its like I have said a dozen times in different threads , the next generations of Americans are going to love the society you are building Odium . Yeah on the child rapists but the young normal people in iran don't support their mullahs as can be seen by the Green Revolution that failed a few years ago , 2009 I think !!
its like I have said a dozen times in different threads , the next generations of Americans are going to love the society you are building Odium . Yeah on the child rapists but the young normal people in iran don't support their mullahs as can be seen by the Green Revolution that failed a few years ago , 2009 I think !!
Must not be mass support if it failed. The Mullahs are keeping a sane,safe,traditional society together with the corrupt influence of "new western values" creeping in...
That list is really digging to fins something wrong with US policy so that it can justify normalizing a nuclear Iran.
Well #7 is spot on. America and Israel are afraid of not having a free hand to invade and take over whatever country they want if Iran becomes nuclear.

It is our right to impose sanctions as we and our trading partners see fit and that includes strategic superiority in any particular region. If they don't want to play ball then they are going to have to deal with the fact that we will not trade with them and our partners will not either. That is their choice if they want nuclear capabilities.

In the end, I don't really give a shit what their 'motivation' might be for disliking America. I expect our government to look out for American interests whatever that might be. I think that it is clear that a nation that is run by bat shit insane people that want to see other nations wiped off the face of the planet and openly support terrorist organizations should not be allowed access to weapons as devastating as nuclear weapons are. In that end I have no qualms about economic sanction on Iran for its pursuit of the same.
No its not,and one day American is going to be the one that has sanctions put on it. :) That will be a glorious day to see u American Taliban fucks squeal.
No twisting of facts in any way in the 7 things listed. You must be kidding.
Oh then by all means tell us the truth almighty book of information....or are u as usual just running your mouth of diarrhea like right wing scum love to do.
thing is that Odiums hate is blinding him to reality . You want to see evil watch what irans sharia justice system and government does to Iranians .
Sharia law has some damn good points. We should make them use American law...where a child rapist only gets 10 years! Sounds great!
So is it really your position that a nation does not have the right to choose its trading partners? Really?
its like I have said a dozen times in different threads , the next generations of Americans are going to love the society you are building Odium . Yeah on the child rapists but the young normal people in iran don't support their mullahs as can be seen by the Green Revolution that failed a few years ago , 2009 I think !!
Must not be mass support if it failed. The Mullahs are keeping a sane,safe,traditional society together with the corrupt influence of "new western values" creeping in...
Yes, safe and traditional where women are stoned to death for adultery. Very safe and not corrupt at all....
its like I have said a dozen times in different threads , the next generations of Americans are going to love the society you are building Odium . Yeah on the child rapists but the young normal people in iran don't support their mullahs as can be seen by the Green Revolution that failed a few years ago , 2009 I think !!
Must not be mass support if it failed. The Mullahs are keeping a sane,safe,traditional society together with the corrupt influence of "new western values" creeping in...
Yes, safe and traditional where women are stoned to death for adultery. Very safe and not corrupt at all....
I would fix that. Both men and women would be :)

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