Shadow-Man: A Celebrity Eco-Deal


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an eco-politics paranoia vignette I cooked up (my last one!) inspired by the sarcastic films Bulworth and Citizen Ruth.

Signing off,


Shadow-Man was a pure stalker of civilization, a real absurdist with a distaste for Adam Smith, TrumpUSA, and anything else related/connected to capitalism culture/philosophy. Shadow-Man hated comic books and the vigilantism-daydreams they espoused in a modern world where civics seemed to warrant more criticism than praise (e.g., Enron scandal). Shadow-Man decided to start stalking the American actress Jennifer Connelly whose sparkling work in culturally-festive films such as A Beautiful Mind and The Hulk established her as a 'pro-American celebrity.'

Connelly was at a special Trump Administration energy policy symposium in San Diego, California in which various eco-activism interested American celebrities were invited (such as Leo DiCaprio). Shadow-Man knew Connelly would be there, so he started stalking her at the symposium. Connelly was at a concession stand where supporters of radical American politician Ralph Nader were presenting a special billboard about the eco-terrorism author Edward Abbey. Connelly then went to the public auditorium building to go to the restroom.

SHADOW-MAN: I'm anxious to speak with you Jennifer...
CONNELLY: Can I help you? I'm just going to the restroom.
SHADOW-MAN: I see you're an 'eco-activist.'
CONNELLY: Yes, well, I'm happy to be at this symposium (now if you'll please excuse me!).
SHADOW-MAN: No, no, by all means go to the restroom (I'll wait outside for you).
CONNELLY: [Returns from the restroom] Oh, you're still here (you waited for me, eh?)!
SHADOW-MAN: Yes, I did. Why are you interested in eco-consciousness, Jennifer?
CONNELLY: We haven't met, so if you'll do me the courtesy of just calling me Ms. Connelly...
SHADOW-MAN: Oh, of course, a thousand pardons, Ms. Connelly.
CONNELLY: Well, I learned about celebrities working in eco-politics from DiCaprio's website!
SHADOW-MAN: Thanks for telling me; I'm an 'avid fan' of eco-conscious celebrities.
CONNELLY: Are you a supporter of the Trump Administration (and what's your name?)?
SHADOW-MAN: My name is irrelevant; I've been stalking you for about a year now.
CONNELLY: Stalking me? [Looks around] I have to get back to the symposium, so...
SHADOW-MAN: Don't you want to know why I've been stalking you, Ms. Connelly?
CONNELLY: You must be some kind of 'eco-radical' citizen; I appreciate your fervor, but...
SHADOW-MAN: Don't flee. I simply wanted to deliver a message --- "Beware consumerism!"
CONNELLY: That sounds clever, sir. No one likes cholesterol...well, I hope you find 'eco-hope.'



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