Sharron Angle addresses media for 3 minutes on taxes then bolts

If you look, the others in the Congressional Job Approval polls show pretty much the same story...

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

If you want to believe the D's are in good shape for November, go for it...

:eusa_eh: You don't get it, whatever. I never said the D's are in good shape for November. Already said on here several times that I think the GOP is going to take back the House.

So what was the reason for posting the Gallup poll YOU posted?

a.) to claim Gallup is/isn't credible on their poll regarding Congressional Job Approval? (IOW, discrediting his poll with yours somehow)

b.) to claim Dems are pollig well for November according to Gallup only?

c.) other?
So what was the reason for posting the Gallup poll YOU posted?

a.) to claim Gallup is/isn't credible on their poll regarding Congressional Job Approval? (IOW, discrediting his poll with yours somehow)

b.) to claim Dems are pollig well for November according to Gallup only?

c.) other?

Because I asked Libo for a link to back what he said. I posted the only thing I've seen from Gallup as of late. I wasn't saying Gallup would be wrong if they did have such numbers, I don't doubt them.
Ok... Sounded like you were discrediting his poll with yours...
Yea and how bout that Reid & Pelosi 11% approved Congress? You guys have a lot of nerve smearing Angle considering the disaster you guys have been. Gallup's recent polling has this Dem-led Congress registering the lowest approval rating of any other U.S. Congress in History at a shocking 11%. 11 F*cking %?? YIKES! Yea you guys go ahead and keep smearing Angle. It's not going to be enough for you. Go Angle!

To be fair, Congress rarely has high approval ratings to begin with as of the last decade.

Not to mention, Congress got 11% in '07.
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Yea and how bout that Reid & Pelosi 11% approved Congress? You guys have a lot of nerve smearing Angle considering the disaster you guys have been. Gallup's recent polling has this Dem-led Congress registering the lowest approval rating of any other U.S. Congress in History at a shocking 11%. 11 F*cking %?? YIKES! Yea you guys go ahead and keep smearing Angle. It's not going to be enough for you. Go Angle!

To be fair, Congress rarely has high approval ratings to begin with as of the last decade.

Not to mention, Congress got 11% in '07.

Did they really? Isn't that the year the Democrats took over control of the congress?
Yea and how bout that Reid & Pelosi 11% approved Congress? You guys have a lot of nerve smearing Angle considering the disaster you guys have been. Gallup's recent polling has this Dem-led Congress registering the lowest approval rating of any other U.S. Congress in History at a shocking 11%. 11 F*cking %?? YIKES! Yea you guys go ahead and keep smearing Angle. It's not going to be enough for you. Go Angle!

To be fair, Congress rarely has high approval ratings to begin with as of the last decade.

Not to mention, Congress got 11% in '07.

Did they really? Isn't that the year the Democrats took over control of the congress?

Pretty much.

To be fair, approval ratings for Congress have been steadily going downward for nearly all of the '00s, so it's not like they were stellar ratings to begin with.
I have a feeling that polls for congress are bunk anyway. People blame the president for the countries problems and tend to forget that congress even exists. When people aren't happy and the guy in charge is their guy they blame congress. When people are not happy and the guy in charge is not there guy the blame everyone. This is just indicative of the number of people that are actually happy with the government as a whole. I believe congress is also suffering lower numbers because no one wants to blame the golden boy for any problems. That also explains why BO seems to get higher marks than his actual policies do.
Who cares? It has to be 'Anyone but Reid' out there at this point. Hopefully his corruption & incompetence will be a thing of the past very soon. Btw,i support Angle's position on taxes. Reid gotta go.

It's this kind of thought process that got Ameica to this point. Anybody would be better then George Bush. Well my friend we have someone else in the White House and guess what, he's worse then Bush. I will agree that Reid must go but will anyone be better thinking work?
Run Sharron.....Run

The Forrest Gump of Nevada politics
Have the Democrats called her a "Racist" yet? I'm sure that will be next in their smear campaign. I hope Angle kicks some Democrat A*s out there. Reid's an incompetent & corrupt dunce. He really does gotta go.

Are you from nevada?

then fuck off we get to pick NOT YOU
This fool calles a PRESS CONFERANCE and then refuses to answer ONE question?

What do the idiot cons do but come to her defense.

Do you think she feels the people deserve answers?

Do you think she will anser the peoples questions IF she is elected?

Hell she says the government IS the problem and she wants to be part of that government.

She wants to be part of what she says the problem is, But she doesnt want to have to answer any of the voters question even BEFORE she is elected.

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