*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

Hey, I can't help it if you are a troll and we are powerless to put you on ignore.

It should, however, be pointed out to the community.

Which I have done.

I'm sure you feel very accomplished.

It is for the good of the community.

Why don't you go troll in the cooking or decorating section?

You're such a good person, working so tirelessly for "the good of the community".

I think I'll stay here, though.
What's up with the speculation that this film was actually made by the Muslim Brotherhood to foster outrage against America?

Any proof of that?

Interesting theory.. The maker claims to be Jewish.. Israel states they can't find anything on him being an Israeli citizen.. you may be on to something..

Anyone here remember the The Gulf of Tonkin incident, or the USS Maddox 40 years ago?
Another Democrat President who was thinking he could run on war for re-election???
Remember Carter was being channeled recently!
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..
While you are quite correct about the First Amendment right of this Nakoula (Bacile?) fellow to produce and release his film, DOJ is equally within its rights to investigate him and to release their findings. His criminal background is public information.
Lookie there! The United States Government gave every person an excuse to committ crimes. Now I can walk up to a Liberal, beat the crap out of them and give the excuse that I don't like their politics. I can rob some dude walking down the street and give the excuse that he has more money than me, at that time.

What the hell is wrong with this administration? Why do all those on the left feel that the victim is at fault?

I'm tired of this crap.
Try the lie again Doctor.. HIS EXACT WORDS:

Understand? Muslims were out killing people in the streets and this Christian extremist not only decides to throw some more fuel on the fire with his deliberate "Islam is a cancer" rhetoric, he then aims the fire at Israel.

What a c---.

I am not outraged at the film, idiot. I am outraged at the director's cowardice and attempts to get innocent people killed.

Like I said, you would have no trouble understanding his assholishness if it had been a Democrat trying to get Republicans killed.

But you have a gigantic mental block when this kind of thing affects people who are not like you.


I've only heard Islamic fundies raging like you have over this stupid movie.. I've never once as an American seen thousands of Christians in my country go burn down shit in different countries, then rape and kill people because Christ was mocked.. NOT EVER.. I'm sick of the "I'M OFFENDED" whineyass babble.. Stick a sock in it already.. Grow some fuckin ballz, dry up the crocodile tears and go about your biznez.. Bunch of raging loons!

Christians do not act that way because they are better people than the Muslims in the ME. Christ commanded that when you get slapped on one cheek you offer the other to be struck also, without repisal.
The Muslims are taught differently where violence is the authority of the religion. Which is the devils commandments and he has control over that religion.
Although that nasty mouth you have makes me think you are out of control, if, you claim to be a christian.
Lookie there! The United States Government gave every person an excuse to committ crimes. Now I can walk up to a Liberal, beat the crap out of them and give the excuse that I don't like their politics. I can rob some dude walking down the street and give the excuse that he has more money than me, at that time.

What the hell is wrong with this administration? Why do all those on the left feel that the victim is at fault?

I'm tired of this crap.
Do you always commit crimes to prove a point of being ignorant?

The name of the producer was out before the administration announced it. If the producer wanted to hide, then he discredits himself and his film.
I am not outraged at the film, idiot. I am outraged at the director's cowardice and attempts to get innocent people killed.

Like I said, you would have no trouble understanding his assholishness if it had been a Democrat trying to get Republicans killed.

But you have a gigantic mental block when this kind of thing affects people who are not like you.


I've only heard Islamic fundies raging like you have over this stupid movie.. I've never once as an American seen thousands of Christians in my country go burn down shit in different countries, then rape and kill people because Christ was mocked.. NOT EVER.. I'm sick of the "I'M OFFENDED" whineyass babble.. Stick a sock in it already.. Grow some fuckin ballz, dry up the crocodile tears and go about your biznez.. Bunch of raging loons!

Christians do not act that way because they are better people than the Muslims in the ME. Christ commanded that when you get slapped on one cheek you offer the other to be struck also, without repisal.
The Muslims are taught differently where violence is the authority of the religion. Which is the devils commandments and he has control over that religion.
Although that nasty mouth you have makes me think you are out of control, if, you claim to be a christian.

I never use the Lord's name in vain.. No where in the bible does it say fuck is bad word.. And really, if you don;t like what I have to say and the way I express myself , I invite you to ignore me.. there is an ignore button you know? USE IT.. otherwise, mind your own fucking business and worry about yourself. I have to answer to God for my actions, not you.
Lookie there! The United States Government gave every person an excuse to committ crimes. Now I can walk up to a Liberal, beat the crap out of them and give the excuse that I don't like their politics. I can rob some dude walking down the street and give the excuse that he has more money than me, at that time.

What the hell is wrong with this administration? Why do all those on the left feel that the victim is at fault?

I'm tired of this crap.
Do you always commit crimes to prove a point of being ignorant?

The name of the producer was out before the administration announced it. If the producer wanted to hide, then he discredits himself and his film.

That's not what I said, the administration is making excuses for the murderers who killed four US Citizens.

Reading comprehension is such a thing of the past.

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