Serious Question For the Conservatives Here Who Voted For Donald

So at first you attempted to deny his adultery now you defend it. Which one is it? Both?

The point is: I don't care. That is between him and his wife. I am not a Social Morality Warrior Snowflake.

Of course you don't care. Why would you? Caring would require having morals -- you have none. You're a fraud.

John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I am not interested in conducting a Morality Inquisition over what goes on in other people's BOUDOIRS, bub.

Hilarious. Now all of a sudden you don't care what goes on in other people's bedrooms now that you've voted for a serial adulterer?


Of course you "don't care," bat girl, you only pull out your special moral cards when they suit you, and put them in your safe space when they don't.

Say pulling anal beads from intake/output, did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Sure did, you sick gimp. Go play with your anal beads, your sphincter's getting lonely!
No, you are engaging in tu quoque all throughout this thread. I am not the goddamn topic of this thread no matter how much you want to make it about me.

That is a deflection. You are the author of this thread and are subject to the same amount of criticism as your points are. You committed three argumentative fallacies, 1) you employed guilt by association, 2) you engaged in non causa pro causa (false cause) arguments, and 3) used hasty generalization fallacies to say that if we conservatives vote for a man who committed adultery, that we are therefore adulterous, and further therefore endorse and espouse adultery as a matter of principle and are traitors to our Christian beliefs. As such, as your argument goes, that such a vote would indicate that adultery is a held conservative belief.

Such reasoning is deserving of the utmost contempt.

Nor would I ever cheat on my wife, nor did I endorse Clinton's adultery. Ready to discuss the thread topic now?

I never made that assumption about you. However, you did make that assumption about me and every other conservative in this thread, or those who voted for Trump. That's the difference between me and you. I'm not prone to making such wild assumptions about people, nor do I resort to labeling someone because of who they happened to vote for. You doing that only shows you have insufficient means to defend your premise.

And I am discussing the topic. You chose to attack us for betraying our faith by voting for a man who committed the sin of adultery. Therefore I am entitled to attack you, your argument, and your character in return. You are not allowed to have a free hand in making such baseless assumptions about people without suffering a direct attack on your character. You went there first. You backed yourself into a corner.

I can tell that this thread subject is really frustrating for you, which is good. You should feel frustrated. It's always frustrating when know-it-all conservatives have to come face to face with their own hypocrisy.

This is you engaging in ad hominem. If this topic isn't about you as you claim, why, all of a sudden, are you making it about me? I brought you face to face with your own hypocrisy, then you deflected, insulted, and then deflected some more.

You're either going to denounce adultery and act on that belief with your vote, or you're going to push it aside and live your life like a moral relativist, selectively choosing which morals you're going to indulge in on a day to day, moment to moment basis as if you're at a buffet. Right now, guess which one you're doing?

Sigh. This is indeed nothing but a giant false cause argument. That somehow due to my vote for a man who committed adultery, you are allowed to superimpose values on me that I do not support. You then get to impugn on my religious beliefs as a result of that same vote. Just because I voted for a man who committed adultery does not mean I will readily commit adultery against the first woman I marry.

There are other reasons why I voted for Trump, and his adultery was not one of them. If I am to preach my small government premise to the world, my first thing to do would not to stick my nose into his marital affairs. It would be hypocritical for me to say "government should stay out of the bedroom and marriage!" if I begin critiquing his love life and who he has sex with.

Your point is lost.

How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer? And by the way, thanks for admitting to the world that your moral compass is subject to whatever position you want it to point in at any given time. Your words are completely meaningless and empty -- like every other conservative fraud.

How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer?

The one who ended the Clinton crime family?
Feels pretty good.
The point is: I don't care. That is between him and his wife. I am not a Social Morality Warrior Snowflake.

Of course you don't care. Why would you? Caring would require having morals -- you have none. You're a fraud.

John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I am not interested in conducting a Morality Inquisition over what goes on in other people's BOUDOIRS, bub.

Hilarious. Now all of a sudden you don't care what goes on in other people's bedrooms now that you've voted for a serial adulterer?


Of course you "don't care," bat girl, you only pull out your special moral cards when they suit you, and put them in your safe space when they don't.

Say pulling anal beads from intake/output, did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Sure did, you sick gimp. Go play with your anal beads, your sphincter's getting lonely!

We're still talking about anal beads?

Of course you don't care. Why would you? Caring would require having morals -- you have none. You're a fraud.

John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I am not interested in conducting a Morality Inquisition over what goes on in other people's BOUDOIRS, bub.

Hilarious. Now all of a sudden you don't care what goes on in other people's bedrooms now that you've voted for a serial adulterer?


Of course you "don't care," bat girl, you only pull out your special moral cards when they suit you, and put them in your safe space when they don't.

Say pulling anal beads from intake/output, did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Sure did, you sick gimp. Go play with your anal beads, your sphincter's getting lonely!

We're still talking about anal beads?


SHYTFE put Anal Beads at the top of his wish list in his letter to Secular Santa at the State Department of Gift Redistribution.
Boedicca says, "I heard anal beads. Did someone say anal beads?"
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

Hmm. Well, we understand the concept of forgiveness. You apparently don't.
Right. And during the campaign, we saw how much the right forgave Bill Clinton.
Dude, those are anal beads. In fact I'm pretty sure that's Elton John in the pic. No offense to Elton John, I do like "his" music.

Its Bill Hicks, ya freak. Go watch some of your gay porn that caters to your anal bead fetish or whatever the fuck you're into.

Can't understand you with those anal beads in your mouth. :D rofl!

How do you know that is what they are? Do they look like your's? :dance:

Meh that was lame. My joke was much funnier. :2up:
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

Hmm. Well, we understand the concept of forgiveness. You apparently don't.
Right. And during the campaign, we saw how much the right forgave Bill Clinton.

Au contraire, we saw how much the left did.
The point is: I don't care. That is between him and his wife. I am not a Social Morality Warrior Snowflake.

Of course you don't care. Why would you? Caring would require having morals -- you have none. You're a fraud.

John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I am not interested in conducting a Morality Inquisition over what goes on in other people's BOUDOIRS, bub.

Hilarious. Now all of a sudden you don't care what goes on in other people's bedrooms now that you've voted for a serial adulterer?


Of course you "don't care," bat girl, you only pull out your special moral cards when they suit you, and put them in your safe space when they don't.

Say pulling anal beads from intake/output, did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Sure did, you sick gimp. Go play with your anal beads, your sphincter's getting lonely!

I see. Therefore the critical thinker can conclude that:

A. The OP embraces hypocrisy.
B. The OP is just trolling knowing he'd otherwise be a hypocrite.
C. The OP doesn't recognize he's a hypocrite.
D. The OP didn't realize the Clintons are on the same boat, only worse due to status during periods of indiscretion.
E. It's typical for liberals to accept adultery. OP wants conservatives to admit the same.
F. OP is just rock dumb. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for the OP.
G. OP is just butt-hurt over the election. The OP was an emotionally led decision, and he doesn't recognize the error in his ways.
H. OP is a victim of corruption and decay. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for the OP.
Of course you don't care. Why would you? Caring would require having morals -- you have none. You're a fraud.

John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I am not interested in conducting a Morality Inquisition over what goes on in other people's BOUDOIRS, bub.

Hilarious. Now all of a sudden you don't care what goes on in other people's bedrooms now that you've voted for a serial adulterer?


Of course you "don't care," bat girl, you only pull out your special moral cards when they suit you, and put them in your safe space when they don't.

Say pulling anal beads from intake/output, did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Sure did, you sick gimp. Go play with your anal beads, your sphincter's getting lonely!

I see. Therefore the critical thinker can conclude that:

A. The OP embraces hypocrisy.
B. The OP is just trolling knowing he'd otherwise be a hypocrite.
C. The OP doesn't recognize he's a hypocrite.
D. The OP didn't realize the Clintons are on the same boat, only worse due to status during periods of indiscretion.
E. It's typical for liberals to accept adultery. OP wants conservatives to admit the same.
F. OP is just rock dumb. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for the OP.
G. OP is just butt-hurt over the election. The OP was an emotionally led decision, and he doesn't recognize the error in his ways.
H. OP is a victim of corruption and decay. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for the OP.

And your entire rebuttal is null and void because this thread isn't about the OP or anyone else other than Conservatives. Either you have morals and values or you don't. You don't change your morals and values based on someone else's.
How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer? And by the way, thanks for admitting to the world that your moral compass is subject to whatever position you want it to point in at any given time. Your words are completely meaningless and empty -- like every other conservative fraud.

You're angry. Anger is the first symptom of a failed argument. Calling me a fraud only shows that anger.

You can't debate my words, so you dismiss them as "empty" and "meaningless" then hastily perch yourself upon that mile high ivory tower of yours. You then call me a fraud and attack me for voting for a "serial adulterer."

Where is your argument? You don't have one. You are doing nothing but attacking my character and beliefs.

I'm not angry, but I am disgusted. Sorry twinkie puff, but I'll call you what you are, every time. And you are a fraud - as is every other "Christian" who voted for the fascist degenerate. When you live your life as a Christian according to Judeo Christian moral code, and you vote for a misogynist, raping, serial adulterer, what else does that make you?

You're nothing but a fraud.

"Do as I say, ignore our actions." - The Conservative Mantra

Someone who must think very very very poorly of his opponent.
John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I am not interested in conducting a Morality Inquisition over what goes on in other people's BOUDOIRS, bub.

Hilarious. Now all of a sudden you don't care what goes on in other people's bedrooms now that you've voted for a serial adulterer?


Of course you "don't care," bat girl, you only pull out your special moral cards when they suit you, and put them in your safe space when they don't.

Say pulling anal beads from intake/output, did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Sure did, you sick gimp. Go play with your anal beads, your sphincter's getting lonely!

I see. Therefore the critical thinker can conclude that:

A. The OP embraces hypocrisy.
B. The OP is just trolling knowing he'd otherwise be a hypocrite.
C. The OP doesn't recognize he's a hypocrite.
D. The OP didn't realize the Clintons are on the same boat, only worse due to status during periods of indiscretion.
E. It's typical for liberals to accept adultery. OP wants conservatives to admit the same.
F. OP is just rock dumb. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for the OP.
G. OP is just butt-hurt over the election. The OP was an emotionally led decision, and he doesn't recognize the error in his ways.
H. OP is a victim of corruption and decay. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for the OP.

And your entire rebuttal is null and void because this thread isn't about the OP or anyone else other than Conservatives. Either you have morals and values or you don't. You don't change your morals and values based on someone else's.

Say fake tits, some may fall for your twisted logic and I have no doubt you're a victim. But my "rebuttal" is fucking life dude, it makes every sense of sense. I believe we've discovered some choice answers, at least in your case anyway. Option A., C., E., F., G. and/or H.
Hilarious. Now all of a sudden you don't care what goes on in other people's bedrooms now that you've voted for a serial adulterer?


Of course you "don't care," bat girl, you only pull out your special moral cards when they suit you, and put them in your safe space when they don't.

Say pulling anal beads from intake/output, did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Sure did, you sick gimp. Go play with your anal beads, your sphincter's getting lonely!

I see. Therefore the critical thinker can conclude that:

A. The OP embraces hypocrisy.
B. The OP is just trolling knowing he'd otherwise be a hypocrite.
C. The OP doesn't recognize he's a hypocrite.
D. The OP didn't realize the Clintons are on the same boat, only worse due to status during periods of indiscretion.
E. It's typical for liberals to accept adultery. OP wants conservatives to admit the same.
F. OP is just rock dumb. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for the OP.
G. OP is just butt-hurt over the election. The OP was an emotionally led decision, and he doesn't recognize the error in his ways.
H. OP is a victim of corruption and decay. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for the OP.

And your entire rebuttal is null and void because this thread isn't about the OP or anyone else other than Conservatives. Either you have morals and values or you don't. You don't change your morals and values based on someone else's.

Say fake tits, some may fall for your twisted logic and I have no doubt you're a victim. But my "rebuttal" is fucking life dude, it makes every sense of sense. I believe we've discovered some choice answers, at least in your case anyway. Option A., C., E., F. and/or H.

You know I'm right... just be a man and admit it. You put politics before faith. It is what it is.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

Hmm. Well, we understand the concept of forgiveness. You apparently don't.
Right. And during the campaign, we saw how much the right forgave Bill Clinton.

Au contraire, we saw how much the left did.
of course, au contraire ... the right didn't forgive Bill. I was being facetious.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?

You blatantly lied in the title. That was not a serious question for people who voted for the clown. It was a transparent attempt to suggest voting for Trump went against conservative values. Many trump voters didn't vote for him because of he was a great example of conservative values. They voted for him because he represented something different than the tired GOP candidates and the evil pantsuit bulldyke. The sooner you libs acknowledge that fact the sooner you will understand how and why you got your shit feed to you on a golden platter on November 8. Now rub some more PREP H on your your aching ass boi.

Wrong, bucked tooth. I am genuinely curious.

Oh of course you are. Do expect Conserves to say, "yea, we conservatives think having an affair does represent our values". I suppose Libs who voted for Bill Clinton are telling you they think rape is a liberal value. You're a transparent liar.
I couldn't care less about Trump's personal life, how many times he's been married, who he's married, or what they do, TBH. I care about policy! That is what MOST Americans care about.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?

You blatantly lied in the title. That was not a serious question for people who voted for the clown. It was a transparent attempt to suggest voting for Trump went against conservative values. Many trump voters didn't vote for him because of he was a great example of conservative values. They voted for him because he represented something different than the tired GOP candidates and the evil pantsuit bulldyke. The sooner you libs acknowledge that fact the sooner you will understand how and why you got your shit feed to you on a golden platter on November 8. Now rub some more PREP H on your your aching ass boi.

Wrong, bucked tooth. I am genuinely curious.

Oh of course you are. Do expect Conserves to say, "yea, we conservatives think having an affair does represent our values". I suppose Libs who voted for Bill Clinton are telling you they think rape is a liberal value. You're a transparent liar.

Your whiny tu quoque is noted, buck tooth. Now, go wipe off your keyboard -- you're drooling again.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?

You blatantly lied in the title. That was not a serious question for people who voted for the clown. It was a transparent attempt to suggest voting for Trump went against conservative values. Many trump voters didn't vote for him because of he was a great example of conservative values. They voted for him because he represented something different than the tired GOP candidates and the evil pantsuit bulldyke. The sooner you libs acknowledge that fact the sooner you will understand how and why you got your shit feed to you on a golden platter on November 8. Now rub some more PREP H on your your aching ass boi.

Wrong, bucked tooth. I am genuinely curious.

Oh of course you are. Do expect Conserves to say, "yea, we conservatives think having an affair does represent our values". I suppose Libs who voted for Bill Clinton are telling you they think rape is a liberal value. You're a transparent liar.

Your whiny tu quoque is noted, buck tooth. Now, go wipe off your keyboard -- you're drooling again.

Sounds good, thanks for the encouraging words.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

Hmm. Well, we understand the concept of forgiveness. You apparently don't.

I don't forgive sociopath scumbags. Never forget, never forgive sociopaths -- because if you do, they'll just do it again.
So why did you support Hillary again?

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