*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

Trying to blame Obama for this is truly deperate.

I mean given that the article in question pins the blame for outing the film maker on somebody else, and all.

But desperation and stupidity is about all I have come to expect from this board's right wingers.

They read but fail to understand what it is they themselves cite as evidence to support their stupid claims.
No one rationalized their behavior as "understandable" guy. BUt I find it hilarous you think this fraudster is some kind of First Amendment Hero. My hero is the Ambassador who got killed, who was trying to help a broken country of total strangers rebuild. Your hero is a convicted fraudster who deliberately made a film knowing people might be killed in the aftermath.

The guy is a douchebag, but I'm not rationalizing the behavior of animals that is fundamentally hostile to Western ideals and culture.

Nor am I.

In fact, I will be the first to say- ALL religion is IRRATIONAL.

And much like taunting the psychotic homeless person who is off his medications, making a film with the intent and purpose of antagonzing these irrational people is reckless and foolish.

Not to mention, the guy is a fucking criminal who cheated old people out of their pensions. (Again, and he's a hero of yours. Why does this not surprise me?)


Your ignorance amuses me on many levels. Why does this not surprise me?
His life is in danger, moron.

Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

How does that justify the Obama Administration revealing his identity? How do they even know his identity?

It strikes me if this guy is a Coptic Christians, he's probably not even an American citizen.

We should perhaps return him to Egypt, his country of birth, and let them deal with him.

Sounds reasonable to me.
You know this whole argument is the perfect example of liberal detraction.

Here is a quote from the following site:

Bacile’s film was dubbed into Egyptian Arabic by someone he doesn’t know, but he speaks enough Arabic to confirm that the translation is accurate. It was made in three months in the summer of 2011, with 59 actors and about 45 people behind the camera.

The full film has been shown once, to a mostly empty theater in Hollywood earlier this year, said Bacile.

Read more: Director of Anti-Muslim Film Goes into Hiding After U.S. Consulate Attacks | Entertainment | TIME.com

So what the left would want us to be distracted from is that this violence has nothing to do with the movie it has everything to do with Obama's use, at the direction of the CIA, of predator missiles. What even would be the purpose of the riots? Do Muslims think that the movie, that no one watched or cared about, is going to go away because they protest? No, this has to do with Obama nation building which has backfired. Obama was warned he did nothing, but I am sure it is Bush's or Romney's fault.

Read more: Director of Anti-Muslim Film Goes into Hiding After U.S. Consulate Attacks | Entertainment | TIME.com
Obama has prosecuted more whistle blowers than any other administration, he has thrown his pastor of 20 years, numerous friends and anyone that might hurt his chance to be reelected under the bus. He blames Bush, the weather and "worse than he expected" for all his failures, takes credit for stuff he had little to do with and you expect him to keep this filmmaker's identity secrect??

Oh no, if we focus on the film (which has been reported had little to do with this) it takes the focus off Obama's foreign policy failure and ignoring the warnings that this was going to happen.

In typical Obama fashion, the smoke screen has been initiated and the fire is being fed to keep it smoking.

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While what you're saying is true, the guy in question has been identified (that's the whole point of this thread) as a Coptic Christian con man living in LA, not a secret Muslim Brotherhood member.

A con man? I must be missing something, please explain

Simply because someone exercised their free speech, does not make them the bad people. Whoever made this so called 14 minute movie did so because of freedom. Shall we put freedom back in a box to appease angry and insecure muslims around the world?

It's in the article in the OP. The man behind the movie has been "outed" as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55 - a Coptic Christian in LA who's currently on probation from federal convictions for bank fraud and check-kiting.

Nakoula, who talked guardedly with AP about his role, pleaded no contest in 2010 to federal bank fraud charges in California and was ordered to pay more than $790,000 in restitution. He was also sentenced to 21 months in federal prison and was ordered not to use computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer.

So he broke probation and will go back to jail?
You know this whole argument is the perfect example of liberal detraction.

Here is a quote from the following site:

Bacile’s film was dubbed into Egyptian Arabic by someone he doesn’t know, but he speaks enough Arabic to confirm that the translation is accurate. It was made in three months in the summer of 2011, with 59 actors and about 45 people behind the camera.

The full film has been shown once, to a mostly empty theater in Hollywood earlier this year, said Bacile.


I think you left out a few key points. First, that this film was redubbed by Bacile with the offending anti-Muslim dialog. The actors who participated in teh filming had no idea this was an anti-Islamic film.

Second, that Bacile went to Terry Jones, the crazy pastor who likes to burn Korans to get attention, to promote his film.

Also, looking at the clips of this film, I somehow doubt that about 100 people were involved in making it. Since Bacile claims he raised 5 million to produce it, and it looks like they spent about 500 bucks on it, I think there was some serious fraud going on.
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

It wasn't a whine shitweed, if's a FACT. We get it that you feel the need to stand up for America's enemies.. to side with the Thug-N-Chief no matter what he does. Let's all give a hand to the enemy within- LIBERALS who stand by those who killed Americans once more on 9-11-2012, even raping the man before killing him.. It's the filmmakers fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Liberal screech) KILL THE FILMMAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is ugly face of liberalism and why our nation has been plunged in to chaos and is once again in danger and no longer secure under this Appeasement President's apology policies.. His willing Zombies foam on queue -- followed by ass licking of the very people who seek to destroy our way of life. This election is about an Apology President who has failed on domestic policy, foreign policy, and our national security. This President knew 48 HOURS prior to the attack --http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/revealed-inside-story-of-us-envoys-assassination-8135797.html

but did NOTHING.. NOTHING.. This Administration received briefings in both 2009 and 2010 that our embassies were in danger.. WHAT DID THEY DO???? SLASH FUNDING!!
Years of warning about embassy security preceded Libya attack | WashingtonGuardian

Yet the LEFTIST Zombie herd would have us believe it's about some stupid unknown filmmaker who made a 20 minute long short film.. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, I would want to change the debate and use PROPAGANDA if I had supported a loser Administration who has not only destroyed our economy , but who are RESPONSIBLE for providing security to their own appointments abroad and FAILED, FAILED, FAILED to do so..

Where is Barack Obama as our embassies burn and Americans have died?? Why he's in VEGAS with Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! His collective answer to Israel in regard meeting with their PM???? THE middle finger!

It's time to vote our this ABSENT LEADERSHIP.
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I need to know what a davey is??

Daving is two things:

1. Partially welching on a bet on avatars, by putting something in a signature saying you only have said avatar because someone else won a bet and you are made to do it
2. Saying you don't care about something but showing that you do care again and again and again.

Daving....in honor of our own Daveman.

So...is it on?

Why do I have to leave your pirate in the signature then?? That's a partial welch isn;t it? I want my avatar left in then..

Geesh...I was ASKING if it was ok beforehand. If you don't want it in, I won't leave it in. Please try English comprehension, ok?

So...is this a bet or not?
Daving is two things:

1. Partially welching on a bet on avatars, by putting something in a signature saying you only have said avatar because someone else won a bet and you are made to do it
2. Saying you don't care about something but showing that you do care again and again and again.

Daving....in honor of our own Daveman.

So...is it on?

Why do I have to leave your pirate in the signature then?? That's a partial welch isn;t it? I want my avatar left in then..

Geesh...I was ASKING if it was ok beforehand. If you don't want it in, I won't leave it in. Please try English comprehension, ok?

So...is this a bet or not?

I read what you said precisely.. No need to act like a bitch just because I asked for clarification.

The Prophet Mohammed, pictured above, expressed little concern.

LMAO!! Careful, the liberals will want to string you up and hand you over to the MOHAMEDANS!!!!

Actually, it's pretty funny....but then again, I don't think Liability or I are cowards enough to put something out there and then lie about who we are and hide.
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

Free speech is not anonymous speech.

This guy should take responsibility for his free speech.
Not that I know the particular details more than you, but a film maker does not have a right to privacy in America if he wants to produce a film anonymously?

What about, say, an author who wants to write under a pen name? Would Obama have the right to out such an author if he offended someone and they came gunning for him?
WHO outed him...Obamma?

Yes. His Administration.

Will you EVER take responsibility for this rank amateur?

I am amused by watching you continue to repeat that lie even tho I've shown you several times that it is not true. Now....go repeat that lie again.
His life is in danger, moron.

Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

How does that justify the Obama Administration revealing his identity? How do they even know his identity?

Again the lies.....we can't even put it off on ignorance, you've been told again and again the government did not out him. You are purposely lying.

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