Serious Question: Why Are Right-Wingers Still Lying About Flags And The White House?


20 years military, asshole.

save your 'fake patriotism' for people like Clinton, Obama, Trump, and Biden
20 years in the military but still don't know shit about the US flag code..
Maybe you being triggered by rainbows made you forget...
Or you are just a typical homophobe trying to hide behind faux patriotism to justify hating gays..either way, fuck you
Except it wasn't....

This was definitely disrespectful but for some reason, you called him a patriot tho...funny how that works....

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I guess you choose to hate people who have done nothing against this country while folks like me choose to oppose literal traitors who have ALREADY LOST one war to these United States....
No even close..... the White House did not raise the Stars and Bars but the did with the gay flag.
20 years in the military but still don't know shit about the US flag code..
Maybe you being triggered by rainbows made you forget...
Or you are just a typical homophobe trying to hide behind faux patriotism to justify hating gays..either way, fuck you

what did you learn in the military?

"Tensions between the Biden administration and Fox News over Saturday’s Pride Month celebration at the White House boiled over this week, with the White House accusing the conservative network of lying about the meaning of a flag displayed at the event. FoxNews is characteristically lying through their teeth,” deputy press secretary Andrew Bates wrote in a tweet that linked to a Fox News piece that read: “White House flew controversial new transgender flag that promotes grooming and pedophilia, say critics.” Fox News deleted the tweet and reframed the article to focus on how the transgender flag “troubles some critics in the gay community.”

But even after getting caught lying the first time.....they are still this week, lying about it some more...I am going to repeat that --- Fox is LITERALLY LYING ABOUT SOMETHING THEY KNOW IS NOT TRUE.......why? Because Fox is the pornhub for fragile minded reactionary right-wing you have to keep manufacturing bullshit to keep their base upset over non-sense...They have the utmost absolute disdain for the intelligence of their base audience.

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Shouldn't these so-called freedom loving flag waving patriots know the difference between an event banner and a flag?? Or do they not really care about stuff like that when it gives them a chance to hate on their favorite outgroup to hate.....those child raping pedophile trannies...

Wait until Fox tells their viewers about the Juneteenth celebration at the White House and how BLM and Antifa performed on stage.......It would be false, but when has outright lying stopped right-wingers before....

You forgot to post the videos of these trannies exposing their breasts at the White House and then playing it all over social media.
A large percentage of Americans are not handicapped either..does that mean we should hate and ostracize handicap people too?

What about red heads? Should we launch a crusade against them too?

And since there is such a small percentage of gay people -- how are they also more powerful than you to the point yall are the ones who whine about being persecuted?

Are you really that fucking fragile??
^^Golfing Gator is that you?
You forgot to post the videos of these trannies exposing their breasts at the White House and then playing it all over social media.
Yea, that one guy showing his chest is reason to basically outlaw gays in general...

I think you Republicans should hop to it immediately...campaign on it.....and don't hold back

However, if it is your belief that he is a man....why would a man being topless be such a scandal? It's just a man's bare chest ain't it?
But I thought Muslims and Biden worked together to attack the US

I mean, wasn't Biden and Obama part of Al-Qeda?

Or do you morons not think your bullshit thru that far?
Muslims are sick of you idiots pushing gender ideology. Guess you better reign them in…
Muslims are sick of you idiots pushing gender ideology. Guess you better reign them in…

I am glad it was a shared hatred of gay people that brought yall together...

Maybe instead of muslim bans, yall can combine forces and ban gays and stuff....campaign on that...

I am glad it was a shared hatred of gay people that brought yall together...

Maybe instead of muslim bans, yall can combine forces and ban gays and stuff....campaign on that...
A religion and its obligations are not hatred. It is not illegal. Maybe you are the hater. Yeah, I think that is it.
Yea, that one guy showing his chest is reason to basically outlaw gays in general...

I think you Republicans should hop to it immediately...campaign on it.....and don't hold back

However, if it is your belief that he is a man....why would a man being topless be such a scandal? It's just a man's bare chest ain't it?
It was more than one and, yes, this tranny shit will be huge on the campaign trail. Helps our side more than it hurts it and it hurts your side more than it helps it. Diehard lefties who support this shit were going to vote Democrat anyway but you don't have those in the middle where most find it all disgusting.

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