Sexual Orientation: More like religion or more like ethnicity?

Who says sexuality is an absolute? It could be a gray area, it could evolve over time. For some, sexuality may be established at birth, for others it may be hidden and emerge later

But who really cares?

You should have the right to love the person you choose....regardless of sex

Apparently the state legislators in California care enough to make sure students learn which men in history liked the cock.
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And being gay is nothing like being black, you can't hide being black but if you don't want people to know you are gay, don't tell them.

You are of course correct about being able to hide. That was never an option for blacks for sure.

Sexual orientation is also a sexual preference which alot of people don't even know find out until their teen years or even later in life, you know you are Black pretty much as soon as you are born.

That's not true. Many gay men and lesbians say they knew they were gay from a very early age. As for blacks being able to hide or not, it depends on skin color.
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Who says sexuality is an absolute? It could be a gray area, it could evolve over time. For some, sexuality may be established at birth, for others it may be hidden and emerge later

But who really cares?

You should have the right to love the person you choose....regardless of sex

Apparently the state legislators in California care enough to make sure students learn which men in history liked the cock.

That's not what is being taught in schools. All that's happening is that gay people are no longer invisible.
Do people CHOOSE to be hetero or homo?

I don't think so.

It's congenital, much like ethnicity.
Who says sexuality is an absolute? It could be a gray area, it could evolve over time. For some, sexuality may be established at birth, for others it may be hidden and emerge later

But who really cares?

You should have the right to love the person you choose....regardless of sex

Apparently the state legislators in California care enough to make sure students learn which men in history liked the cock.

That's not what is being taught in schools about gay people anymore than it's being taught which men in history chased skirts.
Who says sexuality is an absolute? It could be a gray area, it could evolve over time. For some, sexuality may be established at birth, for others it may be hidden and emerge later

But who really cares?

You should have the right to love the person you choose....regardless of sex

Apparently the state legislators in California care enough to make sure students learn which men in history liked the cock.

That's not what is being taught in schools. All that's happening is that gay people are no longer invisible.

From what I've read, that's exactly what is being taught. Who was queer and who wasn't.

But tell me again how sexual orientation shouldn't matter. :thup:
In some ways they are correct. Gays have been persecuted and murdered throughout time (except ancient Greece) so they have a point. I don't believe it to be a choice either. I think it is a switch that is flicked at conception.

It isn;t like anyone has ever been persecuted because of their religion.
Who says sexuality is an absolute? It could be a gray area, it could evolve over time. For some, sexuality may be established at birth, for others it may be hidden and emerge later

But who really cares?

You should have the right to love the person you choose....regardless of sex

Apparently the state legislators in California care enough to make sure students learn which men in history liked the cock.

That's not what is being taught in schools about gay people anymore than it's being taught which men in history chased skirts.

Every man that isn't gay chased skirts.
You are of course correct about being able to hide. That was never an option for blacks for sure.

Sexual orientation is also a sexual preference which alot of people don't even know find out until their teen years or even later in life, you know you are Black pretty much as soon as you are born.

Here is where we differ. I think sexual orientation for most is programmed and not a choice. Some choose to be gay for sure. But the vast majority have no choice, they are what they are.

I think everyone has a choice, most people do not remember making it.
Who says sexuality is an absolute? It could be a gray area, it could evolve over time. For some, sexuality may be established at birth, for others it may be hidden and emerge later

But who really cares?

You should have the right to love the person you choose....regardless of sex

Apparently the state legislators in California care enough to make sure students learn which men in history liked the cock.

That's not what is being taught in schools. All that's happening is that gay people are no longer invisible.

They were never invisible. History should only be about sexual orientation when it is actually about sexual orientation. Buchanan did not make his sexual preference an issue, why should we? Harvey Milk, on the other hand, was all about being gay, so it is impossible to talk about him without mentioning that he made his sexuality a part of who he was.

Most people do not do that, and I would argue that anyone that does has issues that should be addressed by a doctor, not a history class.
You can leave your ethnic ties (but not your skin color), you can leave your religion, but you can't leave your sexual orientation.

Are you sure about that? Pschiatrists used to cure people who were homosexual before it became socially unacceptable.

Yeah but Tank, our leading expert on negrology, says that blacks can't be cured of laziness.
Who says sexuality is an absolute? It could be a gray area, it could evolve over time. For some, sexuality may be established at birth, for others it may be hidden and emerge later

But who really cares?

You should have the right to love the person you choose....regardless of sex

Apparently the state legislators in California care enough to make sure students learn which men in history liked the cock.

That's pretty unfair of you to say, but not surprising. In reality they ruled that the contributions of all Americans should be discussed in social science classes and that groups of people couldn't be demonized.

I'm having a hard time imagining why you'd want people that struggled for civil rights demonized or ignored.
Is sexual orientation more like religion or more like ethnicity? It's not exactly like either of course. But the homosexual rights activists have fought hard to get it viewed more like race (or ethnicity), often comparing their 'persecution' to that of blacks in this country (which I would find particularly insulting if I were black).

Why would you find it ‘insulting,’ regardless of race?

Otherwise you have it completely backwards: there is no such thing as ‘homosexual rights activists,’ nor have they ‘fought’ to have anything viewed in any particular way.

Jurisdictions have enacted laws and other measures to criminalize or restrict homosexuals from having equal access to the laws. These measures have been challenged in Federal courts by civil rights advocates, arguing such laws are discriminatory and subject to suspect classification and strict scrutiny with regard to judicial review. This means the jurisdiction must meet a very high standard justifying its desire to discriminate against its citizens.

Thus far all laws and measures manifesting an adverse action against homosexuals have failed to provide sufficient justification:

We must conclude that Amendment 2 [disallowing homosexuals from utilizing anti-discrimination laws] classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment 2 violates the Equal Protection Clause, and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Colorado is affirmed.

Romer v. Evans (1996)

Consequently homosexuals are a recognized class unto themselves, having nothing to do with race or ethnicity.

And being gay is nothing like being black, you can't hide being black but if you don't want people to know you are gay, don't tell them.

Would you advise a Muslim to do the same? One can hide being Muslim.

Here is where we differ. I think sexual orientation for most is programmed and not a choice. Some choose to be gay for sure. But the vast majority have no choice, they are what they are.
Many choose a religion, and are fully protected by the First Amendment just the same.
Why would you find it ‘insulting,’ regardless of race?

Otherwise you have it completely backwards: there is no such thing as ‘homosexual rights activists,’ nor have they ‘fought’ to have anything viewed in any particular way.

What The Fuck?

Why do some people insist that things and people that exist do not exist? Maybe you should read the NYT more often, they know that gay rights activist exist.

Jurisdictions have enacted laws and other measures to criminalize or restrict homosexuals from having equal access to the laws. These measures have been challenged in Federal courts by civil rights advocates, arguing such laws are discriminatory and subject to suspect classification and strict scrutiny with regard to judicial review. This means the jurisdiction must meet a very high standard justifying its desire to discriminate against its citizens.

Thus far all laws and measures manifesting an adverse action against homosexuals have failed to provide sufficient justification:

Not true.

Consequently homosexuals are a recognized class unto themselves, having nothing to do with race or ethnicity.

Only in some states. As of yet no federal court has made any such finding.

Would you advise a Muslim to do the same? One can hide being Muslim.

You completely missed his point. He said that, if you want to hide it, you can. That is not advice, it is a simple statement of fact.

And, yes, it does apply equally to Muslims, Christians, and even Buddhists. Would I advise it? Probably not, but I am live in a country where people are free. not one where you will be thrown in jail or killed for practicing your religion. I certainly would not advise a Christian in Iran to go to the public square and declare that Jesus had saved him from the lies of Islam.

would you?
Religion is protected under the first amendment, whereas sexual orientation is not. The legal issue is whether discriminating against sexual orientation is a violation of the fourteenth amendment. So far, the Court has said no.

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