Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump.
I disagree fully. Trump was very clearly leveraging US government action with the Ukrainian leader for personal gain. And your feeble whining about what I know or don't know about the law doesn't compel anyone but the feebleminded.
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I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.
What has Trump gotten done, besides increasing the threat from North Korea and Russia?

This is why we refer to you on the left as the Uninformed Voters.
So, you have time for this retard comment, but no time to list what he’s accomplished?

Sounds about right.

Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
New record set for median household income.
New records set for employment in every minority group and women.
New record set for small business confidence.
More jobs available than Americans to do them.
Tax breaks for our business owners; the people who create those jobs.
Tax cuts for middle-class.
More manufacturing jobs created; the most in one year since the late 90's.
Created removing two business regulations for every one created.
Rescinded Commie Care fines that the least wealthy among us had to pay.
Relieving businesses from the costly Commie Care mandates.
Backed America out of the job killing Paris Accord.
Reduction of border crossings by 60% since May by holding Mexico accountable for South American crossers.
Had FDA approve a huge amount of generic drugs to reduce prescription costs.
Passed a law that allows Americans to participate in experimental drugs instead of going overseas.
Spending 6 billion on our opioid crisis.
Removed DumBama's law that forced schools to comply with weirdo's in dresses from using the female rest and changing facilities.
Rebuilding our military to it's strongest level in many years.
Instituted the ability for veterans to use private facilities in place of the VA.
A lot of that is bullshit and Republican spin. Some of it is riding Obama’s economic coattails. Some of it is just demographics.

There was no middle class tax cut. The corporate one they rammed through did nothing for everyday Americans but juiced Wall Street. That’s a temporary effect that is now starting to wear off.

Trump has added $2 Trillion to the debt
Trump has added $1 Trillion to the deficit

He said he would lower both.

Manufacturing jobs are down, not up.

Minority housing is really down. He told Blacks “what have you got to lose?” They’re finding out.

The rest is just racism and bigotry that you agree with.

You posted nothing of substance except that the debt and deficit did go up under Trump. Other than that, you have nothing to counter my claims.

Now you got me all excited. I can't wait to tell my parents that I'm not middle-class, I'm wealthy, because I did get tax cuts and my tax preparer will tell you just how much.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
So the 60 million plus that voted for Trump should have NO say in their government? If they see wrongdoing by the media or someone who claims to have evidence but never shows it, shouldn't they be like the vaunted whistle blower and say something? We get you hate Trump and his style. I hated Reagan for being and representing the rich and famous but I never said impeach him for his attitude. And if there is a crime, isn't that somebody's job in the government to take care of? And I'm not talking about the political ninnies in congress-they are worthless. Yes, if anybody leaves whether it is Saint Barack or evil Don, the country will survive and nobody is going to kill anybody-but what is the value of the process if a duly elected president gets tarred and feathered for not being nice? Everybody just needs to grow up.

They had a say. They elected him. But they also elected Congress and Trump is not above the law. If the person you elected is a criminal, he should be impeached and removed from office.

No one said impeach Trump for his attitude. His attitude should make him a 1 term president but not impeached. His criminal wrongdoings should get him impeached. Right from the beginning he was breaking the law. Remember he tried pressuring Comey? Remember everyone knew what Trump did was wrong. Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump was new to politics and didn't know better. Well we aren't buying that argument anymore.
Please refresh my memory-what did Trump do to Comey? He fired him for what he did to Hillary! And don't use Paul Ryan as an example for anything but futility. The way Trump is watched and criticized for EVERYTHING, there is no way he could commit a crime and not be jumped on-look at this phone call nonsense-nothing there but lets impeach him on less than first hand evidence. This is we hate Trump and will throw him out even if it wrecks the country-ask the squad-impeach the MF'r on day one.
No, you forget before he fired comey he had a really inappropriate conversation with comey about loyalty and was he on his team. He was worried comey wore a wire.

I get it. You don’t mind that trump breaks laws

And what laws might those be? He not only had every right to fire Comey, but every authoritative ability as President of the United States. I have no idea how you on the left believe that the executive is to be controlled by the legislative.
You don’t understand the justice department is supposed to act independently from the White House?

I know you fucking understand because the shit trumps doing, you liars accused obama hillary Lynch and everyone in the fbi and cia of doing. Now he’s doing it and your now saying it’s no buggy? Or better yet, hillary did it too.

You fucking ignorant republicans. You’re all sick. Now I see how Hitler did what he did. Same mentality.

What does the justice department have to do with the firing of Comey? The justice department doesn't appoint the FBI director, the President does.
No, you forget before he fired comey he had a really inappropriate conversation with comey about loyalty and was he on his team. He was worried comey wore a wire.

I get it. You don’t mind that trump breaks laws
Please tell us what was said in that inappropriate conversation. I have a feeling that is more of who is interpreting it.
He made comey uncomfortable

Listen stupid. A don in the mafia knows how to ask to have someone killed without actually saying the exact words have him whacked. You guys are pretending to be stupid. To catch him on tape talking about taking a bad head of lettuce out of the garden to one of his hitmen. You would be stupid and believe he was actually talking about lettuce.

Don asked comey for his loyalty, like a fucking crime boss.

I guess if what don does is ok now just remember the next democrat gets to fire anyone not loyal and declare a state of emergency and executive orders and even pardon himself.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Boy! You memorized those lib talking point lies very quickly!
There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump.
I disagree fully. Trump was very clearly leveraging US government action with the Ukrainian leader for personal gain. And your feeble whining about what I know or don't know about the law doesn't compel anyone but the feebleminded.

Quote the applicable sections.

You can't because it does not exist except in the feeble minds of liberals.
Please tell us what was said in that inappropriate conversation. I have a feeling that is more of who is interpreting it.
He made comey uncomfortable

Listen stupid. A don in the mafia knows how to ask to have someone killed without actually saying the exact words have him whacked. You guys are pretending to be stupid. To catch him on tape talking about taking a bad head of lettuce out of the garden to one of his hitmen. You would be stupid and believe he was actually talking about lettuce.

Don asked comey for his loyalty, like a fucking crime boss.

I guess if what don does is ok now just remember the next democrat gets to fire anyone not loyal and declare a state of emergency and executive orders and even pardon himself.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Unfortunately, you have assholes like Schiff doing parody on live tv. Then you have his asshole fans hanging on his every word. Maybe he and Cobert can give each other handies on late night. Good ratings.

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There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump.
I disagree fully. Trump was very clearly leveraging US government action with the Ukrainian leader for personal gain. And your feeble whining about what I know or don't know about the law doesn't compel anyone but the feebleminded.

In the court of law, you need compelling evidence to make a charge. Not "what I think he said was......"

You can think anything you like, but that does not make a case that your interpretation is correct. No judge or jury in the country could legally convict anybody based on the interpretation of other people.

The money in question was withheld over a week before that call was made. And Trump didn't say anything about Biden in connection with that money. He asked Zelensky to look into the matter because a son of a VP who gets a job working at a company he knows nothing about and getting paid 50K a month is highly suspicious given the fact the VP had the prosecutor fired who investigated the company paying Hunter.

If anybody had personal gain in this matter, it was Joe because his son was getting wealthy thanks to his fathers actions in the Ukraine.
He made comey uncomfortable

Listen stupid. A don in the mafia knows how to ask to have someone killed without actually saying the exact words have him whacked. You guys are pretending to be stupid. To catch him on tape talking about taking a bad head of lettuce out of the garden to one of his hitmen. You would be stupid and believe he was actually talking about lettuce.

Don asked comey for his loyalty, like a fucking crime boss.

I guess if what don does is ok now just remember the next democrat gets to fire anyone not loyal and declare a state of emergency and executive orders and even pardon himself.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Unfortunately, you have assholes like Schiff doing parody on live tv. Then you have his asshole fans hanging on his every word. Maybe he and Cobert can give each other handies on late night. Good ratings.

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It wasn't parody until he got busted with his lies. Then he tried to use the parody thing to backpedal out of a bad situation he created.

I would like to hear or see a parody of the parody. I hope somebody creates a Schiff parody with a great Brando impersonation. Now that would be funny.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.

Then apparently you don't know law very well. There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump. Not once did he ever threaten to withhold anything from Ukraine based on a Biden investigation.

Unfortunately, you have assholes like Schiff doing parody on live tv. Then you have his asshole fans hanging on his every word. Maybe he and Cobert can give each other handies on late night. Good ratings.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It wasn't parody until he got busted with his lies. Then he tried to use the parody thing to backpedal out of a bad situation he created.

I would like to hear or see a parody of the parody. I hope somebody creates a Schiff parody with a great Brando impersonation. Now that would be funny.

Agreed. Maybe he and Nadler can be cell mates.

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What does the justice department have to do with the firing of Comey?
Besides the deputy attorney general, at the President's request, concocting the memo that trump used as the impetus to fire Comey, and which Trump presented as his justification?

Gee can't think of a thing...

Don't strain that brain of yours too hard, now.
No,cultist....your eleventy billion whiny clinton threads are over there.... -->
What does the justice department have to do with the firing of Comey?
Besides the deputy attorney general, at the President's request, concocting the memo that trump used as the impetus to fire Comey, and which Trump presented as his justification?

Gee can't think of a thing...

Don't strain that brain of yours too hard, now.

Lol. The President doesn't need a reason to fire the director no more than your boss at work does firing you. There is a contractual obligation, but nothing illegal about it.
The President doesn't need a reason to fire the director no more than your boss at work does firing you.
Then go whine to him. He is the one who solicited the contrived pile of shit from the deputy AG, and then tried to present it as justification and to pretend he did it on that recommendation. Seriously, why are you whining to me?
The President doesn't need a reason to fire the director no more than your boss at work does firing you.
Then go whine to him. He is the one who solicited the contrived pile of shit from the deputy AG, and then tried to present it as justification and to pretend he did it on that recommendation. Seriously, why are you whining to me?

I'm not whining about anything. If Trump felt compelled to give people a reason, it was to try and avoid controversy, but not because it was a requirement. Trump could have fired him for wearing a pink tie with a brown suit, and there's nothing illegal about it.
No, you forget before he fired comey he had a really inappropriate conversation with comey about loyalty and was he on his team. He was worried comey wore a wire.

I get it. You don’t mind that trump breaks laws
Please tell us what was said in that inappropriate conversation. I have a feeling that is more of who is interpreting it.
He made comey uncomfortable

Listen stupid. A don in the mafia knows how to ask to have someone killed without actually saying the exact words have him whacked. You guys are pretending to be stupid. To catch him on tape talking about taking a bad head of lettuce out of the garden to one of his hitmen. You would be stupid and believe he was actually talking about lettuce.

Don asked comey for his loyalty, like a fucking crime boss.

I guess if what don does is ok now just remember the next democrat gets to fire anyone not loyal and declare a state of emergency and executive orders and even pardon himself.
And thats really the message that needs to be driven home to the Trump cult. Eventually, there will be a democratic president. And a democratic senate. And all of this horrible precedence will apply to them, too.
Of course sides will change, the president is boss of the AG and can fire FBI too and Obama issued executive orders and flaunted it-pen and phone-remember? I am not a Republican nor do I like Trump, but I don't want my country run by the media-if you have real evidence of Trump crime, and I have not seen ANY so far, then show me and I'll agree with you. But I will argue if I think evidence is weak or questionable, like Joe committing a crime-I don't buy it.
The transcript is cleare vidence of solicitation of a bribe and of corruption. The actions taken to cover it up show "consiousness of guilt", which is strong evidence in any courtroom. Trump's not so veiled threat of punishment of the whistleblower and the people near him is clear evidence of witness intimidation. He would be convicted in any court anywhere, if he could be charged.
I read the transcript AND complaint-no evidence of coercion or demand or "quid pro quo" Trump was doing his presidential duty. No cover up either-he presented the transcript when he DID NOT HAVE TO. He could have used Executive Privilege. the whistleblower comment WAS over the top-not a real threat, but a poor choice of words. And if he could be charged for NOTHING, he would be convicted-don't make up stuff.
What has Trump gotten done, besides increasing the threat from North Korea and Russia?

This is why we refer to you on the left as the Uninformed Voters.
So, you have time for this retard comment, but no time to list what he’s accomplished?

Sounds about right.

Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
New record set for median household income.
New records set for employment in every minority group and women.
New record set for small business confidence.
More jobs available than Americans to do them.
Tax breaks for our business owners; the people who create those jobs.
Tax cuts for middle-class.
More manufacturing jobs created; the most in one year since the late 90's.
Created removing two business regulations for every one created.
Rescinded Commie Care fines that the least wealthy among us had to pay.
Relieving businesses from the costly Commie Care mandates.
Backed America out of the job killing Paris Accord.
Reduction of border crossings by 60% since May by holding Mexico accountable for South American crossers.
Had FDA approve a huge amount of generic drugs to reduce prescription costs.
Passed a law that allows Americans to participate in experimental drugs instead of going overseas.
Spending 6 billion on our opioid crisis.
Removed DumBama's law that forced schools to comply with weirdo's in dresses from using the female rest and changing facilities.
Rebuilding our military to it's strongest level in many years.
Instituted the ability for veterans to use private facilities in place of the VA.
A lot of that is bullshit and Republican spin. Some of it is riding Obama’s economic coattails. Some of it is just demographics.

There was no middle class tax cut. The corporate one they rammed through did nothing for everyday Americans but juiced Wall Street. That’s a temporary effect that is now starting to wear off.

Trump has added $2 Trillion to the debt
Trump has added $1 Trillion to the deficit

He said he would lower both.

Manufacturing jobs are down, not up.

Minority housing is really down. He told Blacks “what have you got to lose?” They’re finding out.

The rest is just racism and bigotry that you agree with.

You posted nothing of substance except that the debt and deficit did go up under Trump. Other than that, you have nothing to counter my claims.

Now you got me all excited. I can't wait to tell my parents that I'm not middle-class, I'm wealthy, because I did get tax cuts and my tax preparer will tell you just how much.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Guess I'm wealthy too.
They had a say. They elected him. But they also elected Congress and Trump is not above the law. If the person you elected is a criminal, he should be impeached and removed from office.

No one said impeach Trump for his attitude. His attitude should make him a 1 term president but not impeached. His criminal wrongdoings should get him impeached. Right from the beginning he was breaking the law. Remember he tried pressuring Comey? Remember everyone knew what Trump did was wrong. Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump was new to politics and didn't know better. Well we aren't buying that argument anymore.
Please refresh my memory-what did Trump do to Comey? He fired him for what he did to Hillary! And don't use Paul Ryan as an example for anything but futility. The way Trump is watched and criticized for EVERYTHING, there is no way he could commit a crime and not be jumped on-look at this phone call nonsense-nothing there but lets impeach him on less than first hand evidence. This is we hate Trump and will throw him out even if it wrecks the country-ask the squad-impeach the MF'r on day one.
No, you forget before he fired comey he had a really inappropriate conversation with comey about loyalty and was he on his team. He was worried comey wore a wire.

I get it. You don’t mind that trump breaks laws

And what laws might those be? He not only had every right to fire Comey, but every authoritative ability as President of the United States. I have no idea how you on the left believe that the executive is to be controlled by the legislative.
You don’t understand the justice department is supposed to act independently from the White House?

I know you fucking understand because the shit trumps doing, you liars accused obama hillary Lynch and everyone in the fbi and cia of doing. Now he’s doing it and your now saying it’s no buggy? Or better yet, hillary did it too.

You fucking ignorant republicans. You’re all sick. Now I see how Hitler did what he did. Same mentality.

What does the justice department have to do with the firing of Comey? The justice department doesn't appoint the FBI director, the President does.
The president is the BOSS of both.
There is nothing in that transcript that places any kind of guilt on Trump.
I disagree fully. Trump was very clearly leveraging US government action with the Ukrainian leader for personal gain. And your feeble whining about what I know or don't know about the law doesn't compel anyone but the feebleminded.

In the court of law, you need compelling evidence to make a charge. Not "what I think he said was......"

You can think anything you like, but that does not make a case that your interpretation is correct. No judge or jury in the country could legally convict anybody based on the interpretation of other people.

The money in question was withheld over a week before that call was made. And Trump didn't say anything about Biden in connection with that money. He asked Zelensky to look into the matter because a son of a VP who gets a job working at a company he knows nothing about and getting paid 50K a month is highly suspicious given the fact the VP had the prosecutor fired who investigated the company paying Hunter.

If anybody had personal gain in this matter, it was Joe because his son was getting wealthy thanks to his fathers actions in the Ukraine.
Isn't it amazing how the left had nothing in the collusion episode, yet they screamed to the highest mountain top about it for two years, but when there is actually something like there is with this Biden thing (crickets) ??? Unbelievable.

It just goes to show, that we can get to a point where our Democrat party in this country has since somehow figured out just how to be untouchable or above the law, and they have done this all due to gaining this mystical Hollywood star quality or ability to game us all by way of this fake tolerance they exploit so wildly now.
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