
I read Jesus words and believe His words, you should do the same.

The Internet did not exist yet, when Jesus lived.

The baby killer Sharon is now dead, a poster is stating, starting even a new thread proclaiming tbe news, and I know He cannot be in Heaven unless He now believes in Jesus.

I read Jesus words and believe them.

Noone said that..

Jesus simply speaks of both in.Matthew 24.

Not surprised a Zionist like you is blind and deaf and dumb to the words of Jesus.

I'm not surprised a convert like you cant understand simple English. The words you posted were to do with the destruction of the Temple in 70ad, nothing to do with the end times.

Now find the words were Jesus describes the end times and how the sky will be set on fire, and the web will fail .

Wether the internet existed or not he prophesised the eventual demise of the internet.

You really need to get a grip on reality and realise that your God is the same God as the Jews God. So the Jews get first pick at the seats in Heaven, while you get to stand outside and hear the party.

I have read the words of Jesus in their full and proper context, unlike you who uses Islamic methods of cherry picking the verses that suit your POV. This is why I will keep on repeating post the words of Jesus in regards to the end times, not some mixed up verses you have cut and pasted from some extreme site that has no bearing on the real Christianity
We see how Israel honors war criminals.
Well, that's because the zionist Israeli's don't have any normal hero's like other countries..

So they have to resort to transforming psycho murders into jewish hero's.

Kinda pathetic........
Yeah, whereas we have Nobel prize winners, scientists, doctors, inventors, etc. As hero's, you guys have terrorists and mass murderers as your hero's. Even your prophet Mohammad was a mass murderer and terrorist. Ha ha ha.
In Matthew 24, Jesus speaks of End Times.

There may be other Scriptures about End Times, as well, but I am not your mind reader or Scripture finder, you seem to think you remember something in Scripture, is what I read in your posts, you need to look for it yourself.

Noone said that..

Jesus simply speaks of both in.Matthew 24.

Not surprised a Zionist like you is blind and deaf and dumb to the words of Jesus.

I'm not surprised a convert like you cant understand simple English. The words you posted were to do with the destruction of the Temple in 70ad, nothing to do with the end times.

Now find the words were Jesus describes the end times and how the sky will be set on fire, and the web will fail .

See you make false claims about what Jesus said, Mathew was written by Mathew and was not the words spoken by Jesus. In fact Jesus had been dead for 200 years before Mathew wrote his Gospel, and then in ancient Greek. To find the words of Jesus you need to look in the Tanaka the Jewish Old Testament that describes the end times in detail, the book that Jesus used when he preached to the people and showed them the errors of the original Bible. As long as he lived Jesus was a dispossessed Jew living in a land that had been taken from his people by the Godless Romans. His greatest wish was to see Israel rebuilt from the ashes of the original, and to see the Temple rebuilt in all its original splendour. The holy of holies resides in a cave in northern Africa and will be returned intact to the temple rebuilt in the fullness of time.

So do find the description of the end times as Jesus would know it, the one written in Aramaic and not greek.
The world wishes Sharon knew something about Humanity, then 20000 human beings in Lebanon would be alive today, whose deaths he is responsible for from that civilian killing campaign he started In Lebanon in 1982.

You speak the words Arial Sharon and humanity in the same breath?

Learn humanity. This is humanity discussion board. And you're not my grammar teacher.

As every decent person knows the deaths in Lebanon were as a direct result of Islamic world domination. maybe if islam learnt humanity 50,000 filastins would not be dead after being shot in their prison camps by Jordanian BUTCHERS.
Sharon's son, Gilad Sharon, said Saturday, "He has gone. He went when he decided to go," the Associated Press reported.

Former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon dies

Former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon dies

Isn't that always the case, once the body gives up the body dies. But his greatness will live on inspiring millions towards a peaceful conclusion. What is his adversary remembered for by most people, that he buggered rent boys and caused the deaths of millions
If I ask to be buried in my back yard, my request will be denied.

There are laws, but Sharon seems to have a status as God for Zionists, and be above all laws of man and nations, oh well!

We see how Israel honors war criminals.

When you die, are you going to be buried in your back yard too?

Sharon was ASKED to be buried at his ranch.

try to keep up

Why does everything have to be explained to you, satanic shill ???

>>Survey the plot of land out of your acreage and file it with your local county clerk as a family cemetery. Make a map that specifies where the plots are located and file this along with the written certificate of declaration of dedication of the land. The filing of the certificate and map makes other individuals aware of the location of the cemetery on the land. A consumer can file the information and do the land survey. One need not hire someone to accomplish this requirement.

Depth of Graves. Chapter 714.001 of the Health and Safety Code states (a) The body of a decedent may not be buried in a manner so that the outside top surface of the container of the body is: (1) Less than two feet below the surface of the ground if the container is not made of an impermeable material; or (2) less than 1-1/2 feet below the surface of the ground if the container is made of an impermeable material.<<
Texas law on privet property designated for a burial plot

Laws might vary but if you have a larger enough property and the location is fine, then you can make an area of your property a burial site.
Sounds like Sharon's family still set Ariel Sharon above God.

Hardly as they know he is beneath God as are all men, just that some like you are not fit to be used as an asswipe by God so are cast aside to wander till the end of days.
The "Butcher of Beirut" has died. ..... :thup:

Nasrallah is dead??....

No shit.
The Phalange had been sent into the camps to clear out PLO fighters while Israeli forces surrounded the camps, blocking camp exits and providing logistical support. The killings led some to label Sharon "the Butcher of Beirut".

Ariel Sharon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ever thought it could have been divine retribution by allah for all those rapes and murders in his name
It is funny when God takes out baby killers like Sharon.

One sick unchristian bitch that I hope gets an incurable cancer that causes you to linger for 20 years as a cabbage. And that your muslim carers abuse your body and sell it to their pox ridden brothers.
Not where I live.

If I ask to be buried in my back yard, my request will be denied.

There are laws, but Sharon seems to have a status as God for Zionists, and be above all laws of man and nations, oh well!

We see how Israel honors war criminals.

Sharon was ASKED to be buried at his ranch.

try to keep up

Why does everything have to be explained to you, satanic shill ???

>>Survey the plot of land out of your acreage and file it with your local county clerk as a family cemetery. Make a map that specifies where the plots are located and file this along with the written certificate of declaration of dedication of the land. The filing of the certificate and map makes other individuals aware of the location of the cemetery on the land. A consumer can file the information and do the land survey. One need not hire someone to accomplish this requirement.

Depth of Graves. Chapter 714.001 of the Health and Safety Code states (a) The body of a decedent may not be buried in a manner so that the outside top surface of the container of the body is: (1) Less than two feet below the surface of the ground if the container is not made of an impermeable material; or (2) less than 1-1/2 feet below the surface of the ground if the container is made of an impermeable material.<<
Texas law on privet property designated for a burial plot

Laws might vary but if you have a larger enough property and the location is fine, then you can make an area of your property a burial site.
Ariel Sharon's Legacy: King of Israel or Butcher of Beirut?Former PM and general was polarising figure who backed Jewish settlements but pulled out of Gaza
An Israeli tribunal investigating the invasion concluded that Sharon had "personal responsibility" for the bloodshed. The IDF was not held directly responsible but its troops had surrounded the camps, blocking the exits and providing logistical support.

Sharon was nicknamed "the Butcher of Beirut" for his role and the former Jewish hero almost fell in disgrace.

Ariel Sharon's Legacy: King of Israel or Butcher of Beirut?

Yes a great man who did great things to further the security of Israel and its people.
33*“You snakes! You brood of vipers!*How will you escape being condemned to hell?*34*Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify;*others you will flog in your synagogues*and pursue from town to town.*35*And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel*to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah,*whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.36*Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

The readers will notice that a so called "Christian" thinks it funny when someone dies. Did Jesus think it's funny, or did he have compassion? Not very Jesus like, Satanic Sherri.

Why do you use a Missionary extremist site as your source for the teachings of Jesus, why not use the Bible itself in its true and full context.
Hitler's death was celebrated around the world and he was a human being.

Just saying........ :cool:

I very much doubt this was so as we did not know he was dead until many years after the war ended. What people celebrated was an end to war
My God, that God described in John 3:16 who Jesus shows me who He is, took a baby killing war criminal named Ariel Sharon who has been given the infamous nickname Butcher of Beirut, and put him in an 8 year coma and took him out.

Thank you, God, you are an awesome God who knows how to take care of smelly rubbish like Ariel Sharon.

GOOD riddance to smelly garbage.

Nasrallah is dead??....

No shit.
The Phalange had been sent into the camps to clear out PLO fighters while Israeli forces surrounded the camps, blocking camp exits and providing logistical support. The killings led some to label Sharon "the Butcher of Beirut".

Ariel Sharon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ever thought it could have been divine retribution by allah for all those rapes and murders in his name
The facts are that Sharon in fact was responsible for shedding the blood of many innocents, to include children.

It is funny when God takes out baby killers like Sharon.

I think you're psychotic. You have some fetish with dead babies?

You need to see someone 'bout that. Especially after that smiley face.

Are you some kind of weird perve only with dead infants?

That's creepy.

You should see a shrink.


Just your warped islamonazi POV that is worth nothing

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