*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

Try the lie again Doctor.. HIS EXACT WORDS:

Understand? Muslims were out killing people in the streets and this Christian extremist not only decides to throw some more fuel on the fire with his deliberate "Islam is a cancer" rhetoric, he then aims the fire at Israel.

What a c---.

I am not outraged at the film, idiot. I am outraged at the director's cowardice and attempts to get innocent people killed.

Like I said, you would have no trouble understanding his assholishness if it had been a Democrat trying to get Republicans killed.

But you have a gigantic mental block when this kind of thing affects people who are not like you.


I've only heard Islamic fundies raging like you have over this stupid movie.. I've never once as an American seen thousands of Christians in my country go burn down shit in different countries, then rape and kill people because Christ was mocked.. NOT EVER.. I'm sick of the "I'M OFFENDED" whineyass babble.. Stick a sock in it already.. Grow some fuckin ballz, dry up the crocodile tears and go about your biznez.. Bunch of raging loons!
I want Sam Basile to head to Pakistan/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan and promote his movie there. If he's not afraid of what people will think of it, he should jump at the chance.
I think it should be said that the "movie" had nothing to do with the attacks... it was however used as a cover if you will to excuse the attacks.

All the folks here who think they're so smart are dancing like little puppets.
This is still a free country. If this DOJ tries to do anything to this film maker we should all be up in arms. It's no different that the crap on TV, American Dad, The Simpsons and Family Guy are disgusting.

I really don't see how anything could be done against him. He didn't do anything wrong. Muslims are just crazy, it's that simple. It would be like Christians killing Muslims in retaliation for anything a Muslim does against a Christian. Better yet, Christians are to be executed for proselytizing Christianity to Muslims, so it would be the same as Christians executing Muslims for promoting their religion in any way.

Unfortunately, at some point in time, there will be a religious war between Muslims and non-Muslims. Most likely it will take place in Europe within fifty to one-hundred years. It really is just a matter of time.
I want Sam Basile to head to Pakistan/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan and promote his movie there. If he's not afraid of what people will think of it, he should jump at the chance.

Want in one hand, shit in the other.. see which one fills up first.
I want Sam Basile to head to Pakistan/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan and promote his movie there. If he's not afraid of what people will think of it, he should jump at the chance.

In America, he can be a sniveling, cowardly pen name. His choice.

And his government has no right to out his identity to those who are gunning for him.
I was being completely sarcastic.. Plus Gaeux cracked me up with that numbskill.. Just tryng to lighten the mood..

As an aside, you look like someone I used to know. Though, she was a redhead.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UVNT4wvIGY]Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) - official video - YouTube[/ame] :D

Yeah. No sooner had I typed that then that overplayed song was stuck in my head.
Okay, well, whatever arguments are made for whatever position anyone holds about anything: the bunghole's on fire--and spraying hot fucking lava.

How can this be quelled? Must it be quelled?

Do we live forever at the mercy of those who trip out hardcore on some bullshit--and those who manipulate this behavior to their own ends?

I would say tits are the answer. But then, one never knows...might lead to riots.

I know! So sick of their lying BULLSHIT!

He is clearly just a troll trying to have somebody pay attention to him. Perhaps we should stop feeding him.

By all means, feel free to not respond to me or my posts.

Good luck putting me on ignore, though. :D

Can't put mods on ignore?

I guess it is possible to learn something new everyday.

By the way I didn't take offense to your earlier statement personally. I generalize all the time as well.
By all means, feel free to not respond to me or my posts.

Good luck putting me on ignore, though. :D

Should the board be concerned with unstoppable trolls?

As I said before, you're welcome to complain to the Admin, if you feel you have reason to.

Hey, I can't help it if you are a troll and we are powerless to put you on ignore.

It should, however, be pointed out to the community.

Which I have done.

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