Several NYPD officers burned in chemical attack; Thug shot dead

I'm sure Dems will find some way to defend the attacker.

Why should they? Dead men tell no tales. He has already been tried, convicted and sentenced to death without benefit of due process.
Just because the cops say he did something doesn't make it true. Was the whole incident recorded for posterity? That would erase any suspicions I might have. After all, the dead man can't tell his side of the story!

Ah. So....if a suspect is trying to murder a cop....for the sake of due process the cops should NEVER use lethal force to defend themselves?

Please...inform us how cops can do this. If they are being shot at or stabbed or having a moltov cocktail or chenical thrown on can they make that arrest without using lethal force?
If a cop is attacked in the manner you say, of course he has the right to defend him/herself. But the public can never know for sure if the chain of events that preceded the death of the suspect transpired as the cops say they did. That is, unless a body cam or cell phone video from a disinterested party surfaces to back the cops claim. We have seen too many instances where cops have tampered with evidence or killed someone without knowing the affair was video taped, only to have their lies uncovered after the media gets ahold of it.

Without body cam or video evidence every shooting by cops is suspicious. I just do not trust them.

Ah of course. That dozen or so incidents means all 1,000,000 cops in America do the same thing right? Sigh....not this shit again.
we aren't talking about the 1000,000 cops in America. Only a handful ever draw their weapons. That dozen or so incidents where cops killed unjustifiably could be, proportionally, a high rate of all incidents where cops had to shoot or kill someone.

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