Sexual Abuse in Public Schools...

Almost 1 in 10 children, "subjected to sexual misconduct", in public schools according to this report. This is outrageous, time for teachers unions and their ties to the Democratic Party be dissolved in my opinion.


The failure of U.S. schools to protect students from sexual abuse by school personnel is a story of district cover-ups, lack of training, incomplete teacher background checks and little guidance from the U.S. Department of Education, according to a new federal report.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office said the nation’s K-12 schools lack a systemic approach to preventing and reporting educator sexual abuse of students, despite a problem that the report said affects an estimated 9.6 percent of students – nearly one in 10 – who are subjected to sexual misconduct by teachers, coaches, principals, bus drivers and other personnel during their K-12 career. That figure is from a 2004 report made to the U.S. Department of Education and is the most recent estimate available, according to the Government Accountability Office report released last week.

“Although states and school districts are taking some positive steps,” the report said, “current efforts are clearly not enough.”

Hampered by inadequate access to employee background information, school districts unwittingly hire teachers and staff accused of sexually abusing students in other districts and states, the report said. With little training on how to recognize early signs of predatory behavior, school employees don’t always pay attention to a colleague who is “grooming” a student for sexual abuse with inappropriate attention. And some school districts quietly dismiss teachers accused of potential child sexual abuse, without alerting future employers or seeking to revoke teaching credentials, the report said.

Schools failing to protect students from sexual abuse by school personnel federal report says EdSource
Yeah, they need more republicans in the school to influence the kids properly - like Denny Hastert.

You're recommending Denny Hastert, that's interesting.
Well, he is a family values republican after all. He is probably opposed to teacher's unions as well. Maybe Josh Duggar too. He's another upstanding republican who cares about kids.

I'm not up on the issue, has Denny Hastert been convicted of a crime?

I'm thinking the issue I'm posting on has no validity for you and you would rather distract than discuss it, am I right?
You're the one who started to politicize this implying that sexual misconduct in the schools is somehow the fault of democrats, teachers, and teacher's unions.

Basically, I couldn't help myself...:dunno:

You're welcome to discount my pre-conceived notions although you may consider that all my 4 children were schooled in California and I have plenty direct knowledge of the power of the Teachers Unions and Democratic Party influence. I might add that my children received great educations, had some great teachers and I tended to live in more desirable areas.
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Almost 1 in 10 children, "subjected to sexual misconduct", in public schools according to this report. This is outrageous, time for teachers unions and their ties to the Democratic Party be dissolved in my opinion.


The failure of U.S. schools to protect students from sexual abuse by school personnel is a story of district cover-ups, lack of training, incomplete teacher background checks and little guidance from the U.S. Department of Education, according to a new federal report.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office said the nation’s K-12 schools lack a systemic approach to preventing and reporting educator sexual abuse of students, despite a problem that the report said affects an estimated 9.6 percent of students – nearly one in 10 – who are subjected to sexual misconduct by teachers, coaches, principals, bus drivers and other personnel during their K-12 career. That figure is from a 2004 report made to the U.S. Department of Education and is the most recent estimate available, according to the Government Accountability Office report released last week.

“Although states and school districts are taking some positive steps,” the report said, “current efforts are clearly not enough.”

Hampered by inadequate access to employee background information, school districts unwittingly hire teachers and staff accused of sexually abusing students in other districts and states, the report said. With little training on how to recognize early signs of predatory behavior, school employees don’t always pay attention to a colleague who is “grooming” a student for sexual abuse with inappropriate attention. And some school districts quietly dismiss teachers accused of potential child sexual abuse, without alerting future employers or seeking to revoke teaching credentials, the report said.

Schools failing to protect students from sexual abuse by school personnel federal report says EdSource
Yeah, they need more republicans in the school to influence the kids properly - like Denny Hastert.

You're recommending Denny Hastert, that's interesting.
Well, he is a family values republican after all. He is probably opposed to teacher's unions as well. Maybe Josh Duggar too. He's another upstanding republican who cares about kids.

I'm not up on the issue, has Denny Hastert been convicted of a crime?

I'm thinking the issue I'm posting on has no validity for you and you would rather distract than discuss it, am I right?
It has to do with the link you posted on teachers abusing kids in grades k - 12.

Dennis Hastert allegedly abused teen boys while he was a teacher and first there was just 1 victim, the one coercing Hastert to pay him for the abuse, thus the huge withdrawals from his bank account that brought the FBI in to it, then there was a second accuser, and now there is a third victim coming forward....

the Lord says you need a minimum of two witnesses to accuse a person of a crime, 3 is the cherry on top....

If he's guilty they should cut of his balls and stick them down his throat. A skinning and daily salting would make me happy also.

Go "Game of Thrones" on the bastard (if he's found guilty)
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it was reported to the ADMINISTRATOR of the school, she or he did nothing.... ADMINS are not teachers nor a part of the teacher's union....but go ahead and bash teachers and libs....

what about the parents of the frickin 5 year old that sexually assaulted the other 5 year old....for goodness sakes....what in the world is going on in that household for a 5 year old to act this way?

When I was five years old, I recall all kinds of inappropriate behavior, including the one day I took a classmate around the corner during recess to play "show me yours and I'll show you mine." Of course, I was the one with my pants down when we got caught, which I guess is poetic justice since it was all my idea in the first place.

Anyway, five year olds do things they shouldn't, by and large because they don't understand that they shouldn't. I find it very difficult to say a five year old sexually assaulted a classmate. I suspect this is more likely a case of a five year old not understanding boundaries (as might be expected of their age) and touching a classmate a couple times, because unicorns. And the parents of the "victim" making mountains out of molehills in accordance with the time honored "my child's an angel" fallacy.

With all due respect, you are sadly mistaken. Very young children can and do abuse other children.

From the article:

To find out your five-year-old son has been sexually abused is, of course, devastating. But how do you cope when you find out that his abuser is his seven-year-old sister?

Claire's daughter Hannah was discovered abusing her brother, late last year. Both names have been changed to protect their identities.

"That was probably the darkest week of my life without a doubt," explains Claire.

"All the anger and the rage, the confusion, the revulsion. I couldn't look at her. I wanted to grab my son and run and never see her again. I was just terrified."

But Claire had more to face when it quickly emerged that Hannah had also been sexually abusing several other children.

Hannah is typical of one third of the children who display sexually harmful behaviour - to use the preferred clinical terminology - in that she has also been sexually abused herself."


Even after all this period of time has passed I still worry, what's she doing? I worry when she's at school. Is she being monitored? Are other children safe around her?

Claire, talking about daughter Hannah

BBC News - Newsnight - Hidden problem of children sexually abusing children

Hidden problem of children sexually abusing children
it was reported to the ADMINISTRATOR of the school, she or he did nothing.... ADMINS are not teachers nor a part of the teacher's union....but go ahead and bash teachers and libs....

what about the parents of the frickin 5 year old that sexually assaulted the other 5 year old....for goodness sakes....what in the world is going on in that household for a 5 year old to act this way?

When I was five years old, I recall all kinds of inappropriate behavior, including the one day I took a classmate around the corner during recess to play "show me yours and I'll show you mine." Of course, I was the one with my pants down when we got caught, which I guess is poetic justice since it was all my idea in the first place.

Anyway, five year olds do things they shouldn't, by and large because they don't understand that they shouldn't. I find it very difficult to say a five year old sexually assaulted a classmate. I suspect this is more likely a case of a five year old not understanding boundaries (as might be expected of their age) and touching a classmate a couple times, because unicorns. And the parents of the "victim" making mountains out of molehills in accordance with the time honored "my child's an angel" fallacy.

With all due respect, you are sadly mistaken. Very young children can and do abuse other children.

From the article:

To find out your five-year-old son has been sexually abused is, of course, devastating. But how do you cope when you find out that his abuser is his seven-year-old sister?

Claire's daughter Hannah was discovered abusing her brother, late last year. Both names have been changed to protect their identities.

"That was probably the darkest week of my life without a doubt," explains Claire.

"All the anger and the rage, the confusion, the revulsion. I couldn't look at her. I wanted to grab my son and run and never see her again. I was just terrified."

But Claire had more to face when it quickly emerged that Hannah had also been sexually abusing several other children.

Hannah is typical of one third of the children who display sexually harmful behaviour - to use the preferred clinical terminology - in that she has also been sexually abused herself."


Even after all this period of time has passed I still worry, what's she doing? I worry when she's at school. Is she being monitored? Are other children safe around her?

Claire, talking about daughter Hannah

BBC News - Newsnight - Hidden problem of children sexually abusing children

Hidden problem of children sexually abusing children
So, is this normal, if one in three prepubescent children sexually abuse other children, or is this "curiosity" at that age? I had read it was normal, and curiosity....between the ages of 4-7 yrs old....

but the way the first article was worded, it sounded like it was MORE than curiosity, like the victim was forced to give head, or something?
Luckily, I thought girls were icky when I was a kid.

When the hormones kicked around 13, it was a completely different story...:disbelief:
Luckily, I thought girls were icky when I was a kid.

When the hormones kicked around 13, it was a completely different story...:disbelief:
Not me....I never thought boys had cooties, I liked them from day 1.... they had all the fun things to do...softball, fishing,trucks to play with and erector sets....the heck with dollies and playing mommy! :D
it was reported to the ADMINISTRATOR of the school, she or he did nothing.... ADMINS are not teachers nor a part of the teacher's union....but go ahead and bash teachers and libs....

what about the parents of the frickin 5 year old that sexually assaulted the other 5 year old....for goodness sakes....what in the world is going on in that household for a 5 year old to act this way?

When I was five years old, I recall all kinds of inappropriate behavior, including the one day I took a classmate around the corner during recess to play "show me yours and I'll show you mine." Of course, I was the one with my pants down when we got caught, which I guess is poetic justice since it was all my idea in the first place.

Anyway, five year olds do things they shouldn't, by and large because they don't understand that they shouldn't. I find it very difficult to say a five year old sexually assaulted a classmate. I suspect this is more likely a case of a five year old not understanding boundaries (as might be expected of their age) and touching a classmate a couple times, because unicorns. And the parents of the "victim" making mountains out of molehills in accordance with the time honored "my child's an angel" fallacy.

With all due respect, you are sadly mistaken. Very young children can and do abuse other children.

From the article:

To find out your five-year-old son has been sexually abused is, of course, devastating. But how do you cope when you find out that his abuser is his seven-year-old sister?

Claire's daughter Hannah was discovered abusing her brother, late last year. Both names have been changed to protect their identities.

"That was probably the darkest week of my life without a doubt," explains Claire.

"All the anger and the rage, the confusion, the revulsion. I couldn't look at her. I wanted to grab my son and run and never see her again. I was just terrified."

But Claire had more to face when it quickly emerged that Hannah had also been sexually abusing several other children.

Hannah is typical of one third of the children who display sexually harmful behaviour - to use the preferred clinical terminology - in that she has also been sexually abused herself."


Even after all this period of time has passed I still worry, what's she doing? I worry when she's at school. Is she being monitored? Are other children safe around her?

Claire, talking about daughter Hannah

BBC News - Newsnight - Hidden problem of children sexually abusing children

Hidden problem of children sexually abusing children
So, is this normal, if one in three prepubescent children sexually abuse other children, or is this "curiosity" at that age? I had read it was normal, and curiosity....between the ages of 4-7 yrs old....

but the way the first article was worded, it sounded like it was MORE than curiosity, like the victim was forced to give head, or something?

Sex is sold to our kids also, especially if we as parents don't parent and protect them. Granted, it must be far more difficult now-a-days with interest groups pushing their lifestyle choices and government usurping parental rights.
Luckily, I thought girls were icky when I was a kid.

When the hormones kicked around 13, it was a completely different story...:disbelief:
Not me....I never thought boys had cooties, I liked them from day 1.... they had all the fun things to do...softball, fishing,trucks to play with and erector sets....the heck with dollies and playing mommy! :D

I would have considered you a pain in the neck, now, I'd consider you an occasional pain in the neck...:laugh:

I've always respected you and I admit, when we disagree, I sure hope my A-game shows up..anything less and I'm toast.
With all due respect, you are sadly mistaken. Very young children can and do abuse other children.

I did not say that young children don't touch other children inappropriately. I simply doubt that it can be classified as sexual assault, and I am very skeptical of that claim being made. We live in such a PC world, where 10 year olds can get arrested and charged with theft for taking another kid's nickel. So sure, there are alot of children out there who inappropriately touch other children in the genitals. But without a doubt, at least the vast majority of these are a matter of young children being children, and not understanding appropriate socialization.

It is absolutely absurd to compare the behavior of 5 year olds to adult behavior. When you say that a 5 year old is sexually abusing a classmate, that's exactly what you are doing. You are putting their behavior on par with a grown adult who is fondling 5 year olds. A 5 year old is at an age when they are testing limits and taboos. There are many reasons otherwise innocent reasons why a five year old might touch a classmate's nether region. They might simply be trying to test limits. They might be trying to figure out why doing so is a no-no. Less innocently, they might be trying to exert some kind of dominance by doing something they "know" is supposed to be wrong, even when not being able to fully understand why it is wrong. Or, as you pointed out yourself, they might be recreating behavior that has been inflicted upon them, which further damaged their ability to conceptualize the right and wrong of it all.

If a grown man exposes himself to a five year old, that's considered a sex crime. So, did I commit a sex crime when I was 5 years old and was showing my stuff to a little girl in my class? Are you really prepared to say that 99% of the human population were sex criminals by the time they entered the first grade?
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it was reported to the ADMINISTRATOR of the school, she or he did nothing.... ADMINS are not teachers nor a part of the teacher's union....but go ahead and bash teachers and libs....

what about the parents of the frickin 5 year old that sexually assaulted the other 5 year old....for goodness sakes....what in the world is going on in that household for a 5 year old to act this way?

When I was five years old, I recall all kinds of inappropriate behavior, including the one day I took a classmate around the corner during recess to play "show me yours and I'll show you mine." Of course, I was the one with my pants down when we got caught, which I guess is poetic justice since it was all my idea in the first place.

Anyway, five year olds do things they shouldn't, by and large because they don't understand that they shouldn't. I find it very difficult to say a five year old sexually assaulted a classmate. I suspect this is more likely a case of a five year old not understanding boundaries (as might be expected of their age) and touching a classmate a couple times, because unicorns. And the parents of the "victim" making mountains out of molehills in accordance with the time honored "my child's an angel" fallacy.

With all due respect, you are sadly mistaken. Very young children can and do abuse other children.

From the article:

To find out your five-year-old son has been sexually abused is, of course, devastating. But how do you cope when you find out that his abuser is his seven-year-old sister?

Claire's daughter Hannah was discovered abusing her brother, late last year. Both names have been changed to protect their identities.

"That was probably the darkest week of my life without a doubt," explains Claire.

"All the anger and the rage, the confusion, the revulsion. I couldn't look at her. I wanted to grab my son and run and never see her again. I was just terrified."

But Claire had more to face when it quickly emerged that Hannah had also been sexually abusing several other children.

Hannah is typical of one third of the children who display sexually harmful behaviour - to use the preferred clinical terminology - in that she has also been sexually abused herself."


Even after all this period of time has passed I still worry, what's she doing? I worry when she's at school. Is she being monitored? Are other children safe around her?

Claire, talking about daughter Hannah

BBC News - Newsnight - Hidden problem of children sexually abusing children

Hidden problem of children sexually abusing children
So, is this normal, if one in three prepubescent children sexually abuse other children, or is this "curiosity" at that age? I had read it was normal, and curiosity....between the ages of 4-7 yrs old....

but the way the first article was worded, it sounded like it was MORE than curiosity, like the victim was forced to give head, or something?

Ok I had to go back and double check but the one third doesn't mean one third of all children sexually abuse other children.

It refers to Hannah's group of children who display sexually harmful behaviour. The ones that had been sexually abused comprise one third of the children studied.

Playing doctor or playing I'll show you mine if you show me yours is normal innocent childhood behaviour . I remember being upset that I was gipped because I had to sit to pee. No fair! I guess I had penis envy as a kid :lol: I couldn't make patterns on walls or anything.

But this is something different. Along the lines of child sexual abusers. Very sad but if one thinks about the prevalence of children being abused then it's not far fetched to think that it's possible that a child like Hannah would act in the same manner as her perpetrator and not think it strange.

Aye carumba! I don't know how that poor mom is going to handle it but at least she's getting professional help.
With all due respect, you are sadly mistaken. Very young children can and do abuse other children.

I did not say that young children don't touch other children inappropriately. I simply doubt that it can be classified as sexual assault, and I am very skeptical of that claim being made. We live in such a PC world, where 10 year olds can get arrested and charged with theft for taking another kid's nickel. So sure, there are alot of children out there who inappropriately touch other children in the genitals. But without a doubt, at least the vast majority of these are a matter of young children being children, and not understanding appropriate socialization.

It is absolutely absurd to compare the behavior of 5 year olds to adult behavior. When you say that a 5 year old is sexually abusing a classmate, that's exactly what you are doing. You are putting their behavior on par with a grown adult who is fondling 5 year olds. A 5 year old is at an age when they are testing limits and taboos. There are many reasons otherwise innocent reasons why a five year old might touch a classmate's nether region. They might simply be trying to test limits. They might be trying to figure out why doing so is a no-no. Less innocently, they might be trying to exert some kind of dominance by doing something they "know" is supposed to be wrong, even when not being able to fully understand why it is wrong. Or, as you pointed out yourself, they might be recreating behavior that has been inflicted upon them, which further damaged their ability to conceptualize the right and wrong of it all.

If a grown man exposes himself to a five year old, that's considered a sex crime. So, did I commit a sex crime when I was 5 years old and was showing my stuff to a little girl in my class? Are you really prepared to say that 99% of the human population were sex criminals by the time they entered the first grade?

I'm going by what the professionals have studied and written about. The studies are out there. And we're not talking about playing doctor here. That's just innocent childhood behaviour.

Child on child abuse is recognized.
Just the tip off the iceberg.

A mother is filing a lawsuit against the Chicago Public Schools claiming that her son was sexually assaulted.

A Chicago family is challenged in finding resources to help their son, who is now 6, because last year they say sexual abuse by another child turned their happy little boy into a boy who is afraid and is acting out. They say they are taking action to protect their son and other children.

Each school day, staff at Chicago Public Schools supervise thousands of students. Now, a local family questions whether a kindergartener at Wendell Smith Elementary was protected from the sexual abuse of another child last year.

"This case is about holding CPS and the Board of Education for what they should have done which is to protect all of the children involved in this incident," said Jessica Arbour, attorney for the child.

A federal lawsuit naming Chicago Public Schools alleges the 5-year-old's rights were violated when another 5-year-old forced him to engage in sexual acts in a school bathroom, and that Smith school administrators did not take appropriate action after an initial complaint. As a result, the boy was allegedly victimized two more times.

Unions say otherwise.....
Just the tip off the iceberg.

A mother is filing a lawsuit against the Chicago Public Schools claiming that her son was sexually assaulted.

A Chicago family is challenged in finding resources to help their son, who is now 6, because last year they say sexual abuse by another child turned their happy little boy into a boy who is afraid and is acting out. They say they are taking action to protect their son and other children.

Each school day, staff at Chicago Public Schools supervise thousands of students. Now, a local family questions whether a kindergartener at Wendell Smith Elementary was protected from the sexual abuse of another child last year.

"This case is about holding CPS and the Board of Education for what they should have done which is to protect all of the children involved in this incident," said Jessica Arbour, attorney for the child.

A federal lawsuit naming Chicago Public Schools alleges the 5-year-old's rights were violated when another 5-year-old forced him to engage in sexual acts in a school bathroom, and that Smith school administrators did not take appropriate action after an initial complaint. As a result, the boy was allegedly victimized two more times.

Unions say otherwise.....
Of course....Prisons are full of inmates that say otherwise.

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