Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I don't want an impeachment.
Course I also know that Trump never did anything wrong.....but the Democrats can make innocent activity look like I don't look forward to an impeachment.
I think the Democrats are playing with fire.....and that this will come back to haunt them if they keep it up.
He’s already gotten away with so much!

Remember we wanted to impeach him for a list of other things before Ukraine. This is just the icing on the cake

You wanted to impeach him before he took his oath of office. Who are you trying to kid?
Because he pulled this same illegal shit before he was president.

Dirty politics are only cool if you don’t get caught
What illegals shit?
Be specific.

Google it.
No need....I know you're just repeating rubbish from the lamestream media.
Trump felt compelled to give people a reason, it was to try and avoid controversy, but not because it was a requirement.
Nobody is claiming it was a requirwment. Nobody. You keep saying that, and you are arguing against absolutely nobody. Put away the straw man.

The fact is, the DOJ was involved. Trump has used and uses it far too often for his personal gain. Go ahead, now complain about that, too....

You just supported my point that the President has the power to fire the director for any reason. Thank you!

There is no personal gain here because Biden is hardly a threat to Trump. There is no way Biden will be the nominee for your party. If Biden did anything illegal in Ukraine, he is not insulated from investigation or possible penalty simply because he's one of the many candidates on the Democrat side.
You just supported my point that the President has the power to fire the director for any reason
Of course he does. Duh. Welcome to two years ago.

That doesnt mean he can't get in trouble for it, if it was done as part of a criminal or unethical act. That's the simple part of this that you trumpkins never seem to be able to grasp.
Having read some more on this, the reason why Pelosi has opened an “inquiry” without a House vote is because they don’t have a whole lot. They might later, but they don’t now.

Actually what they are doing is floating a trial balloon; looking for the public response to decide whether to go forward with this or not.

And I hope they place all their trust in their crooked polls, because that would be the best thing for the 2020 elections.

I think Nancy already knows this impeachment thing is a loser, Dem reps in red and purple states are gonna get kicked out come next November if they go through with this crap. Might be too late already, but she's trying to appease the wingnuts and avoid a vote to replace her at the top.

I'll tell ya......if you would have told me ten years ago that Piglosi would be the most sensical in the Democrat party in the future, I would have said you were crazy. But here we are.

She realizes that she's on the border of losing her position as Speaker for the second time in her career. She's trying to protect that and I can't blame her. After all, she is historic in the way of being the first female Speaker in US history. She needs to preserve her record, and trying to impeach Trump will ruin her credibility.
I read the transcript AND complaint-no evidence of coercion or demand or "quid pro quo"
Utter nonsense. That is obviously what is happening in the phone call. Trump is leveraging continued aid to ukraine against getting personal gain.

The actions afterward showing "consciousness of guilt" would remove any doubt, in a court of law.
Complete nonsense. The transcript IS the phone call. What personal gain is he getting? What actions afterward? And throw out consciousness of guilt-it's psychobabble.
You just supported my point that the President has the power to fire the director for any reason
Of course he does. Duh. Welcome to two years ago.

That doesnt mean he can't get in trouble for it, if it was done as part of a criminal or unethical act. That's the simple part of this that you trumpkins never seem to be able to grasp.

He was an awful director and should have been fired the first day Trump took office. He conspired with the AG who met with the husband of a person who was under federal investigation. The Director does not tell the AG how to proceed with evidence given. All he does is provide that evidence to the AG and nothing more.

Everybody knew she should have recused herself given the attempted secret meeting with Bill. Instead, they worked it out so that Comey made the decision not to prosecute Hillary which took the heat off of Lynch. Hillary was sending (or allowed to be sent) classified information to a computer used by her aids husband to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world. Comey orders that the computer be destroyed instead of taking it in as evidence.

Comey was a disgrace. He tarnished the reputation of the FBI for many years to come.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
Though not a Trump voter -nor a voter for anyone else-I think the repubs can see that impeachment is the ultimate Wile E. Coyote adventure...It certainly blew up in their faces with Bubba.
Not having a case will do that.
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
That’s funny. How many respected military leaders did trump have in his cabinet and how many are still there?! They’ve all run for the hills not wanting to be part of this madness. I don’t blame them.
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
That’s funny. How many respected military leaders did trump have in his cabinet and how many are still there?! They’ve all run for the hills not wanting to be part of this madness. I don’t blame them.
Some were crooks-good riddance to them.
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
That’s funny. How many respected military leaders did trump have in his cabinet and how many are still there?! They’ve all run for the hills not wanting to be part of this madness. I don’t blame them.
Some were crooks-good riddance to them.
Who? Kelly, McMaster, Mad dog? All of them.

This is great... who are the crooks?
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
That’s funny. How many respected military leaders did trump have in his cabinet and how many are still there?! They’ve all run for

the hills not wanting to be part of this madness. I don’t blame them.

Check the last real vote in N.C.

And check the military section

Trump not only kept the military vote just as strong as when he was elected

He INCREASED the alresdy high support by the military

That spells doom for the deep state along with trump having the majority of the men

When push comes to shove they will win easily and that PUSH IS HERE !!
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
That’s funny. How many respected military leaders did trump have in his cabinet and how many are still there?! They’ve all run for the hills not wanting to be part of this madness. I don’t blame them.
Some were crooks-good riddance to them.
Who? Kelly, McMaster, Mad dog? All of them.

This is great... who are the crooks?
Flynn? Mattis?
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
That’s funny. How many respected military leaders did trump have in his cabinet and how many are still there?! They’ve all run for

the hills not wanting to be part of this madness. I don’t blame them.

Check the last real vote in N.C.

And check the military section

Trump not only kept the military vote just as strong as when he was elected

He INCREASED the alresdy high support by the military

That spells doom for the deep state along with trump having the majority of the men

When push comes to shove they will win easily and that PUSH IS HERE !!
Wow, I guess Trumps gonna have quite the army behind him when the civil war comes. Fun stuff
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
That’s funny. How many respected military leaders did trump have in his cabinet and how many are still there?! They’ve all run for the hills not wanting to be part of this madness. I don’t blame them.
Some were crooks-good riddance to them.
Who? Kelly, McMaster, Mad dog? All of them.

This is great... who are the crooks?
Flynn? Mattis?
Flynn yes for sure.. Mattis, How so?
You just supported my point that the President has the power to fire the director for any reason
Of course he does. Duh. Welcome to two years ago.

That doesnt mean he can't get in trouble for it, if it was done as part of a criminal or unethical act. That's the simple part of this that you trumpkins never seem to be able to grasp.

Did you really just say that you knew it was legal for him to fire the director.... but he can still get in trouble for it?

"You did something legal! So now you are going to be impeached!"

Left-wing logic shows it's ugly face again.

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