Sexual behavior should have at least an R rating

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your point.
Your original post, emphasis mine:
As far as I’m concerned any sexual behavior should have at least an R rating. Keep it private and away from kids, and no one should be allowed to bother you about it. Insist on going public, and we've got a problem.

For normal heterosexuals, this means keeping your damn clothes on. Guys: keep your pants from falling down over your underwear, and ladies: a little cleavage and leg is nice, but more is not always better. And if you must kiss each other in public- keep it short and respectful. No grabbing boobs and ass.

This "rule" would preclude gay marriage, gay parents, gay adoptions, gay teachers, gays on TV, transsexual passports, and discussions about gay cowboy movies in the mass media.
Tell me, how are gay marraige, gay parents, gay adoptions, gay teachers, gays on TV, transexual passports, and discussions about gay cowboy movies in the mass media considered "sexual behavior" when hetero marriage, hetero parents, hetero adotpions, hetero teachers, heteros on TV, hetero passports, and discussions about hetero cowboy movies in the mass media are not?
Okay, I concede that point. Sorry, I mistook what you had said.

Sometimes it's the only thing a person can think of on the spot. However, because you view it so doesn't necessitate it as being so. I'm not advocating children be forced to grow up around it, but they'll find out eventually. And as I said prior, if you don't want them to be exposed to it, why don't you actively prevent them from being exposed. Maybe some parents want their children to be exposed for the simple fact of knowing about others that are different, so there's no reason to try and mass-censor.

Apology accepted.

If you don't advocate children being forced to grow up around it, then you should agree with me that gay adoptions arre wrong. And by extension, gay teachers, gays on TV, transsexual passports, and discussions about gay cowboy movies in the mass media, all attempted to be legitimized by gay marriage, are also wrong.
....Tell me, how are ..... hetero marriage, hetero parents, hetero adotpions, hetero teachers, heteros on TV, hetero passports, and discussions about hetero cowboy movies in the mass media [not considered "sexual behavior"]?
You are kidding, right?
Apology accepted.

If you don't advocate children being forced to grow up around it, then you should agree with me that gay adoptions arre wrong. And by extension, gay teachers, gays on TV, transsexual passports, and discussions about gay cowboy movies in the mass media, all attempted to be legitimized by gay marriage, are also wrong.
1.) I'm gay
2.) I'm pro gay adoption.
3.) Because I don't advocate something doesn't necessarily mean I condemn it.
No. Explain how those things are sexual behaivors when gay but aren't when straight. Don't pose "are you serious?" or "are you an idiot?" retorts; answer the question.


No. Explain how those things are sexual behaivors when gay but aren't when straight. Don't pose "are you serious?" or "are you an idiot?" retorts; answer the question.


Because gay is all about abnormal sexual behavior. Take TV for example. If the characters didn’t say that they were gay, then the show would not include sexual references.

N contrast, heteros doing normal things can be about anything.
You assume too much. What consenting adults do behind closed doors doesn't interest me in the least.

Maybe you could be more clear then. I'm reading what you write. You have a problem with gays it seems. No assuming there.

BTW...I don't agree with the lifestyle, but I'm not going to try an control that group by not allowing them on tv or to teach in schools either.
What I have a problem with is a well organized ploitical group forcing their agenda on society. Gays about 1% of the population but are prevalent on TV and movies. I have a real problem with gays recruiting members by teaching children, and especially by adoption. To me in these worst cases that's child abuse, made worse because its allowed- even encouraged, by liberals who run the adoption agencies.

But as far as having a problem with gays who respect societal norms- no problem here.

Hate the sin but love the sinner!
What I have a problem with is a well organized ploitical group forcing their agenda on society. Gays about 1% of the population but are prevalent on TV and movies. I have a real problem with gays recruiting members by teaching children, and especially by adoption. To me in these worst cases that's child abuse, made worse because its allowed- even encouraged, by liberals who run the adoption agencies.

But as far as having a problem with gays who respect societal norms- no problem here.

Hate the sin but love the sinner!

Agreed--the big rush to get out of the closet has gone so far as to nearly defeat it's original purpose. Why does it have to be a parade that everyone has to attend?
What I have a problem with is a well organized ploitical group forcing their agenda on society. Gays about 1% of the population but are prevalent on TV and movies. I have a real problem with gays recruiting members by teaching children, and especially by adoption. To me in these worst cases that's child abuse, made worse because its allowed- even encouraged, by liberals who run the adoption agencies.

But as far as having a problem with gays who respect societal norms- no problem here.

Hate the sin but love the sinner!

Ok, I agree and disagree but lets focus on this...
But as far as having a problem with gays who respect societal norms- no problem here.
What norms are they not respecting? Beside the push for Marriage, which is failing.
What I have a problem with is a well organized ploitical group forcing their agenda on society. Gays about 1% of the population but are prevalent on TV and movies. I have a real problem with gays recruiting members by teaching children, and especially by adoption. To me in these worst cases that's child abuse, made worse because its allowed- even encouraged, by liberals who run the adoption agencies.

But as far as having a problem with gays who respect societal norms- no problem here.

Hate the sin but love the sinner!
Yes, because the gays are all out to get your children and force them to do the impossible and become gay.

And gay adoption is being correlated to child abuse? I'm sorry, but how? Gay people don't keep their company strictly to other gay people if you're getting at a lack of a father/mother figure. And do you know why it's encouraged? It's better for a child to be taken in by gay parents than to leave them without parents in an orphanage or to leave them with a straight couple who'd abuse them.
Because gay is all about abnormal sexual behavior. Take TV for example. If the characters didn’t say that they were gay, then the show would not include sexual references.

N contrast, heteros doing normal things can be about anything.
So do I get to pick abnormal behaivor that I don't like to be stricken from the public eye, or just you?

Being fat is unhealthy and bad for you, and a bad example for children. I don't mind if you wanna be fat, just stay the indoors and away from the children. Heaven forbid we have to explain your condition to them.
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What I have a problem with is a well organized ploitical group forcing their agenda on society. Gays about 1% of the population but are prevalent on TV and movies. I have a real problem with gays recruiting members by teaching children, and especially by adoption. To me in these worst cases that's child abuse, made worse because its allowed- even encouraged, by liberals who run the adoption agencies.

But as far as having a problem with gays who respect societal norms- no problem here.

Hate the sin but love the sinner!
Fat people shouldn't be allowed to adopt. Or smokers. Or people who speed. Or people who don't wear their seatbelts.
Ok, I agree and disagree but lets focus on this...
What norms are they not respecting? Beside the push for Marriage, which is failing.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but.. gay adoption, gay sexual inuendos on TV and movies, gay teachers....
Yes, because the gays are all out to get your children and force them to do the impossible and become gay.

And gay adoption is being correlated to child abuse? I'm sorry, but how? Gay people don't keep their company strictly to other gay people if you're getting at a lack of a father/mother figure. And do you know why it's encouraged? It's better for a child to be taken in by gay parents than to leave them without parents in an orphanage or to leave them with a straight couple who'd abuse them.

Yes, because the gays are all out to get your children and force them to do the impossible and become gay.

And gay adoption is being correlated to child abuse? I'm sorry, but how? Gay people don't keep their company strictly to other gay people if you're getting at a lack of a father/mother figure. And do you know why it's encouraged? It's better for a child to be taken in by gay parents than to leave them without parents in an orphanage or to leave them with a straight couple who'd abuse them.

I appreciate your humor, but seriously- are you denying that an impressionable child can't be "turned gay"?

It is best for orphans to be adopted by a loving married mother and father. Until there is a shortage of these, and statistics show otherwise, then gays should not be allowed to adopt.

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