*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

The movie was made by a Coptic Christian Egyptian, not an American.
Yep. Doctored up to look like it was an American production.

Dude has no rights. Methinks he'll get what's coming to him, by some means or the other.
The movie was made by a Coptic Christian Egyptian, not an American.
Yep. Doctored up to look like it was an American production.

Dude has no rights. Methinks he'll get what's coming to him, by some means or the other.

He lives in Los Angeles, and he's an American citizen. He's got the same rights that you and I have. The film was also made in the US.
President Obama didn't out this guy. I'm pretty sure the YouTube video has been floating around for the past two years or so and everyone and their mother knows who made it. I don't know where this is coming from.
If the film maker did not break the law with making the film, our government officials have no right putting his name out there. I believe it is the governments job to protect it's citizens, at least the last time I checked. Even if he or she is scum.

If our government did this. They violated this man's rights under the constitution
1. Obama didn't "out" him.

2. Is this man even a US citizen?

I don't think you people are up on the facts.

An extremist Christian made a film he knew would offend Muslims. He lied to the cast about the nature of the film.

Then he released it into the wild, hoping to offend. Very un-Christian of him.

Then when it got the desired result, he decides to tell the press he is an Israeli Jew and that a bunch of Israeli Jews paid for the film to be made. This is AFTER Muslims started killing people over it.

Now...why would he do that knowing the Muslims have just killed a bunch of other people over it?

Hmmmm...could it be he wanted the fired up extremist Muslims to kill some Jews, too?

Yes. That is the only reason it could be.

He's a chickenshit coward and was seeking to incite the murder of Jews. Period.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Let's not blame the guy(s) who poked the hornet's nest...but let's blame the guy who tried to defuse the hornet's stinging people.

Is this what passes for logic with you these days?
I need to know what a davey is??

Daving is two things:

1. Partially welching on a bet on avatars, by putting something in a signature saying you only have said avatar because someone else won a bet and you are made to do it
2. Saying you don't care about something but showing that you do care again and again and again.

Daving....in honor of our own Daveman.

So...is it on?
LoLing...I LOVE how you used the word "welching" and how you defined "Daving" how apropos.

lol :clap2:

They didn't.

An anonymous source leaked it to the AP. Nothing "official" about it.

Let me give you the remedial help you need. No charge, this time:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal authorities have identified a Coptic Christian in southern California

Perhaps you should read the article, not just the headline.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation...
But all they need is the headline...
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

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