
That does not mean hell does not exist.

Jews don't believe in hell.

So you can take your mumbo-jumbo religious bullcrap and shove it to where the sun doesn't shine.

Just because you didn't find bigfoot, you can't be sure he doesn't exist.

But you believe he's a fairy-tale, still.

Same thing with us, and hell.

Eddie Murphy found Bigfoot.

[ame=]Eddie Murphy - Delirious - Bigfoot - Goonie Goo Goo - YouTube[/ame]

I really could care less where the body of the war criminal rots.

Meanwhile, if there is actually a place called Hell, I wonder if Mrs. Sherri can send us a Western Union telegram telling us what the temperature is down there when she arrives. Will her pal Assad be greeting her since he certainly is more responsible for people being murdered than Sharon ever was. Amazing how those like Mrs. Sherri are having a field day with the death of Sharon when they probably go into mourning when one of their terrorist friends die.
You continuing to call The New Testament a hate Site does not make it so.

What are you babbling about?

Awwwww, the poor l'il sherrifilth needs me to spell things out for it:

"If sherriKKKins tells people she read something, it's a good bet the sherrithing read it on some hate site or other where facts are quite sparse among the content."

What an irony that the poor l'il sherrishitflinger appears to be the only one who hsn't yet figured that out.........

The NT is not a 'site' on the Net: it is properly referred to as a book or a Scripture. So anyone with a double-digit IQ should be able to understand the sherriturdsucker's comprehension is sorely lacking in placing that "interpretation" onto the words posted .
John 14

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also.4.From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

John 14 - - ?Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are...

I do not say a single word does not exist anymore, but the center of a Christian's beliefs is Jesus and His words and The Bible is to be interpreted in that light. Christians do not follow The Law for example, we do not believe in an eye for an eye justice, etc. And Jesus shows a Christian who God is.

The Bible is not a book of lies, no matter how many Zionists here proclaim it as such.

I believe every word in the Bible. Old Testament and New. You are the one who claims 2/3 of the Bible no longer exists. And then you add and take away words depending on what you want to believe and to promulgate your lies. The readers can plainly see you are a Jew and Israel hater who dances with joy at their death and judge them to hell. Christian my ass.

When someone who hates Jews as much as you hate Jews starts quoting a Jew for truth, that's just freaky!
I don't hate Jews, I hate Ideologies that are evil, like Zionism.

John 14

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also.4.From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

John 14 - - ?Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are...

I do not say a single word does not exist anymore, but the center of a Christian's beliefs is Jesus and His words and The Bible is to be interpreted in that light. Christians do not follow The Law for example, we do not believe in an eye for an eye justice, etc. And Jesus shows a Christian who God is.

I believe every word in the Bible. Old Testament and New. You are the one who claims 2/3 of the Bible no longer exists. And then you add and take away words depending on what you want to believe and to promulgate your lies. The readers can plainly see you are a Jew and Israel hater who dances with joy at their death and judge them to hell. Christian my ass.

When someone who hates Jews as much as you hate Jews starts quoting a Jew for truth, that's just freaky!
I have posts that recite words from the Bible and I provided links to websites where the text of the Bible appears, and you enter the discussion and call my sources hate sites. My source is The Christian Bible.

You continuing to call The New Testament a hate Site does not make it so.

Awwwww, the poor l'il sherrifilth needs me to spell things out for it:

"If sherriKKKins tells people she read something, it's a good bet the sherrithing read it on some hate site or other where facts are quite sparse among the content."

What an irony that the poor l'il sherrishitflinger appears to be the only one who hsn't yet figured that out.........

The NT is not a 'site' on the Net: it is properly referred to as a book or a Scripture. So anyone with a double-digit IQ should be able to understand the sherriturdsucker's comprehension is sorely lacking in placing that "interpretation" onto the words posted .
I have posts that recite words from the Bible and I provided links to websites where the text of the Bible appears, and you enter the discussion and call my sources hate sites. My source is The Christian Bible.

You continuing to call The New Testament a hate Site does not make it so.

The NT is not a 'site' on the Net: it is properly referred to as a book or a Scripture. So anyone with a double-digit IQ should be able to understand the sherriturdsucker's comprehension is sorely lacking in placing that "interpretation" onto the words posted .

Ah, the poor l'il sherriliar: it imagines that repeating the same idiotic slanders is some form of 'argument'. Never-mind that the original 'quote' isn't all my words, but has been mangled (as it's been re-quoted several times).

It'd probably help your credibility problems, l'il pious pustle, if you stopped trying to slander me as being so clumsy as to refer to a Scripture as a 'site'. We all know those are two very different ideas..... well, those of us who aren't a sherrishitflinger know!
BTW - no matter how much cheap red wine the sherrisleaze scarfs down, it's still not going to magically turn into 'Zionist' blood like she wants it to.
And yet, you don't hate an ideology which proclaims that all human beings outside of it are damned to eternal torment - go figure?
Naaaaah. Jihad Sherri doesn't hate Jews.

She also doesn't hate blacks, everybody should own a few. Ha ha ha.
I don't hate Jews, I hate Ideologies that are evil, like Zionism.

John 14

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also.4.From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

John 14 - - ?Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are...

I do not say a single word does not exist anymore, but the center of a Christian's beliefs is Jesus and His words and The Bible is to be interpreted in that light. Christians do not follow The Law for example, we do not believe in an eye for an eye justice, etc. And Jesus shows a Christian who God is.

When someone who hates Jews as much as you hate Jews starts quoting a Jew for truth, that's just freaky!

Which means you hate Jews. DuH.
I read Jesus words and believe His words, you should do the same.

The Internet did not exist yet, when Jesus lived.

The baby killer Sharon is now dead, a poster is stating, starting even a new thread proclaiming tbe news, and I know He cannot be in Heaven unless He now believes in Jesus.

I read Jesus words and believe them.

I suggest you take your own advice and quit telling lies. I am not a Zionist and have said nothing to support it you terrorist.
What are you babbling about here?

Your post responds to nothing I said in that post you allege you reply to.

To address the thread title, the people of the world all have cause to celebrate this Sunday morning, God removing a war criminal from our midst.

Thank you, God.

I read Jesus words and believe His words, you should do the same.

The Internet did not exist yet, when Jesus lived.

The baby killer Sharon is now dead, a poster is stating, starting even a new thread proclaiming tbe news, and I know He cannot be in Heaven unless He now believes in Jesus.

I read Jesus words and believe them.

I suggest you take your own advice and quit telling lies. I am not a Zionist and have said nothing to support it you terrorist.
What are you babbling about here?

Your post responds to nothing I said in that post you allege you reply to.

To address the thread title, the people of the world all have cause to celebrate this Sunday morning, God removing a war criminal from our midst.

Thank you, God.

I read Jesus words and believe His words, you should do the same.

The Internet did not exist yet, when Jesus lived.

The baby killer Sharon is now dead, a poster is stating, starting even a new thread proclaiming tbe news, and I know He cannot be in Heaven unless He now believes in Jesus.

I read Jesus words and believe them.

I suggest you take your own advice and quit telling lies. I am not a Zionist and have said nothing to support it you terrorist.

The readers will notice how a so called "Christian" not only celebrates the death of another human being, but also thinks it's "funny". Check out her sig line. Hypocritical or what?
Sherri, why don't you go to Gaza and hand out sweets like the Palestinians are doing


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