Setting the record straight..."a rising tide lifts all boats”


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Contrary to all the disbelievers that EVIL RAYGUN said this first.. here is the context of why the beloved John F. Kennedy said it FIRST!!!

"Declaring that the absence of recession is not tantamount to economic growth, the president proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%,
He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Ironically, economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable.
Kennedy disagreed, arguing that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that strong economic growth would not continue without lower taxes. "
JFK on the Economy and Taxes - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum
Kennedy would be chased out of today's Democratic Party as a 1%er, and a racist.

And why not?

He WAS a one-percenter whose wealth was made by illegal activities by his crooked father. He was also a two-timing, philandering tomcat, who would have been assassinated anyways, by some jealous husband.
Contrary to all the disbelievers that EVIL RAYGUN said this first.. here is the context of why the beloved John F. Kennedy said it FIRST!!!

"Declaring that the absence of recession is not tantamount to economic growth, the president proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%,
He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Ironically, economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable.
Kennedy disagreed, arguing that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that strong economic growth would not continue without lower taxes. "
JFK on the Economy and Taxes - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Then let's go back to Kennedy's tax rates and bring back prosperity and low deficits.
Kennedy would be chased out of today's Democratic Party as a 1%er, and a racist.

And why not?

He WAS a one-percenter whose wealth was made by illegal activities by his crooked father. He was also a two-timing, philandering tomcat, who would have been assassinated anyways, by some jealous husband.

It didnt stop his brother from being lionized as the "Liberal Lion of the Senate".
Contrary to all the disbelievers that EVIL RAYGUN said this first.. here is the context of why the beloved John F. Kennedy said it FIRST!!!

"Declaring that the absence of recession is not tantamount to economic growth, the president proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%,
He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Ironically, economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable.
Kennedy disagreed, arguing that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that strong economic growth would not continue without lower taxes. "
JFK on the Economy and Taxes - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Then let's go back to Kennedy's tax rates and bring back prosperity and low deficits.

If we go back to Kennedy's deductions I'm good with it.
You recall that Reagans reforms eliminated most of those, right?
Contrary to all the disbelievers that EVIL RAYGUN said this first.. here is the context of why the beloved John F. Kennedy said it FIRST!!!

"Declaring that the absence of recession is not tantamount to economic growth, the president proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%,
He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Ironically, economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable.
Kennedy disagreed, arguing that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that strong economic growth would not continue without lower taxes. "
JFK on the Economy and Taxes - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Then let's go back to Kennedy's tax rates and bring back prosperity and low deficits.

If we go back to Kennedy's deductions I'm good with it.
You recall that Reagans reforms eliminated most of those, right?

I would believe something you posted without a reliable reference? Are you getting more retarded on daily basis?
Kennedy would be chased out of today's Democratic Party as a 1%er, and a racist.

And why not?

He WAS a one-percenter whose wealth was made by illegal activities by his crooked father. He was also a two-timing, philandering tomcat, who would have been assassinated anyways, by some jealous husband.

So he wasn't a Democrat in the Obama image?
JFK stated that a rising tide lifts all boats

Reagan made sure that the rising tide only lifts the yachts
Contrary to all the disbelievers that EVIL RAYGUN said this first.. here is the context of why the beloved John F. Kennedy said it FIRST!!!

"Declaring that the absence of recession is not tantamount to economic growth, the president proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65%,
He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Ironically, economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable.
Kennedy disagreed, arguing that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that strong economic growth would not continue without lower taxes. "
JFK on the Economy and Taxes - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Then let's go back to Kennedy's tax rates and bring back prosperity and low deficits.

If we go back to Kennedy's deductions I'm good with it.
You recall that Reagans reforms eliminated most of those, right?

What Reagan deductions were made from these current deductions?

Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes
  1. [*]$131.0 billion Benefits individual: Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Benefits Individual: Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Benefits Individual : Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 55.9 Benefits company: Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$ 49.1 Benefits company: Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$ 46.8 Benefits individuals and companies Deductibility of charitable contributions (Obama deducted $245,000 in donations)
    [*]$ 31.5 Benefits company: Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$ 30.0 Benefits individuals:Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$ 29.1 Benefits individuals:Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 28.4 Benefits individuals: Child credit
    [*]$ 24.2 Benefits individuals:Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$ 21.5 Benefits individuals:Step-up basis of capital gains at death
GRAND TOTAL OF loopholes, tax credits, etc...... $653.7 billion Of these 12 deductions how many benefit individuals? ALL of them.
9 benefits directly to individuals,employees,etc.. 3 benefits to individuals that own businesses or shares in corporations.
Then let's go back to Kennedy's tax rates and bring back prosperity and low deficits.

If we go back to Kennedy's deductions I'm good with it.
You recall that Reagans reforms eliminated most of those, right?

I would believe something you posted without a reliable reference? Are you getting more retarded on daily basis?

Translatiion: I'm too stupid to figure this out on my own so I'll deflect.
Hint: Nothing anyone would say that contradicts what you think will change your mind. You're kinda stupid that way.
Then let's go back to Kennedy's tax rates and bring back prosperity and low deficits.

If we go back to Kennedy's deductions I'm good with it.
You recall that Reagans reforms eliminated most of those, right?

What Reagan deductions were made from these current deductions?

Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes
  1. [*]$131.0 billion Benefits individual: Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Benefits Individual: Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Benefits Individual : Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 55.9 Benefits company: Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$ 49.1 Benefits company: Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$ 46.8 Benefits individuals and companies Deductibility of charitable contributions (Obama deducted $245,000 in donations)
    [*]$ 31.5 Benefits company: Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$ 30.0 Benefits individuals:Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$ 29.1 Benefits individuals:Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 28.4 Benefits individuals: Child credit
    [*]$ 24.2 Benefits individuals:Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$ 21.5 Benefits individuals:Step-up basis of capital gains at death
GRAND TOTAL OF loopholes, tax credits, etc...... $653.7 billion Of these 12 deductions how many benefit individuals? ALL of them.
9 benefits directly to individuals,employees,etc.. 3 benefits to individuals that own businesses or shares in corporations.
Prio to Reagan you could deduct any interest payment, even credit card interest.
Prior to Reagan you could income average if you had a big windfall one year.
I am sure there were others.
If we go back to Kennedy's deductions I'm good with it.
You recall that Reagans reforms eliminated most of those, right?

I would believe something you posted without a reliable reference? Are you getting more retarded on daily basis?

Translatiion: I'm too stupid to figure this out on my own so I'll deflect.
Hint: Nothing anyone would say that contradicts what you think will change your mind. You're kinda stupid that way.

This is how it's done:

from JFK's 1963 state of the union:

To achieve this reduction within the limits of a manageable budgetary deficit, I urge: first, that these cuts be phased over 3 calendar years, beginning in 1963 with a cut of some $6 billion at annual rates; second, that these reductions be coupled with selected structural changes, beginning in 1964, which will broaden the tax base, end unfair or unnecessary preferences, remove or lighten certain hardships, and in the net offset some $3.5 billion of the revenue loss; and third, that budgetary receipts at the outset be increased by $1.5 billion a year, without any change in tax liabilities, by gradually shifting the tax payments of large corporations to a . more current time schedule.

See? Contrary to your made up nonsense, Kennedy's tax plan did include the sort of reforms you claimed it didn't.

You are now getting more retarded on an intraday basis.
I absolutely laugh my head off every time I read some idiot saying we have to close the corporate loopholes so the 1% are screwed!
Because if the top 3 deductions that reduce tax payments are directly related to individuals!

Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes
  1. [*]$131.0 billion Benefits individual: Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Benefits Individual: Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Benefits Individual : Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    Over $300 billion a year in deductions that would IF eliminated affect all individuals that have company health plans, company pensions and
    individuals mortgage interest deductions!

    Every one of these deductions would AFFECT every one of the people who write on this forum yelling "close the loopholes"!!!

    Close them down and watch the massive destruction of our economy!
    Employees with no health insurance will die.
    Less money for employees retirement.
    And more expensive mortgage payments.
    Less money in everyone's pocket!

    so let's go ahead close the loop holes and increase the tax revenue by $300 billion a year so the Federal government can send

    9. A bus stop with heated pavement for the Washington area: $1 million. A lavish bus stop with heated pavement was built in Arlington, VA, but it has failed to keep commuters warm or dry.
    6. Study to find out if couples are happier when the woman calms down after argument: $335,525.
    5. Booze and crystal for the State Department: $5.4 million. The State Department went on a bender the week before the government shutdown, purchasing $5 million of “exquisite” crystal glassware to presumably drink the $400,000 in booze they purchased in 2013
    And these are just a few found at this list:
    Top 10 Examples of Government Waste in 2013
If Kennedy's claim was that he could cut taxes without cutting spending and still keep the budget balanced,

on the theory that the tax cuts would pay for themselves with increased revenues,

why is it that we had a surplus in 1960, but never saw another surplus until 1969?

Oh, the surplus in 1969 was the result of the income tax SURCHARGE that was imposed to pay for the Vietnam War.
I would believe something you posted without a reliable reference? Are you getting more retarded on daily basis?

Translatiion: I'm too stupid to figure this out on my own so I'll deflect.
Hint: Nothing anyone would say that contradicts what you think will change your mind. You're kinda stupid that way.

This is how it's done:

from JFK's 1963 state of the union:

To achieve this reduction within the limits of a manageable budgetary deficit, I urge: first, that these cuts be phased over 3 calendar years, beginning in 1963 with a cut of some $6 billion at annual rates; second, that these reductions be coupled with selected structural changes, beginning in 1964, which will broaden the tax base, end unfair or unnecessary preferences, remove or lighten certain hardships, and in the net offset some $3.5 billion of the revenue loss; and third, that budgetary receipts at the outset be increased by $1.5 billion a year, without any change in tax liabilities, by gradually shifting the tax payments of large corporations to a . more current time schedule.

See? Contrary to your made up nonsense, Kennedy's tax plan did include the sort of reforms you claimed it didn't.

You are now getting more retarded on an intraday basis.

You understand your post didnt refute anything I wrote, right?
Translatiion: I'm too stupid to figure this out on my own so I'll deflect.
Hint: Nothing anyone would say that contradicts what you think will change your mind. You're kinda stupid that way.

This is how it's done:

from JFK's 1963 state of the union:

To achieve this reduction within the limits of a manageable budgetary deficit, I urge: first, that these cuts be phased over 3 calendar years, beginning in 1963 with a cut of some $6 billion at annual rates; second, that these reductions be coupled with selected structural changes, beginning in 1964, which will broaden the tax base, end unfair or unnecessary preferences, remove or lighten certain hardships, and in the net offset some $3.5 billion of the revenue loss; and third, that budgetary receipts at the outset be increased by $1.5 billion a year, without any change in tax liabilities, by gradually shifting the tax payments of large corporations to a . more current time schedule.

See? Contrary to your made up nonsense, Kennedy's tax plan did include the sort of reforms you claimed it didn't.

You are now getting more retarded on an intraday basis.

You understand your post didnt refute anything I wrote, right?

That you don't understand that it did makes it even better.
This is how it's done:

from JFK's 1963 state of the union:

To achieve this reduction within the limits of a manageable budgetary deficit, I urge: first, that these cuts be phased over 3 calendar years, beginning in 1963 with a cut of some $6 billion at annual rates; second, that these reductions be coupled with selected structural changes, beginning in 1964, which will broaden the tax base, end unfair or unnecessary preferences, remove or lighten certain hardships, and in the net offset some $3.5 billion of the revenue loss; and third, that budgetary receipts at the outset be increased by $1.5 billion a year, without any change in tax liabilities, by gradually shifting the tax payments of large corporations to a . more current time schedule.

See? Contrary to your made up nonsense, Kennedy's tax plan did include the sort of reforms you claimed it didn't.

You are now getting more retarded on an intraday basis.

You understand your post didnt refute anything I wrote, right?

That you don't understand that it did makes it even better.

Wow, you are a joke. Your debate skills are like non-existent. Your critical thinking skills are on a par with a garlic press.
If we go back to Kennedy's deductions I'm good with it.
You recall that Reagans reforms eliminated most of those, right?

What Reagan deductions were made from these current deductions?

Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes
  1. [*]$131.0 billion Benefits individual: Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Benefits Individual: Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Benefits Individual : Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 55.9 Benefits company: Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$ 49.1 Benefits company: Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$ 46.8 Benefits individuals and companies Deductibility of charitable contributions (Obama deducted $245,000 in donations)
    [*]$ 31.5 Benefits company: Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$ 30.0 Benefits individuals:Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$ 29.1 Benefits individuals:Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 28.4 Benefits individuals: Child credit
    [*]$ 24.2 Benefits individuals:Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$ 21.5 Benefits individuals:Step-up basis of capital gains at death
GRAND TOTAL OF loopholes, tax credits, etc...... $653.7 billion Of these 12 deductions how many benefit individuals? ALL of them.
9 benefits directly to individuals,employees,etc.. 3 benefits to individuals that own businesses or shares in corporations.
Prio to Reagan you could deduct any interest payment, even credit card interest.
Prior to Reagan you could income average if you had a big windfall one year.
I am sure there were others.

So I agree with you re the above... but would you agree with your "evil wealthy" comrades that the above current deductions that THEY and maybe you decry
as ONLY helping the evil wealthy".. if eliminated would be MORE harmful to the general population then the $300 billion in additional revenue would provide?

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