Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

This dealing with the world without proper stop checks in place, undoubtedly has since opened the door for our official's to become tempted or highly corrupted because of the situation. It's the same as states bringing in outside contractors to do in-house work when it doesn't have too, but we all know why they do it, and it ain't because the contractor hired has some sort of special trade or product offered that the state doesn't have in house itself.
There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump.
I disagree fully. Trump was very clearly leveraging US government action with the Ukrainian leader for personal gain. And your feeble whining about what I know or don't know about the law doesn't compel anyone but the feebleminded.

In the court of law, you need compelling evidence to make a charge. Not "what I think he said was......"

You can think anything you like, but that does not make a case that your interpretation is correct. No judge or jury in the country could legally convict anybody based on the interpretation of other people.

The money in question was withheld over a week before that call was made. And Trump didn't say anything about Biden in connection with that money. He asked Zelensky to look into the matter because a son of a VP who gets a job working at a company he knows nothing about and getting paid 50K a month is highly suspicious given the fact the VP had the prosecutor fired who investigated the company paying Hunter.

If anybody had personal gain in this matter, it was Joe because his son was getting wealthy thanks to his fathers actions in the Ukraine.
Isn't it amazing how the left had nothing in the collusion episode, yet they screamed to the highest mountain top about it for two years, but when there is actually something like there is with this Biden thing (crickets) ??? Unbelievable.

It just goes to show, that we can get to a point where our Democrat party in this country has since somehow figured out just how to be untouchable or above the law, and they have done this all due to gaining this mystical Hollywood star quality or ability to game us all by way of this fake tolerance they exploit so wildly now.

They've become accustomed to it. They do crap all the time and get away with it no matter who's in office because their left overs (deep state) are still in play.

It's just like in another thread I'm in where we are discussing Obama asking Ukraine to investigate Manafort during the 2016 election. No problems there, and the liberals are doing everything they can to try and make distinctions between the two events.

Joe openly (and jokingly) admitted he threatened Ukrainian officials of withholding US aid if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating the company his son worked for that paid him 50K a month; a job he had zero qualifications for. Yet because Trump asked Zelensky to do the same to Biden, now it's an impeachable offense even though Trump said nothing about withholding funds if they didn't comply. In fact, the money was put on hold a week before they even spoke to each other.
They had a say. They elected him. But they also elected Congress and Trump is not above the law. If the person you elected is a criminal, he should be impeached and removed from office.

No one said impeach Trump for his attitude. His attitude should make him a 1 term president but not impeached. His criminal wrongdoings should get him impeached. Right from the beginning he was breaking the law. Remember he tried pressuring Comey? Remember everyone knew what Trump did was wrong. Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump was new to politics and didn't know better. Well we aren't buying that argument anymore.
Please refresh my memory-what did Trump do to Comey? He fired him for what he did to Hillary! And don't use Paul Ryan as an example for anything but futility. The way Trump is watched and criticized for EVERYTHING, there is no way he could commit a crime and not be jumped on-look at this phone call nonsense-nothing there but lets impeach him on less than first hand evidence. This is we hate Trump and will throw him out even if it wrecks the country-ask the squad-impeach the MF'r on day one.
No, you forget before he fired comey he had a really inappropriate conversation with comey about loyalty and was he on his team. He was worried comey wore a wire.

I get it. You don’t mind that trump breaks laws

And what laws might those be? He not only had every right to fire Comey, but every authoritative ability as President of the United States. I have no idea how you on the left believe that the executive is to be controlled by the legislative.
You don’t understand the justice department is supposed to act independently from the White House?

I know you fucking understand because the shit trumps doing, you liars accused obama hillary Lynch and everyone in the fbi and cia of doing. Now he’s doing it and your now saying it’s no buggy? Or better yet, hillary did it too.

You fucking ignorant republicans. You’re all sick. Now I see how Hitler did what he did. Same mentality.
The Attorney General is an executive officer serving under the president. The president is the chief executive and has as much right to interfere with or direct the actions of the Justice Department as he does the Department of Defense or State or whatever. He’s the boss. From a google search-I welcome rebuttle
Ok with me. Then no one should have cried about Lynch, cantor, hillary, obama spying on trump. Obama was the boss.

And the next president...

The state department is supposed to act independent of the White House. And it’s not supposed to be doing his political bidding.

Enough inappropriate behavior trump needs to be impeached in the House. He’s corrupt and needs to be put in check by at least one of the other branches of government. Don’t worry republicans in the senate will downplay and vote no.
Please tell us what was said in that inappropriate conversation. I have a feeling that is more of who is interpreting it.
He made comey uncomfortable

Listen stupid. A don in the mafia knows how to ask to have someone killed without actually saying the exact words have him whacked. You guys are pretending to be stupid. To catch him on tape talking about taking a bad head of lettuce out of the garden to one of his hitmen. You would be stupid and believe he was actually talking about lettuce.

Don asked comey for his loyalty, like a fucking crime boss.

I guess if what don does is ok now just remember the next democrat gets to fire anyone not loyal and declare a state of emergency and executive orders and even pardon himself.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.
Please tell us what was said in that inappropriate conversation. I have a feeling that is more of who is interpreting it.
He made comey uncomfortable

Listen stupid. A don in the mafia knows how to ask to have someone killed without actually saying the exact words have him whacked. You guys are pretending to be stupid. To catch him on tape talking about taking a bad head of lettuce out of the garden to one of his hitmen. You would be stupid and believe he was actually talking about lettuce.

Don asked comey for his loyalty, like a fucking crime boss.

I guess if what don does is ok now just remember the next democrat gets to fire anyone not loyal and declare a state of emergency and executive orders and even pardon himself.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Boy! You memorized those lib talking point lies very quickly!
You mean the facts? Everyone knows this is bad for trump.

I suppose if one maga mofo is on the jury it’ll be a hung jury though
He made comey uncomfortable

Listen stupid. A don in the mafia knows how to ask to have someone killed without actually saying the exact words have him whacked. You guys are pretending to be stupid. To catch him on tape talking about taking a bad head of lettuce out of the garden to one of his hitmen. You would be stupid and believe he was actually talking about lettuce.

Don asked comey for his loyalty, like a fucking crime boss.

I guess if what don does is ok now just remember the next democrat gets to fire anyone not loyal and declare a state of emergency and executive orders and even pardon himself.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Liar? Then do tell me what page and paragraph Trump made that threat. I'm expecting to get no response to this request.
Trump supporters are masochists as is evident by their delight at each exposure of Trump crime.

Lock him up! ... Lock him up! ... Lock him up! ...

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
They are convinced the can weather the scandal. Probably because he has weathered others. I'm not so sure that's the case this time, this is a pretty clear cut abuse of power.

But in their eyes:

View attachment 280842

Nothing is "clear", asswipe.

But, go ahead and impeach him.

Mike Pence will make you regret the day.

And dizzy lizzy warren does not have a fucking prayer of beating either of them in 2020.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

I'm not in favor of it, because I think it will damage the country, to impeach a president without just cause.

When you impeach people, you need to have an actual violation of law.

Nixon, we knew he engaged in a cover up. It wasn't even debatable.
Clinton, we knew he violated the law dozens of times. No one was seriously discussing it.

But thus far, I don't see anything. There is nothing here, from what I can see.

All I can say is, if they do push for impeachment, they had better find some actual crime. Otherwise, this is going to nearly destroy the DNC, and possibly extremely damage the country. Because then people will know, that the DNC is willing to simply make up non-crimes, and impeach presidents over their fabricated crimes.

And honestly, the Democrats, and those that support the Democrats have already heavily damaged their credibility up to this point, with their phony Trump-Russia crap, and their made up Bret Kavanough garbage, and the endless stream of faked hate crimes.

I think honestly that's why many of the Trumpster people, are giddy and happy about this. Because they already don't believe a word the left-wing says. They have already assumed the left has completely made the whole thing up, because they are used to the non-stop lies now.

Which is exactly why this is so damaging. It really is going to get to the point, that Trump could actually shoot someone on the street, and a ton of people would simply not believe it, because the left really isn't trustworthy at this point. I wouldn't trust Warren to tell me it rained at her last campaign stop. She's a liar. All the Democrats are.

Remember, AOC said facts are not important, only being morally right. Which apparently not telling the truth, isn't a requirement for morals.... or facts would be somewhat important then.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

I'm not in favor of it, because I think it will damage the country, to impeach a president without just cause.

When you impeach people, you need to have an actual violation of law.

Nixon, we knew he engaged in a cover up. It wasn't even debatable.
Clinton, we knew he violated the law dozens of times. No one was seriously discussing it.

But thus far, I don't see anything. There is nothing here, from what I can see.

All I can say is, if they do push for impeachment, they had better find some actual crime. Otherwise, this is going to nearly destroy the DNC, and possibly extremely damage the country. Because then people will know, that the DNC is willing to simply make up non-crimes, and impeach presidents over their fabricated crimes.

And honestly, the Democrats, and those that support the Democrats have already heavily damaged their credibility up to this point, with their phony Trump-Russia crap, and their made up Bret Kavanough garbage, and the endless stream of faked hate crimes.

I think honestly that's why many of the Trumpster people, are giddy and happy about this. Because they already don't believe a word the left-wing says. They have already assumed the left has completely made the whole thing up, because they are used to the non-stop lies now.

Which is exactly why this is so damaging. It really is going to get to the point, that Trump could actually shoot someone on the street, and a ton of people would simply not believe it, because the left really isn't trustworthy at this point. I wouldn't trust Warren to tell me it rained at her last campaign stop. She's a liar. All the Democrats are.

Remember, AOC said facts are not important, only being morally right. Which apparently not telling the truth, isn't a requirement for morals.... or facts would be somewhat important then.
I'm not very good at predicting political stuff, so it's tough to figure how this is going to play out with the electorate.

On one hand, I think there will be many who just look at this as more partisan bullshit and noise and showbiz, and those whose opinions of Trump aren't going to change either way because they pretty much know who and what this guy is. On the other hand, there may be some for whom this is the last straw, who will say enough is enough, and either will vote against him or won't vote for either major party.

If the Dems go all the way and can't put a strong enough case together, though, you're right - that could really hurt them. Now that they've officially started the investigative process, their necks are pretty much on the line.
Please refresh my memory-what did Trump do to Comey? He fired him for what he did to Hillary! And don't use Paul Ryan as an example for anything but futility. The way Trump is watched and criticized for EVERYTHING, there is no way he could commit a crime and not be jumped on-look at this phone call nonsense-nothing there but lets impeach him on less than first hand evidence. This is we hate Trump and will throw him out even if it wrecks the country-ask the squad-impeach the MF'r on day one.
No, you forget before he fired comey he had a really inappropriate conversation with comey about loyalty and was he on his team. He was worried comey wore a wire.

I get it. You don’t mind that trump breaks laws

And what laws might those be? He not only had every right to fire Comey, but every authoritative ability as President of the United States. I have no idea how you on the left believe that the executive is to be controlled by the legislative.
You don’t understand the justice department is supposed to act independently from the White House?

I know you fucking understand because the shit trumps doing, you liars accused obama hillary Lynch and everyone in the fbi and cia of doing. Now he’s doing it and your now saying it’s no buggy? Or better yet, hillary did it too.

You fucking ignorant republicans. You’re all sick. Now I see how Hitler did what he did. Same mentality.
The Attorney General is an executive officer serving under the president. The president is the chief executive and has as much right to interfere with or direct the actions of the Justice Department as he does the Department of Defense or State or whatever. He’s the boss. From a google search-I welcome rebuttle
Ok with me. Then no one should have cried about Lynch, cantor, hillary, obama spying on trump. Obama was the boss.

And the next president...

The state department is supposed to act independent of the White House. And it’s not supposed to be doing his political bidding.

Enough inappropriate behavior trump needs to be impeached in the House. He’s corrupt and needs to be put in check by at least one of the other branches of government. Don’t worry republicans in the senate will downplay and vote no.
Proof of corruption please. You are just spouting opinion. We could show wrongdoing by Obama, and Hillary and Lynch-but they are NOT being impeached are they?
He made comey uncomfortable

Listen stupid. A don in the mafia knows how to ask to have someone killed without actually saying the exact words have him whacked. You guys are pretending to be stupid. To catch him on tape talking about taking a bad head of lettuce out of the garden to one of his hitmen. You would be stupid and believe he was actually talking about lettuce.

Don asked comey for his loyalty, like a fucking crime boss.

I guess if what don does is ok now just remember the next democrat gets to fire anyone not loyal and declare a state of emergency and executive orders and even pardon himself.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
They are convinced the can weather the scandal. Probably because he has weathered others. I'm not so sure that's the case this time, this is a pretty clear cut abuse of power.

But in their eyes:

View attachment 280842

Nothing is "clear", asswipe.

But, go ahead and impeach him.

Mike Pence will make you regret the day.

And dizzy lizzy warren does not have a fucking prayer of beating either of them in 2020.
Actually it's very clear.

Pence is implicated as well you know.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

I'm not in favor of it, because I think it will damage the country, to impeach a president without just cause.

When you impeach people, you need to have an actual violation of law.

Nixon, we knew he engaged in a cover up. It wasn't even debatable.
Clinton, we knew he violated the law dozens of times. No one was seriously discussing it.

But thus far, I don't see anything. There is nothing here, from what I can see.

All I can say is, if they do push for impeachment, they had better find some actual crime. Otherwise, this is going to nearly destroy the DNC, and possibly extremely damage the country. Because then people will know, that the DNC is willing to simply make up non-crimes, and impeach presidents over their fabricated crimes.

And honestly, the Democrats, and those that support the Democrats have already heavily damaged their credibility up to this point, with their phony Trump-Russia crap, and their made up Bret Kavanough garbage, and the endless stream of faked hate crimes.

I think honestly that's why many of the Trumpster people, are giddy and happy about this. Because they already don't believe a word the left-wing says. They have already assumed the left has completely made the whole thing up, because they are used to the non-stop lies now.

Which is exactly why this is so damaging. It really is going to get to the point, that Trump could actually shoot someone on the street, and a ton of people would simply not believe it, because the left really isn't trustworthy at this point. I wouldn't trust Warren to tell me it rained at her last campaign stop. She's a liar. All the Democrats are.

Remember, AOC said facts are not important, only being morally right. Which apparently not telling the truth, isn't a requirement for morals.... or facts would be somewhat important then.
I'm not very good at predicting political stuff, so it's tough to figure how this is going to play out with the electorate.

On one hand, I think there will be many who just look at this as more partisan bullshit and noise and showbiz, and those whose opinions of Trump aren't going to change either way because they pretty much know who and what this guy is. On the other hand, there may be some for whom this is the last straw, who will say enough is enough, and either will vote against him or won't vote for either major party.

If the Dems go all the way and can't put a strong enough case together, though, you're right - that could really hurt them. Now that they've officially started the investigative process, their necks are pretty much on the line.

There really isn't any investigative process. It's something Democrats made up to test the waters with their cohorts in the MSM. You either start the impeachment process or you don't.

Most Americans don't even understand the situation nor looked into it, and the Democrats know this. They are after the Headline Reader vote; people who vote that don't understand what's really going on, but get the gist of the headlines.

And given the fact that over 90% of all reporting on Trump is negative, the Democrats are depending on the ignorant to put them back into power.
'm not in favor of it, because I think it will damage the country, to impeach a president without just cause.

Otherwise, this is going to nearly destroy the DNC, and possibly extremely damage the country.

Which is exactly why this is so damaging.

I'm afraid damage has already been done. From this point on, world leaders will avoid or make a policy never to speak to the US President over the phone again. Democrats knew there was nothing here, and still know it today. But Democrats are selfish people who only care about themselves, even if it's at the cost to the rest of the country.

Just like Obama before them, this is just another example how the Democrats put party first/ country second whenever they have the chance.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
I don't want an impeachment.
Course I also know that Trump never did anything wrong.....but the Democrats can make innocent activity look like I don't look forward to an impeachment.
I think the Democrats are playing with fire.....and that this will come back to haunt them if they keep it up.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Liar? Then do tell me what page and paragraph Trump made that threat. I'm expecting to get no response to this request.
I’m not going to entertain a liar. Trump got stone cold busted doing an impeachable offense. Lock him, Barr, Rudy and that other guy up.

Then they tried to cover up.

And they hid political calls on a different database meant only for top secret classified shit.

Just stop.

If you have a point and want to say it say it. Don’t ask me stupid irrelevant questions. What’s your point?

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