Seriously Mitt, you got paid 100k SALARY to do NOTHING?

Ooh these poor right wingers. They understand so little and pretend to know so much.

There is probably not a single CEO in this entire country that makes a measly hundred thousand dollars. When they post a salary, they are required to show at least some money "changed hands", so they say "Minimum $100,000.00". That means he could have gotten paid a hundred millions dollars. Who knows? The only way we could find out is if we saw his tax returns.

I'm all for releasing tax returns, lets do it for congress as well. I cant wait to see how rich those commies are. Raiding the Treasury for their own personal gain. Lets check them all out.
The bottom line that radicals seem to be ignorant of (most likely) or ignore (probably) is that the private sector works under rules set by people like Barney Frank. What Barney Frank meant during the time he had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae is far more important to Americans than Bain Capital. Why did Frank say "Fannie Mae is doing fine" when it was on the verge of collapse? It's a thousand times more important than pondering how a slick capitalist managed to make money even under government scrutiny. Personally I would rather vote for the slick capitalist than the crook who failed to do the job we elected him to do.
I forget that all black women are lazy welfare queens, my bad. If they have a job its because they cheated and they're really not doing anything. To believe otherwise in unamerican.

have you got anything besides the race card?

Have you got any other reason to presume she must not be working other than that you hate her?

if obama was white, uc hospitals would have done the same thing, twit.

it's not about her color, it's about her perceived access to power through her husband.

you better study hard or 9th grade is gonna be tough on you.


Ahh! I got it. So we know she couldn't possibly have been working - because her husband was a Senator! So do all women who are married to Senators have jobs that they don't actually have to work in - or just the wives of Democratic Senators?

Is there any EVIDENCE she did no work - other than you say so?

We have EVIDENCE Mitt did no work - HE HIMSELF SAYS he had nothing to do with the company at that time! And we know Mitt doesn't tell a lie, right?

and yet with zero evidence you call me a hateful bigot. with less evidence, you assume i support romney.

i didn't say she did no work; i said she was paid ridiculous sums of money because her husband was a senator.

you're not too bright, are you?

go home and get your shinebox.
Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

If it is indeed true that Mitt had nothing to do with Bain capital in 2001 and 2002 - that means he was paid 100k salary to do nothing.

100k to do NOTHING?
Sorry but that beats even the most inefficient government employee! Looks like private business can indeed be less efficient than government!

Michelle Obama had TWO $100k jobs for doing nothing given to her as soon as her husband was elected paybacks there I am sure - right?

Details details....
I forget that all black women are lazy welfare queens, my bad. If they have a job its because they cheated and they're really not doing anything. To believe otherwise in unamerican.

have you got anything besides the race card?

Have you got any other reason to presume she must not be working other than that you hate her?

if obama was white, uc hospitals would have done the same thing, twit.

it's not about her color, it's about her perceived access to power through her husband.

you better study hard or 9th grade is gonna be tough on you.


Ahh! I got it. So we know she couldn't possibly have been working - because her husband was a Senator! So do all women who are married to Senators have jobs that they don't actually have to work in - or just the wives of Democratic Senators?

Is there any EVIDENCE she did no work - other than you say so?

We have EVIDENCE Mitt did no work - HE HIMSELF SAYS he had nothing to do with the company at that time! And we know Mitt doesn't tell a lie, right?

Oooh you make this too easy. Look she got paid $100k for "parttime" work, doesnt that make you upset?
The USA is in debt because the wealthy uses our infrastructure, and our subsidies, and our legal system, and our law enforcement protection, and our defense apparatus . . . but avoid paying for all these things because they move all their money to freedom-hating offshore havens.

Mitt Romney made millions by moving American jobs to Chinese sweat-shops.

And we wonder where all the jobs went?

Are people really that stupid that they believe that tax cuts turn into American jobs. The "job creators" take whatever extra money they get from tax cuts and move it offshore. Of course, they launder some of that money back to their Washington puppets, which puppets make sure that ol' John Gault has the legal basis to move as much money out of this country as possible. Open your eyes. These people have been looting the American treasury and destroying American jobs since Reagan.

Where do you think Walmart gets all its products manufactured?
Study the relationship between Walmart and China. Then study the relationship between Walmart and the Republican Party. If you want to understand what happened to American manufacturing, you need to open your eyes.
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Failed Liberal Policy:

A new study conducted by Ernst and Young proves conclusively that the President’s tax increase would be devastating to the economy and jobs.

The study finds that, if Congress misguidedly adopted President Obama’s plan to raise taxes on job creators by allowing the Bush-era tax policies to expire for incomes over $200,000 ($250,000 for married filers), the economy and jobs would suffer terribly:

  • Output in the long run would fall by 1.3 percent, or $200 billion, in today’s economy

  • Employment in the long run would fall by 0.5 percent or, roughly 710,000 fewer jobs, in today’s economy

  • Capital stock and investment in the long run would fall by 1.4 percent and 2.4 percent, respectively

  • Real after-tax wages would fall by 1.8 percent
There are almost 13 million Americans out of work today. President Obama’s tax increase would needlessly add almost three-quarters of a million people to that already much too large number. Even those with jobs wouldn’t escape the pain of President Obama’s tax increase, as they would see their wages suffer.

Ernst and Young: Obama

Liberal policy continues to fail at alarming rates...
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

If it is indeed true that Mitt had nothing to do with Bain capital in 2001 and 2002 - that means he was paid 100k salary to do nothing.

100k to do NOTHING?
Sorry but that beats even the most inefficient government employee! Looks like private business can indeed be less efficient than government!

And the President earns 400k a year.

So if Mitt is elected, we can expect

(400k/100k) times NOTHING = NOTHING

him to do nothing I suppose.

I would presume if Mitt is elected he would refuse the salary, as he did while Guv of Mass.

Del, correct me if I'm wrong here, pls.
Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

If it is indeed true that Mitt had nothing to do with Bain capital in 2001 and 2002 - that means he was paid 100k salary to do nothing.

100k to do NOTHING?
Sorry but that beats even the most inefficient government employee! Looks like private business can indeed be less efficient than government!

Are you accusing him of acting like Michelle Obama. He Built Bain, He had an interest in it. Good try though. :lmao:

Not following. He was paid a CEO's salary, not 'interest.'
ZOMG! And, my fiancee was paid a CEO salary for three years. And, he had zip to do with anything. It's just the terms of his divestment.

It happens a lot.
ZOMG! And, my fiancee was paid a CEO salary for three years. And, he had zip to do with anything. It's just the terms of his divestment.

It happens a lot.

Sounds like its the efficiency of the private market. In big ole mean big government, when your job ends, your salary ends! How retarded is that?
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

If it is indeed true that Mitt had nothing to do with Bain capital in 2001 and 2002 - that means he was paid 100k salary to do nothing.

100k to do NOTHING?
Sorry but that beats even the most inefficient government employee! Looks like private business can indeed be less efficient than government!

Are you accusing him of acting like Michelle Obama. He Built Bain, He had an interest in it. Good try though. :lmao:

Not following. He was paid a CEO's salary, not 'interest.'

the person you are replying to did not want to be bothered with reading, that's for liberals
You mean he was paid at least $100,000 to do nothing. It was actually probably more than that.

That's less than Harry Reid got paid and Harry can be charged with loitering and criminal negligence for not passing a budget in 4 years

Paying an ex-CEO a hundred grand for muttering your name once in a while just isn't that big a deal. If you don't like the system, try to change it. Romney has plenty of things to bang on, but this just isn't one of them. Silly.

Failed Liberal Policy:

A new study conducted by Ernst and Young proves conclusively

No it hasn't, economic theory can't be used to prove anything "conclusively".

I loved how the rich tell the righties that the rich shouldn't pay any more taxes, and the right believes them. Hey, maybe they're just telling you that because - they like money?
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Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

If it is indeed true that Mitt had nothing to do with Bain capital in 2001 and 2002 - that means he was paid 100k salary to do nothing.

100k to do NOTHING?
Sorry but that beats even the most inefficient government employee! Looks like private business can indeed be less efficient than government!

So? Are you a Bain shareholder?
Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

If it is indeed true that Mitt had nothing to do with Bain capital in 2001 and 2002 - that means he was paid 100k salary to do nothing.

100k to do NOTHING?
Sorry but that beats even the most inefficient government employee! Looks like private business can indeed be less efficient than government!

Obama gets paid 4 times as much and he does nothing but play golf and attend fundraisers.
ZOMG! And, my fiancee was paid a CEO salary for three years. And, he had zip to do with anything. It's just the terms of his divestment.

It happens a lot.

Sounds like its the efficiency of the private market. In big ole mean big government, when your job ends, your salary ends! How retarded is that?

Is Bain taking money from your paycheck every payday? No... it is entirely different. What a private Enterprise chooses to do is no concern of yours. If I choose to hire my brother-in-law and pay him 100k to do nothing, please explain what concern that is of yours.

Grow the fuck up.

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