Shared Western Values


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It has been said that no country can welcome large numbers of immigrants who do not share the core values of the country to which they are immigrating. In the U.S., people came mainly for freedom of religion, economic freedom, economic opportunity, and cultural/artistic opportunity.

But these historical (and current) immigrants also shared our core values. What are those values?

The state should not be subservient to religious leaders or to religious dogma as interpreted by religious leaders.

Excepting only when others might be harmed, the rights of individuals are superior to the rights of the government.

All persons are equal before the law, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, and more recently, sexual preference.

All immigrants should become conversant in - in our case - English, and should seek to be fully assimilated into the society within a generation. We do not live in enclaves, where everyone speaks a foreign language and tries to replicate a foreign culture on our shores. We live in a "melting pot" of cultures.

To the extent possible, people who do not share these values should be rejected.

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