Thoughts On The Name Journey?

I know that there was another thread similar to this but me and my man were just talking about how if we ever have a daughter we both LOVE the name Journey. I've heard it used for boys too but it sounds way too feminine to me.

Anyways, we also think that she could always go by Joey if she didn't like it which I think is a pretty cute nickname. I'm just wondering if that's a name that will be made fun of for being too unique as usually it's just a word to take trips or the band Journey, but I also think that it sounds beautiful as a name too.

So I'm just curious to hear some feedback and please be honest about what you guys think.

Since you asked, I will say I think it is a stupid name for a person. Great name for a band.
It pops up all the time on stripper name sites. I’ve seen a few Journeys do there thing on stage for dollars

Really? So you've seen the name before now?

Since you asked, I will say I think it is a stupid name for a person. Great name for a band.

Well you're entitled to your opinion too.
So do you actually genuinely like it then?

From what another poster in this thread was saying kids can't really get away with making fun of other kids names anymore and with names like Apple and Mercedes I do believe that Journey is the prettiest and like I was saying before even though I made this thread because I was originally worried about what you're talking about, at least she can go by Joey if that happens.

Not like there's anything wrong with her name itself, I just know that kids can be cruel just because somebody has a different name.
Journey is not feminine enough IMO. How about Sophia? Or maybe Christina, or Emily, Jessica, Tiffany, Juliette....

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