"Sexual Harassment"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
In quotes because I think our hyper-PC culture is going too far of late about such claims. Other day some resident teen boy here was whistling at women by the pool. It reminded me of some documentary a woman made where she walked around city streets and confronts men whistling or making suggestive remarks at her on her video camera. Her assertion being it's disrespectful and/or sexual harassment. Here's my problem with it in general, if women don't want their appearence brought up in flattering ways why do they dress in ways which emphasize or accentuate their femininity? They show they bare legs, wear tops that reveal their clevage, and wear make-up like lipstick which is meant to symbolize their labias. Whereas men aren't wearing clothes showing their six-pack abs or muscles, as in at work I mean. Yet women both use their sexuality in the professional world for their advantage but then cry foul if anyone dares mention it. That's a complete double-standard.

I'm not saying they're asking for it so much as they're being hypocritical about it a lot of the time. If you don't want you physical body commented on, leered at, or whistled at, dress as conservatively as your male counterparts. Then at least if it still happens you actually have a case.
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In quotes because I think our hyper-PC culture is going too far of late about such claims. Other day some resident teen boy here was whistling at women by the pool. It reminded me of some documentary a woman made where she walked around city streets and confronts men whistling or making suggestive remarks at her on her video camera. Her assertion being it's disrespectful and/or sexual harassment. Here's my problem with it in general, if women don't want their appearence brought up in flattering ways why do they dress in ways which emphasize or accentuate their femininity? They show they bare legs, wear tops that reveal their clevage, and wear make-up like lipstick which is meant to symbolize their labias. Whereas men aren't wearing clothes showing their six-pack abs or muscles, as in at work I mean. Yet women both use their sexuality in the professional world for their advantage but then cry foul if anyone dares mention it. That's a complete double-standard.

I'm not saying they're asking for it so much as they're being hypocritical about it a lot of the time. If you don't want you physical body commented on, leered at, or whistled at, dress as conservatively as your male counterparts. Then at least if it still happens you actually have a case.

Indeed----and now we have "stare rape". :doubt:
I'm actually amazed that so many men have the self-control to not go around grabbing asses and tits with the way some women dress, never mind a whistle or a comment.

Do women actually have the nerve to get offended if they are showing it all, and a guy walking by decides to compliment them on their evident desire to be desired, by saying. "Nice tits, lady" ?
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I'm actually amazed that so many men have the self-control to not go around grabbing asses and tits with the way some women dress, never mind a whistle or a comment.

Do women actually have the nerve to get offended if they are showing it all, and a guy walking by decides to compliment them on their evident desire to be desired, by saying. "Nice tits, lady" ?

Would think with women who get their breasts augmented at least "Nice tits." wouldn't be out of line. :)
In quotes because I think our hyper-PC culture is going too far of late about such claims. Other day some resident teen boy here was whistling at women by the pool. It reminded me of some documentary a woman made where she walked around city streets and confronts men whistling or making suggestive remarks at her on her video camera. Her assertion being it's disrespectful and/or sexual harassment. Here's my problem with it in general, if women don't want their appearence brought up in flattering ways why do they dress in ways which emphasize or accentuate their femininity? They show they bare legs, wear tops that reveal their clevage, and wear make-up like lipstick which is meant to symbolize their labias. Whereas men aren't wearing clothes showing their six-pack abs or muscles, as in at work I mean. Yet women both use their sexuality in the professional world for their advantage but then cry foul if anyone dares mention it. That's a complete double-standard.

I'm not saying they're asking for it so much as they're being hypocritical about it a lot of the time. If you don't want you physical body commented on, leered at, or whistled at, dress as conservatively as your male counterparts. Then at least if it still happens you actually have a case.

Indeed----and now we have "stare rape". :doubt:

Stare rape? Just when I think I have a handle on how crazy people are I'm thrown for a loop with yet more insanity.
In quotes because I think our hyper-PC culture is going too far of late about such claims. Other day some resident teen boy here was whistling at women by the pool. It reminded me of some documentary a woman made where she walked around city streets and confronts men whistling or making suggestive remarks at her on her video camera. Her assertion being it's disrespectful and/or sexual harassment. Here's my problem with it in general, if women don't want their appearence brought up in flattering ways why do they dress in ways which emphasize or accentuate their femininity? They show they bare legs, wear tops that reveal their clevage, and wear make-up like lipstick which is meant to symbolize their labias. Whereas men aren't wearing clothes showing their six-pack abs or muscles, as in at work I mean. Yet women both use their sexuality in the professional world for their advantage but then cry foul if anyone dares mention it. That's a complete double-standard.

I'm not saying they're asking for it so much as they're being hypocritical about it a lot of the time. If you don't want you physical body commented on, leered at, or whistled at, dress as conservatively as your male counterparts. Then at least if it still happens you actually have a case.

Indeed----and now we have "stare rape". :doubt:

Stare rape? Just when I think I have a handle on how crazy people are I'm thrown for a loop with yet more insanity.

Liberals can't stop. Insanity is an addiction.
In quotes because I think our hyper-PC culture is going too far of late about such claims. Other day some resident teen boy here was whistling at women by the pool. It reminded me of some documentary a woman made where she walked around city streets and confronts men whistling or making suggestive remarks at her on her video camera. Her assertion being it's disrespectful and/or sexual harassment. Here's my problem with it in general, if women don't want their appearence brought up in flattering ways why do they dress in ways which emphasize or accentuate their femininity? They show they bare legs, wear tops that reveal their clevage, and wear make-up like lipstick which is meant to symbolize their labias. Whereas men aren't wearing clothes showing their six-pack abs or muscles, as in at work I mean. Yet women both use their sexuality in the professional world for their advantage but then cry foul if anyone dares mention it. That's a complete double-standard.

I'm not saying they're asking for it so much as they're being hypocritical about it a lot of the time. If you don't want you physical body commented on, leered at, or whistled at, dress as conservatively as your male counterparts. Then at least if it still happens you actually have a case.

Indeed----and now we have "stare rape". :doubt:[/QUOTE]

Staring at/leering at any woman is a crime.

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In quotes because I think our hyper-PC culture is going too far of late about such claims. Other day some resident teen boy here was whistling at women by the pool. It reminded me of some documentary a woman made where she walked around city streets and confronts men whistling or making suggestive remarks at her on her video camera. Her assertion being it's disrespectful and/or sexual harassment. Here's my problem with it in general, if women don't want their appearence brought up in flattering ways why do they dress in ways which emphasize or accentuate their femininity? They show they bare legs, wear tops that reveal their clevage, and wear make-up like lipstick which is meant to symbolize their labias. Whereas men aren't wearing clothes showing their six-pack abs or muscles, as in at work I mean. Yet women both use their sexuality in the professional world for their advantage but then cry foul if anyone dares mention it. That's a complete double-standard.

I'm not saying they're asking for it so much as they're being hypocritical about it a lot of the time. If you don't want you physical body commented on, leered at, or whistled at, dress as conservatively as your male counterparts. Then at least if it still happens you actually have a case.

It's all that 'satanic dress' and 'uncovered meat'...some people say.;

Muslim cleric: women incite men's lust with 'satanic dress' - National - www.smh.com.au

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

"The uncovered meat is the problem."
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We need to agree what the rules are in each setting,
and agree to follow the same rules. Every community and business community
may have a different process, and this will bring people together to share responsibility.

Teachers can't run a classroom or school without personally going over the rules with the students and process if these are broken. It's one thing to have a handbook posted online, and another thing to have students sign their names, in order to participate in class.

We need each district to have a process where residents agree to follow set procedures including confrontation between suspects and police, or policies on "dangerous dogs" etc etc.

Agree what the rules and procedures are, Where people agree that anything outside that is going to look like harassment, evading police, nuisance behavior, breach of the peace, etc.

In quotes because I think our hyper-PC culture is going too far of late about such claims. Other day some resident teen boy here was whistling at women by the pool. It reminded me of some documentary a woman made where she walked around city streets and confronts men whistling or making suggestive remarks at her on her video camera. Her assertion being it's disrespectful and/or sexual harassment. Here's my problem with it in general, if women don't want their appearence brought up in flattering ways why do they dress in ways which emphasize or accentuate their femininity? They show they bare legs, wear tops that reveal their clevage, and wear make-up like lipstick which is meant to symbolize their labias. Whereas men aren't wearing clothes showing their six-pack abs or muscles, as in at work I mean. Yet women both use their sexuality in the professional world for their advantage but then cry foul if anyone dares mention it. That's a complete double-standard.

I'm not saying they're asking for it so much as they're being hypocritical about it a lot of the time. If you don't want you physical body commented on, leered at, or whistled at, dress as conservatively as your male counterparts. Then at least if it still happens you actually have a case.

They could be dressing up for one person, but not wanting undue attention from others.
Just because I wear makeup to go out with my bf, doesn't mean I'm looking to pick up other guys when I'm there.

If you are nice and complimentary and not trying to invoke a response/attention yourself, it does not have to cause an issue of your response being mistaken as negative either. If it is clearly good natured and friendly, nothing wrong with a nice compliment.

I wish people could feel safe where it's okay to ask or say things nicely, and if they say no thanks, then it stops there. If more people in a community knew each other, like a small town or university campus, I think we could cultivate this kind of natural environment.
I'm actually amazed that so many men have the self-control to not go around grabbing asses and tits with the way some women dress, never mind a whistle or a comment.

Do women actually have the nerve to get offended if they are showing it all, and a guy walking by decides to compliment them on their evident desire to be desired, by saying. "Nice tits, lady" ?

Would think with women who get their breasts augmented at least "Nice tits." wouldn't be out of line. :)

I would go with: You look like a professional model!
Why not show some manners and taste.
The words you use reflect back on you,
so why come across like a pig instead of a gentleman?
I'm actually amazed that so many men have the self-control to not go around grabbing asses and tits with the way some women dress, never mind a whistle or a comment.

Do women actually have the nerve to get offended if they are showing it all, and a guy walking by decides to compliment them on their evident desire to be desired, by saying. "Nice tits, lady" ?

Would think with women who get their breasts augmented at least "Nice tits." wouldn't be out of line. :)

I would go with: You look like a professional model!
Why not show some manners and taste.
The words you use reflect back on you,
so why come across like a pig instead of a gentleman?

Because at that moment, I am a lusting pig. Personally I would never say anything because I would consider it an insult to my wife. But some women don't dress so much like a professional model, unless of course their paychecks are signed by Larry Flynt.
Would think with women who get their breasts augmented at least "Nice tits." wouldn't be out of line. :)

I would go with: You look like a professional model!
Why not show some manners and taste.
The words you use reflect back on you,
so why come across like a pig instead of a gentleman?

Because at that moment, I am a lusting pig. Personally I would never say anything because I would consider it an insult to my wife. But some women don't dress so much like a professional model, unless of course their paychecks are signed by Larry Flynt.

You are lucky to have a wife who loves you as you are. And she is lucky to have your respect.
I would keep focusing on her, and other women you respect, and not worry how other women dress who don't deserve your attention.
so why come across like a pig instead of a gentleman?


I find it best to just say nothing.
No compliments about any body parts, dress, hairstyle or anything else....no criticisms either.
Nothing...lips sealed...like everyone is a lamp post.
No words, no trouble. :)

No touching people either...no hand coming in contact with anyone, ever.
Including no tapping anyone on the shoulder to get their attention ...that is assault, the cops will charge you for that and you'll have to appear before a judge for trial and sentencing;

Assault charge for shushing Aussie woman - Breaking News - National - Breaking News

Ms Clayton now faces a fine of up to $675.

She told News Ltd she was enjoying the film, which was about halfway through, when a woman's mobile phone rang - and she answered it and began talking.

Ms Clayton put her finger to her mouth, signalling to the woman to quieten down then touched her on the shoulder twice.

The other woman then stood up and started shouting expletives at Ms Clayton before storming out of the movie.

Police arrived and escorted Ms Clayton out of the theatre.

The other woman told police Ms Clayton had been "invading her private space" and accused her of assault.

Ms Clayton was charged and must appear in a Texas court next week.


A man having done the same thing could've been in worse trouble.

No words, no touching, no going to cinemas...no trouble. ;)
Woman who trash it up and try to look sexy want to be admired and lusted after by everyone. They then play the harassment card when the wrong guys react the way they want the "right" guy to react iow they didn't get what they wanted

It's easy to prove. How often do good looking, wealthy or successful men get away with it? And it's also those men being charged with it.
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Not to mention all the false rape allegations;

Ananda Lawsuit: Cultural Context


With the cooperation of the police agency of a small metropolitan community, 45 consecutive, disposed, false rape allegations covering a 9 year period were studied.
False rape allegations constitute 41% of the total forcible rape cases (109) reported during this period. These false allegations appear to serve three major functions for the complainants: providing an alibi, seeking revenge, and obtaining sympathy and attention.
False rape allegations are not the consequence of a gender-linked aberration, as frequently claimed, but reflect impulsive and desperate efforts to cope with personal and social stress situations. [False rape allegations are reported in similar numbers at college campuses; approximately 50% of rape charges are admitted to be false by the accuser.]



False allegations of rape are now common

And feminist laws convict the innocent.

That false allegations are a major problem has been confirmed by several prominent prosecutors, including Linda Fairstein, who heads the New York County District Attorney’s Sex Crimes Unit. Fairstein, the author of “Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape,” says, “there are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about half simply did not happen.”...

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