

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Not just any sex, but GAY sex!!

Now that I have your attention, watch this!!

[ame=]MSNBC Host Asks Her Little Daughter If She Would 'Marry A Girl' When She Grows Up - Krystal Ball - YouTube[/ame]

So is this indoctrination, or is this how the left generates information on what political positions to take?
Yes, let's ask a child barely out of diapers about big issues like gay marriage and the like.
MSNBC must be desperate.

Of COURSE a child is going to say that gay marriage is a good thing, because that's what children do. They agree with their parents.

I was pro-Traditional marriage for a long time because that's what my parents believed, then I decided that there logically isn't any problem for people to get married so long as they're consenting adults. But that took years of me, you know, growing up.
Wow, the right wing desperation is getting downright pathetic.

She asked the little girl if she would marry a boy, then asked if she would marry a girl, and discussed that all people can marry people, straight or gay in NY.

If this were a right wing discussion, she would likely be telling the little girl how only boys can marry girls, and that gay people are evil pedophiles.
Wow, the right wing desperation is getting downright pathetic.

She asked the little girl if she would marry a boy, then asked if she would marry a girl, and discussed that all people can marry people, straight or gay in NY.

If this were a right wing discussion, she would likely be telling the little girl how only boys can marry girls, and that gay people are evil pedophiles.

Uh first of all if it were a right winger, we wouldnt be having this conversation at this see right wingers like children to have childhood free of adult concerns and guilt.....unlike liberals who try to brainwas them as early as possible with kindergarden sex ed, global warming class and all the other bs crap.....It's pretty vicious to rob a child of thier youth and innocence for your political goals....and yeah that is me tebagging your FACE!!!!!!!!!
Wow, the right wing desperation is getting downright pathetic.

She asked the little girl if she would marry a boy, then asked if she would marry a girl, and discussed that all people can marry people, straight or gay in NY.

If this were a right wing discussion, she would likely be telling the little girl how only boys can marry girls, and that gay people are evil pedophiles.

Please, tell me more about how children are emotionally and mentally mature enough to actually have a clue what they're talking about.

And nice straw Republican there. Most Republicans simply disagree with gay marriage. I've never met a Republican that thought gay people were also pedophiles. The only "conservatives" I've met that thought gays were truly evil were ultra-religious people who think that all Republicans are RINOs and supported Rick Santorum.

Personally, I don't give a shit about gay marriage. I'm not gay, it's not my problem. That said, I don't see a problem with legalizing it. I don't see what it's hurting, allowing gays to marry. But I'm an adult.
Alot of conservatives are christians, and the bible states homosexuality is wrong, and marrige is between a man and woman. I was for civil unions, but thanks to gays for trying to force gay marrige down my throat. I've read more about it, and it states that if you even support a sin your as guilty of doing it. So i'm starting to go back on my first decision. Sorry, my God's beliefs are more important than man's beliefs.
Wow, the right wing desperation is getting downright pathetic.

She asked the little girl if she would marry a boy, then asked if she would marry a girl, and discussed that all people can marry people, straight or gay in NY.

If this were a right wing discussion, she would likely be telling the little girl how only boys can marry girls, and that gay people are evil pedophiles.

Uh first of all if it were a right winger, we wouldnt be having this conversation at this see right wingers like children to have childhood free of adult concerns and guilt.....unlike liberals who try to brainwas them as early as possible with kindergarden sex ed, global warming class and all the other bs crap.....It's pretty vicious to rob a child of thier youth and innocence for your political goals....and yeah that is me tebagging your FACE!!!!!!!!!

The hate from right wingers brainwashing their kids starts are birth. Just look at people like Glenn Beck that make propaganda children's books to brainwash their sheep.

It's been well documented that things like racism and bigotry are very commonly taught at early ages to brainwash children which is a right wing staple.
And yeah, that's me shitting and wiping my buttcheeks on your FACE! :lol:
Hide he gays from children.....they might catch it
Wow, the right wing desperation is getting downright pathetic.

She asked the little girl if she would marry a boy, then asked if she would marry a girl, and discussed that all people can marry people, straight or gay in NY.

If this were a right wing discussion, she would likely be telling the little girl how only boys can marry girls, and that gay people are evil pedophiles.

Uh first of all if it were a right winger, we wouldnt be having this conversation at this see right wingers like children to have childhood free of adult concerns and guilt.....unlike liberals who try to brainwas them as early as possible with kindergarden sex ed, global warming class and all the other bs crap.....It's pretty vicious to rob a child of thier youth and innocence for your political goals....and yeah that is me tebagging your FACE!!!!!!!!!

The hate from right wingers brainwashing their kids starts are birth. Just look at people like Glenn Beck that make propaganda children's books to brainwash their sheep.

It's been well documented that things like racism and bigotry are very commonly taught at early ages to brainwash children which is a right wing staple.
And yeah, that's me shitting and wiping my buttcheeks on your FACE! :lol:

Well we dont practice racism and bigotry, why do you always go to the democrats of the pre 70s for that...its your party that did it...not mine..Funny my father is a professor of chemistry, God fearing man and I never got this stuff....but the left is the master of hate...always has been....Again Democrats=HATE.....The Klan is democrat, just ask Robert Byrd....well I guess you cant...look it up.

Second of all show me the brainwashing Glenn Beck does...I didnt know he had a childrens book out.....What does he say in it...God is good.....OMG the brainwashing must stop....we want a country of gay atheists!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still teabaggin you.......please give me something're way too easy, if you dont come up with something good, I'm going to fart as well.
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Alot of conservatives are christians, and the bible states homosexuality is wrong, and marrige is between a man and woman. I was for civil unions, but thanks to gays for trying to force gay marrige down my throat. I've read more about it, and it states that if you even support a sin your as guilty of doing it. So i'm starting to go back on my first decision. Sorry, my God's beliefs are more important than man's beliefs.

God also states we are not to judge anyone, that is his job. Only He knows an individual inside and out and can make the proper judgement.

We are also told that we are to forgive others as HE gave His Son's life for our sins. None of us are sin free and no one sin is greater than the others, by His statutes that I have seen other than blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

I also do not understand how this subject is such a firestorm, yet daily there are those that commit adultery, lying, theft, murder, etc. yet they do not seem to have the importance of this one thing in which there is less in the Bible regarding it than all those others.

I also believe there are those that have chosen that life style due to pasts hurts, but there are many that are biologically/genetically born that way in which they do not have a choice and of which science does not know the answers to and God is the only one that does. I promise you most would not choose the pain and repercussions of it simply because.
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Alot of conservatives are christians, and the bible states homosexuality is wrong, and marrige is between a man and woman. I was for civil unions, but thanks to gays for trying to force gay marrige down my throat. I've read more about it, and it states that if you even support a sin your as guilty of doing it. So i'm starting to go back on my first decision. Sorry, my God's beliefs are more important than man's beliefs.

Religious beliefs do not belong in our politics. They may provide a good moral compass in your individual life but this is too close to religious c9ntrol in politics for me.

Keep in mind that I too believe civil unions are the solution. But I see it as a way to treat every American equal under the law rather than any kind of support for their individual lifestyles.
Man the left is sooooo pushing their gay agenda...

I'm sure that in the not too distant future a job applicant will be asked how they feel about gays
and their answer will help determine if they get the job or not.
Can't kids just be kids anymore?...
Does the school have to push sex ed on 3rd graders.
Do parents have any rights as to what social issues are shoved
down their kids throats.
I would say that this interview probably got Krystal Balls
her own show on MSNBC but....

She already has her own show.
Well she is a co host of a show anyway.
Liberals are afraid to let their children make up their own minds. They need the comforting effects of like-mindedness and conformation of group mentality. All minds must think alike. It is for the good of the people.

Liberalism is a mental disorder! Get over it!
Liberals are afraid to let their children make up their own minds. They need the comforting effects of like-mindedness and conformation of group mentality. All minds must think alike. It is for the good of the people.

Liberalism is a mental disorder! Get over it!

yep it's why they have the thought police, language patrol, and they have to get everyone thinking like them before they can think for themselves...
That interview is an example why real liberals (traditional liberals valuing individual rights and small government - focused on defense and commerce including regulation of avarice) want nothing to do with the gaggle of fake-liberal borderline fascists that have degraded the word "liberal" since the 1980s when they collaborated with ReagaNUTs to gut industrial America and create the debt-fueled asset-based bogus economy Junebug Bush flew into a cliff.
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