'Sexually sick' Fox News covers up breasts and genitals in Pablo Picasso's Women of Algiers

Here is CBS broadcasting it over the air waves and cable. Nothing blurred or censored.

Ah yes! CBS. The propaganda arm of The Democrat Party. Remember, rules that apply to ordinary people, like those at FOX, just do not apply to the favoured.

Smart of FOX to follow the rules even a little more tightly than others because they know they are perpetually under a different microscope.
Two FOX affiliates used the blurring, one in New York and one in Georgia. All the other FOX affiliates showed the painting the same way CBS, NBC and ABC showed the painting in their broadcast, all 192 of them.
Sexually sick Fox News covers up breasts and genitals in Pablo Picasso s Women of Algiers - Americas - World - The Independent
Hahaha Fox, always good for a laugh. You know the announcers and personalities on that show probably don't even believe any of that crap but they shovel it down America's throat anyway. These are people who live in Los Angeles for the most part, I'm sure many are conservative but many also must have to swallow their pride and shovel that BS.
Good for fox. You friggin idiot.
Sexually sick Fox News covers up breasts and genitals in Pablo Picasso s Women of Algiers - Americas - World - The Independent
Hahaha Fox, always good for a laugh. You know the announcers and personalities on that show probably don't even believe any of that crap but they shovel it down America's throat anyway. These are people who live in Los Angeles for the most part, I'm sure many are conservative but many also must have to swallow their pride and shovel that BS.
Your post doesn't make any sense. They televise from New York and many of the hosts lean to the right so your last statement doesn't make any sense.
He is a lib therefore he makes no sense.
Silly me. For all these years, I've thought of sexual sickness as being things like Jeff Dahmer's rape-kill-eat spree.

And all along, it was a bit of modesty regarding naughty bits.

Who knew?
Sexually sick Fox News covers up breasts and genitals in Pablo Picasso s Women of Algiers - Americas - World - The Independent
Hahaha Fox, always good for a laugh. You know the announcers and personalities on that show probably don't even believe any of that crap but they shovel it down America's throat anyway. These are people who live in Los Angeles for the most part, I'm sure many are conservative but many also must have to swallow their pride and shovel that BS.

Remember GW Bushes A.T John Ashcroft the bible thumping born again kook ,he covered the statues up in the justice department when he took over

Justice Department covers partially nude statues

WASHINGTON (AP) — No longer will the attorney general be photographed in front of two partially nude statues in the Great Hall of the Department of Justice.

The department spent $8,000 on blue drapes that hide the two giant, aluminum art deco statues, said spokesman Shane Hix. For aesthetic reasons, he said, the drapes were occasionally hung in front of the statues before formal events. The department used to rent the drapes, but has now purchased them and left them hanging.

Mr Ashcroft, a member of a Pentecostal church called the Assemblies of God,:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

USATODAY.com - Justice Department covers partially nude statues
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Sexually sick Fox News covers up breasts and genitals in Pablo Picasso s Women of Algiers - Americas - World - The Independent
Hahaha Fox, always good for a laugh. You know the announcers and personalities on that show probably don't even believe any of that crap but they shovel it down America's throat anyway. These are people who live in Los Angeles for the most part, I'm sure many are conservative but many also must have to swallow their pride and shovel that BS.

Remember GW Bushes A.T John Ashcroft the bible thumping born again kook ,he covered the statues up in the justice department when he took over

Justice Department covers partially nude statues

WASHINGTON (AP) — No longer will the attorney general be photographed in front of two partially nude statues in the Great Hall of the Department of Justice.

The department spent $8,000 on blue drapes that hide the two giant, aluminum art deco statues, said spokesman Shane Hix. For aesthetic reasons, he said, the drapes were occasionally hung in front of the statues before formal events. The department used to rent the drapes, but has now purchased them and left them hanging.

USATODAY.com - Justice Department covers partially nude statues
OMG, I remember that.
Guess it goes without saying that the Right doesn't visit museums.
Yes the statues were covered for photographs. They were always covered for photographs. According to the article, the drapes were always rented. Ashcroft purchased them.

It takes a democrat to lie like that. Not only lie, but actually link to the article that says they are lying.
Sexually sick Fox News covers up breasts and genitals in Pablo Picasso s Women of Algiers - Americas - World - The Independent
Hahaha Fox, always good for a laugh. You know the announcers and personalities on that show probably don't even believe any of that crap but they shovel it down America's throat anyway. These are people who live in Los Angeles for the most part, I'm sure many are conservative but many also must have to swallow their pride and shovel that BS.

And yet, the pretty little talking heads' skirts are little more than wide belts.

Yep. That's fox for you.
Yes the statues were covered for photographs. They were always covered for photographs. According to the article, the drapes were always rented. Ashcroft purchased them.

It takes a democrat to lie like that. Not only lie, but actually link to the article that says they are lying.

That bible thumping retarded cross groveler spend $8000 in taxpayers money

AMERICA'S puritanical attorney-general, John Ashcroft

Curtains for nude statue of justice - Telegraph
Sexually sick Fox News covers up breasts and genitals in Pablo Picasso s Women of Algiers - Americas - World - The Independent
Hahaha Fox, always good for a laugh. You know the announcers and personalities on that show probably don't even believe any of that crap but they shovel it down America's throat anyway. These are people who live in Los Angeles for the most part, I'm sure many are conservative but many also must have to swallow their pride and shovel that BS.

Remember GW Bushes A.T John Ashcroft the bible thumping born again kook ,he covered the statues up in the justice department when he took over

Justice Department covers partially nude statues

WASHINGTON (AP) — No longer will the attorney general be photographed in front of two partially nude statues in the Great Hall of the Department of Justice.

The department spent $8,000 on blue drapes that hide the two giant, aluminum art deco statues, said spokesman Shane Hix. For aesthetic reasons, he said, the drapes were occasionally hung in front of the statues before formal events. The department used to rent the drapes, but has now purchased them and left them hanging.

USATODAY.com - Justice Department covers partially nude statues
OMG, I remember that.
Guess it goes without saying that the Right doesn't visit museums.

I remember that too. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Good thing Michelangelo isn't around right now. They'd take a hammer to his work.

Funny thing is, even though USMess will allow the absolute worst language and name calling, I can't post a photo of Michelangelo's beautiful work because, OMG, we might see a nipple.

The hypocrisy is just stunning.
Is it any wonder that the nutters are terrified of seeing a peepee in a public restroom?
Yes the statues were covered for photographs. They were always covered for photographs. According to the article, the drapes were always rented. Ashcroft purchased them.

It takes a democrat to lie like that. Not only lie, but actually link to the article that says they are lying.

That bible thumping retarded cross groveler spend $8000 in taxpayers money

AMERICA'S puritanical attorney-general, John Ashcroft

Curtains for nude statue of justice - Telegraph

Th important thing is, no one saw a bare breast.

Yes the statues were covered for photographs. They were always covered for photographs. According to the article, the drapes were always rented. Ashcroft purchased them.

It takes a democrat to lie like that. Not only lie, but actually link to the article that says they are lying.

That bible thumping retarded cross groveler spend $8000 in taxpayers money

AMERICA'S puritanical attorney-general, John Ashcroft

Curtains for nude statue of justice - Telegraph
How much was the rental on the drapes? You know that they were always there right? They were used to cover the statues for photographs for many years. It took a republican to figure out that buying the drapes was cheaper than renting them.

Read your own article.
Yes the statues were covered for photographs. They were always covered for photographs. According to the article, the drapes were always rented. Ashcroft purchased them.

It takes a democrat to lie like that. Not only lie, but actually link to the article that says they are lying.

That bible thumping retarded cross groveler spend $8000 in taxpayers money

AMERICA'S puritanical attorney-general, John Ashcroft

Curtains for nude statue of justice - Telegraph
The world had a good laugh at the Puritanical Right in the US. :laugh2:
They continue to laugh, no doubt.
When I had book stores in Denver, I would put the big coffee table remainders facing out to the mall entrance. I actually had a complaint about the front cover of a big Michelangelo art book because of the bare breasts.

Probably a future tee potty nutter.

USMB does not allow pics of that sort either, ya know.
I bet I can post David's doodle on this forum.

Does the radical left really think this junk rises to the level of "current events"? If it does y'all must be some sick robots who post and run without thinking.

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