She Did Not Think?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
This excuse must have democrats all across the nation hugging toilet bowls right now. it's the LATEST excuse for the email issue by Hillary. "She did not think"...Damn that says a lot when you really look at it.

Okay so she ADMITS at this point she was NOT smart enough to handle her job as SoS under Obama. Many of us knew this but now she HAS confirmed it by admitting.

But she still feels she has the brains to be president? Folks you do NOT reward an ADMITTED stupid employee by putting them in charge. That's simply not good for your company let alone a nation.

"Clinton says in an interview with NBC News on Friday that she wasn't "thinking a lot" about it when she joined the new Obama administration. She says they had "so many problems around the world" and she didn't think about what kind of email system there would be."

Okay in all fairness she was OVERWHELMED by the job as SoS. It happens but is being a president easier? No, not at all. This is a failure of management folks and I don't care if it's a mom and pop or some big company. Management failure leads to total failure no matter the product or service.

"She says it doesn't raise questions about her judgment."

That is NOT for her to decide. That is for YOU to decide. Management IS judgement and a management failure IS a judgement failure.

Clinton: I didn't 'stop and think' about email system
To tell you the truth, she probably thought long and hard about the email setup, as a way to conceal her illegal behavior from the American people...

She just didn't think about the consequences of getting caught.

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To tell you the truth, she probably thought long and hard about the email setup, as a way to conceal her illegal behavior from the American people...

She just didn't think about the consequences of getting caught.

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I agree but that is one sorry assed excuse when you are running for office. She ADMITTED to being to stupid to manage her own office.
NOT the kind of thing you ADMIT to when seeking a higher office.

First she denies.
Then she blames others.
Now she admits to being stupid.
Nixon has to be laughing his ass off.
+30,000 e-mails she wiped in the hands of China, Russia, or Israel........maybe all three!'s golden, bitchez, just golden!
You loons understand this is one of the threads we'll be resurrecting and mocking you for later, right?

But maybe not. You've created so much stupid, we'll have no shortage of Clinton Derangement Syndrome threads to resurrect and rub in your faces. Due to the sheer numbers of them, it just might be impossible to mock all of your crazy threads.
You loons understand this is one of the threads we'll be resurrecting and mocking you for later, right?

But maybe not. You've created so many stupid threads, we'll have no shortage of them to resurrect. It might be impossible to mock them all.

We'll take that slim chance............:deal:........
hilLIARy Didn't Think....she'd Get Caught.

hilLIARy Did Think...that the MSM and Obama Administration would assist in her cover up if she did get caught.

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Multiply this times the number of Cabinet positions and thats probably AT LEAST as far as the scandal goes.

I got a couple of questions for you Liberal Hillary bots:

Why is her email hrod17@clintonemail(dot)com? Why not hrodclinton@... ?

Also, does hrod17 imply that there's AT LEAST 16 more email accounts by that name?

I'm sure "HillarysFatAss@ was already taken!
Multiply this times the number of Cabinet positions and thats probably AT LEAST as far as the scandal goes.

I got a couple of questions for you Liberal Hillary bots:

Why is her email hrod17@clintonemail(dot)com? Why not hrodclinton@... ?

Also, does hrod17 imply that there's AT LEAST 16 more email accounts by that name?

I'm sure "HillarysFatAss@ was already taken!

She also had "hdr22@clintonemail etc.". She must have had dozens of accounts.
Multiply this times the number of Cabinet positions and thats probably AT LEAST as far as the scandal goes.

I got a couple of questions for you Liberal Hillary bots:

Why is her email hrod17@clintonemail(dot)com? Why not hrodclinton@... ?

Also, does hrod17 imply that there's AT LEAST 16 more email accounts by that name?

I'm sure "HillarysFatAss@ was already taken!

She also had "hdr22@clintonemail etc.". She must have had dozens of accounts.

She must have had dozens of accounts.

But only ONE electronic device.....

(oops, that was a lie too)
Multiply this times the number of Cabinet positions and thats probably AT LEAST as far as the scandal goes.

I got a couple of questions for you Liberal Hillary bots:

Why is her email hrod17@clintonemail(dot)com? Why not hrodclinton@... ?

Also, does hrod17 imply that there's AT LEAST 16 more email accounts by that name?

I'm sure "HillarysFatAss@ was already taken!

She also had "hdr22@clintonemail etc.". She must have had dozens of accounts.

She must have had dozens of accounts.

But only ONE electronic device.....

(oops, that was a lie too)

At this point, what difference does it make, and seriously, obviously it doesn't make any difference to some people.
+30,000 e-mails she wiped in the hands of China, Russia, or Israel........maybe all three!'s golden, bitchez, just golden!

You know things are messed up, when China has more free access to information than Americans have!

Between the ACA mandates shutting down govt and costing 24 billion to taxpayers,
the gay marriage ruling imposing more beliefs on states to impose on citizens,
and more bad news with this mess, I'm really thinking the ineptitude of the officials
responsible and the costs of cleaning up needs to be reimbursed to the public.

I, for one, don't agree for my tax money to pay for these messes that could have
been prevented. I don't believe "govt immunity" applies to violations this far outside protocol.

Now if people have equal grievances with the Bush administration decisions to
spend trillions destroying Iraq, I am all for reimbursing contested spending there also.
I'd much rather that military budget pay for reconstruction, VA reform to help Vets,
and building sustainable bases along the border for service jobs and national security.

It's time for citizens to turn the tables on govt and start demanding reimbursement
and credits for unauthorized spending outside the rules that we don't agree to pay for.
and charge the debts back to the people and parties who incurred them by such abuses.

Long overdue, I can see forming taxpayers' unions, and collectively bargaining
to get credits back for all these shenanigans at public expense. We have the
right to check the "credit card tab" that govt runs up and decide what was fraud,
what was authorized or not, and dispute charges that should be paid by the people profiting off those.

If the people cannot be held responsible, then charge the parties for paying for their candidates
they got elected in order to incur these debts and damages. and if the parties refuse to pay,
let the people buy out the debts and earn interest like the federal reserve investors, or
own shares in whatever programs or property can be reclaimed as collateral on the debts.

We can buy back our country from these political bureaucrats profiting off the abuses and waste.
Charge it back and claim collateral, buy back our schools, hospitals, prisons and whole districts.
if we are working to pay for these costs, we should have a say in what we agree to pay for or not.
+30,000 e-mails she wiped in the hands of China, Russia, or Israel........maybe all three!'s golden, bitchez, just golden!
What she lacks in smarts she makes up for in stupid.

It's not a matter of smart or stupid in terms of intelligence,
it's political privilege and taking advantage. Obama has the same problem.

You can be as smart as you want, but if your ethics do not include other people,
but only your own convenience and interests, that selfish abuse of authority.

James Holmes and the Columbine shooters were all intelligent.
And look what that got them.

Not a matter of how smart you are, but if you are driven by
"scarcity mentality" and unfair competition to bully others down and win by domination,
or if you are truly seeking inclusion and live by "abundance mentality" where everyone benefits.

If parties cannot control their own members, but keep rewarding this,
maybe the parties should be treated like cults and kept out of govt policy.
They can provide structure to allow people to represent their interests democratically
but can't be abused to push agenda on the public through govt, to the point of abusing that influence.

What a mess. If there is a such a thing as human evolution, where is it. When are we going to learn?

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