Sex is only for the rich in the US

Birth control is free. Go to any planned parenthood office. If paid for, birth control runs fro $9.00 a month for the pill to a couple of bucks for condoms. Anything less than what it is would be paying the poor to fuck.
Does a 14 year old have any business screwing around? Not really.

Do they do it? Definitely. Damn, in my area a girl was preggers at 13.

If a 14 year old needs to be protected from their own decisions, hence statutory rape laws and parent responsibility for minors, then shouldn't we instead work to make adult women who can't make responsible choices in their lives be put under the guardianship of responsible adults? Deny such women the right to drink, to vote, to drive, just like we do with children.
Does a 14 year old have any business screwing around? Not really.

Do they do it? Definitely. Damn, in my area a girl was preggers at 13.

If a 14 year old needs to be protected from their own decisions, hence statutory rape laws and parent responsibility for minors, then shouldn't we instead work to make adult women who can't make responsible choices in their lives be put under the guardianship of responsible adults? Deny such women the right to drink, to vote, to drive, just like we do with children.

How do you decide who can and who can't make decisions?

Wouldn't it be better to use EDUCATION to actually produce adults who can make their own decisions, rather than using education as a way of doing..... er... what it is schools do again?
Well it's not that they're too stupid to figure out the consequences, it's that often they can't afford the alternative.

They can't afford abstinence? Abstinence not contraception is the answer to these problems.

And back in reality where people actually have urges, and people do actually have sex, and people do actually like having sex and where people don't think they're going to hell if they have sex........
Rich or Poor should not make any difference. The criteria for engaging in any level of sexual intercourse us simple. ....

Are both parties of age to make potentially life changing decisions?

Are both parties prepared to accept the potential physical, emotional and financial consequences of the sexual act?

Are both parties consenting to the act?

So long as those three criteria are met, go right ahead. HOWEVER, this should also mean no abortions and no Government aid if a child us produced.

The point the article makes is this. Firstly, people are going to have sex, it's natural. Forget the rubbish Christianity has attempted to impose on us, sex is normal, it's natural.
Secondly, the US promotes not having sex by taking away education and access to contraception.

In doing so it leaves the poor and often under-educated up the duff more than they would probably like to be, it leaves them with diseases they'd probably not have.

Get a grip, ALL insurances now pay for BC.
So if poor people can't get birth control, how come PP plants its fat ass in the poorest neighborhoods?

"• The joint federal-state Medicaid program spent $1.8 billion for family planning services in FY 2010. The program reimburses providers for contraceptive and related services delivered to enrolled individuals. The federal government pays 90% of the cost of these services, and the states pay the remaining 10%.[6]

• Title X of the Public Health Service Act, the only federal program devoted specifically to supporting family planning services, contributed $228 million in FY 2010. It subsidizes services for women and men who do not meet the narrow eligibility requirements for Medicaid, maintains the national network of family planning centers and sets the standards for the provision of family planning services.[6]

• Even among Title X–supported centers, Medicaid was the largest national source of financial support in 2010. Medicaid contributed 37% of all revenue reported by these centers, and Title X provided 22%. The remaining 41% came from state and local governments, other federal programs, private insurance and fees paid by clients.[7]

• When inflation is taken into account, public funding for family planning client services increased 31% from FY 1980 to FY 2010.[6]"

The OP is a crock of shit, per usual. Progressives lying in order to promote a disgusting, depraved lifestyle. Their primary objective is to lure poor women and adolescents in to the sex industry.

Publicly Funded Family Planning Services in the United States

Yes, sex does happens a lot where you have a healthy and vibrant human trafficking industry.

Progressives would like everybody to think that if we stop facilitating underaged and risky sex, that they will no longer get any sex at all. So they make up lies meant to terrify people into accomodating it.
Birth control is free. Go to any planned parenthood office. If paid for, birth control runs fro $9.00 a month for the pill to a couple of bucks for condoms. Anything less than what it is would be paying the poor to fuck.

Poverty and a lack of education go hand in hand. Who goes to "planned parenthood office" at the age of 14 because they're fucking some kid down the street?

Oh, I just went on the planned parenthood webpage, pretended to be a 14 year old with no money from Axson GA, and wants some pleasure and stuff.
I can go in to their "local" office, it's only 100 miles away in Jacksonville. I guess if i were trying to hide this stuff from my parents and I don't have any money, it's going to be real convenient to not only go 100 miles to get birth control, but it's also not cheap, apparently.

Well, I might as well just do it without, seeing as that's all I can afford as a poor 14 year with no money. STDs and teenage pregnancy HERE I COME, at least it'll be fun for the first few minutes and then hell the rest of my life, but, fuck it (some pun intended).
So what, you maintain that our schools should provide abortions and birth control in the lunch line?
Rich or Poor should not make any difference. The criteria for engaging in any level of sexual intercourse us simple. ....

Are both parties of age to make potentially life changing decisions?

Are both parties prepared to accept the potential physical, emotional and financial consequences of the sexual act?

Are both parties consenting to the act?

So long as those three criteria are met, go right ahead. HOWEVER, this should also mean no abortions and no Government aid if a child us produced.

The point the article makes is this. Firstly, people are going to have sex, it's natural. Forget the rubbish Christianity has attempted to impose on us, sex is normal, it's natural.
Secondly, the US promotes not having sex by taking away education and access to contraception.

In doing so it leaves the poor and often under-educated up the duff more than they would probably like to be, it leaves them with diseases they'd probably not have.

Get a grip, ALL insurances now pay for BC.

Seeing as a nice case came before the Supreme Court about having a company with health insurance who didn't want their employees getting birth control, I'd say you're wrong.

Also, a 14 year old who doesn't want their parents to know they're doing it is going to be using the family health insurance to get contraceptives?
Rich or Poor should not make any difference. The criteria for engaging in any level of sexual intercourse us simple. ....

Are both parties of age to make potentially life changing decisions?

Are both parties prepared to accept the potential physical, emotional and financial consequences of the sexual act?

Are both parties consenting to the act?

So long as those three criteria are met, go right ahead. HOWEVER, this should also mean no abortions and no Government aid if a child us produced.

The point the article makes is this. Firstly, people are going to have sex, it's natural. Forget the rubbish Christianity has attempted to impose on us, sex is normal, it's natural.
Secondly, the US promotes not having sex by taking away education and access to contraception.

In doing so it leaves the poor and often under-educated up the duff more than they would probably like to be, it leaves them with diseases they'd probably not have.

Get a grip, ALL insurances now pay for BC.

Seeing as a nice case came before the Supreme Court about having a company with health insurance who didn't want their employees getting birth control, I'd say you're wrong.

Also, a 14 year old who doesn't want their parents to know they're doing it is going to be using the family health insurance to get contraceptives?

First,you are a kid someday you'll have a 14 year old then we can talk.

Second educate yourself as to the 4 meds NOT being covered were for........and never mind that the OTHER 15 are still covered.
Birth control is free. Go to any planned parenthood office. If paid for, birth control runs fro $9.00 a month for the pill to a couple of bucks for condoms. Anything less than what it is would be paying the poor to fuck.

Poverty and a lack of education go hand in hand. Who goes to "planned parenthood office" at the age of 14 because they're fucking some kid down the street?

Oh, I just went on the planned parenthood webpage, pretended to be a 14 year old with no money from Axson GA, and wants some pleasure and stuff.
I can go in to their "local" office, it's only 100 miles away in Jacksonville. I guess if i were trying to hide this stuff from my parents and I don't have any money, it's going to be real convenient to not only go 100 miles to get birth control, but it's also not cheap, apparently.

Well, I might as well just do it without, seeing as that's all I can afford as a poor 14 year with no money. STDs and teenage pregnancy HERE I COME, at least it'll be fun for the first few minutes and then hell the rest of my life, but, fuck it (some pun intended).

Southeast Health District -

Family planning services are provided directly by county health departments utilizing Title X funds, state and local funds. Services are provided in a private, customer-friendly atmosphere. Confidentiality of clients is respected and protected. Medical services covered under the Family Planning Program include:

  • Comprehensive assessment including history and examination, for males and females
  • Funds to pay for male and female FDA-approved contraception, including voluntary sterilization, and referral for those services
  • Evaluation and management of contraceptive-related problems
  • Laboratory tests as needed, such as Pap smear, urinalysis, hemoglobin, gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing, etc.
  • Level I infertility assessment and counseling if indicated
  • Postpartum evaluation
  • Referral for genetic assessment, testing and counseling, as needed
  • Evaluation and management of sexually transmitted diseases and common gynecological problems
  • Pregnancy testing and counseling
In addition to medical services, the Family Planning Program provides the following educational and/or counseling services:

  • Abstinence and pregnancy postponement counseling
  • Reproductive and preventive health education
  • Pre-conceptual counseling
  • Adoption awareness
  • Self breast/testicular examination
  • Counseling on risk factors associated with sexually transmitted diseases and HIV
  • Referral for substance abuse counseling
  • Tobacco cessation counseling and/or referral
  • Violence and sexual abuse counseling and referral
  • Counseling on risks and benefits of contraceptive methods
  • Problem-specific counseling and referral"
All free of charge, available in Pearson, which is 13.5 miles from Axson.
Does a 14 year old have any business screwing around? Not really.

Do they do it? Definitely. Damn, in my area a girl was preggers at 13.

If a 14 year old needs to be protected from their own decisions, hence statutory rape laws and parent responsibility for minors, then shouldn't we instead work to make adult women who can't make responsible choices in their lives be put under the guardianship of responsible adults? Deny such women the right to drink, to vote, to drive, just like we do with children.

How do you decide who can and who can't make decisions?

Wouldn't it be better to use EDUCATION to actually produce adults who can make their own decisions, rather than using education as a way of doing..... er... what it is schools do again?

Education doesn't work. Look at your own map.


The yokels in the Dakotas have lower teen pregnancy rates than the "educated" sophisticates in California, New York, New Jersey, Washington and Oregon.

What your map is showing you is the confounding effect of race. When you look within the "educated" states of New York and Washington, you're going to find a racial disparity. The whites of Washington have a teen birth rate similar to the low teen birth rate in nearly entirely white North Dakota. This means that ALL the kids in New York get the same education but the effect of the education only "sticks" with the white kids.

The teen girls in North Dakota have a pregnancy rate which comes close to matching the teen pregnancy rate of Canada and parts of Europe.

See here for the fact that no correlation seems to exist between "education" and teen pregnancy outcomes:

Over the past 40 years, millions of pounds have been spent by policy makers on numerous initiatives aimed at cutting teenage pregnancy rates in the U.K. However, identifying the impact of policy interventions on trends in underage conceptions since 1969 (shown in Figure 1) presents something of a challenge. Indeed, it is striking that the rate of conceptions to under-16s in England and Wales was almost exactly the same in 2009 as 40 years previously. Over this period, there have been a number of temporary movements in the series both up and down, but it is very difficult to establish a strong case that standard policy interventions have been at the root of such changes
Education doesn't work if all you're teaching them is how to be a great sex partner.

Education works just fine if you teach them the biological reality of our bodies, and refrain from waxing poetic about how wonderful things like homosexuality and out of wedlock sex are, and how we expect everybody to engage in both.
Well it's not that they're too stupid to figure out the consequences, it's that often they can't afford the alternative.

They can't afford abstinence? Abstinence not contraception is the answer to these problems.

Wasn't that the point the British writer was making. That Americans didn't want poor people to have sex, which is exactly what you're saying. Abstinence is free. You only want sex available to the rich.

Since you have to be wilfully stupid to believe that the young and the poor are going to abstain from sex, you deserve to pay higher taxes for the increased welfare and food stamps which will be the inevitable result.

Insurance companies are more than willing to provide birth control for women because it's cheaper than paying for prenatal care and a live birth. Insurance companies play the odds and win, by paying for the birth control.

Republicans, who refuse to deal in reality, keep thinking that they're promoting "personal responsibility", when in reality, they're encouraging the poor to gamble they won't get pregnant. I'd rather ensure that teenagers received free birth control than rely upon kids to abstain from sex. The same goes for the working poor. It's cheaper in both the short and the long run.

Conservatives are never practical in these matters. They're far too concerned with being moral
And back in reality where people actually have urges, and people do actually have sex, and people do actually like having sex and where people don't think they're going to hell if they have sex........

It's not a matter of having the urges. It's a matter of not giving in to them.
Teenage Pregnancy Rate in Canada:


Teenage Pregnancy Rate in the United States:


If the issue here is education, then looking at the outcomes in terms of pregnancy rates, it seems clear that one of two issues is playing out, either we teach children of different races differently and so they act on the education, or lack thereof, differently or we teach the children of all races the same information and they act on that information differently.

Our teen pregnancy rate for white girls is about the same was what Canadian girls face.
Well it's not that they're too stupid to figure out the consequences, it's that often they can't afford the alternative.

They can't afford abstinence? Abstinence not contraception is the answer to these problems.

Wasn't that the point the British writer was making. That Americans didn't want poor people to have sex, which is exactly what you're saying. Abstinence is free. You only want sex available to the rich.

Since you have to be wilfully stupid to believe that the young and the poor are going to abstain from sex, you deserve to pay higher taxes for the increased welfare and food stamps which will be the inevitable result.

Insurance companies are more than willing to provide birth control for women because it's cheaper than paying for prenatal care and a live birth. Insurance companies play the odds and win, by paying for the birth control.

Republicans, who refuse to deal in reality, keep thinking that they're promoting "personal responsibility", when in reality, they're encouraging the poor to gamble they won't get pregnant. I'd rather ensure that teenagers received free birth control than rely upon kids to abstain from sex. The same goes for the working poor. It's cheaper in both the short and the long run.

Conservatives are never practical in these matters. They're far too concerned with being moral

Wow this belongs in the conspiracies forum.

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