
What's wrong with applauding God taking out two pilots on a baby killing mission or God taking out war criminals like Sharon. (in both examples I give, it is not man killing man)

THE Old Testament is filled with people praising God for taking care of their enemies.

Look at the Psalms and all Davids Prayers and Praises.

LOL You said nothing about Sherri acting gleeful for Sharons death but you bring this up ! What a pathetic comparison!

Now please tell me, what's wrong with Israelis being happy that the IAF took out 4 terrorists before they could launch a missile into Israel

The two pilots were on a practice mission and they crashed in Israel you twisted witch. Just goes to show how incredibly stupid you are Sherri.

And again, you never showed me the names of the babies these two pilots allegedly killed
You throw the name baby killer around too much, it's a really twisted obsession you have.
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They were not killed, you dumb f***

They were injured.

WHAT ???!??!

Looks to me like they got blown to pieces

IDF didn't want them killed, they wanted them to not launch rockets.

Too bad.

No worries, they won't be launching anything anytime soon. They're in critical condition.

Umm Lipush, are you sure about that ?? Where did you read this ?

Seems to be when you drop a bomb directly on them, they will die instantly
Sharon is in peace now.

How do you know this?

you would not understand, sherri. Not all people ---are as you---who
worships a "god" of filth and vindictiveness. Interestingly---there is actually
no "HELL" in jewish theology and not all people adhere to the idea that a
nasty disgusting "god" tortures people for eternity----that includes lots of
christians-------no ETERNAL HELL. For "HELL" read the koran.
isa/allah is BIG ON HELLFIRE As a child---I was never threatened with
HELL-------but some of the really backward people in my town did talk about
"HELL" incessantly

as to your quotations of "matthew" I wonder just what word shows up in
his ORIGINAL writings that people as perverse as are you translate as "hell"
The people of David were Jews, Sherri.

Our religion teaches us that whoever rises to kill us, we should kill them first.

Christians believe in turning the other cheek.

We don't buy into that crap.

A true Christian should see the good in people, and turn the other cheek. You as Christian took a duty to be lovable and forgiving. That is what Christianity is all about. To 'Love your enemy'?

So, if you took that upon yourselves, you should stay behind your words.

Being cynical, unforgiving, ralistic? That's our job.

Your job is to not fall into anger. To forgive even the people you hate.

So, you intend to be a sinner, Sherri?

Love the people you hate. Love the Zionists, the pilots, the settlers.

It's Christianity.
WHAT ???!??!

Looks to me like they got blown to pieces

IDF didn't want them killed, they wanted them to not launch rockets.

Too bad.

No worries, they won't be launching anything anytime soon. They're in critical condition.

Umm Lipush, are you sure about that ?? Where did you read this ?

Seems to be when you drop a bomb directly on them, they will die instantly

You can read hebrew, right?

I'll try and find the link for you. Pretty sure they were not killed, though.

Maybe I'm wrong on the incident, but I remember a group that was targeted few days ago, but didn't die.

Working to get the link. hold that thought.
Pilots kill civilians and civilian children all the time in Palestine. Substantial numbers of the close to 8000 Israel has killed listed on Btselems website were killed by Israeli pilots.

What's wrong with applauding God taking out two pilots on a baby killing mission or God taking out war criminals like Sharon. (in both examples I give, it is not man killing man)

THE Old Testament is filled with people praising God for taking care of their enemies.

Look at the Psalms and all Davids Prayers and Praises.

LOL You said nothing about Sherri acting gleeful for Sharons death but you bring this up ! What a pathetic comparison!

Now please tell me, what's wrong with Israelis being happy that the IAF took out 4 terrorists before they could launch a missile into Israel

The two pilots were on a practice mission and they crashed in Israel you twisted witch. Just goes to show how incredibly stupid you are Sherri.

And again, you never showed me the names of the babies these two pilots allegedly killed
You throw the name baby killer around too much, it's a really twisted obsession you have.
If I ask to be buried in my back yard, my request will be denied.

There are laws, but Sharon seems to have a status as God for Zionists, and be above all laws of man and nations, oh well!

We see how Israel honors war criminals.

Since when do you care about Israeli laws?

And I hope his wishes will be respected.

When you die, are you going to be buried in your back yard too?

Sharon was ASKED to be buried at his ranch.

try to keep up

Why does everything have to be explained to you, satanic shill ???
Pilots kill civilians and civilian children all the time in Palestine. Substantial numbers of the close to 8000 Israel has killed listed on Btselems website were killed by Israeli pilots.

What's wrong with applauding God taking out two pilots on a baby killing mission or God taking out war criminals like Sharon. (in both examples I give, it is not man killing man)

THE Old Testament is filled with people praising God for taking care of their enemies.

Look at the Psalms and all Davids Prayers and Praises.

The two pilots were on a practice mission and they crashed in Israel you twisted witch. Just goes to show how incredibly stupid you are Sherri.

And again, you never showed me the names of the babies these two pilots allegedly killed
You throw the name baby killer around too much, it's a really twisted obsession you have.

American pilots have killed many Iraqi and Afghani children Sherri.

Honestly, did you thank Jesus when their helicopters crashed in Afghanistan or Iraq (which occured on many incidents)
If I ask to be buried in my back yard, my request will be denied.

There are laws, but Sharon seems to have a status as God for Zionists, and be above all laws of man and nations, oh well!

We see how Israel honors war criminals.

When you die, are you going to be buried in your back yard too?

Sharon was ASKED to be buried at his ranch.

try to keep up

Why does everything have to be explained to you, satanic shill ???

Sorry, Dumbass, you're wrong again.

PETERBOROUGH, N.H. — When Nathaniel Roe, 92, died at his 18th-century farmhouse here the morning of June 6, his family did not call a funeral home to handle the arrangements.

The home funeral for Nathaniel Roe, 92, who died in Peterborough, N.H., on June 6. His family handled the arrangements.

Mr. Lakin works with a wood plane and a practiced eye.

Mr. Lakin’s bookcase coffin, which is two seven-inch-deep boxes hinged together.

Instead, Mr. Roe’s children, like a growing number of people nationwide, decided to care for their father in death as they had in the last months of his life. They washed Mr. Roe’s body, dressed him in his favorite Harrods tweed jacket and red Brooks Brothers tie and laid him on a bed so family members could privately say their last goodbyes.

The next day, Mr. Roe was placed in a pine coffin made by his son, along with a tuft of wool from the sheep he once kept. He was buried on his farm in a grove off a walking path he traversed each day.

In Connecticut, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska and New York, laws require that a funeral director handle human remains at some point in the process. In the 44 other states and the District of Columbia, loved ones can be responsible for the body themselves.
Some families, like the Roes, choose burial on private land, with a town permit. In most states, those rules are an issue of local control. “Can Grandma be buried in the backyard? Yes, for the most part if the backyard is rural or semirural,” said Mr. Slocum.

By the way, how did I do with my copy/pasting, Frau Dumbass??
Burial there violates Israeli law, I have read.

Do you care?

Since when do you care about Israeli laws?

And I hope his wishes will be respected.

When you die, are you going to be buried in your back yard too?

Not a bad idea as in general, being buried at home. I'd like to find my eternal rest in the south, this is my land, but I don't think the Rabbis would be happy bout that, I guess.

Won't mind being buried in Jerusalem, though.

That way, when the messiah comes I won't have to walk that much:lol::lol:
If I ask to be buried in my back yard, my request will be denied.

There are laws, but Sharon seems to have a status as God for Zionists, and be above all laws of man and nations, oh well!

We see how Israel honors war criminals.

When you die, are you going to be buried in your back yard too?

Sharon was ASKED to be buried at his ranch.

try to keep up

Why does everything have to be explained to you, satanic shill ???

Depends on which culture you live in.

In China, they bury their dead almost always next to home, it's part of their culture.

There are other places when it's not at all strange.
You keep repeating it but, at least in the camps, it is ot factual.
He gave no orders and had not reason to want a massacre.
You blaming Sharon for the crimes Hobeika, Hardane planned and orchestrated, and carried out by Lebanese who had each lost someone to a palestinian massacre.
Sharon did not pick who would go or know their histories. He did not know Hobieka gave them orders other then to find and march the remaining fighters out so they could be shipped out and join Arafat.
It was not even suggested by Sharon, Amin did during the funeral, and he suggest Hobieka pick and lead the group. They discussed and planned where the Israelis would set up to process and ship the men out, where the shabab would begin the search, where the palestinians might be entrenched, what firearms they might need, etc. 12 hrs later Hobieka's men entered the camps from the air port circle.
Israelis could not enter the camps.
When Sharon was woken and arrived, he could only try to see from a limited vantage atop the Kuwait Embassy what was happening.
Hardane was pulling Hobieka's strings.

Sharon did not have a crystal ball. That is all he was guilty of.

Focus, the thread is Sharon, not me or your hate for me.

I never have taken a human life and I never shall.

But Sharon murdered many innocent people.

And I believe God does control life and death and Sharon will be judged for all the evil he did.

I think you're psychotic. You have some fetish with dead babies?

You need to see someone 'bout that. Especially after that smiley face.

Are you some kind of weird perve only with dead infants?

That's creepy.

You should see a shrink.


I said the same thing to her.

Believe it or not there are people who have a weird fetish for dead babies . It seems like Sherri is one of those messed up people.

But what's funny, is that Sherri thinks God took him out LOL ! The man was 85 years old !

Haha Sherri you are one stupid **** !

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