Sexual Harrassment - what is it and what isn't it?

Pandora's Box indeed, the issue is the rush to fire someone on mere allegations. It's dangerous.

It is dangerous but I don't believe we have reached that point as yet.

There is also a massive difference between the public sector and government sector.
What is being ignored are several facts here:

1. for single men there is an awareness that women put men into either the 'just friends' category or the 'possible friends plus benefits' category and it all happens pretty quickly, usually upon first meeting.

2. Many guys feel like they have to 'make a move' to let the woman know that he is not interested in only being friends, so he does something that is clearly sexual to remove any doubt, and not just a kiss good night either, something more aggressive, like a long slightly too slow pat on the but, or the sexual joke hidden in double meaning, etc. The guy has no way of knowing if it is going to be welcomed or not till he makes the overt pass at the lady.

3. In my experience, most women understand the situation and react in one of four ways:
1) polite refusal and request to not cross that line again. This is most cases, like 95%, at least in my experience, lol.
2) she reacts in anger usually with intense silence, but sometimes due to shock that one would do that to them. This seems to often be the fault of the male for not foreshadowing the event enough, but still the lady chooses how she will react.
3) a smiling acceptance and more play later sometimes happens, about one time in twenty attempts, but it makes the other 19 rejections seem like a small price topay.
4) now we have a fourth category, the 'human resources' option that gets a guy burned for showing a sexual interest in the woman. That, IMO, is only justified if the man refuses to accept 'No' for an answer, and many guys do not.

While I wouldnt send a naked pic in an email to some young woman I just met (even if I were still single), a slow pat on the butt or knee at a party after a long conversation in a quiet corner is something I have done many times, and I have the facial scars to prove it.

But guys have to cross that sexual 'No Mans Land' at some risk to make his intentions plain, and now we are going to destroy peoples careers for what was a sad joke 30 years ago?

Do we really want to militarize/legally codify relations between men and women this way?

This hysteria has simply gone insane.
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

At work don't care if a man hesitates to wrap a comforting arm around me. Don't care if a man compliments my looks at work either.
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

I think men will become fearful of working with or around women in general.
I think this is going to push men into " not liking women" if this keeps up who knows that may be the feminist goal.

Imagine the poor military and what those men will have to endure when there are no witnesses on a deployment.

probably...What else will happen is men will become less likely to hire females out of fear of having their lives ruined. Heck, maybe some will demand not to work with them.

If that had any truth then it's a good thing more and more women are bosses that can hire.
My wife would be very sad if I was never alone in a room with her.

That's just childish. It is not what V. P. Pence said and I bet there are a lot of men, especially in public life, who wish that had been their moral guideline.
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

At work don't care if a man hesitates to wrap a comforting arm around me. Don't care if a man compliments my looks at work either.

Please PM me pics so I can see what I'm workin' wit :boobies:

By the way, do you think it's possible that some of them are only retaliating because their own advances were rejected? Or they simply want revenge for something?
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

At work don't care if a man hesitates to wrap a comforting arm around me. Don't care if a man compliments my looks at work either.

Please PM me pics so I can see what I'm workin' wit :boobies:

By the way, do you think it's possible that some of them are only retaliating because their own advances were rejected? Or they simply want revenge for something?

Anythings possible but I suspect it would be an isolated case. I've dealt with it all my life but more outside of work situations, there were only 2 times I had weird work situations like that. The dynamic for me is dealing with someone in an authority position being sexual toward me and me feeling powerless.
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

I think men will become fearful of working with or around women in general.
I think this is going to push men into " not liking women" if this keeps up who knows that may be the feminist goal.

Imagine the poor military and what those men will have to endure when there are no witnesses on a deployment.
Ooo don’t open that can of worms. Our military women have a much higher chance of being raped by a fellow soldier than being killed by the enemy. The “poor” military men seem to be doing exactly what they want, when they want.
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

At work don't care if a man hesitates to wrap a comforting arm around me. Don't care if a man compliments my looks at work either.

Please PM me pics so I can see what I'm workin' wit :boobies:

By the way, do you think it's possible that some of them are only retaliating because their own advances were rejected? Or they simply want revenge for something?

Anythings possible but I suspect it would be an isolated case. I've dealt with it all my life but more outside of work situations, there were only 2 times I had weird work situations like that. The dynamic for me is dealing with someone in an authority position being sexual toward me and me feeling powerless.

Understandably so.
Imagine the poor military and what those men will have to endure when there are no witnesses on a deployment.
Rape and sexual assault is common in the military. Women don't belong there. Young women are just too naive about the workings of the male mind. Most can control themselves, but a large percentage do not. They take advantage when they can.
why don’t women “belong” in the military? Do they also not belong in the workplace? Or out in public without a male relative escort?

Or should we teach our boys to be more respectful and show some SELF CONTROL.
My wife would be very sad if I was never alone in a room with her.

That's just childish. It is not what V. P. Pence said and I bet there are a lot of men, especially in public life, who wish that had been their moral guideline.

Nor was I commenting on what V.P. Pence said- I was responding to this post:

I like Vice President Pence and his solution. Don't be in a room with a women alone...ever

I bet Mrs. Pence would be sad with that solution too(yes I know that is not Pence's solution- which is what makes my reply funny)
why don’t women “belong” in the military? Do they also not belong in the workplace? Or out in public without a male relative escort?

Not speaking for Death Angel, but I do not believe women belong in combat units.
By the way, do you think it's possible that some of them are only retaliating because their own advances were rejected? Or they simply want revenge for something?

That is a stronger point than some may believe.

I have been single most of my life and I have hit on my fair share of ladies. I've never had a complaint lodged against me although I would say I have been hit on by women just as many time. Married and unmarried. Okay, I was never offended and took it as a compliment. Some were very aggressive. I hope that doesn't stop now!
There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum.

But both can constitute sexual harassment.

Sexual Harassment: actions – spoken or physical – that make one uncomfortable.

Physical Contact – could constitute criminal battery (felony)

Verbal/Threatening Harassment – could constitute criminal assault (misdemeanor).

Spoken Sexual Harassment – no threat of physical violence, not-criminal: describing sexual activity, referring to a woman’s appearance in a sexual context.

Quid Pro Quo – “if you want that promotion you’ll sleep with me.”

Sexually Hostile Work Environment – ‘watercooler talk,’ ‘locker room talk’ ‘joking around,’ ‘just kidding’; sexual references, content, and conversations not directed at a specific woman but conducted openly at the workplace

Inadvertent Sexual Harassment – a lewd, sexually explicit conversation by two male employees they believed was in private, in a secluded venue, overheard by a female employee. See also: ‘Seinfeld' Case.

Private sector employers are at liberty to address alleged sexual harassment as they see fit; that something said or done might make a woman (or man, for that matter) feel uncomfortable is not necessary sexual harassment. Employers’ human resources specialists are usually tasked with making that determination.

And of course criminal charges or civil lawsuits can be made independent of employers’ policies; it’s not unusual for an employee to keep his job after losing a civil sexual harassment suit.

The only situation that is somewhat clear is that if you are a person in a position of power and authority, you need to be mindful of the things you say or do.
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

At work don't care if a man hesitates to wrap a comforting arm around me. Don't care if a man compliments my at work either.
My interpretation of “don’t care” is that it is okay if he does and okay if he doesn’t...... you don’t care either way. But I don’t think that is what you mean by “don’t care”.
Imagine the poor military and what those men will have to endure when there are no witnesses on a deployment.
Rape and sexual assault is common in the military. Women don't belong there. Young women are just too naive about the workings of the male mind. Most can control themselves, but a large percentage do not. They take advantage when they can.

I think innocent until proven guility but on the other hand any solider that rapes should be put to death.
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

I think men will become fearful of working with or around women in general.
I think this is going to push men into " not liking women" if this keeps up who knows that may be the feminist goal.

Imagine the poor military and what those men will have to endure when there are no witnesses on a deployment.

probably...What else will happen is men will become less likely to hire females out of fear of having their lives ruined. Heck, maybe some will demand not to work with them.

But women have had to endure harrassment and assault in their professions in order to be able to work in those professions. That is not right either.

That's true, problem is for today wth do they even consider to be sexual har. a man looking at them too long, ogling them, or about saying you are pretty . Radical feminist have and are going over the top teaching hate towards men.

Have you ever watched the video I've posted where little girls drop the F bomb and the little girls are basically man hating and bashing.

Seriously watch it , it's not that long and these girls are being taught to hate men if you really listen to what they're saying.

Mindwars this is bs and needs to stop. We need to teach people to respect each other not to work to destroy each other.

This is why I hate third wave feminism as it hurts everything women have gained over the past century.
why don’t women “belong” in the military? Do they also not belong in the workplace? Or out in public without a male relative escort?

Not speaking for Death Angel, but I do not believe women belong in combat units.
I have no military experience.
But it has always been my feelings that men and women, and just people in general have different skill sets that can be utilized towards the same goal. If a woman can physically keep up with the training, why should they not be allowed?
There are plenty of women that are big and strong and plenty of men that are frail and weak. Gender is a social construct.
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Imagine the poor military and what those men will have to endure when there are no witnesses on a deployment.
Rape and sexual assault is common in the military. Women don't belong there. Young women are just too naive about the workings of the male mind. Most can control themselves, but a large percentage do not. They take advantage when they can.

I think innocent until proven guility but on the other hand any solider that rapes should be put to death.
We've reached a rather dangerous tipping point...and I don't know where it will go or how we should handle it.

It's a fact that women endure a great deal of harrassment from men. Over Thanksgiving, my mother told me some of what she had to put up with as a professional woman scientists in a male dominated profession. I'm sure that is not unique.

It seems that Weinstein finally provided the tipping point for women to speak up about it. That for once they can without having their reputations trashed as sluts.

But it also seems that there is a rush - people are being fired rapidly, based on accusation, with little recourse to a defense. It's possible we simply don't hear the whole story...I'm not so sure about this rush to judgement.

I also think that people are lumping everything into the "sexual assault" category when it might not be.

There is a difference between a wolf whistle on the street corner and grabbing a woman's bum. There is a difference between grabbing a woman's bum and forceably kissing her. And there is a difference between forceably kissing her and raping her. They shouldn't all be treated the same.

There is the expectation of a certain professional code of conduct in the workplace - and there should be well established rules and a means of redress when boundaries are crossed. But I have to wonder - will men now be afraid to put a comforting arm around an upset woman? Provide a compliment on how she looks?

It's a bit of a Pandora's box...that needed to be opened, because women were silenced and shamed for so long...yet, there is more than we can handle there.

I think men will become fearful of working with or around women in general.
I think this is going to push men into " not liking women" if this keeps up who knows that may be the feminist goal.

Imagine the poor military and what those men will have to endure when there are no witnesses on a deployment.

probably...What else will happen is men will become less likely to hire females out of fear of having their lives ruined. Heck, maybe some will demand not to work with them.

But women have had to endure harrassment and assault in their professions in order to be able to work in those professions. That is not right either.

That's true, problem is for today wth do they even consider to be sexual har. a man looking at them too long, ogling them, or about saying you are pretty . Radical feminist have and are going over the top teaching hate towards men.

Have you ever watched the video I've posted where little girls drop the F bomb and the little girls are basically man hating and bashing.

Seriously watch it , it's not that long and these girls are being taught to hate men if you really listen to what they're saying.

Mindwars this is bs and needs to stop. We need to teach people to respect each other not to work to destroy each other.

This is why I hate third world feminism as it hurts everything women have gained over the past century.


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