*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

His life is in danger, moron.

Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

you are pissing me off.

ISo it's your fault if I kill you.

your logic is to blame the victim, not the killer. :clap2:

what next ,blame the woman that enticed the rapist?

He made a film that he knew would piss the Muslims off, and he is being a wimp in not wanting his identity revealed.
His life is in danger, moron.

Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

So if the guy you're dating kills you because he thinks you're flirting with other men and that makes him really angry, that's OK?

Flirting... no.

Fucking your new boyfriend on your old boyfriend's front lawn while disparaging his cocksmanship... that's kind of reckless and it's hard to feel sorry for her.

So an asshole guy cheating the government makes a hateful film that enrages the Islamic world and suddenly he's a hero to the Right Wing.

Well, good thing he didn't make fun of Mormons, then. :eusa_shhh:
Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

So if the guy you're dating kills you because he thinks you're flirting with other men and that makes him really angry, that's OK?

Flirting... no.

Fucking your new boyfriend on your old boyfriend's front lawn while disparaging his cocksmanship... that's kind of reckless and it's hard to feel sorry for her.

So an asshole guy cheating the government makes a hateful film that enrages the Islamic world and suddenly he's a hero to the Right Wing.

Well, good thing he didn't make fun of Mormons, then. :eusa_shhh:

'Cause if he did, he'd be a hero to you.
His life is in danger, moron.

Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

So if the guy you're dating kills you because he thinks you're flirting with other men and that makes him really angry, that's OK?

You said 'thinks'. Thinking your partner is flirting with someone else is not the same thing as making a film which insults Muslims.
Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

So if the guy you're dating kills you because he thinks you're flirting with other men and that makes him really angry, that's OK?

You said 'thinks'. Thinking your partner is flirting with someone else is not the same thing as making a film which insults Muslims.

insults demand revenge by murder?
So if the guy you're dating kills you because he thinks you're flirting with other men and that makes him really angry, that's OK?

Flirting... no.

Fucking your new boyfriend on your old boyfriend's front lawn while disparaging his cocksmanship... that's kind of reckless and it's hard to feel sorry for her.

So an asshole guy cheating the government makes a hateful film that enrages the Islamic world and suddenly he's a hero to the Right Wing.

Well, good thing he didn't make fun of Mormons, then. :eusa_shhh:

'Cause if he did, he'd be a hero to you.

Yeah, I see a difference between cults and religions.

Religions are based on ignorance and superstitions.

Cults also involve fraud.
So if the guy you're dating kills you because he thinks you're flirting with other men and that makes him really angry, that's OK?

You said 'thinks'. Thinking your partner is flirting with someone else is not the same thing as making a film which insults Muslims.

insults demand revenge by murder?

I think if you make a film that deliberately provokes a deadly response, you should be held accountable.

That's why "inciting a riot" is considered a crime.
Flirting... no.

Fucking your new boyfriend on your old boyfriend's front lawn while disparaging his cocksmanship... that's kind of reckless and it's hard to feel sorry for her.

So an asshole guy cheating the government makes a hateful film that enrages the Islamic world and suddenly he's a hero to the Right Wing.

Well, good thing he didn't make fun of Mormons, then. :eusa_shhh:

'Cause if he did, he'd be a hero to you.

Yeah, I see a difference between cults and religions.

Religions are based on ignorance and superstitions.

Cults also involve fraud.

And if Mormons started killing others because they "blasphemed" Joseph Smith, no doubt you'd be rationalizing their behavior as understandable. :thup:

No, wait ...
Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

So if the guy you're dating kills you because he thinks you're flirting with other men and that makes him really angry, that's OK?

You said 'thinks'. Thinking your partner is flirting with someone else is not the same thing as making a film which insults Muslims.

That's your opinion. Men kill women all the time - unfortunately - in jealous rages. You are arguing that because it angers Muslims, they are justified in acting like animals, but if you cause someone to act like an animal, well, that's bad.
Incidently, the Feds are NOT the ones who identified the new Hero of the Right, it was the AP.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula-Sam Bacile: Innocence of Muslims filmmaker IDed by the Associated Press.

That man is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a 55-year-old Coptic Christian with a criminal past who lives in California, according to the news wire's digging, which has been backed up by a federal law enforcement official.

In an interview with the AP, Nakoula admitted to providing logistical support for the production of Innocence of Muslims but denied being "Sam Bacile," the name given as the film's maker. But the evidence cobbled together by AP reporters Gillian Flaccus and Stephen Braun suggests otherwise.

A little more digging on the part of Flaccus and Braun led to the discovery that Nakoula pleaded no contest in 2010 to bank fraud charges, had used numerous aliases in the past, and had a number of connections to the Bacile persona. An unnamed U.S. law enforcement official later confirmed to the AP that they had the right man.
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

Reads to me like Nakoula was outed by the film maker, SAM BACILE, to the ASSOCIATED PRESS
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And if Mormons started killing others because they "blasphemed" Joseph Smith, no doubt you'd be rationalizing their behavior as understandable. :thup:

No, wait ...

No one rationalized their behavior as "understandable" guy. BUt I find it hilarous you think this fraudster is some kind of First Amendment Hero. My hero is the Ambassador who got killed, who was trying to help a broken country of total strangers rebuild. Your hero is a convicted fraudster who deliberately made a film knowing people might be killed in the aftermath.
Incidently, the Feds are NOT the ones who identified the new Hero of the Right, it was the AP.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula-Sam Bacile: Innocence of Muslims filmmaker IDed by the Associated Press.

That man is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a 55-year-old Coptic Christian with a criminal past who lives in California, according to the news wire's digging, which has been backed up by a federal law enforcement official.

In an interview with the AP, Nakoula admitted to providing logistical support for the production of Innocence of Muslims but denied being "Sam Bacile," the name given as the film's maker. But the evidence cobbled together by AP reporters Gillian Flaccus and Stephen Braun suggests otherwise.

A little more digging on the part of Flaccus and Braun led to the discovery that Nakoula pleaded no contest in 2010 to bank fraud charges, had used numerous aliases in the past, and had a number of connections to the Bacile persona. An unnamed U.S. law enforcement official later confirmed to the AP that they had the right man.

then the AP can be sued for wreckless endangerment

or if inaccurare libel too.
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

First, the film they keep referring to is a youtube video, which the guy had every right to make. The Muslims do not control America and we do not have Sharia law here, therefore, we are allowed to practice freedom of speech. If they take criticism of their god so seriously that they kill over it, I suppose the fact that we practice other religions is even more of an affront. Too bad.

Second, the video was not the real reason they did this. It was an anniversary gift 11 years after 9/11. It was likely in the planning for a while, but it's quite possible that the planners used the video and other things to get their little henchmen riled up prior to the attack.

Can we stop blaming a guy for expressing his opinion in a video and blame the idiots who think that infidels should be murdered simply because they exist?

How do you not piss off one of these radical Muslims? If you aren't one of them, you will piss them off. They look for every opportunity to attack us and it's time to stop blaming anyone but the radicals.

No one, aside from radical Muslims, have suggested that the riots were the fault of this filmmaker.

No one, aside from radical Muslims, have suggested that this filmmaker be "silenced".

The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Mockery of Islam?

That’s what MSBNC contributors Mike Barnicle and Donny Deutsch, the University of Pennsylvania’s Prof. Anthea Butler (Religious Studies), and of course the Egyptian government argue with regard to the movie that mocks Mohammed:

Prof. Butler: “Good Morning. How soon is Sam Bacile going to be in jail folks? I need him to go now.When Americans die because you are stupid...” “And yes, I know we have First Amendment rights,but if you don’t understand the Religion you hate, STFU about it. Yes, I am ticked off.” “And people do to jail for speech. First Amendment doesn’t cover EVERYTHING a PERSON says.” “[T]he murder of the Ambassador and the employees is wrong, wrong. But Bacile will have to face his actions which he had freedom[.]”

Mike Barnicle: “Given this supposed minister’s role in last year’s riots in Afghanistan, where people died, and given his apparent or his alleged role in this film, where, not yet nailed down, but at least one American, perhaps the American ambassador is dead, it might be time for the Department of Justice to start viewing his role as an accessory before or after the fact.”

Donny Deutsch: “I was thinking the same thing, yeah.”

The Egyptian government: “We ask the American government to take a firm position toward this film’s producers within the framework of international charters that criminalise acts that stir strife on the basis of race, colour or religion.”​
And if Mormons started killing others because they "blasphemed" Joseph Smith, no doubt you'd be rationalizing their behavior as understandable. :thup:

No, wait ...

No one rationalized their behavior as "understandable" guy. BUt I find it hilarous you think this fraudster is some kind of First Amendment Hero. My hero is the Ambassador who got killed, who was trying to help a broken country of total strangers rebuild. Your hero is a convicted fraudster who deliberately made a film knowing people might be killed in the aftermath.

The guy is a douchebag, but I'm not rationalizing the behavior of animals that is fundamentally hostile to Western ideals and culture.
And if Mormons started killing others because they "blasphemed" Joseph Smith, no doubt you'd be rationalizing their behavior as understandable. :thup:

No, wait ...

No one rationalized their behavior as "understandable" guy. BUt I find it hilarous you think this fraudster is some kind of First Amendment Hero. My hero is the Ambassador who got killed, who was trying to help a broken country of total strangers rebuild. Your hero is a convicted fraudster who deliberately made a film knowing people might be killed in the aftermath.

The guy is a douchebag, but I'm not rationalizing the behavior of animals that is fundamentally hostile to Western ideals and culture.

Nor am I.

In fact, I will be the first to say- ALL religion is IRRATIONAL.

And much like taunting the psychotic homeless person who is off his medications, making a film with the intent and purpose of antagonzing these irrational people is reckless and foolish.

Not to mention, the guy is a fucking criminal who cheated old people out of their pensions. (Again, and he's a hero of yours. Why does this not surprise me?)

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