*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

I want Sam Basile to head to Pakistan/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan and promote his movie there. If he's not afraid of what people will think of it, he should jump at the chance.
That would be the courageous thing to do, and we all know cowards are the direct opposite.
I never use the Lord's name in vain.. No where in the bible does it say fuck is bad word.. And really, if you don;t like what I have to say and the way I express myself , I invite you to ignore me.. there is an ignore button you know? USE IT.. otherwise, mind your own fucking business and worry about yourself. I have to answer to God for my actions, not you.
WoW!! :eek:

A self-proclaimed Christian insinuating that cursing is OK with God....now I've seen everything.

1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV - Abstain from all appearance - Bible Gateway
Not that I know the particular details more than you, but a film maker does not have a right to privacy in America if he wants to produce a film anonymously?

What about, say, an author who wants to write under a pen name? Would Obama have the right to out such an author if he offended someone and they came gunning for him?
WHO outed him...Obamma?

Yes. His Administration.

Will you EVER take responsibility for this rank amateur?
Gotta link to Obamma outing this punk?

And has the punk taken PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for making his vile and putrid film?
The movie was made by a Coptic Christian Egyptian, not an American.
Yep. Doctored up to look like it was an American production.

Dude has no rights. Methinks he'll get what's coming to him, by some means or the other.

He lives in Los Angeles, and he's an American citizen. He's got the same rights that you and I have. The film was also made in the US.
Thanks for clearing that up. There's all sorts of reports going back and forth on this thing.
Dogs keep barking. Life keeps going. What the hell. . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnjFHrkPHNI]Where do ya draw the line? - THE DEAD KENNEDYS - YouTube[/ame]

It's a question.

US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

I am surprised Fox didnt do it first. Remember the seal who wrote the buck under an assumed name? Guess who published his identity.
He lives in LA, and he's got a long criminal record in the US, so I think it's a safe bet to assume that he's a citizen.
Not if he came across our southern border! ;~0

A 1/4 of the population of LA is from south of the border and a third of those have been convicted of something. So not necessarily a citizen.

By the way, who gives a shit if the guy has a record? Hell...half the actors and directors in Hollywood have been convicted of something. A hell of a bunch have served hard time!

Ever hear of Tim Allen, Wesley Snipes, Johnny Cash...ALL served hard time. Along with MANY others. Some do good when they get out, some...not so much. Can you say O.J.? ;~)

This guy is a FILM MAKER....or at least he MADE a film. His criminal background, religion, lack of religion, politics, personal hygiene, drug use, his daddy's abuse of him...NONE of that has squat all to do with the fact that he has a RIGHT to express his vision using any media he chooses. If you are offended by the film, don't like the man, think he has offensive BO...whatEVER...don't support it. But it IS his right and it IS his right as a US citizen to something known as a reasonable expectation to privacy.

He can ALSO call himself GOD if he wants to and there is NOTHING to stop it. He can call himself George Patton and flash his medals to prove it and NO ONE can stop him. I don't know if you guys have heard, but the Supreme Court STRUCK DOWN the Stolen Valor Act under the 1st Amendment.

Let me ask you guys something. Ever hear of a guy named Richard Bachman? Maybe you'd know him better by Steven King? How about A.M. Barnard? Maybe you would recognize HER as Louisa May Alcott of Little Women fame?

Do these writers not have the right to use pseudonyms? If they do and did for what ever reason...say because literature written by women wouldn't sale and couldn't get published, or HE wants to try something new and not damage his reputation, does the government have a right to out them and damage their ability to make a living or publish their work?

How about outing a film maker and damage their ability to LIVE?

The answer is NO! No both morally and constitutionally!

You guys are so far off base on this one...well, WAY off!

This was just one more example of the Obama administration trying to deflect responsibility for the fact that they were WARNED this was going to happen and did NOTHING to stop it.

The Egyptian government knew the attacks were going to happen of September 4th. Even the half assed, barely formed Libyan government knew it was gonna happen and so did OUR CIA.

Unlike 9/11/2001, THIS Administration knew not only the what, but the where and when the attacks would happen and STILL they did nothing. THAT is why they decide to make an issue of who made this film.


I'm just surprised they couldn't find a way to blame it Bush!
He lives in LA, and he's got a long criminal record in the US, so I think it's a safe bet to assume that he's a citizen.
Not if he came across our southern border! ;~0

A 1/4 of the population of LA is from south of the border and a third of those have been convicted of something. So not necessarily a citizen.

By the way, who gives a shit if the guy has a record? Hell...half the actors and directors in Hollywood have been convicted of something. A hell of a bunch have served hard time!

Ever hear of Tim Allen, Wesley Snipes, Johnny Cash...ALL served hard time. Along with MANY others. Some do good when they get out, some...not so much. Can you say O.J.? ;~)

This guy is a FILM MAKER....or at least he MADE a film. His criminal background, religion, lack of religion, politics, personal hygiene, drug use, his daddy's abuse of him...NONE of that has squat all to do with the fact that he has a RIGHT to express his vision using any media he chooses. If you are offended by the film, don't like the man, think he has offensive BO...whatEVER...don't support it. But it IS his right and it IS his right as a US citizen to something known as a reasonable expectation to privacy.

He can ALSO call himself GOD if he wants to and there is NOTHING to stop it. He can call himself George Patton and flash his medals to prove it and NO ONE can stop him. I don't know if you guys have heard, but the Supreme Court STRUCK DOWN the Stolen Valor Act under the 1st Amendment.

Let me ask you guys something. Ever hear of a guy named Richard Bachman? Maybe you'd know him better by Steven King? How about A.M. Barnard? Maybe you would recognize HER as Louisa May Alcott of Little Women fame?

Do these writers not have the right to use pseudonyms? If they do and did for what ever reason...say because literature written by women wouldn't sale and couldn't get published, or HE wants to try something new and not damage his reputation, does the government have a right to out them and damage their ability to make a living or publish their work?

How about outing a film maker and damage their ability to LIVE?

The answer is NO! No both morally and constitutionally!

You guys are so far off base on this one...well, WAY off!

This was just one more example of the Obama administration trying to deflect responsibility for the fact that they were WARNED this was going to happen and did NOTHING to stop it.

The Egyptian government knew the attacks were going to happen of September 4th. Even the half assed, barely formed Libyan government knew it was gonna happen and so did OUR CIA.

Unlike 9/11/2001, THIS Administration knew not only the what, but the where and when the attacks would happen and STILL they did nothing. THAT is why they decide to make an issue of who made this film.


I'm just surprised they couldn't find a way to blame it Bush!

I thought Bush was the first to know but sat on his hands for a few hours........he was pretty useless
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

You stupid cow - he's a felon who did prison time as a drug dealer 10 years ago, then, in 2009, was convicted of fraud. Making this film is a violation of the terms of his parole.
Funny how Lady Gun Slutter doesn't mention this:

Nakoula, who talked guardedly with AP about his role, pleaded no contest in 2010 to federal bank fraud charges in California and was ordered to pay more than $790,000 in restitution. He was also sentenced to 21 months in federal prison and was ordered not to use computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer.
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

Sorry... I'm not buying "pissed off at the Film" angle at all.
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

You stupid cow - he's a felon who did prison time as a drug dealer 10 years ago, then, in 2009, was convicted of fraud. Making this film is a violation of the terms of his parole.

So what? Only an idiot would believe that a film caused all of this ruckus. Sorry Synth... It hasn't been 48 hours, so you cannot Neg Rep me yet... :lol::lol::lol:
It's not the job of the Federal Government to violate this man's privacy, somthing he's guaranteed under the due process clause of the 14th amendment.. an expressed and implied privacy.. the same fucking thing Roe V;s Wade used to pass legalized abortion.. THE PRIVACY CLAUSE.

No one has a "right" to fraudulently claim to be someone he isn't, nor does he have the "right" to not be called on it.

The AP (who are the ones who "outed" this guy, not "the government") most certainly has the "right" to print whatever they want.

I'm not referring to his criminal offenses and you well know it. I'm referring to his right to privacy as an American citizen.. IF he's an American citizen. The Constitution either applies to all of us OR none of us.

Reading comprehesion a problem for you, or simple honesty?
Oh yes, I did.. I stated the DUE PROCESS clause of the 14th amendment.. or can't you read?

the right of privacy was denominated a liberty which found its source and its protection in the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 253 Third, by designating the right as a ''fundamental'' right, the Court required a governmental restraint to be justified by a ''compelling state interest.'' Necessary to assessment of the effect of this development is a close analysis of the limits of the right thus protected as well as of its contents.

Privacy: Its Constitutional Dimensions - Fourteenth Amendment U.S. Constitution - Findlaw

Your link describes accepted case law, not Constitutional specifics.

Do you have any relevant precedence?

I'm not a fucking attorney.. You asked me where in the Constitution and what specifically.. I GAVE YOU THAT.. STOP moving the damn goalposts because you got your answer and don't fucking like it..

It was an answer, but it doesn't match your claims. Not even close.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

best post in thread :D
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