Seriously cannot get over this disturbing 9/11 issue?

911insidenutjob sucks off goats
its right there under his rep rating

I wonder, does that make the goats treasonous too, or just insane?
Monday, March 8, 2010

YUKIHISA FUJITA is an influential member of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan. As chief of the DPJ's international department and head of the Research Committee on Foreign Affairs in the upper house of Japan's parliament, to which he was elected in 2007, he is a Brahmin in the foreign policy establishment of Washington's most important East Asian ally. He also seems to think that America's rendering of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, is a gigantic hoax.
you two trolls seriously need to give it up.For the hundreth time,Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 debunking debunks all your crap from those proven disinformation sites of those links you provided Slackass,you being the troll you are,you of course wont read that book since it doesnt go along with your version of events.Also,since your so much into INTERNET links,hahahahahahahaha,this is a TRUTHFUL link that debunks all that crap from those proven disinformation sites posted that leave out key evidence, facts and credible witness testimonys. Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

dont know why i wasted my time posting that for you since as we both know,you and fizz troll wont read that link and never have and have never read griffins can post all the crap you want slackass form disinformation links but as we both know,it doest debunk that video or the information in my post.Like I said,it was a nice try though.

"Dude you shouldnt have posted on this thread,thats keeping it on the top and your wasting your time arguing with this stupid fuck troll.He wont even address any facts or evidence you bring up and just comes back with insults when he cant refute it and like the hypocrite he is,goes around whining about being insulted when he is the one that always starts it with the insults first.fucking hypocrite this idiot is."
Monday, March 8, 2010

YUKIHISA FUJITA is an influential member of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan. As chief of the DPJ's international department and head of the Research Committee on Foreign Affairs in the upper house of Japan's parliament, to which he was elected in 2007, he is a Brahmin in the foreign policy establishment of Washington's most important East Asian ally. He also seems to think that America's rendering of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, is a gigantic hoax.

based on what I boldened, i think you can see the problem i have believing this guy......
What never ceases to amaze me about twoofers is thinking a controlled demolition was an option. The record is a building that was sub 500 feet. All three of the WTC complex buildings were 600 foot plus. So you and I are expected to believe that the conspirators would have chosen to undertake an attack profile that had never been done before. It would be much like someone planning for occupying a city after using nukes to wipe out resistance; nobody has ever done it before.

And on top of that, 9/11 Nutjob and Creative Schemes would have you and I believe that they would NOT use the dependable dynamite and conventional explosives with timers and relays and cables connecting all of it. They would shun that tried and true method in favor of unproven, untested, and never-before-used for controlled demolition thermite.

On top of that still, the two nutjobs would have you believe that the charges, timers, antenna (no cables) and cables--if they were used--all perfectly withstood the impact of a large commercial jet and the resulting fires.

And on top of that still, these two yahoos expect you to believe that the men at the highest levels of the US Government with their careers on the line would authorize the:

Never before done toppling of 500+ builidings; not one, not two, but three times
Never-before-used material like thermite
which was totally dependent upon these uber powerful men relying on...
Four hi-jackings going completely right and none of their paid shills getting cold feet

And they wonder why we call them nutjobs.

You'll notice 9/11 and CD not wanting to tackle any of those concrete points.
Hey Ditzcon,Gomer Pyle Ollie and Candy Corn troll boy,what I just said to your fellow agents fizz and slackass applies to you as all need to take lessons from Editec who unlike you all,has always demonstrated he is open minded,objective and doesnt go into seeing only what he WANTS to see and WANTS to hear.That was why I came on in the first place was to wait for a response from HIM because he is that way unlike you DOD agents.

I have an open mind, I am still waiting to hear those explosions that knocked down the WTC 1, 2 and 7. Found that audio anywhere yet?
What never ceases to amaze me about twoofers is thinking a controlled demolition was an option. The record is a building that was sub 500 feet. All three of the WTC complex buildings were 600 foot plus. So you and I are expected to believe that the conspirators would have chosen to undertake an attack profile that had never been done before. It would be much like someone planning for occupying a city after using nukes to wipe out resistance; nobody has ever done it before.

And on top of that, 9/11 Nutjob and Creative Schemes would have you and I believe that they would NOT use the dependable dynamite and conventional explosives with timers and relays and cables connecting all of it. They would shun that tried and true method in favor of unproven, untested, and never-before-used for controlled demolition thermite.

On top of that still, the two nutjobs would have you believe that the charges, timers, antenna (no cables) and cables--if they were used--all perfectly withstood the impact of a large commercial jet and the resulting fires.

And on top of that still, these two yahoos expect you to believe that the men at the highest levels of the US Government with their careers on the line would authorize the:

Never before done toppling of 500+ builidings; not one, not two, but three times
Never-before-used material like thermite
which was totally dependent upon these uber powerful men relying on...
Four hi-jackings going completely right and none of their paid shills getting cold feet

And they wonder why we call them nutjobs.

You'll notice 9/11 and CD not wanting to tackle any of those concrete points.

"debating with you makes me look like a super genius the way you wont even address a post when challeneged to."

>plagerized from 911insidenutjob<
What never ceases to amaze me about twoofers is thinking a controlled demolition was an option. The record is a building that was sub 500 feet. All three of the WTC complex buildings were 600 foot plus. So you and I are expected to believe that the conspirators would have chosen to undertake an attack profile that had never been done before. It would be much like someone planning for occupying a city after using nukes to wipe out resistance; nobody has ever done it before.

And on top of that, 9/11 Nutjob and Creative Schemes would have you and I believe that they would NOT use the dependable dynamite and conventional explosives with timers and relays and cables connecting all of it. They would shun that tried and true method in favor of unproven, untested, and never-before-used for controlled demolition thermite.

On top of that still, the two nutjobs would have you believe that the charges, timers, antenna (no cables) and cables--if they were used--all perfectly withstood the impact of a large commercial jet and the resulting fires.

And on top of that still, these two yahoos expect you to believe that the men at the highest levels of the US Government with their careers on the line would authorize the:

Never before done toppling of 500+ builidings; not one, not two, but three times
Never-before-used material like thermite
which was totally dependent upon these uber powerful men relying on...
Four hi-jackings going completely right and none of their paid shills getting cold feet

And they wonder why we call them nutjobs.

You'll notice 9/11 and CD not wanting to tackle any of those concrete points.

"debating with you makes me look like a super genius the way you wont even address a post when challeneged to."

>plagerized from 911insidenutjob<

paid shills ?
Search Results for thermite demolition
Patent Search Results - PatentStorm
did you read any of them?

I did.

from that link:
"When a linear shaped charge is used for cutting steel on a steel bridge demolition project, a large degree of preparation work must be undertaken to ensure a successful cut or penetration. A "preconditioning" process involves removing overlapped plates and areas of reinforcement with a conventional cutting torch. This process is time consuming, expensive, and dangerous"

doesn't seem to match what these nutcases claim does it?
Search Results for thermite demolition
Patent Search Results - PatentStorm
did you read any of them?

I did.

from that link:
"When a linear shaped charge is used for cutting steel on a steel bridge demolition project, a large degree of preparation work must be undertaken to ensure a successful cut or penetration. A "preconditioning" process involves removing overlapped plates and areas of reinforcement with a conventional cutting torch. This process is time consuming, expensive, and dangerous"

doesn't seem to match what these nutcases claim does it?
and the use of thermite one was to use it in conjunction with an arc plasma torch

btw, linear shape charges are not silent ;)
The present invention provides for cutting operations using linear thermite charges; the charges cut one dimensional or two dimensional geometric shapes; the invention is useful for structure entry or demolition.

Inventors:Givens, Richard W. (Columbus, OH, US)
Klein, Jerome A. (Raymond, OH, US)
Burky, Thomas E. (Monroe Township, OH, US)
Reuther, James J. (Worthington, OH, US)
Application Number:11/371541 Publication Date:07/07/2009 Filing Date:03/08/2006

Thermite charge - Patent 7555986
did you read any of them?

I did.

from that link:
"When a linear shaped charge is used for cutting steel on a steel bridge demolition project, a large degree of preparation work must be undertaken to ensure a successful cut or penetration. A "preconditioning" process involves removing overlapped plates and areas of reinforcement with a conventional cutting torch. This process is time consuming, expensive, and dangerous"

doesn't seem to match what these nutcases claim does it?
and the use of thermite one was to use it in conjunction with an arc plasma torch

btw, linear shape charges are not silent ;)

No they make a lot of racket, and leave behind tell-tale traces that even the people on the street after the towers collapsed would have been picking up and asking "what is this?"
Plus, the heat, based on the patent description, is fairly localized. Traces of both the detonators and the casing of the explosives would be scattered around all over the place. The exothermic reaction described in the patent documents would have been over in just a few minutes, no matter how much was used. Simply put, because of that fact, detailed by the patent document, it would have burned itself out by the end of the day. As the thermite burned, it would have created such an exothermic reaction that the oxygen would have been depleted rather quickly. If large amounts of thermite had been used at ground zero, it would not have burned for weeks. Burning is oxidation, to have oxidation, there must be oxygen present. If the oxygen has been depleted, the burning stops.
The present invention provides for cutting operations using linear thermite charges; the charges cut one dimensional or two dimensional geometric shapes; the invention is useful for structure entry or demolition.

Inventors:Givens, Richard W. (Columbus, OH, US)
Klein, Jerome A. (Raymond, OH, US)
Burky, Thomas E. (Monroe Township, OH, US)
Reuther, James J. (Worthington, OH, US)
Application Number:11/371541 Publication Date:07/07/2009 Filing Date:03/08/2006

Thermite charge - Patent 7555986

yes, that is the patent info I was reading. There is a more complete description in dive's link here;
Thermite charge - US Patent 7555986 Full Text

The reason it is more complete is because it does give not only the technical information, but analysis of the chemical reaction that takes place as well as the goal of the inventors, and commentary by the inventors and those that have used it.

same patent though.

the technical information given simply dos not match the claims by those that insist it was used to bring down the towers.
The biggest discrepency is the fact that the exothermic reaction is so violent, it robs the surrounding area of oxygen so quickly that nothing would have burned once the thermite was done 'reacting'.
That actually was one of the goals of the creators, to create a super-strong explosive that would not set fire to surrounding materials. You can read that in that link that dive provided, and that I put above.
The present invention provides for cutting operations using linear thermite charges; the charges cut one dimensional or two dimensional geometric shapes; the invention is useful for structure entry or demolition.

Inventors:Givens, Richard W. (Columbus, OH, US)
Klein, Jerome A. (Raymond, OH, US)
Burky, Thomas E. (Monroe Township, OH, US)
Reuther, James J. (Worthington, OH, US)
Application Number:11/371541 Publication Date:07/07/2009 Filing Date:03/08/2006

Thermite charge - Patent 7555986

yes, that is the patent info I was reading. There is a more complete description in dive's link here;
Thermite charge - US Patent 7555986 Full Text

The reason it is more complete is because it does give not only the technical information, but analysis of the chemical reaction that takes place as well as the goal of the inventors, and commentary by the inventors and those that have used it.

same patent though.

the technical information given simply dos not match the claims by those that insist it was used to bring down the towers.
The biggest discrepency is the fact that the exothermic reaction is so violent, it robs the surrounding area of oxygen so quickly that nothing would have burned once the thermite was done 'reacting'.
That actually was one of the goals of the creators, to create a super-strong explosive that would not set fire to surrounding materials. You can read that in that link that dive provided, and that I put above.
that was his link

but did you notice the DATE
You'll notice 9/11 and CD not wanting to tackle any of those concrete points.

"debating with you makes me look like a super genius the way you wont even address a post when challeneged to."

>plagerized from 911insidenutjob<

paid shills ?

these paid shills arent worth your breath.they have the stupid fucked up logic that the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer apply anymore.:lol: no matter what disinformation links they supply it doesnt counter that video or the facts of the case I said to editec in that post. the shills logic here is doesnt matter what demo experts,over a thousand architects and engineers physiscts , scientists or credible witnesses including first reposnders and firemen say,only the words of the corporate controlled media and government agencys.great logic there.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: they really need to get that comedy club going.heck the government would fund it for them.
The present invention provides for cutting operations using linear thermite charges; the charges cut one dimensional or two dimensional geometric shapes; the invention is useful for structure entry or demolition.

Inventors:Givens, Richard W. (Columbus, OH, US)
Klein, Jerome A. (Raymond, OH, US)
Burky, Thomas E. (Monroe Township, OH, US)
Reuther, James J. (Worthington, OH, US)
Application Number:11/371541 Publication Date:07/07/2009 Filing Date:03/08/2006

Thermite charge - Patent 7555986

yes, that is the patent info I was reading. There is a more complete description in dive's link here;
Thermite charge - US Patent 7555986 Full Text

The reason it is more complete is because it does give not only the technical information, but analysis of the chemical reaction that takes place as well as the goal of the inventors, and commentary by the inventors and those that have used it.

same patent though.

the technical information given simply dos not match the claims by those that insist it was used to bring down the towers.
The biggest discrepency is the fact that the exothermic reaction is so violent, it robs the surrounding area of oxygen so quickly that nothing would have burned once the thermite was done 'reacting'.
That actually was one of the goals of the creators, to create a super-strong explosive that would not set fire to surrounding materials. You can read that in that link that dive provided, and that I put above.
that was his link

but did you notice the DATE

Yes, I did notice it was filed and granted after the fact, and not meaning to sound like a conspiracy supporter, that is not unusual. I filed for two patents for one device in 1999 through a company I worked for and they were granted in 2005, and the filing date was 2003.
So, I am willing to give eots the benefit of the doubt on that one.
But if that was his link, and he claims to have engineers, scientists, et al on the truther's side, why did they not read the same thing I just did.
This was eots link ? It seems to dispute the claims it was used on 911, and he presented it in support of saying thermite was used?
The physical properties of this stuff do not support the facts of what happened, if it had been used.
I understand the date discrepency. There were a couple reasons the patents I submitted took so long and were dated well after we were using them. One was the time it takes for the filing to get to a review. Once it does, even an un-dotted i gets it sent back, and re-dated. Then, right up until the time the patent is granted, I made some changes, each change resulted in it getting sent back and re-dated.
Then the government patent lawyer has to do his 'due diligence' search to make sure it is an origional idea. That usually takes a couple years.
I don't want to say that date doesn't matter, I am just saying that i don't think the date always means it wasn't actually in use and available at a much earlier date.

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