*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

There's no question that the blame lies with the people who attacked the embassy, not the filmmaker - and I don't see anyone else excusing the acts of the attackers at all.

But the OP isn't about who is to blame for the attacks - it's accusing "the government" of violating the "rights" of the filmmaker. And that's just fantasy.

If the film maker did not break the law with making the film, our government officials have no right putting his name out there. I believe it is the governments job to protect it's citizens, at least the last time I checked. Even if he or she is scum.

If our government did this. They violated this man's rights under the constitution


I believe it would be the ninth.
And you're an asshole.. Now what?!

The only assholes are the ones defending the cowardly fuck who is trying to get the Muslims to kill some Jews.

Looks to me like you are all a bunch of anti-Semites.

I believe you will find we are defending speech and privacy from government crackdown.

History tells us letting your gubmint get away with that ends ugly.

Who is cracking down on this guy's speech?

No one.

His film got some US government diplomats killed. Then he tried to get Israelis targeted. So our government outed his chickenshit anti-semitic ass and brought out the TRUTH.

His lies have been stopped. As have his attempts to get innocent people killed.

Good. Let HIM fear the consequences of his actions. He wants to speak from behind the corpses of others? I don't think so!

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Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

Let's not blame the guy(s) who poked the hornet's nest...but let's blame the guy who tried to defuse the hornet's stinging people.

Is this what passes for logic with you these days?

Very telling that you equate Islmaic radicals with mindless insects.

I agree

When are you going to have that moment of realization that the attack had NOTHING to do with the film?

I think it's funny that you don't understand the use of metaphors. :lol::lol::lol:
When did I say that?

Are you legally retarded?

This isn't some esoteric debate about the first amendment you numbskull.

LOL -- Now now.. all the name calling.. you people can't discuss anything without tossing out insults?

If you want to take up the issue of board civility, you'd best start leading by example.

I posted LONGGGGGGG ago that I was being facetious.. You liberals have ZERO sense of humor.. WHATEVER.
wow, all I had to do was google the film yesterdday and was informed of the maker. A day before the govt. anounced it. If the movie producers and christians felt this was necessary then they deserve what ever comes their way.
They didn't.

An anonymous source leaked it to the AP. Nothing "official" about it.

Let me give you the remedial help you need. No charge, this time:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal authorities have identified a Coptic Christian in southern California

Perhaps you should read the article, not just the headline.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation...

This is the headline:

US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks

Give up. LOL
I don't think you people are up on the facts.

An extremist Christian made a film he knew would offend Muslims. He lied to the cast about the nature of the film.

Then he released it into the wild, hoping to offend. Very un-Christian of him.

Then when it got the desired result, he decides to tell the press he is an Israeli Jew and that a bunch of Israeli Jews paid for the film to be made. This is AFTER Muslims started killing people over it.

Now...why would he do that knowing the Muslims have just killed a bunch of other people over it?

Hmmmm...could it be he wanted the fired up extremist Muslims to kill some Jews, too?

Yes. That is the only reason it could be.

He's a chickenshit coward and was seeking to incite the murder of Jews. Period.


And he did it reportidly two years ago. I don't blame the actors for making such claims, they are probally fearing for their lives from the radical Muslim animals. You people are really lost if you don't see what is going on. When they come for you don't cry to those who warned you.
Doc, why would there be an "ongoing investigation"? What law was broken?

Pixie, while I agree that it's BS that there is an investigation to begin with, because there IS an investigation the film maker is not guaranteed anonymity
Please show me where I said any of that, idiot.

God, you people are dense.


And you're an asshole.. Now what?!

The only assholes are the ones defending the cowardly fuck who is trying to get the Muslims to kill some Jews.

Looks to me like you are all a bunch of anti-Semites.

I don't think anyone is defending HIM per say, but our very own freedom of speech, that could be violated if some people do not understand the ramifications of taking speech away from one group or person and allowing another to have their say
wow, all I had to do was google the film yesterdday and was informed of the maker. A day before the govt. anounced it. If the movie producers and christians felt this was necessary then they deserve what ever comes their way.


Doc, why would there be an "ongoing investigation"? What law was broken?

Pixie, while I agree that it's BS that there is an investigation to begin with, because there IS an investigation the film maker is not guaranteed anonymity

Investigation? If they are investigating someone, that does not give our government the right to divulge any information, till all their ducks are in a row, or am I wrong?
And you're an asshole.. Now what?!

The only assholes are the ones defending the cowardly fuck who is trying to get the Muslims to kill some Jews.

Looks to me like you are all a bunch of anti-Semites.

I don't think anyone is defending HIM per say, but our very own freedom of speech, that could be violated if some people do not understand the ramifications of taking speech away from one group or person and allowing another to have their say

No one is suggesting "taking speech away" from anyone.
It boils down to this:

Liberals want this filmmaker to die, beaten up, get what he deserves, calling him all sorts of names, blah blah blah..

You can soak a picture of Christ in urine, that's ok.. You can make a film depicting Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene.. not a word from liberals about offensive to religion- BURN HIM AT THE STAKE..

IT'S CALLED HYPOCRISY.. Liberals always side with the ENEMY and against free speech!
Doc, why would there be an "ongoing investigation"? What law was broken?

Pixie, while I agree that it's BS that there is an investigation to begin with, because there IS an investigation the film maker is not guaranteed anonymity

Investigation? If they are investigating someone, that does not give our government the right to divulge any information, till all their ducks are in a row, or am I wrong?

"Persons of interest" are routinely publicized in any number of instances
The only assholes are the ones defending the cowardly fuck who is trying to get the Muslims to kill some Jews.

Looks to me like you are all a bunch of anti-Semites.

I don't think anyone is defending HIM per say, but our very own freedom of speech, that could be violated if some people do not understand the ramifications of taking speech away from one group or person and allowing another to have their say

No one is suggesting "taking speech away" from anyone.


'When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. '


And dozens of others. Hope that helps, tard.
Doc, why would there be an "ongoing investigation"? What law was broken?
It's unclear what "the investigation" is investigating, but it might not have anything to do with the movie. Nakoula was convicted of multiple accounts of bank fraud 2 years ago, and he's still on probation from it.
Here is what the coward did before he was outed:

An Israeli filmmaker went into hiding on Tuesday after his movie attacking Islam's Prophet Muhammad sparked angry assaults by Muslims on U.S. diplomatic missions in Egypt and in Libya, where one American was killed.

Speaking by phone from an undisclosed location, writer and director Sam Bacile remained defiant, saying Islam is a cancer and that he intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion.

Protesters angered over Bacile's film opened fire on and burned down the U.S.consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, killing an American State Department officer on Tuesday. In Egypt, protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo and replaced an American flag with an Islamic banner.

Bacile, a California real estate developer in his fifties who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew, said he believes the movie will help his native land by exposing Islam's flaws to the world. "

"Islam is a cancer, period," he repeatedly said in a solemn, accented tone.

The two-hour movie, "Innocence of Muslims," cost $5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors, said Bacile, who wrote and directed it.

Understand? Muslims were out killing people in the streets and this Christian extremist not only decides to throw some more fuel on the fire with his deliberate "Islam is a cancer" rhetoric, he then aims the fire at Israel.

What a c---.

I don't think anyone is defending HIM per say, but our very own freedom of speech, that could be violated if some people do not understand the ramifications of taking speech away from one group or person and allowing another to have their say

No one is suggesting "taking speech away" from anyone.


'When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. '


And dozens of others. Hope that helps, tard.

Ok, I'll rephrase.

No one who matters is suggesting "taking speech away" from anyone.

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