*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

There's no question that the blame lies with the people who attacked the embassy, not the filmmaker - and I don't see anyone else excusing the acts of the attackers at all.

But the OP isn't about who is to blame for the attacks - it's accusing "the government" of violating the "rights" of the filmmaker. And that's just fantasy.
I think it had to do with outing who and where the filmmaker is, Doctor. It makes him a target of Islam, and he and his associates will never be safe again.

Some of us are a little tired of being presented to very evil forces in Islam in a poor quality of light of Presidential fiat against citizens gone mad.

It boils down to this:

Liberals want this filmmaker to die, beaten up, get what he deserves, calling him all sorts of names, blah blah blah..

You can soak a picture of Christ in urine, that's ok.. You can make a film depicting Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene.. not a word from liberals about offensive to religion- BURN HIM AT THE STAKE..

IT'S CALLED HYPOCRISY.. Liberals always side with the ENEMY and against free speech!

well I am a liberal and I don't agree with what you have said, can you prove that I think the way you describe or can you use correct English to aver what you say to only inluce people that you think want the film maker to die, etc, blah, yada, yada?
Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

There's no question that the blame lies with the people who attacked the embassy, not the filmmaker - and I don't see anyone else excusing the acts of the attackers at all.

But the OP isn't about who is to blame for the attacks - it's accusing "the government" of violating the "rights" of the filmmaker. And that's just fantasy.
I think it had to do with outing who and where the filmmaker is, Doctor. It makes him a target of Islam, and he and his associates will never be safe again.
I think you're over-estimating the reach of radical Islam in Southern California.

Some of us are a little tired of being presented to very evil forces in Islam in a poor quality of light of Presidential fiat against citizens gone mad.

I don't know what that means.
I'm sure the defenders of the coward would have no trouble comprehending his perfidy if he was a Democratic operative and, the day after some people had been killed and the extremist Muslims still had their blood up, he had told the press he was a Republican and had been funded by hundreds of rich Republicans to make the film.

But hey, it was only Jews he was targeting. So what, amiright?

Every time a bunch of barbarians act like a bunch of barbarians against our very own people, there are some, scratch that...Many, that wish to find blame in something we do as Americans. We take umbrage to that.

How about we blame the barbarians for once? That might be a novel idea, but it might work to bring unity to us as Americans

There's no question that the blame lies with the people who attacked the embassy, not the filmmaker - and I don't see anyone else excusing the acts of the attackers at all.

But the OP isn't about who is to blame for the attacks - it's accusing "the government" of violating the "rights" of the filmmaker. And that's just fantasy.
I think it had to do with outing who and where the filmmaker is, Doctor. It makes him a target of Islam, and he and his associates will never be safe again.

Some of us are a little tired of being presented to very evil forces in Islam in a poor quality of light of Presidential fiat against citizens gone mad.

Normaly in a situation like this an investigation must proceed before taking action, but I can tell you want action without answers.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.
Some just can't understand the 'defending' going on here is for our Constitutional rights to speech and privacy, not for the offense of the message being sent.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

Yes ofcourse you can't remember everything everyone has ever said that has ever lived, but you try.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

I understand it's easier to argue against strawmen.

No one here is "outraged" that he made a film attacking Islam.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

Yes ofcourse you can't remember everything everyone has ever said that has ever lived, but you try.

Shut up Stoopid.. Go slime someone else's thread.. SHow me one time where liberals called our ANY filmmaker, producer, person who trashed Christians, mocked them, etc.. JUST ONCE.. Come on fat mouth.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

I understand it's easier to argue against strawmen.

No one here is "outraged" that he made a film attacking Islam.

just the other Muslims on the site, but you know, they are liberals, lmao!
Finding this guy and charging/exposing is part of the deflection of the govt under President and the US State Dept being derelict in its duty to protect sovereign territory against a terrorist attack. It's an extension of the useful narrative that right wing nuts, because of their hatred and intolerance of things different from themselves put us all at risk.

We are supposed to forget that the "film" has been out for six months, but that the anniversary of the 9-11 attack could be expected to draw some action over there, that the second man in al Quaida was recently killed in a drone attack and 24-hours before Al Zawahiri called for revenge on the embassy, that president Obama is the man with the drone kill list, that the president claims "HE" killed Osama (proclaimed at the dem convention as one his greatest accomplishments), that the crowd of radical Islamists at the Cairo embassy chanted "We are all Osama, Obama" as they breached the wall

These are the connections the media should be focusing on and challenging the administration to explain as outcomes of the administration's foreign policy. As Rumsfeld so famously said "weakness is a provocation."

This whole affair shows how little influence and respect we now have in the region, and the movie excuse is propaganda. Their going after the moviemaker is to show the media where, if they are smart, to focus their narrative.


US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

In Australia it is illegal to vilify people in this way.........but apart from that it is stupid.

Some Americans think it's OK to behave in such a manner.....it is not.

Some Americans are complete Hypocrites.....the writer above would be the first to Bitch if it was reversed
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

Yes ofcourse you can't remember everything everyone has ever said that has ever lived, but you try.

Shut up Stoopid.. Go slime someone else's thread.. SHow me one time where liberals called our ANY filmmaker, producer, person who trashed Christians, mocked them, etc.. JUST ONCE.. Come on fat mouth.

Boy, you talk pretty tough for someone that is no one.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

I understand it's easier to argue against strawmen.

No one here is "outraged" that he made a film attacking Islam.

Now you're lying your ass off.. Someone just called the filmmaker a c__t for making fun of that pedophile Mohamed. All throughout this thread, I've seen several people freaking the hell out over a stupid movie..
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

I understand it's easier to argue against strawmen.

No one here is "outraged" that he made a film attacking Islam.

Poster G5000, for example, who is no liberal, is posting feverishly and is completely outraged about the film attacking Islam.

You are a damn fool, and an easy mark.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

I understand it's easier to argue against strawmen.

No one here is "outraged" that he made a film attacking Islam.

Now you're lying your ass off.. Someone just called the filmmaker a c__t for making fun of that pedophile Mohamed. All throughout this thread, I've seen several people freaking the hell out over a stupid movie..

What a shitty poster this guy is. LOL
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

I understand it's easier to argue against strawmen.

No one here is "outraged" that he made a film attacking Islam.

Now you're lying your ass off.. Someone just called the filmmaker a c__t for making FUN of that pedophile Mohamed.
All throughout this thread, I've seen several people freaking the hell out over a stupid movie..

No, that person called him a **** for hiding and lying. Not for "insulting Muhammad".

You're the only one playing the religion card here.
I understand it's easier to argue against strawmen.

No one here is "outraged" that he made a film attacking Islam.

Now you're lying your ass off.. Someone just called the filmmaker a c__t for making FUN of that pedophile Mohamed.
All throughout this thread, I've seen several people freaking the hell out over a stupid movie..

No, that person called him a **** for hiding and lying. Not for "insulting Muhammad".

You're the only one playing the religion card here.

Your dishonesty is ASTOUNDING.

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