
Christians believe evil people who do not believe in Jesus, like Ariel Sharon, go to hell.

After all, it's so incredibly easy to find the sherrithing, too - as 'she' has splashed 'her' name all over the Net! - that if the Iranian mullahs did not like what 'she' was vomiting forth, they'd have had no trouble shutting that malignant maw....... They've done it to others, after all.

Maybe it's not a formal arrangement, 'Rock - but I expect 'the authorities' are aware of the sherriliar's stint as a useful idiot, and they approve.

We can at least hope that these performances here are buying some folks 'back home' a bit better treatment form the regime that's helped to murder over 100,000 Syrian civilians, and sent millions fleeing to uncertain futures : ))

Dollar to a donut the FBI and Homeland Security are all over the situation. Google is your friend. And you're right about the net. Wouldn't you call me crazy if I used my real name as a screen name?
You continuing to call The New Testament a hate Site does not make it so.

Well, when thesherrithing goes to read something, it seeks out the worst filth it can find.... Not likely there's any facts involved.
What are you babbling about?

Awwwww, the poor l'il sherrifilth needs me to spell things out for it:

"If sherriKKKins tells people she read something, it's a good bet the sherrithing read it on some hate site or other where facts are quite sparse among the content."

What an irony that the poor l'il sherrishitflinger appears to be the only one who hsn't yet figured that out.........
Not where I live.

If I ask to be buried in my back yard, my request will be denied.

There are laws, but Sharon seems to have a status as God for Zionists, and be above all laws of man and nations, oh well!

We see how Israel honors war criminals.

>>Survey the plot of land out of your acreage and file it with your local county clerk as a family cemetery. Make a map that specifies where the plots are located and file this along with the written certificate of declaration of dedication of the land. The filing of the certificate and map makes other individuals aware of the location of the cemetery on the land. A consumer can file the information and do the land survey. One need not hire someone to accomplish this requirement.

Depth of Graves. Chapter 714.001 of the Health and Safety Code states (a) The body of a decedent may not be buried in a manner so that the outside top surface of the container of the body is: (1) Less than two feet below the surface of the ground if the container is not made of an impermeable material; or (2) less than 1-1/2 feet below the surface of the ground if the container is made of an impermeable material.<<
Texas law on privet property designated for a burial plot

Laws might vary but if you have a larger enough property and the location is fine, then you can make an area of your property a burial site.
That's 'cause the razorbacks would root it out of the ground.
We all know the FBI is hot on the trail of all these Christians who believe in Jesus, they are such a threat to the world.

Christians believe evil people who do not believe in Jesus, like Ariel Sharon, go to hell.

Dollar to a donut the FBI and Homeland Security are all over the situation. Google is your friend. And you're right about the net. Wouldn't you call me crazy if I used my real name as a screen name?
NO, you are a liar

er how many Zionists proclaim ot
Reading the sherriliar claiming that another poster 'is a liar' is hilarious : ))

The Bible is not a book of lies, no matter how many Zionists here proclaim it as such.

I believe every word in the Bible. Old Testament and New. You are the one who claims 2/3 of the Bible no longer exists. And then you add and take away words depending on what you want to believe and to promulgate your lies. The readers can plainly see you are a Jew and Israel hater who dances with joy at their death and judge them to hell. Christian my ass.
The Hatred of the World

18*d“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.*19*eIf you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because*fyou are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.*20*Remember the word that I said to you:*g‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me,*hthey will also persecute you.*iIf they kept my word, they will also keep yours.*21*Butjall these things they will do to you*kon account of my name,*lbecause they do not know him who sent me.*22*If I had not come and spoken to them,*mthey would not have been guilty of sin,3*but now they have no excuse for their sin.23*nWhoever hates me hates my Father also.*24*oIf I had not done among them the works that no one else did,*mthey would not be guilty of sin, but now they have*pseen and hated both me and my Father.*25*But*qthe word that is written in their Law must be fulfilled:*r‘They hated me without a cause.’

John 15 - - ?I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear...

Christians believe evil people who do not believe in Jesus, like Ariel Sharon, go to hell.

I wonder - how does the sherrithing dare to pray to our LORD after she spews filth like the above?

Which is exactly why you are going there, you EVIL satanic shill

But don't worry, it won't be so bad. You'll get to see all your Palestinian terrorist buddies that Israel killed HAHAHAHA!

Oh BTW, make sure you bring lots of water with you, it's really hot down there ;)
John 14

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also.4.From now on you do know him and have seen him.&#8221;

I do not say a single word does not exist anymore, but the center of a Christian's beliefs is Jesus and His words and The Bible is to be interpreted in that light. Christians do not follow The Law for example, we do not believe in an eye for an eye justice, etc. And Jesus shows a Christian who God is.

er how many Zionists proclaim ot
Reading the sherriliar claiming that another poster 'is a liar' is hilarious : ))

The Bible is not a book of lies, no matter how many Zionists here proclaim it as such.

I believe every word in the Bible. Old Testament and New. You are the one who claims 2/3 of the Bible no longer exists. And then you add and take away words depending on what you want to believe and to promulgate your lies. The readers can plainly see you are a Jew and Israel hater who dances with joy at their death and judge them to hell. Christian my ass.
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What I read is he wanted to be buried there beside his wife.

What's wrong with that?:doubt:

There are laws making that unlawful is what I read.

If the government has not problem with that, as his burial managment doesn't harm anyone, then why should you have a problem with that.

He wanted to be laid to rest next to his wife. In the farm which he loved and the southern district he cherished.

His wish is to be respected.

Case closed.
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What's wrong with that?:doubt:

There are laws making that unlawful is what I read.

If the government has not problem with that, as his burial managment doesn't harm anyone, then why should you have a problem with that.

He wanted to be laid to rest next to his wife. In the farm which he loved and the southern district he cherished.

His wish is to be respected.

Case closed.

It was reported on Fox News that his wish will be respected, and he will be laid to rest next to his wife on their farm.
That does not mean hell does not exist.

Christians believe evil people who do not believe in Jesus, like Ariel Sharon, go to hell.

Jews don't believe in hell.

So you can take your mumbo-jumbo religious bullcrap and shove it to where the sun doesn't shine.

Just because you didn't find bigfoot, you can't be sure he doesn't exist.

But you believe he's a fairy-tale, still.

Same thing with us, and hell.
There are laws making that unlawful is what I read.

If the government has not problem with that, as his burial managment doesn't harm anyone, then why should you have a problem with that.

He wanted to be laid to rest next to his wife. In the farm which he loved and the southern district he cherished.

His wish is to be respected.

Case closed.

It was reported on Fox News that his wish will be respected, and he will be laid to rest next to his wife on their farm.


That makes me happy that he's buried at home.

Only downside to it that monday is gonna be a nightmare for the southerners, myself included. roads are gonna be blocked and all that.

Not fun.

But a leader just passed away so...It's understandable.

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