Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I read the transcript AND complaint-no evidence of coercion or demand or "quid pro quo"
Utter nonsense. That is obviously what is happening in the phone call. Trump is leveraging continued aid to ukraine against getting personal gain.

The actions afterward showing "consciousness of guilt" would remove any doubt, in a court of law.
Complete nonsense. The transcript IS the phone call. What personal gain is he getting? What actions afterward? And throw out consciousness of guilt-it's psychobabble.

Yeah, that cracked me up when he started farting out "consciousness of guilt"....
Gotta love left-wingers when they have no actual point.... suddenly it's a bunch of mind reading crap....

Left-wing logic "Well even without evidence, I feel as though, he felt guilty, and therefore my feelings, of his feelings, prove guilt!"
Having read some more on this, the reason why Pelosi has opened an “inquiry” without a House vote is because they don’t have a whole lot. They might later, but they don’t now.
It was a rock-and-a-hard-place situation for her. But they almost have to impeach now that they've taken it this far.

She might very well have a plan. She's not one to leave a lot to chance.
Having read some more on this, the reason why Pelosi has opened an “inquiry” without a House vote is because they don’t have a whole lot. They might later, but they don’t now.
It was a rock-and-a-hard-place situation for her. But they almost have to impeach now that they've taken it this far.

She might very well have a plan. She's not one to leave a lot to chance.
Sound likes the plan is to do it as quickly as possible. Pile up some dirt through these investigations get an impeachment on his record and then try and clear the smoke for 2020 so the nominee can actually campaign on issues and not get swallowed up by the impeachment storm.
The transcript IS the phone call.
And it shows plain corruption on the part of Trump.

Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
The transcript IS the phone call.
And it shows plain corruption on the part of Trump.

Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
Wow, look at you getting all triggered! I just pointed out some examples of those on the Right who openly admit they see wrong doing and you go off on me?! I know enough to not expect you to listen to my perspective so I use statements from those on your side of the aisle and you apparently can’t take it.

It’s pretry damn clear what trump was doing on that call. And the fact that you can’t address it and resort to personal attacks and finger pointing at Biden is just pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling?
The transcript IS the phone call.
And it shows plain corruption on the part of Trump.

Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
Wow, look at you getting all triggered! I just pointed out some examples of those on the Right who openly admit they see wrong doing and you go off on me?! I know enough to not expect you to listen to my perspective so I use statements from those on your side of the aisle and you apparently can’t take it.

It’s pretry damn clear what trump was doing on that call. And the fact that you can’t address it and resort to personal attacks and finger pointing at Biden is just pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling?

Because it does not matter who says what.

First, people being on Fox News, does not make them "right-wing". My own mother, was on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos. She is not left-wing. Being on a news channel, doesn't magically change your political views.

Being judge doesn't mean you are divine truth. Are you saying that no judge ever made an incorrect judgement? Then why do left-wingers complain about the prison population?

Again, where is the evidence of a crime? The standard is, quid pro quo. If you don't do this, then I won't do that. If you do this, then I'll do that. If you investigate Biden, then I'll give you money. If you don't, then I won't.

Under that standard, nothing of the sort happened.
And it shows plain corruption on the part of Trump.

Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
Wow, look at you getting all triggered! I just pointed out some examples of those on the Right who openly admit they see wrong doing and you go off on me?! I know enough to not expect you to listen to my perspective so I use statements from those on your side of the aisle and you apparently can’t take it.

It’s pretry damn clear what trump was doing on that call. And the fact that you can’t address it and resort to personal attacks and finger pointing at Biden is just pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling?

Because it does not matter who says what.

First, people being on Fox News, does not make them "right-wing". My own mother, was on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos. She is not left-wing. Being on a news channel, doesn't magically change your political views.

Being judge doesn't mean you are divine truth. Are you saying that no judge ever made an incorrect judgement? Then why do left-wingers complain about the prison population?

Again, where is the evidence of a crime? The standard is, quid pro quo. If you don't do this, then I won't do that. If you do this, then I'll do that. If you investigate Biden, then I'll give you money. If you don't, then I won't.

Under that standard, nothing of the sort happened.
I’m not calling Napolitano right wing just because he was on fox. I’m calling him right wing because of his long history as a judge and then political analyst.

We all heard the conversation between trump and Ukraine. Discussing millions in military aid that Trump has frozen followed by two favors both very political in nature is what trump is accused of doing that violates 52 US code 30121. That’s the debate. I don’t expect you to agree that trump broke the law. I see you as the type that would excuse him if he shot somebody in the middle of 5th ave. But you’re not going to be able to win a debate of the subject. Something improper is there. We all know it
Did you really just say that you knew it was legal for him to fire the director.... but he can still get in trouble for it?
No, I said doing so is within his power. And yes, he can still get in trouble for it. If it is done with criminal intent, it's part of crime.

Come on trumpkins. This isn't rocket surgery.
Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
Wow, look at you getting all triggered! I just pointed out some examples of those on the Right who openly admit they see wrong doing and you go off on me?! I know enough to not expect you to listen to my perspective so I use statements from those on your side of the aisle and you apparently can’t take it.

It’s pretry damn clear what trump was doing on that call. And the fact that you can’t address it and resort to personal attacks and finger pointing at Biden is just pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling?

Because it does not matter who says what.

First, people being on Fox News, does not make them "right-wing". My own mother, was on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos. She is not left-wing. Being on a news channel, doesn't magically change your political views.

Being judge doesn't mean you are divine truth. Are you saying that no judge ever made an incorrect judgement? Then why do left-wingers complain about the prison population?

Again, where is the evidence of a crime? The standard is, quid pro quo. If you don't do this, then I won't do that. If you do this, then I'll do that. If you investigate Biden, then I'll give you money. If you don't, then I won't.

Under that standard, nothing of the sort happened.
I’m not calling Napolitano right wing just because he was on fox. I’m calling him right wing because of his long history as a judge and then political analyst.

We all heard the conversation between trump and Ukraine. Discussing millions in military aid that Trump has frozen followed by two favors both very political in nature is what trump is accused of doing that violates 52 US code 30121. That’s the debate. I don’t expect you to agree that trump broke the law. I see you as the type that would excuse him if he shot somebody in the middle of 5th ave. But you’re not going to be able to win a debate of the subject. Something improper is there. We all know it

BS. Nope. There was no political favor. Period. There was ZERO political favor.

We know exactly why the funds were frozen, and it is the same reason prior administrations have had misgivings dealing with the Ukraine. Corruption. We've been talking about the corruption in the Ukraine for a decade. It didn't start with Trump, or even Obama.

That's why we have been pushing on them to deal with corruption for years.

That's why the majority of entire phone conversation was about corruption. There is no evidence that the reason for the holding the funds was about Biden. If you have such evidence, then provide it.

But saying that you know that was the primary purpose of this, when there is zero evidence supporting such a claim, other than a single off the cuff remark that it looks terrible... WHICH IS DOES look bad that Biden unilaterally got a prosecutor fired, with a clear quid pro quo statement.... that's not enough to convince any decent person that Trump was doing this whole thing just to nail Biden. Sorry. It isn't.

You can keep saying wrong things, but you are still wrong on this.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
Wow, look at you getting all triggered! I just pointed out some examples of those on the Right who openly admit they see wrong doing and you go off on me?! I know enough to not expect you to listen to my perspective so I use statements from those on your side of the aisle and you apparently can’t take it.

It’s pretry damn clear what trump was doing on that call. And the fact that you can’t address it and resort to personal attacks and finger pointing at Biden is just pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling?

Because it does not matter who says what.

First, people being on Fox News, does not make them "right-wing". My own mother, was on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos. She is not left-wing. Being on a news channel, doesn't magically change your political views.

Being judge doesn't mean you are divine truth. Are you saying that no judge ever made an incorrect judgement? Then why do left-wingers complain about the prison population?

Again, where is the evidence of a crime? The standard is, quid pro quo. If you don't do this, then I won't do that. If you do this, then I'll do that. If you investigate Biden, then I'll give you money. If you don't, then I won't.

Under that standard, nothing of the sort happened.
I’m not calling Napolitano right wing just because he was on fox. I’m calling him right wing because of his long history as a judge and then political analyst.

We all heard the conversation between trump and Ukraine. Discussing millions in military aid that Trump has frozen followed by two favors both very political in nature is what trump is accused of doing that violates 52 US code 30121. That’s the debate. I don’t expect you to agree that trump broke the law. I see you as the type that would excuse him if he shot somebody in the middle of 5th ave. But you’re not going to be able to win a debate of the subject. Something improper is there. We all know it

BS. Nope. There was no political favor. Period. There was ZERO political favor.

We know exactly why the funds were frozen, and it is the same reason prior administrations have had misgivings dealing with the Ukraine. Corruption. We've been talking about the corruption in the Ukraine for a decade. It didn't start with Trump, or even Obama.

That's why we have been pushing on them to deal with corruption for years.

That's why the majority of entire phone conversation was about corruption. There is no evidence that the reason for the holding the funds was about Biden. If you have such evidence, then provide it.

But saying that you know that was the primary purpose of this, when there is zero evidence supporting such a claim, other than a single off the cuff remark that it looks terrible... WHICH IS DOES look bad that Biden unilaterally got a prosecutor fired, with a clear quid pro quo statement.... that's not enough to convince any decent person that Trump was doing this whole thing just to nail Biden. Sorry. It isn't.

You can keep saying wrong things, but you are still wrong on this.
It was absolutely political. It’s obvious. The entire Biden situation is being politicized as we speak. Trump is falsely distorting that situation to make it look like there’s a crime when the evidence is of the contrary. In fact there’s been statements by a prosecutor saying that there was no crimes or evidence of crimes by the Bidens. You can’t can’t squirm away from this.
Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
Wow, look at you getting all triggered! I just pointed out some examples of those on the Right who openly admit they see wrong doing and you go off on me?! I know enough to not expect you to listen to my perspective so I use statements from those on your side of the aisle and you apparently can’t take it.

It’s pretry damn clear what trump was doing on that call. And the fact that you can’t address it and resort to personal attacks and finger pointing at Biden is just pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling?

Because it does not matter who says what.

First, people being on Fox News, does not make them "right-wing". My own mother, was on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos. She is not left-wing. Being on a news channel, doesn't magically change your political views.

Being judge doesn't mean you are divine truth. Are you saying that no judge ever made an incorrect judgement? Then why do left-wingers complain about the prison population?

Again, where is the evidence of a crime? The standard is, quid pro quo. If you don't do this, then I won't do that. If you do this, then I'll do that. If you investigate Biden, then I'll give you money. If you don't, then I won't.

Under that standard, nothing of the sort happened.
I’m not calling Napolitano right wing just because he was on fox. I’m calling him right wing because of his long history as a judge and then political analyst.

We all heard the conversation between trump and Ukraine. Discussing millions in military aid that Trump has frozen followed by two favors both very political in nature is what trump is accused of doing that violates 52 US code 30121. That’s the debate. I don’t expect you to agree that trump broke the law. I see you as the type that would excuse him if he shot somebody in the middle of 5th ave. But you’re not going to be able to win a debate of the subject. Something improper is there. We all know it

BS. Nope. There was no political favor. Period. There was ZERO political favor.

We know exactly why the funds were frozen, and it is the same reason prior administrations have had misgivings dealing with the Ukraine. Corruption. We've been talking about the corruption in the Ukraine for a decade. It didn't start with Trump, or even Obama.

That's why we have been pushing on them to deal with corruption for years.

That's why the majority of entire phone conversation was about corruption. There is no evidence that the reason for the holding the funds was about Biden. If you have such evidence, then provide it.

But saying that you know that was the primary purpose of this, when there is zero evidence supporting such a claim, other than a single off the cuff remark that it looks terrible... WHICH IS DOES look bad that Biden unilaterally got a prosecutor fired, with a clear quid pro quo statement.... that's not enough to convince any decent person that Trump was doing this whole thing just to nail Biden. Sorry. It isn't.

You can keep saying wrong things, but you are still wrong on this.
It was absolutely political. It’s obvious. The entire Biden situation is being politicized as we speak. Trump is falsely distorting that situation to make it look like there’s a crime when the evidence is of the contrary. In fact there’s been statements by a prosecutor saying that there was no crimes or evidence of crimes by the Bidens. You can’t can’t squirm away from this.
Statements by a left leaning swamp prosecutor maybe ??
Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
Wow, look at you getting all triggered! I just pointed out some examples of those on the Right who openly admit they see wrong doing and you go off on me?! I know enough to not expect you to listen to my perspective so I use statements from those on your side of the aisle and you apparently can’t take it.

It’s pretry damn clear what trump was doing on that call. And the fact that you can’t address it and resort to personal attacks and finger pointing at Biden is just pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling?

Because it does not matter who says what.

First, people being on Fox News, does not make them "right-wing". My own mother, was on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos. She is not left-wing. Being on a news channel, doesn't magically change your political views.

Being judge doesn't mean you are divine truth. Are you saying that no judge ever made an incorrect judgement? Then why do left-wingers complain about the prison population?

Again, where is the evidence of a crime? The standard is, quid pro quo. If you don't do this, then I won't do that. If you do this, then I'll do that. If you investigate Biden, then I'll give you money. If you don't, then I won't.

Under that standard, nothing of the sort happened.
I’m not calling Napolitano right wing just because he was on fox. I’m calling him right wing because of his long history as a judge and then political analyst.

We all heard the conversation between trump and Ukraine. Discussing millions in military aid that Trump has frozen followed by two favors both very political in nature is what trump is accused of doing that violates 52 US code 30121. That’s the debate. I don’t expect you to agree that trump broke the law. I see you as the type that would excuse him if he shot somebody in the middle of 5th ave. But you’re not going to be able to win a debate of the subject. Something improper is there. We all know it

Unlaces you're a mind reader, you really don't know anything. It was two different discussions they were having. One had nothing to do with the other.
The transcript IS the phone call.
And it shows plain corruption on the part of Trump.

Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

There is no valid debate because words mean things. There has been anti-Trump people on the right since he ran for the nomination. That's not likely to change. So you can't use "some Republicans" to support your point.
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
That’s funny. How many respected military leaders did trump have in his cabinet and how many are still there?! They’ve all run for the hills not wanting to be part of this madness. I don’t blame them.
Some were crooks-good riddance to them.
Who? Kelly, McMaster, Mad dog? All of them.

This is great... who are the crooks?
Flynn? Mattis?
Flynn yes for sure.. Mattis, How so?
Just his demeanor-I don't trust him and I'm glad he's gone.
The transcript IS the phone call.
And it shows plain corruption on the part of Trump.

Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

Are you such a pathetic lemming, that you can't think for yourself? No wonder the left-wing wants to control the media... because apparently all left-wingers are mindless robots.

Really? Someone said it, and so you personally no longer need the mental capacity to think for yourself, and look at the evidence on your own, and determine if there was anything actually wrong? You just hear someone say "Trump Bad" and you mindlessly parrot it like a good little pawn of the establishment?

At least this explains how you guys can run around screaming about the evil rich, while endlessly support the elite rich in our society.

No, I don't give a crap about any of that, because you people lie too much. I read the transcript of the phone call myself. There was nothing in there that was illegal. Nothing.

Maybe you are not man enough to think for yourself, but I am. There was no quid pro quo. He did not say "Until you investigate Biden, I'm not giving you the cash". The entire phone call was about corruption generally, and the only one single sentence in the entire transcript had anything to do with Biden, and it only said that it looked terrible, that Biden openly boasted that he specifically told them to fire a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Biden's son worked at, and that Biden would specifically withhold funds, unless they fired him. They fired him. He released the funds.

Biden directly engaged in quid pro quo. So you are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden directly and specifically did. Difference being that Volodymyr Zelensky said he would not open an investigation into Biden, and didn't. And Trump released the funds.

Biden got the prosecutor fired. And did not release the funds, and said he wouldn't, until after the prosecutor was fired. He was. Biden did.

This phone call proves only that Democrats, as per usual, have a double standard. Quid pro quo with Biden... perfectly fine. No quid pro quo, but accusation of quid pro quo with Trump... that's bad.

This entire thing, just makes left-wingers look like the terrible useless trash they are.
Wow, look at you getting all triggered! I just pointed out some examples of those on the Right who openly admit they see wrong doing and you go off on me?! I know enough to not expect you to listen to my perspective so I use statements from those on your side of the aisle and you apparently can’t take it.

It’s pretry damn clear what trump was doing on that call. And the fact that you can’t address it and resort to personal attacks and finger pointing at Biden is just pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling?
Not a Republican or rightist but I have some thoughts. First, Joe's tape looks damning but there was a move afoot to get rid of the prosecutor, so Joe used the leverage he had. Not illegal. Second, Trump is supposed to investigate corruption because he is head of the justice department-which is what the transcript shows him doing. Not illegal. Both men are innocent of any crime and should not be pestered by the press. The biggest problem I have is the language Trump uses to push his position-it is too rough and non-specific.
The transcript IS the phone call.
And it shows plain corruption on the part of Trump.

Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

There is no valid debate because words mean things. There has been anti-Trump people on the right since he ran for the nomination. That's not likely to change. So you can't use "some Republicans" to support your point.
He is a never Trumper because Trump did not nominate him for the Supreme court. THAT would have been quid pro quo.
The transcript IS the phone call.
And it shows plain corruption on the part of Trump.

Not the transcript I read. There was not a single illegal thing, or corrupt thing in it.
Well that’s the debate now isnt it? You have Republican congressmen stating it was wrong. You have a judge on Fox News plainly saying trump broke the law. So yeah, there is a valid debate to be had.

There is no valid debate because words mean things. There has been anti-Trump people on the right since he ran for the nomination. That's not likely to change. So you can't use "some Republicans" to support your point.
He is a never Trumper because Trump did not nominate him for the Supreme court. THAT would have been quid pro quo.

They're all around. Even Romney is shooting off his mouth, and he's done so in the past.

Trump snuck into a private club through the back door, and some of the club members don't like it. It's not supposed to work that way. You're supposed to start out small like a state rep, work your way to Governor or Senator, and then perhaps down the road, run for the presidency. You're not supposed to barge right in and take the highest seat in the house.

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