saying that Hillary is without sin as far as the bible goes? What makes her sins any better or worse than any other candidates.
Or maybe, Christians, or anyone that has belief in a religion should never vote?
It wasn't a "serious question for conservatives" it was the never ending left wing search for hypocrisy on the right. The dirty little secret is that it is easy for a democrat to run for political office because there is little or no expectation of moral or family values in the democrat party.
Again -- is adultery a conservative value?

Who's going to come out of their safe space and actually answer the question?

It's not.

But that doesn't mean that just because we vote for him, that we endorse or espouse the same values.

You are defining us by the actions and rhetoric of the one man we voted for.

How is that honest?

So you admit it. Your values only matter when it's convenient. Gotcha.

Admit what? What did I admit?

That's in fact not what I said. Can you quote me where I explicitly said such a thing?

Why are you lying about what I said?


You admitted that even though you wouldn't cheat on your hand, you don't care to vote for someone to represent you that is a sinner who would commit things that don't represent your own values.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?
You've explained (with Bill Clinton) that it's his PRIVATE LIFE and none of our business.

So is adultery a liberal value? Of course it is.
You might be shocked but a lot of us conservatives aren't deeply religious.

Well it goes both ways... that's why I said "their political party" and not just Republicans. However the OP is asking why Conservatives are giving Trump a pass on being adulterous, when it is a basic Conservative value to be religious.

No it's not. A lot of us dont go to church we just know hypocrisy when we see it.
AndI'm seeing it right now.

And what's that hypocrisy?

Liberals claiming moral superiority.

I'm not a liberal, and this thread isn't about moral superiority. It's about the hypocrisy of saying you have morals and then ignoring it for political reasons.

So you're saying you have no morals?
Best thing Trump ever did with his dick was to fuck Hillary and all her progressive Moonbats
Well it goes both ways... that's why I said "their political party" and not just Republicans. However the OP is asking why Conservatives are giving Trump a pass on being adulterous, when it is a basic Conservative value to be religious.

No it's not. A lot of us dont go to church we just know hypocrisy when we see it.
AndI'm seeing it right now.

And what's that hypocrisy?

Liberals claiming moral superiority.

I'm not a liberal, and this thread isn't about moral superiority. It's about the hypocrisy of saying you have morals and then ignoring it for political reasons.
so are you saying that Hillary is without sin as far as the bible goes? What makes her sins any better or worse than any other candidates.
Or maybe, Christians, or anyone that has belief in a religion should never vote?

Nothing. I didn't vote for her. That's why in my initial post I said people put aside their religious beliefs when it involves someone within their political party.
You admitted that even though you wouldn't cheat on your hand, you don't care to vote for someone to represent you that is a sinner who would commit things that don't represent your own values.

What? I voted for the guy. But somehow that makes me culpable for supporting adultery. Using guilt by association is dishonest.
No it's not. A lot of us dont go to church we just know hypocrisy when we see it.
AndI'm seeing it right now.

And what's that hypocrisy?

Liberals claiming moral superiority.

I'm not a liberal, and this thread isn't about moral superiority. It's about the hypocrisy of saying you have morals and then ignoring it for political reasons.
so are you saying that Hillary is without sin as far as the bible goes? What makes her sins any better or worse than any other candidates.
Or maybe, Christians, or anyone that has belief in a religion should never vote?

Nothing. I didn't vote for her. That's why in my initial post I said people put aside their religious beliefs when it involves someone within their political party.

Religious or not adultery is immoral. And everyone knows it.
No it's not. A lot of us dont go to church we just know hypocrisy when we see it.
AndI'm seeing it right now.

And what's that hypocrisy?

Liberals claiming moral superiority.

I'm not a liberal, and this thread isn't about moral superiority. It's about the hypocrisy of saying you have morals and then ignoring it for political reasons.
so are you saying that Hillary is without sin as far as the bible goes? What makes her sins any better or worse than any other candidates.
Or maybe, Christians, or anyone that has belief in a religion should never vote?

Nothing. I didn't vote for her. That's why in my initial post I said people put aside their religious beliefs when it involves someone within their political party.

So you not voting for either one suddenly infers on you some sort of moral authority. Wow.
Well it goes both ways... that's why I said "their political party" and not just Republicans. However the OP is asking why Conservatives are giving Trump a pass on being adulterous, when it is a basic Conservative value to be religious.

No it's not. A lot of us dont go to church we just know hypocrisy when we see it.
AndI'm seeing it right now.

And what's that hypocrisy?

Liberals claiming moral superiority.

I'm not a liberal, and this thread isn't about moral superiority. It's about the hypocrisy of saying you have morals and then ignoring it for political reasons.

So you're saying you have no morals?

Nope... never said anything like that. And that isn't what the thread is about. When I do chose who I vote for, I pick the person that best represents me, and that includes their morals. I voted Bernie... and he was the most honest candidate in the election... show me where he cheated on his wife.
You admitted that even though you wouldn't cheat on your hand, you don't care to vote for someone to represent you that is a sinner who would commit things that don't represent your own values.

What? I voted for the guy. But somehow that makes me culpable for supporting adultery. Using guilt by association is dishonest.

Wrong... you voted for him to represent you and your COUNTRY.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

Forgiveness is a Christian value. Especially since he's behaving himself at the moment...

Y'all didn't give a shit about Slick Willie's shenanigans while he was President, hell, most of my friends on the left and in the media have always pushed the narrative that we were creating a national incident over a blowjob.

Y'all didn't care that he lied about it.

Y'all didn't care about Obama's lies, nor did you care about Mrs Clinton's lies and malfeasance.

So no, I ain't fixin to get worked up over something my guy bragged about doing 20 - 40 years ago.

Serious answer.

Let me sum up your post in four words. "Bill did it too!" (Lame)

Are you saying he didn't?
You admitted that even though you wouldn't cheat on your hand, you don't care to vote for someone to represent you that is a sinner who would commit things that don't represent your own values.

What? I voted for the guy. But somehow that makes me culpable for supporting adultery. Using guilt by association is dishonest.

Either you are against adultery or you're not. Which is it? Have some convictions in your beliefs for once in your life, Jesus.

If you claim to be a Christian, and you claim to be against adultery, voting for a man who admits to having NUMEROUS affairs with married women says more about you than anyone else ever could.
And what's that hypocrisy?

Liberals claiming moral superiority.

I'm not a liberal, and this thread isn't about moral superiority. It's about the hypocrisy of saying you have morals and then ignoring it for political reasons.
so are you saying that Hillary is without sin as far as the bible goes? What makes her sins any better or worse than any other candidates.
Or maybe, Christians, or anyone that has belief in a religion should never vote?

Nothing. I didn't vote for her. That's why in my initial post I said people put aside their religious beliefs when it involves someone within their political party.

So you not voting for either one suddenly infers on you some sort of moral authority. Wow.

Yeah, because I chose my morals and used my right NOT to vote for people that do not represent who or what I stand for.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?
Ive been having sex with the same married woman for the last 25 years now. I have no shame in admitting this.

You are far, FAR more loyal to your wife than Trump apparently is.
If you cant give your wife enough respect not to cheat on her, maybe you picked the wrong woman in the first place. She certainly picked the wrong man.
but thinking about that, it has to be something other than sex that causes Trump to step out on his wives. His wives have all been beautiful, they are not the type of women you cheat on, they would be the type of woman you cheat with, if you were so inclined to be an ignorant disrespectful husband.

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