Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Use of legalized marijuana threatened as Sessions rescinds Obama-era directive that eased federal enforcement

Ok. So there's a conflict. Some states say pot is legal. The fed says it's not. Yet we are the UNITED states of America, bound under federal laws on certain vital issues to preserve the cohesion of the Union. Like it or not, narcotics are part of those federally regulated ideas. Presumably someone thought that it might not be good for productivity as a nation, nor as a strong citizenry to all be laced out on mind-altering drugs; easy pickin's for enemies internally and abroad.

Be that as it may, it is what it is. Likewise we have federal laws about immigration, collecting taxes, child trafficking, tampering with the mail, etc. etc.

What California, Colorado and all the other states that "legalized" pot did wrong was: they disobeyed federal law. Let's take CA as an example. There, some folks got a petition together to get an initiative on the ballot. The petition from there goes to Sacramento for approval for inclusion on the ballot. The minute a petition suggesting breaking federal law passed their desks in Sacramento, that's where the idea was mandated to die. Just because those people decided to let the farce continue, doesn't make it any more legal than if CA decided to vote on whether or not illegal aliens can become citizens without due process...or if CA decided on its own that the fed couldn't collect taxes there. Or if CA voted that the fed could no longer have military bases in CA.

The initiative "legalizing" pot is an illegal initiative. It is null and void upon its face. It was mandated to have never gotten beyond Sacramento's process of sifting through legal and illegal initiatives. That's where the failure was. Ignorance is no excuse. Not even in Sacramento. They are mandated to follow the law.

What should have been done by these states who wanted legal pot, or any other federal statute revoked for some new trend, would have been to lobby Congress to change the federal listing of pot as Schedule 1 first, then downgrade it to a "legal" substance for recreation. But they jumped the gun and did it wrong. There seems to be a lot of that going on lately where states suddenly adopt some trend, usually some social trend from CA, and then force all other 49 states to abide by changing the law from the bottom up, without Congress' (the other 49 states') input.

This is a VERY bad precedent to set. It threatens the Union when rogue states force other states without their representation, to adopt repugnant ideas or laws without having a single voice of say in the process. Think about it. Sometimes even just one rogue judge in one rogue state can radically change longstanding social mores of all 50 states without their input or say, outside the Constitution and Congress, if the appeals process is oiled well enough for that rogue decision....

How Does California's Ballot Measure Process Work?
The proponents must submit the draft proposal to the Attorney General’s Office where the public can view it online and comment on it. This comment period lasts 30 days, and the proponents have five days following the end of the comment period to amend the proposal.....Within 50 days of submission to the Attorney General, the Legislative Analyst’s Office and Department of Finance conduct a joint analysis on the proposal’s expected impact on state and local revenues, as well as estimated costs. The Attorney General’s Office uses this analysis to write the title and summary for the measure, which will be submitted to the Secretary of State and included on the signature gathering petitions.

So the CA AG was remiss in allowing a federally-illegal proposal to go forward in the first place! I think this was Kamala Harris who allowed this illegal ballot measure to proceed. Those of you who invested tons and now stand to lose tons because you just realized pot is federally illegal, can thank Kamala Harris for leading you astray.
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The US government collects taxes from alcohol and tobacco. If those states are going to deal in it, there needs to be taxes paid on it.

I can't wait until states like Colorado and California gets their pot tax bill from the IRS. :lmao:
The US spends untold millions of dollars trying to get people to STOP smoking tobacco so why in the hell are some so hell bent on legalizing pot? Legalize pot then spend millions of dollars trying to convince people not to smoke it, talk about retarded did some stupid shit liberal think that up?
The little cracker asshole probably thought Reefer Madness was a documentary.
Fed law trumps state law. I do think sessions is biased cause he is about lazy as fuck when it comes to his job. THIS is what is important?
Fed gov shouldnt have a say in pot anyways. You know, the Constitution and all. Pretty sure the COTUS trumps fed law :dunno:
Use of legalized marijuana threatened as Sessions rescinds Obama-era directive that eased federal enforcement

Ok. So there's a conflict. Some states say pot is legal. The fed says it's not. Yet we are the UNITED states of America, bound under federal laws on certain vital issues to preserve the cohesion of the Union. Like it or not, narcotics are part of those federally regulated ideas. Presumably someone thought that it might not be good for productivity as a nation, nor as a strong citizenry to all be laced out on mind-altering drugs; easy pickin's for enemies internally and abroad.

Be that as it may, it is what it is. Likewise we have federal laws about immigration, collecting taxes, child trafficking, tampering with the mail, etc. etc.

What California, Colorado and all the other states that "legalized" pot did wrong was: they disobeyed federal law. Let's take CA as an example. There, some folks got a petition together to get an initiative on the ballot. The petition from there goes to Sacramento for approval for inclusion on the ballot. The minute a petition suggesting breaking federal law passed their desks in Sacramento, that's where the idea was mandated to die. Just because those people decided to let the farce continue, doesn't make it any more legal than if CA decided to vote on whether or not illegal aliens can become citizens without due process...or if CA decided on its own that the fed couldn't collect taxes there. Or if CA voted that the fed could no longer have military bases in CA.

The initiative "legalizing" pot is an illegal initiative. It is null and void upon its face. It was mandated to have never gotten beyond Sacramento's process of sifting through legal and illegal initiatives. That's where the failure was. Ignorance is no excuse. Not even in Sacramento. They are mandated to follow the law.

What should have been done by these states who wanted legal pot, or any other federal statute revoked for some new trend, would have been to lobby Congress to change the federal listing of pot as Schedule 1 first, then downgrade it to a "legal" substance for recreation. But they jumped the gun and did it wrong. There seems to be a lot of that going on lately where states suddenly adopt some trend, usually some social trend from CA, and then force all other 49 states to abide by changing the law from the bottom up, without Congress' (the other 49 states') input.

This is a VERY bad precedent to set.

How Does California's Ballot Measure Process Work?
The proponents must submit the draft proposal to the Attorney General’s Office where the public can view it online and comment on it. This comment period lasts 30 days, and the proponents have five days following the end of the comment period to amend the proposal.....Within 50 days of submission to the Attorney General, the Legislative Analyst’s Office and Department of Finance conduct a joint analysis on the proposal’s expected impact on state and local revenues, as well as estimated costs. The Attorney General’s Office uses this analysis to write the title and summary for the measure, which will be submitted to the Secretary of State and included on the signature gathering petitions.

So the CA AG was remiss in allowing a federally-illegal proposal to go forward in the first place! I think this was Kamala Harris who allowed this illegal ballot measure to proceed. Those of you who invested tons and now stand to lose tons because you just realized pot is federally illegal, can thank Kamala Harris for leading you astray.

If it is grown in the state and does nor cross state lines then the federal government has no jurisdiction. In that case the federal government has no jurisdiction. Nor does it violate any provision of the constitution. Interesting that Obama acceded to states rights but alleged conservative Sessions does not.
The US government collects taxes from alcohol and tobacco. If those states are going to deal in it, there needs to be taxes paid on it.

I can't wait until states like Colorado and California gets their pot tax bill from the IRS. :lmao:
Well they could avoid paying that pot tax bill from the feds by just introducing an initiative to their ballot this year that says "the fed can no longer collect taxes in California". It would be just as legal as the recreational weed law.
The US government collects taxes from alcohol and tobacco. If those states are going to deal in it, there needs to be taxes paid on it.

I can't wait until states like Colorado and California gets their pot tax bill from the IRS. :lmao:
The feds can't tax activity that is against fed law. All the states have done is repealed STATE laws making pot illegal. Federalism allows that. Now the feds could in theory prosecute people in pot-legal states for federal law violations.
For a libertarian, you aren't very libertarian.
Fed law trumps state law. I do think sessions is biased cause he is about lazy as fuck when it comes to his job. THIS is what is important?
Fed gov shouldnt have a say in pot anyways. You know, the Constitution and all. Pretty sure the COTUS trumps fed law :dunno:
But COTUS didn't act to take pot off Schedule 1. CA and CO etc. jumped the gun and did not seek the permission of the rest of the Union on pot.
The US spends untold millions of dollars trying to get people to STOP smoking tobacco so why in the hell are some so hell bent on legalizing pot? Legalize pot then spend millions of dollars trying to convince people not to smoke it, talk about retarded did some stupid shit liberal think that up?

Even though the states violating federal law need to have their dicks slapped by the DOJ, Sessions shouldn't be wasting his time on this shit. He really needs to be working on locking up the previous administration for their crimes instead.
Fed law trumps state law. I do think sessions is biased cause he is about lazy as fuck when it comes to his job. THIS is what is important?
Fed gov shouldnt have a say in pot anyways. You know, the Constitution and all. Pretty sure the COTUS trumps fed law :dunno:

The easy way out is for Congress to modify the Controlled Substances act of 1971 to remove pot from the list of banned substances.
The US government collects taxes from alcohol and tobacco. If those states are going to deal in it, there needs to be taxes paid on it.

I can't wait until states like Colorado and California gets their pot tax bill from the IRS. :lmao:
The fact you see taxation as a means to punish political enemies proves you're a loser.
The US spends untold millions of dollars trying to get people to STOP smoking tobacco so why in the hell are some so hell bent on legalizing pot? Legalize pot then spend millions of dollars trying to convince people not to smoke it, talk about retarded did some stupid shit liberal think that up?

Even though the states violating federal law need to have their dicks slapped by the DOJ, Sessions shouldn't be wasting his time on this shit. He really needs to be working on locking up the previous administration for their crimes instead.
Well then if they neglect this rogue fascism by rogue states, then the precedent will be set. I think attention to the Union's legal framework dissolving under a cloak of "fun" laws garners more attention that browbeating the dem has-beens from the last administration.
Ok. So there's a conflict. Some states say pot is legal. The fed says it's not. Yet we are the UNITED states of America, bound under federal laws on certain vital issues to preserve the cohesion of the Union. Like it or not, narcotics are part of those federally regulated ideas.

Cannabis has nothing to do with "narcotics".

Presumably someone thought that it might not be good for productivity as a nation, nor as a strong citizenry to all be laced out on mind-altering drugs; easy pickin's for enemies internally and abroad.

Then it's curious no one thought of that until 1937. After literally thousands of years of human consumption.

Why 1937? What changed? Aye there's the rub.
The US government collects taxes from alcohol and tobacco. If those states are going to deal in it, there needs to be taxes paid on it.

I can't wait until states like Colorado and California gets their pot tax bill from the IRS. :lmao:
The feds can't tax activity that is against fed law. All the states have done is repealed STATE laws making pot illegal. Federalism allows that. Now the feds could in theory prosecute people in pot-legal states for federal law violations.
For a libertarian, you aren't very libertarian.

Not entirely true. That's how the Feds took down Al Capone: Not for bootlegging and other crimes, but for tax evasion.

"A person’s taxable income will generally be subject to the same Federal income tax rules, regardless of whether the income was obtained legally or illegally."

Taxation of illegal income in the United States - Wikipedia
The US spends untold millions of dollars trying to get people to STOP smoking tobacco so why in the hell are some so hell bent on legalizing pot? Legalize pot then spend millions of dollars trying to convince people not to smoke it, talk about retarded did some stupid shit liberal think that up?

Even though the states violating federal law need to have their dicks slapped by the DOJ, Sessions shouldn't be wasting his time on this shit. He really needs to be working on locking up the previous administration for their crimes instead.
Well then if they neglect this rogue fascism by rogue states, then the precedent will be set. I think attention to the Union's legal framework dissolving under a cloak of "fun" laws garners more attention that browbeating the dem has-beens from the last administration.

You're mistaken.

It's the Federal perogative to enforce ITS OWN LAWS.

States don't have to ENFORCE Federal Law, they just can't obstruct federal law.

This is the difference between Nullification which was a Constitutional Crisis, and what's happening to day, which is general apathy.

If Jeff Sessions wants to send Federal Agents to enforce Federal Laws, by all means do it.

Stop being snow flakes.
The US government collects taxes from alcohol and tobacco. If those states are going to deal in it, there needs to be taxes paid on it.

I can't wait until states like Colorado and California gets their pot tax bill from the IRS. :lmao:
The feds can't tax activity that is against fed law. All the states have done is repealed STATE laws making pot illegal. Federalism allows that. Now the feds could in theory prosecute people in pot-legal states for federal law violations.
For a libertarian, you aren't very libertarian.

Not entirely true. That's how the Feds took down Al Capone: Not for bootlegging and other crimes, but for tax evasion.

"A person’s taxable income will generally be subject to the same Federal income tax rules, regardless of whether the income was obtained legally or illegally."

Taxation of illegal income in the United States - Wikipedia
State pot sellers have to pay federal income tax on profits.

For a libertarian, you aren't much of a libertarian.
Cannabis has nothing to do with "narcotics".
Then petition Congress to remove it from Schedule 1. Otherwise your state is practicing sedition of the Union. CA & CO did not seek permission from the other states to produce a substance their people object to. They didn't even have a chance for their reps to debate it. It was just dubbed upon their existence like a royal decree from a throne. That's not how we do things in the country.
The US spends untold millions of dollars trying to get people to STOP smoking tobacco so why in the hell are some so hell bent on legalizing pot? Legalize pot then spend millions of dollars trying to convince people not to smoke it, talk about retarded did some stupid shit liberal think that up?
One causes cancer and the other causes happiness. Any other stupid questions?
Be that as it may, it is what it is. Likewise we have federal laws about immigration, collecting taxes, child trafficking, tampering with the mail, etc. etc.

All of those are things that affect other people. Aye, there's another rub.

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