Sessions' words: he said he did not talk to them before he said he talked to them


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Sessions said he did not talk to the Russians. Then he said he talked to them twice. Sessions' context of the talks needs to be investigated. Period.

Sessions has recused himself. The Washington Post stated two days ago Sessions talked to Sergey Kislyak twice during the campaign. During the ratification process he told the Senate that " did not have communications with the Russians.” Later he said he had met with him twice. Sessions said he did no wrong but that he would recuse himself in any investigation. Jeff Sessions Is Recusing Himself. What Does That Mean?

"The episode stems from Sessions' appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify on his nomination to be attorney general. At the hearing, Minnesota Sen. Al Franken noted a report that the Trump campaign had had ongoing communications with the Russian government. If the reports prove true, Franken asked, "what will you do?" ///
Sessions answered a different question, first saying he didn't know anything about those activities and then adding: "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have – did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

Trump people throughout the campaign talked to the Russians: "Indeed, Sessions – whose Russian communications were investigated by the intelligence community, per a Wall Street Journal report Thursday – is just the latest Trump adviser reportedly scrutinized for ties to Russia, along with Flynn, former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former adviser Carter Page and Trump confidant Roger Stone. Indeed, there have been reports of " constant" communications between Team Trump and the Russian government."

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