Sessions: 'For Every One Job Added, Nearly 5 People Left the Workforce'

Happy Days are here again!
The skies above are clear again!
So let's sing a song of cheer again!
Happy days are here again!

Sessions: 'For Every One Job Added, Nearly 5 People Left the Workforce' | The Weekly Standard

"Today’s jobs report underscores a deeper problem facing our economy: a large and growing block of people who are chronically jobless and completely outside the workforce. In December, the economy added only 74,000 jobs – not nearly enough to keep up with population growth –and 347,000 left the workforce. That means for every one job added, nearly 5 people left the workforce entirely. There are now nearly 92 million Americans outside the workforce, resulting in the lowest participation rate in 36 years. The President’s immigration plan will only make things dramatically worse – and no amount of ‘promise zones’ will be a sufficient remedy for the millions of displaced workers.​

Perfect. Nutters cheer a lackluster jobs report. Well done!
Happy Days are here again!
The skies above are clear again!
So let's sing a song of cheer again!
Happy days are here again!

Sessions: 'For Every One Job Added, Nearly 5 People Left the Workforce' | The Weekly Standard

"Today’s jobs report underscores a deeper problem facing our economy: a large and growing block of people who are chronically jobless and completely outside the workforce. In December, the economy added only 74,000 jobs – not nearly enough to keep up with population growth –and 347,000 left the workforce. That means for every one job added, nearly 5 people left the workforce entirely. There are now nearly 92 million Americans outside the workforce, resulting in the lowest participation rate in 36 years. The President’s immigration plan will only make things dramatically worse – and no amount of ‘promise zones’ will be a sufficient remedy for the millions of displaced workers.​

Perfect. Nutters cheer a lackluster jobs report. Well done!
Nobody is cheering it other then stupid libtards believing the big liar obamaturd.
Happy Days are here again!
The skies above are clear again!
So let's sing a song of cheer again!
Happy days are here again!

Sessions: 'For Every One Job Added, Nearly 5 People Left the Workforce' | The Weekly Standard

"Today’s jobs report underscores a deeper problem facing our economy: a large and growing block of people who are chronically jobless and completely outside the workforce. In December, the economy added only 74,000 jobs – not nearly enough to keep up with population growth –and 347,000 left the workforce. That means for every one job added, nearly 5 people left the workforce entirely. There are now nearly 92 million Americans outside the workforce, resulting in the lowest participation rate in 36 years. The President’s immigration plan will only make things dramatically worse – and no amount of ‘promise zones’ will be a sufficient remedy for the millions of displaced workers.​

Perfect. Nutters cheer a lackluster jobs report. Well done!
Nobody is cheering it other then stupid libtards believing the big liar obamaturd.


Open your eyes! Your friends are happy that the latest jobs report is weak.....and sad that the last three have been strong.

You people are vomitous.
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This was predicted in 2005 by the BLS under the Bush Administration.

Labor force projections to 2014:retiring boomers

"The baby boomers’ exit from the prime-aged workforce
and their movement into older age groups
will lower the overall labor force participation rate,
leading to a slowdown in the growth of the labor force"

In other words, it's the math of the Baby Boomers retiring that was predicted to have a serious effect in 2005.
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Perfect. Nutters cheer a lackluster jobs report. Well done!
Nobody is cheering it other then stupid libtards believing the big liar obamaturd.


Open your eyes! Your friends are happy that the latest jobs report is weak.....and sad that the last three have been strong.

You people are vomitous.
Engage your brain if you have one. My friends are not saying they are happy, they and I are saying the left are delusional and believing lies, as usual.
Nobody is cheering it other then stupid libtards believing the big liar obamaturd.


Open your eyes! Your friends are happy that the latest jobs report is weak.....and sad that the last three have been strong.

You people are vomitous.
Engage your brain if you have one. My friends are not saying they are happy, they and I are saying the left are delusional and believing lies, as usual.

Nope. You are happy. It is obvious.

The United Stares of America has had private sector job growth for 46 (FORTY SIX) consecutive months. Not once have you recognized this fact

Fuck off.

Open your eyes! Your friends are happy that the latest jobs report is weak.....and sad that the last three have been strong.

You people are vomitous.
Engage your brain if you have one. My friends are not saying they are happy, they and I are saying the left are delusional and believing lies, as usual.

Nope. You are happy. It is obvious.

The United Stares of America has had private sector job growth for 46 (FORTY SIX) consecutive months. Not once have you recognized this fact

Fuck off.
CVussing me gets you nowhere asshole. We recognize the truth unlike monkeys like you.
We need a strong public and private sector in this country ;) Fine outsourcers and reward businesses that are America...

More science
More infrastructure
More r@d
More education with a reformed system...
More pro-American business policies

= winning. Cut, gut and fuck isn't a solution.

Buuut, we do and have added to all of that.... Unless you can show the cuts, and you can't.
Engage your brain if you have one. My friends are not saying they are happy, they and I are saying the left are delusional and believing lies, as usual.

Nope. You are happy. It is obvious.

The United Stares of America has had private sector job growth for 46 (FORTY SIX) consecutive months. Not once have you recognized this fact

Fuck off.
CVussing me gets you nowhere asshole. We recognize the truth unlike monkeys like you.

I did not cuss you. I told you to fuck off.
We need a strong public and private sector in this country ;) Fine outsourcers and reward businesses that are America...

More science
More infrastructure
More r@d
More education with a reformed system...
More pro-American business policies

= winning. Cut, gut and fuck isn't a solution.

Buuut, we do and have added to all of that.... Unless you can show the cuts, and you can't.

Huge cuts in infrastructure U.S. infrastructure spending has plummeted since 2008


Niedernhofer is not alone. In a survey of more than 3,700 US scientists released on 29 August by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Rockville, Maryland, one-third said that they had laid off researchers, and close to two-thirds had seen their funding fall since 2010. Federal spending on research and development has declined by 16.3% since 2010, the fastest drop in a three-year period since the end of the space race in the 1970s, according to an analysis published on 3 September by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington DC.

The most drastic reduction occurred on 1 March, when across-the-board budget cuts known as sequestration lopped 5% from the budgets of most government agencies. Science powerhouses such as the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, and the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia, began to scrimp by reducing the values and durations of grants, and the number of recipients per application cycle.
More cuts loom for US science : Nature News & Comment

notebook_scistat_730.png Nasa was more like 18 billion a few years ago now you fuckers are arguing for 16...Good news is the new budget is closer to 17.

China thanks you in weakening America. :mad: All your bases and defending the world is just dumb.
Which Presidents used government jobs to boost their employment numbers?

Non Military Government Employees by President

Ronald Reagan
- Started: 2,875,000
- Ended: 3,113,000

Reagan EXPANDED the Federal Workforce by 238,000

Bill Clinton
- Started: 3,083,000
- Ended: 2,703,000

Clinton REDUCED the Federal Workforce by 380,000

George W Bush
- Started: 2,703,000
- Ended: 2,756,000

Bush EXPANDED the Federal Workforce by 53,000

Obama's numbers cannot be tallied yet because he is still in office, but here are some interesting facts.

By the end of 2010, the United States had less employees than we did at the end of Reagan even though the population has grown from 226,545,805 to approximately 330,000,000 in 2010.

1988 — 3,113,000 

2010— 2,840,000

(Do you understand the Reagan hoax?)

In his 3rd year Reagan added 1.2 million government employees, which not only improved his employment stats, but it put more spenders/consumers in the economy which prevented main street layoffs.

By contrast Obama laid-off 250,000 government employees during his 3rd year.

Reagan created the biggest government this country has ever had.

(Attention Republican Voters: Your hero grew government more than any President in our life times, and he lorded over the greatest consumer debt expansion in history)

Reagan grew the federal workforce more than anyone in my lifetime; he used government to grow the economy.
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Obama has cut science outside of green,
Obama has cut infrastructure to the lowest levels since the 90's
Obama has cut r@d
Retired most of our human space program

He has spent more on wall street with bail-outs monthly and has kept our troops in wars.
How many retired?

How many were disabled?

How many died?

When was the last time congress had to extend unemployment for this long? There are so damn many people on unemployment that extending benefits has become a major political issue.

The number of people on welfare has doubled. That is what happens when unemployment expires and people give up. If unemployment isn't extended again, watch the welfare rolls triple. Democrats are licking their chops at the thought of having more dependents.

Obamacare was the biggest job-killer in history. Not only do we still have an extraordinarily high unemployment rate, but we have more uninsured now than before Obamacare was imposed on us. But now Obama doesn't care because he got his way and that is all that matters to him.

As for the crappy economy, that is all part of the plan. Obama and the far left want socialism and that means causing the economy to completely collapse, so he can claim that socialism is the only solution.

Anyone who says that things in this country have improved are either stupid, subsidized or lying to stay in power.
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The unemployment dropped drastically in December, from 7 percent to 6.7 percent, while only 74,000 jobs were created.
How does that math work?
The dropped unemployment rate is do to a decline in the labor participation rate. According to finance blog Zero Hedge, 91.8 million are no longer participating in the labor force.
From Zero Hedge:
The reason is because in December the civilian labor force did what it usually does in the New Normal: it dropped from 155.3 million to 154.9 million, which means the labor participation rate just dropped to a fresh 35 year low, hitting levels not seen since 1978, at 62.8% down from 63.0%.

Even if people are retiring and voluntarily exiting the labor force, that means these people will begin collecting Social Security and Medicare, thus adding to the economic burden of young people. The bottom line: the country is still not creating enough jobs to get the economy back on the right track.

Too many are on the dole...something has to give here...
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This was predicted in 2005 by the BLS under the Bush Administration.

Labor force projections to 2014:retiring boomers

"The baby boomers’ exit from the prime-aged workforce
and their movement into older age groups
will lower the overall labor force participation rate,
leading to a slowdown in the growth of the labor force"

In other words, it's the math of the Baby Boomers retiring that was predicted to have a serious effect in 2005.

You can't expect the Right to actually read your link, it might burst their bubble of ignorance that lying scum like Sessions counts on!

From your link:

A prime example of a demographic change affecting the labor force participation rate is the aging of the baby-boom generation. In 2000, baby boomers were aged 36 to 54 years and were in the group with the highest participation rates: the prime-aged group 25 to 54 years old. The participation rate for women in this group was 76.7 percent and for men was 91.6 percent, so that the overall participation rate of the group was 84.0 percent. The participation rate of the next-older age group, that 55 years and older, was 32.4 percent, so the difference between the two age groups was 52 percentage points. With the passage of every year after 2000, a segment of the baby-boomer population passes into the 55- years-and-older age group and thus moves from a group with a high participation rate in the labor force to an age category with a much lower participation rate, causing the overall participation rate to decrease.
The U.S. labor market is currently experiencing the negative demographic compositional effect just described, wherein the population moves from an age group with a higher participation rate to an age group with a lower participation rate. In contrast, a positive demographic compositional effect was experienced in the 1970s when baby boomers were increasingly joining the prime-aged workforce and causing an increase in the labor force participation rate.
Meanwhile, during the 2004–14 timeframe, the baby-bust population will be in the prime-aged work group, with very high participation rates. However, because the baby-bust cohorts are much smaller than those of the baby boomers, their numbers applied to their respective labor force participation rates will not be able to compensate for the large cohorts of baby boomers leaving the prime-aged group and moving into a group with much lower participation rates. The result is a decrease in the overall labor force participation rate and a slower rate of growth of the labor force.

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