Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
I don't want an impeachment.
Course I also know that Trump never did anything wrong.....but the Democrats can make innocent activity look like I don't look forward to an impeachment.
I think the Democrats are playing with fire.....and that this will come back to haunt them if they keep it up.
He’s already gotten away with so much!

Remember we wanted to impeach him for a list of other things before Ukraine. This is just the icing on the cake
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Liar? Then do tell me what page and paragraph Trump made that threat. I'm expecting to get no response to this request.
I’m not going to entertain a liar. Trump got stone cold busted doing an impeachable offense. Lock him, Barr, Rudy and that other guy up.

Then they tried to cover up.

And they hid political calls on a different database meant only for top secret classified shit.

Just stop.

If you have a point and want to say it say it. Don’t ask me stupid irrelevant questions. What’s your point?
If you have no reply to his question, he wins the argument!
No, you forget before he fired comey he had a really inappropriate conversation with comey about loyalty and was he on his team. He was worried comey wore a wire.

I get it. You don’t mind that trump breaks laws

And what laws might those be? He not only had every right to fire Comey, but every authoritative ability as President of the United States. I have no idea how you on the left believe that the executive is to be controlled by the legislative.
You don’t understand the justice department is supposed to act independently from the White House?

I know you fucking understand because the shit trumps doing, you liars accused obama hillary Lynch and everyone in the fbi and cia of doing. Now he’s doing it and your now saying it’s no buggy? Or better yet, hillary did it too.

You fucking ignorant republicans. You’re all sick. Now I see how Hitler did what he did. Same mentality.
The Attorney General is an executive officer serving under the president. The president is the chief executive and has as much right to interfere with or direct the actions of the Justice Department as he does the Department of Defense or State or whatever. He’s the boss. From a google search-I welcome rebuttle
Ok with me. Then no one should have cried about Lynch, cantor, hillary, obama spying on trump. Obama was the boss.

And the next president...

The state department is supposed to act independent of the White House. And it’s not supposed to be doing his political bidding.

Enough inappropriate behavior trump needs to be impeached in the House. He’s corrupt and needs to be put in check by at least one of the other branches of government. Don’t worry republicans in the senate will downplay and vote no.
Proof of corruption please. You are just spouting opinion. We could show wrongdoing by Obama, and Hillary and Lynch-but they are NOT being impeached are they?
You couldn’t and didn’t.

But I did predict you’d try the “they did it too” defens.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Liar? Then do tell me what page and paragraph Trump made that threat. I'm expecting to get no response to this request.
I’m not going to entertain a liar. Trump got stone cold busted doing an impeachable offense. Lock him, Barr, Rudy and that other guy up.

Then they tried to cover up.

And they hid political calls on a different database meant only for top secret classified shit.

Just stop.

If you have a point and want to say it say it. Don’t ask me stupid irrelevant questions. What’s your point?
If you have no reply to his question, he wins the argument!
Good, he wins.

Republicans love to spin, change the subject, deflect, project and ask irrelevant questions. You guys aren’t controlling the conversation. Trump broke laws. Impeachable offenses. Impeach the mother fucker.

2020 is an election year anyways. All were going to hear is politics 24 7 anyways. Now we get a court case to lay out why this guy can’t be president anymore.

Just in time to vote him out in November.

Republicans got comey to come out with a bombshell on hillary just before the election. We will hand trump his house impeachment just before the election. The senate won’t even have their time to chime in.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Liar? Then do tell me what page and paragraph Trump made that threat. I'm expecting to get no response to this request.
I’m not going to entertain a liar. Trump got stone cold busted doing an impeachable offense. Lock him, Barr, Rudy and that other guy up.

Then they tried to cover up.

And they hid political calls on a different database meant only for top secret classified shit.

Just stop.

If you have a point and want to say it say it. Don’t ask me stupid irrelevant questions. What’s your point?
If you have no reply to his question, he wins the argument!
You’d rather trump than hillary right? Then you’re an idiot supporting trump as far as I’m concerned
Glad to know how you feel. You’d love putin, you bitch.

Party over country.

I would love to see an American Vladimir Putin rise to power. I would greatly support such a thing.

I don’t have a party. I have an ideology. Currently Mr Trump is the politician who most closely matched that ideology. Neither the Republican nor Democratic Parties even come close.

The America I believe in has 13 stars on its flag, not 50.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
I don't want an impeachment.
Course I also know that Trump never did anything wrong.....but the Democrats can make innocent activity look like I don't look forward to an impeachment.
I think the Democrats are playing with fire.....and that this will come back to haunt them if they keep it up.
He’s already gotten away with so much!

Remember we wanted to impeach him for a list of other things before Ukraine. This is just the icing on the cake

You wanted to impeach him before he took his oath of office. Who are you trying to kid?
And what laws might those be? He not only had every right to fire Comey, but every authoritative ability as President of the United States. I have no idea how you on the left believe that the executive is to be controlled by the legislative.
You don’t understand the justice department is supposed to act independently from the White House?

I know you fucking understand because the shit trumps doing, you liars accused obama hillary Lynch and everyone in the fbi and cia of doing. Now he’s doing it and your now saying it’s no buggy? Or better yet, hillary did it too.

You fucking ignorant republicans. You’re all sick. Now I see how Hitler did what he did. Same mentality.
The Attorney General is an executive officer serving under the president. The president is the chief executive and has as much right to interfere with or direct the actions of the Justice Department as he does the Department of Defense or State or whatever. He’s the boss. From a google search-I welcome rebuttle
Ok with me. Then no one should have cried about Lynch, cantor, hillary, obama spying on trump. Obama was the boss.

And the next president...

The state department is supposed to act independent of the White House. And it’s not supposed to be doing his political bidding.

Enough inappropriate behavior trump needs to be impeached in the House. He’s corrupt and needs to be put in check by at least one of the other branches of government. Don’t worry republicans in the senate will downplay and vote no.
Proof of corruption please. You are just spouting opinion. We could show wrongdoing by Obama, and Hillary and Lynch-but they are NOT being impeached are they?
You couldn’t and didn’t.

But I did predict you’d try the “they did it too” defens.
No defense-I only defend myself if necessary-this is called discussing the facts. I said COULD just like you are doing. More importantly, he is pursuing potential corruption, which is HIS responsibility as head of the Justice Department-not as a political stunt.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Liar? Then do tell me what page and paragraph Trump made that threat. I'm expecting to get no response to this request.
I’m not going to entertain a liar. Trump got stone cold busted doing an impeachable offense. Lock him, Barr, Rudy and that other guy up.

Then they tried to cover up.

And they hid political calls on a different database meant only for top secret classified shit.

Just stop.

If you have a point and want to say it say it. Don’t ask me stupid irrelevant questions. What’s your point?

My point is you have no impeachable offenses. What law says that Trump can't use any specific computer? The commies asked for the phone call and got it. So what was hidden?

You people have no idea what an impeachable offense is. Furthermore, given the deep state, every phone call Trump makes should be hidden, because as we all know, Democrats can't be trusted with anything.
Having read some more on this, the reason why Pelosi has opened an “inquiry” without a House vote is because they don’t have a whole lot. They might later, but they don’t now.
Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Liar? Then do tell me what page and paragraph Trump made that threat. I'm expecting to get no response to this request.
I’m not going to entertain a liar. Trump got stone cold busted doing an impeachable offense. Lock him, Barr, Rudy and that other guy up.

Then they tried to cover up.

And they hid political calls on a different database meant only for top secret classified shit.

Just stop.

If you have a point and want to say it say it. Don’t ask me stupid irrelevant questions. What’s your point?
If you have no reply to his question, he wins the argument!
Good, he wins.

Republicans love to spin, change the subject, deflect, project and ask irrelevant questions. You guys aren’t controlling the conversation. Trump broke laws. Impeachable offenses. Impeach the mother fucker.

2020 is an election year anyways. All were going to hear is politics 24 7 anyways. Now we get a court case to lay out why this guy can’t be president anymore.

Just in time to vote him out in November.

Republicans got comey to come out with a bombshell on hillary just before the election. We will hand trump his house impeachment just before the election. The senate won’t even have their time to chime in.
My God, you are messed up! No laws broke-get THAT thru your thick skull. Impeach MF'r-is that original? Controlling conversation? Are you sore Ray asked you a question you could not answer? You are right about one thing-there will be an election in 2020 to decide the matter.
Having read some more on this, the reason why Pelosi has opened an “inquiry” without a House vote is because they don’t have a whole lot. They might later, but they don’t now.

Actually what they are doing is floating a trial balloon; looking for the public response to decide whether to go forward with this or not.

And I hope they place all their trust in their crooked polls, because that would be the best thing for the 2020 elections.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
I don't want an impeachment.
Course I also know that Trump never did anything wrong.....but the Democrats can make innocent activity look like I don't look forward to an impeachment.
I think the Democrats are playing with fire.....and that this will come back to haunt them if they keep it up.
He’s already gotten away with so much!

Remember we wanted to impeach him for a list of other things before Ukraine. This is just the icing on the cake

You wanted to impeach him before he took his oath of office. Who are you trying to kid?
Because he pulled this same illegal shit before he was president.

Dirty politics are only cool if you don’t get caught
Having read some more on this, the reason why Pelosi has opened an “inquiry” without a House vote is because they don’t have a whole lot. They might later, but they don’t now.

Actually what they are doing is floating a trial balloon; looking for the public response to decide whether to go forward with this or not.

And I hope they place all their trust in their crooked polls, because that would be the best thing for the 2020 elections.
And the corporate media will convince them that impeachment is uncalled for.

Liberal media my ass
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
I don't want an impeachment.
Course I also know that Trump never did anything wrong.....but the Democrats can make innocent activity look like I don't look forward to an impeachment.
I think the Democrats are playing with fire.....and that this will come back to haunt them if they keep it up.
He’s already gotten away with so much!

Remember we wanted to impeach him for a list of other things before Ukraine. This is just the icing on the cake

You wanted to impeach him before he took his oath of office. Who are you trying to kid?
Because he pulled this same illegal shit before he was president.

Dirty politics are only cool if you don’t get caught
What illegals shit?
Be specific.

Having read some more on this, the reason why Pelosi has opened an “inquiry” without a House vote is because they don’t have a whole lot. They might later, but they don’t now.

Actually what they are doing is floating a trial balloon; looking for the public response to decide whether to go forward with this or not.

And I hope they place all their trust in their crooked polls, because that would be the best thing for the 2020 elections.

I think Nancy already knows this impeachment thing is a loser, Dem reps in red and purple states are gonna get kicked out come next November if they go through with this crap. Might be too late already, but she's trying to appease the wingnuts and avoid a vote to replace her at the top.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
I don't want an impeachment.
Course I also know that Trump never did anything wrong.....but the Democrats can make innocent activity look like I don't look forward to an impeachment.
I think the Democrats are playing with fire.....and that this will come back to haunt them if they keep it up.
He’s already gotten away with so much!

Remember we wanted to impeach him for a list of other things before Ukraine. This is just the icing on the cake

You wanted to impeach him before he took his oath of office. Who are you trying to kid?
Because he pulled this same illegal shit before he was president.

Dirty politics are only cool if you don’t get caught
What illegals shit?
Be specific.

Google it.
Trump felt compelled to give people a reason, it was to try and avoid controversy, but not because it was a requirement.
Nobody is claiming it was a requirwment. Nobody. You keep saying that, and you are arguing against absolutely nobody. Put away the straw man.

The fact is, the DOJ was involved. Trump has used and uses it far too often for his personal gain. Go ahead, now complain about that, too....
I read the transcript AND complaint-no evidence of coercion or demand or "quid pro quo"
Utter nonsense. That is obviously what is happening in the phone call. Trump is leveraging continued aid to ukraine against getting personal gain.

The actions afterward showing "consciousness of guilt" would remove any doubt, in a court of law.

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