SF GayMen's Choir has a message to you about your kids

It seems that the gay choir removed their video from YouTube.
It seems that the gay choir removed their video from YouTube.

removed it OR make you sign in, get approved, before you can watch it. That was the way it was originally.
Hope aids wipes this freak out before he get's to anyone's kids.

good luck with that... 'THEY' Not sure who that is yet...cdc? Niaid under fauxci, cause he scewed that up at least once already, are starting human trials on hiv vaxx. This oughta be interesting.
Propaganda. Queers have a very high rate of addiction, domestic violence, suicides, and shorter life span.
I remember when this first started...all they wanted. ALL THEY WANTED was to be able to marry the person they loved. LOLOLOL

they. will never. be. satisfied.
Actually their first demand was only to be free to do disgusting things to each other in the privacy of their own bedroom
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I am as conservative as they come yet I am also of the mindset of live and let live. Men WANT to date and marry men, have at it and be happy.

What is being presented here is the gay equivalent our counter to radical Christians who advocate gay conversion therapy. Liberals decry this nonsense and react vociferously and rightly so.

My message to these militant gays who are not content enough to have rights and be protected and must set their sights on converting or winning over boys when they are young is that you are simply sexual predators targeting young children. You being gay has nothing to do with it. Stop trying to hide behind gay rights as an entitlement for you to go after young boys.
Why should a person go for something that they themselves already have? Is it because you yourself would then know all of the secrets and don't think that those of the opposite gender are worth learning about? If I am right, thank you for letting me know how far your brain train doesn't have the ability to travel.

God bless you always!!!

Yes, because the only criteria for choosing who to spend your life with is that they have the proper sex organs. That's all you considered when you chose your spouse isn't it?
For the record, I have never been married and so therefore I still remain on a certain bench until the ring is on my hand and a person of the cloth is in front of me and the man that I do my sleeping and extra curricular activity with.

God bless you always!!!

Why should a person go for something that they themselves already have? Is it because you yourself would then know all of the secrets and don't think that those of the opposite gender are worth learning about? If I am right, thank you for letting me know how far your brain train doesn't have the ability to travel.

God bless you always!!!

Yes, because the only criteria for choosing who to spend your life with is that they have the proper sex organs. That's all you considered when you chose your spouse isn't it?
For the record, I have never been married and so therefore I still remain on a certain bench until the ring is on my hand and a person of the cloth is in front of me and the man that I do my sleeping and extra curricular activity with.

God bless you always!!!

Ok. Now that you have clarified the record, If or when you do choose a partner, will your only criteria be that their sex organs meet your predetermined requirements?

SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty
SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids


'We'll convert your children': San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus delivers musical message to those who work against 'gay agenda'

you can't get access to this video on youtube unless you've signed in and been granted access. I wonder why?

You think we're sinful
You fight against our rights
You say we all lead lives you can't respect
But you're just frightened
You think that we'll corrupt your kids
If our agenda goes unchecked
Funny, just this once, you're correct

We'll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and subtly
And you will barely notice it
You can keep them from disco
Warn about San Francisco
Make 'em wear pleated pants
We don't care
We'll convert your children
We'll make them tolerant and fair

A second singer then appears and says, "At first I didn't get why you'd be so scared of us turning your children into accepting, caring people — but I see now why you'd have a problem with that."

Then the pair duets:

Just like you worried
They'll change their group of friends
You won't approve of where they go at night
(to protests)
Oh and you'll be disgusted
(so gross)
When they start finding things online
That you've kept far from their sight
(like information)
Guess what?
You'll still be alright!

We'll convert your children
Reaching one and all
There is really no escaping it
'Cause even grandma likes RuPaul
And the world's getting kinder
Gen Z's gayer than grindr
Learn to love
Learn to vogue
Face your fate!
We'll convert your children
Someone's gotta teach them not to hate
Then the full ensemble kicks in:

We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
We're coming for them
We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
For your children
Your children will care about
Fairness and justice for others
Your children will work to convert
All their sisters and brothers
Then soon we're almost certain
Your kids will start convertin' you!

The gay agenda is coming home
The gay agenda is here!
But you don't have to worry
'Cause there's nothing wrong with
Standing by our side
(The gay agenda)
Get on board in a hurry
Because the world always needs
A bit more pride
(The gay agenda)
Come on, try a little pride!
We'll convert your children
Then we'll turn to you
Giving up the fear inside
Is freeing like you never knew!
Go and see San Francisco!
Go and turn up that disco!
You'll forget you were ever upset
We'll convert your children
And make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
Anything else?

As to whether or not the music video represents actual intentions or is a joke — or maybe is somewhere in between — one Facebook post from the SFGMC calls it a "heartwarming and hilarious piece."

Another post about the song introduces it by saying, "Pride Month may be over, but the Gay Agenda never stops!" The sentence is followed by winking emjoi.

But you can decide for yourself.
I don't see why teaching the younger generations to be more tolerant is a bad thing.

Why do you?

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