
I expect he is burning now, imagine burning for eternity.

We see how Israel honors war criminals.
Well, that's because the zionist Israeli's don't have any normal hero's like other countries..

So they have to resort to transforming psycho murders into jewish hero's.

Kinda pathetic........

You will of course provide his rap sheet from the Hague that proclaims him a war criminal, nothing else will do as this is the only place that can legally do so.
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I was not.

As this shows it is an extremist missionary site

Statement of Faith

Bible Gateway is a Christian, mission-centered enterprise, focused on making Scripture freely available on the Web in multiple languages and translations. While committed to excellence in the presentation of Biblical content, it is governed by a set of theological affirmations.

Its not a Missionary extremist site.

I am giving links to sources where you can look up verses in multiple Bible versions .

Why do you keep rejecting Jesus?

This is not the forum to seek recruits.
I cited no opinions from the site , just language straight out of the Christian Bible, and I believe they have different Bible versions you can examine any text from.

And being Missionary does not make them extremists.

As this shows it is an extremist missionary site

Statement of Faith

Bible Gateway is a Christian, mission-centered enterprise, focused on making Scripture freely available on the Web in multiple languages and translations. While committed to excellence in the presentation of Biblical content, it is governed by a set of theological affirmations.

Its not a Missionary extremist site.

I am giving links to sources where you can look up verses in multiple Bible versions .

Why do you keep rejecting Jesus?

Why do you use a Missionary extremist site as your source for the teachings of Jesus, why not use the Bible itself in its true and full context.
It is all in God's hands now.

And I am so thankful we have a God who renders judgment and justice to all.

We see how Israel honors war criminals.
Well, that's because the zionist Israeli's don't have any normal hero's like other countries..

So they have to resort to transforming psycho murders into jewish hero's.

Kinda pathetic........

You will of course provide his rap sheet from the Hague that proclaims him a war criminal, nothing else will do as this is the only place that can legally do so.
Christians believe evil people who do not believe in Jesus, like Ariel Sharon, go to hell.

Together in hell now, I expect.

I wonder - how does the sherrithing dare to pray to our LORD after she spews filth like the above?

Which is exactly why you are going there, you EVIL satanic shill

But don't worry, it won't be so bad. You'll get to see all your Palestinian terrorist buddies that Israel killed HAHAHAHA!

Oh BTW, make sure you bring lots of water with you, it's really hot down there ;)
It is all in God's hands now.

And I am so thankful we have a God who renders judgment and justice to all.

Well, that's because the zionist Israeli's don't have any normal hero's like other countries..

So they have to resort to transforming psycho murders into jewish hero's.

Kinda pathetic........

You will of course provide his rap sheet from the Hague that proclaims him a war criminal, nothing else will do as this is the only place that can legally do so.

I expect the l'il sherrispawnofSatan will feel differently when its own pious pseudo 'person o conscience' persona gets judged..... After all, consigning people to Hell is not the 'job' of Christians, but of GOD. And we all know how it goes when one tries to steal from GOD - don't we?
Christians believe evil people who do not believe in Jesus, like Ariel Sharon, go to hell.

Together in hell now, I expect.

Sherri, you are the most evil hypocrite I have ever encountered. Judge not lest you be judged. In his last waking moment, Sharon may have accepted Jesus as his savior. That is what you should be hoping. Instead you are gleefully hoping he is burning in hell. You truly are an imp of Satan. You and your Iranian handlers.
There are laws making that unlawful is what I read.

Well, when thesherrithing goes to read something, it seeks out the worst filth it can find.... Not likely there's any facts involved.
What are you babbling about?

Awwwww, the poor l'il sherrifilth needs me to spell things out for it:

"If sherriKKKins tells people she read something, it's a good bet the sherrithing read it on some hate site or other where facts are quite sparse among the content."

What an irony that the poor l'il sherrishitflinger appears to be the only one who hsn't yet figured that out.........
Christians believe evil people who do not believe in Jesus, like Ariel Sharon, go to hell.

Together in hell now, I expect.

Sherri, you are the most evil hypocrite I have ever encountered. Judge not lest you be judged. In his last waking moment, Sharon may have accepted Jesus as his savior. That is what you should be hoping. Instead you are gleefully hoping he is burning in hell. You truly are an imp of Satan. You and your Iranian handlers.

After all, it's so incredibly easy to find the sherrithing, too - as 'she' has splashed 'her' name all over the Net! - that if the Iranian mullahs did not like what 'she' was vomiting forth, they'd have had no trouble shutting that malignant maw....... They've done it to others, after all.

Maybe it's not a formal arrangement, 'Rock - but I expect 'the authorities' are aware of the sherriliar's stint as a useful idiot, and they approve.

We can at least hope that these performances here are buying some folks 'back home' a bit better treatment form the regime that's helped to murder over 100,000 Syrian civilians, and sent millions fleeing to uncertain futures : ))
As Sinatra would say - he did it his way.

January 11, 2014 1:08 PM
Ariel Sharon: Soldier, Strategist, Prickly Pear
By Cliff May

Ariel Sharon was an intrepid soldier and a brilliant military strategist. He was a sabra, a word used to describe those born in the land of Israel but which literally means a “prickly pear” — and he certainly was that, too.

He always believed that Israelis and Arabs, Muslims and Jews, could and should live as neighbors in Israel and in the region. But he understood, too, that there were those who rejected that view — those who rejected any Jewish or “infidel” presence in what they call “Muslim lands.” In Israel’s many wars, Sharon fought Iraqi, Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian soldiers as well as Palestinian terrorists.

Sharon was a larger-than-life leader of the Israeli old school — often controversial to be sure. In his last years he went from right-wing Likudnik to founder of the middle-of-the-road Kadima party. Not long before he fell ill, he pulled out of Gaza — every Israeli soldier, settler, farmer; every synagogue and cemetery. It was a great experiment to find out if such a concession might lead to reciprocal Palestinian concessions. The experiment failed. All Israelis received in return for giving up any claims to Gaza were thousands of missiles fired — still being fired — at their villages, towns, and cities.

The 1982 massacre of Palestinians at Sabra and Shatila near Beirut was a stain on Sharon’s career. But too many people misunderstand — or misrepresent — what happened: Sharon killed no one; Sharon’s soldiers killed no one. What Sharon did wrong was to fail to recognize the danger the Lebanese Phalangists posed to Palestinians in Lebanon — and he failed to take steps to protect the Palestinians. They were his responsibility. No other nation in that region holds itself to such a standard. But that is expected of Israelis — and, more importantly, it’s what Israelis expect of themselves.

Also sometimes misconstrued: Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount in 2000. Was it provocative? Sure, Sharon liked to provoke. But was it that visit — the visit of an Israeli prime minister to a Jewish holy site in the Israel capital, which is adjacent to a Muslim holy site that the Israelis have given over to strict Muslim control — that caused the intifada? Clearly not. PLO/Fatah officials are on record that the intifada was pre-planned. Sharon’s visit was a convenient pretext to end diplomacy and launch a violent and ill-fated campaign against Israel.

I was privileged to meet Sharon on a couple of occasions. He was gracious, jovial, engaging. He was a fighter who was born and bred — and has now died — in a part of the world where fighting is necessary and “conflict resolution” remains rare.

— Clifford D. May is president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a policy institute focusing on national security.

after all, it's so incredibly easy to find the sherrithing, too - as 'she' has splashed 'her' name all over the net! - that if the iranian mullahs did not like what 'she' was vomiting forth, they'd have had no trouble shutting that malignant maw....... They've done it to others, after all.

Maybe it's not a formal arrangement, 'rock - but i expect 'the authorities' are aware of the sherriliar's stint as a useful idiot, and they approve.

We can at least hope that these performances here are buying some folks 'back home' a bit better treatment form the regime that's helped to murder over 100,000 syrian civilians, and sent millions fleeing to uncertain futures : ))
Christians believe evil people who do not believe in Jesus, like Ariel Sharon, go to hell.

Together in hell now, I expect.

I wonder - how does the sherrithing dare to pray to our LORD after she spews filth like the above?

Must be dandy every time the l'il sherriKKKins gets annoyed at someone who's not (what she thinks is a ) Christian! She can just ponder them suffering in Hell, and I bet than makes her feel all warm 'n' gooey inside..... :eek:

I seem to recall in an interview with Mel Gibson, that he stated he believed his own wife was going to Hell because she wasn't the right kind of Christian or some such.

Now, folks: I'm trying to be fair here, pointing out that the pious l'il sherripustule is not the only one fallen prey to Satan's snare of making condemnation of others.... that some do it even about their "fellow Christians" .

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