"She was asking for it"

Are women who dress provocatively "asking for it"

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • No

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
Is this really all that entrenched a position in our society any longer? (This = thinking someone who is sexually assaulted is asking for it based on demeanor and/or dress.)

I know it used to be, but in general, it seems to me that our society has become enlightened enough about this to belong in this century.

Islamic societies? Not at all.

You'd be surprised, some people in this thread think like Middle Easterners in regards to this subject, particularly retiredgunnerysgt.
No shit?

(Read the thread, and no shit. Amazing - just like retard Muslims. Not all Muslims, just retard Muslims.)
Remind me again what Saul Alinsky has to do with consensual sex.

So correct me if I'm misunderstanding this. What's being said, is that even if one's date is so snowed from drugs or alcohol that she cannot say yes or no, that so long as there isn't force or violence involved...it is consensual? That this falls under implied consent? I'm sure that our prisons are filled with people who assumed implied consent on someone who was passed out.

So then, a date who is "snowed from drugs or alcohol" is the victim of violence if she has sex?

I'm sure our prisons are full of men who didn't realize they lived in an Islamic theocracy where consensual sex would get you tossed in prison.

Many of Ted Bundy's "partners", in his mind, fell under implied consent too.

Every man is Ted Bundy, you make such a valid argument.

What age do you suggest for mandatory castration?

Sorry, but I find this alarming, if this is really how you feel.

I find your desire to throw people in prison for consensual sex chilling. If we ever wonder how Iran came about, we need just look at your attitude. That they do to women what you support being done to men, doesn't change anything.
I am not biased at all. And rape is sex at any point one of the parties says NO. This is the law in many cases. Not so much for the Man, but that's the way it is.

Again, this demeans what rape is.

A girl saying "yes" but then pissed because the guy didn't pull out to cum just doesn't rise to the one breaking into the house in the night, beating a women and holding a knife to her throat.

Seems that many here just can't grasp that distinction.
I am not biased at all. And rape is sex at any point one of the parties says NO. This is the law in many cases. Not so much for the Man, but that's the way it is.

Again, this demeans what rape is.

A girl saying "yes" but then pissed because the guy didn't pull out to cum just doesn't rise to the one breaking into the house in the night, beating a women and holding a knife to her throat.

Seems that many here just can't grasp that distinction.

I would agree there. But it does not change the law. I do see where you are coming from. But it doesn't change the law. A guy I used to work with told me about when he went to collage during the little "welcome here" tour and lecture they included a little lesson on how not to be accused of rape. Still, for my part, when the woman says NO, to continue would be rape.
Remind me again what Saul Alinsky has to do with consensual sex.

So correct me if I'm misunderstanding this. What's being said, is that even if one's date is so snowed from drugs or alcohol that she cannot say yes or no, that so long as there isn't force or violence involved...it is consensual? That this falls under implied consent? I'm sure that our prisons are filled with people who assumed implied consent on someone who was passed out.

So then, a date who is "snowed from drugs or alcohol" is the victim of violence if she has sex?

I'm sure our prisons are full of men who didn't realize they lived in an Islamic theocracy where consensual sex would get you tossed in prison.

Many of Ted Bundy's "partners", in his mind, fell under implied consent too.

Every man is Ted Bundy, you make such a valid argument.

What age do you suggest for mandatory castration?

Sorry, but I find this alarming, if this is really how you feel.

I find your desire to throw people in prison for consensual sex chilling. If we ever wonder how Iran came about, we need just look at your attitude. That they do to women what you support being done to men, doesn't change anything.

Okay. So the next time you fall asleep or are under the influence, as long as you didn't say no, it's okay if someone sodomizes you? Are you okay with that?

Are you going to press charges? Because you don't seem to think that it's a crime.
I am not biased at all. And rape is sex at any point one of the parties says NO. This is the law in many cases. Not so much for the Man, but that's the way it is.

Again, this demeans what rape is.

A girl saying "yes" but then pissed because the guy didn't pull out to cum just doesn't rise to the one breaking into the house in the night, beating a women and holding a knife to her throat.

Seems that many here just can't grasp that distinction.

I would agree there. But it does not change the law. I do see where you are coming from. But it doesn't change the law. A guy I used to work with told me about when he went to collage during the little "welcome here" tour and lecture they included a little lesson on how not to be accused of rape. Still, for my part, when the woman says NO, to continue would be rape.

As soon as the woman says no its game over, even if you are balls deep you must cease and desist.
I am not biased at all. And rape is sex at any point one of the parties says NO. This is the law in many cases. Not so much for the Man, but that's the way it is.

Again, this demeans what rape is.

A girl saying "yes" but then pissed because the guy didn't pull out to cum just doesn't rise to the one breaking into the house in the night, beating a women and holding a knife to her throat.

Seems that many here just can't grasp that distinction.
It doesn't demean rape. Rape is non-consentual sex.

If there is any "no" at any time, there is no consent. And, those whose minds are altered either by chemical or organic reason, are not able to consent, just as children are not able to consent.
I would agree there. But it does not change the law. I do see where you are coming from. But it doesn't change the law. A guy I used to work with told me about when he went to collage during the little "welcome here" tour and lecture they included a little lesson on how not to be accused of rape. Still, for my part, when the woman says NO, to continue would be rape.

An explicit "no" makes for an assault, whether "rape" is debatable. However, in most cases there is no explicit refusal and young men are still branded for life for screwing the drunk cheerleader.

As is the case with so many things, the pendulum has swung from one extreme to the other. It needs to be somewhere in the middle. I'm not excusing rape, I think REAL rapists deserve to be put to death. But what is going on is not rape and often falls in a VERY grey area. In Mississippi in 1920, a Black man could be hung for just looking at a white woman. Now any man can be hung for just looking at any woman. That isn't progress and it isn't justice.
Ya know what moron, you obviously didn't read the thread, you would have found where I did link all the above including the difference between date rape and what you're talking about. It is two different things.

Yet here you are, demanding that drunken boys bopping drunken girls are hardened criminals, violent predators who belong in prison after being neutered down at the NOW free clinic.

So do you want to educate yourself or just continue to be an ignorant ass? :dunno:

Rape is a violent crime that should be severely punished, by death in my opinion.

A bad date isn't rape. I take it you already had your appointment at the NOW clinic....

Again you have a difficult time understanding what date rape is even after I pointed out that you and I are talking about two different things. Too bad they don't make a product to de-mineralize your brain. :cuckoo:
It doesn't demean rape. Rape is non-consentual sex.

If there is any "no" at any time, there is no consent. And, those whose minds are altered either by chemical or organic reason, are not able to consent, just as children are not able to consent.

Is that right?

So if a woman has a drink, it's rape?

I'm living in fucking Iran...
I would agree there. But it does not change the law. I do see where you are coming from. But it doesn't change the law. A guy I used to work with told me about when he went to collage during the little "welcome here" tour and lecture they included a little lesson on how not to be accused of rape. Still, for my part, when the woman says NO, to continue would be rape.

An explicit "no" makes for an assault, whether "rape" is debatable. However, in most cases there is no explicit refusal and young men are still branded for life for screwing the drunk cheerleader.

As is the case with so many things, the pendulum has swung from one extreme to the other. It needs to be somewhere in the middle. I'm not excusing rape, I think REAL rapists deserve to be put to death. But what is going on is not rape and often falls in a VERY grey area. In Mississippi in 1920, a Black man could be hung for just looking at a white woman. Now any man can be hung for just looking at any woman. That isn't progress and it isn't justice.
That is the exception, not the rule.
It doesn't demean rape. Rape is non-consentual sex.

If there is any "no" at any time, there is no consent. And, those whose minds are altered either by chemical or organic reason, are not able to consent, just as children are not able to consent.

Is that right?

So if a woman has a drink, it's rape?

I'm living in fucking Iran...

No but you are living in some sick fantasy world. Go figure.
Again you have a difficult time understanding what date rape is even after I pointed out that you and I are talking about two different things.

Date rape is usually regret.

Too bad they don't make a product to de-mineralize your brain. :cuckoo:

Too bad they don't make a product to help you regrow your gonads.

Bull shit to the highest degree.
My nads are fine it's your continued and willful misinterpretation of what constitutes date rape that is your shortcoming here.
That is the exception, not the rule.

Quite the opposite, that is the rule.

Even your bullshit website said that over 60% of rape charges are for so called "date rape."

The only difference between our society and the Antebellum south is that "n!gger" has been replaced by "man."

Your sin is your gender.

It doesn't matter though, your attitude is an anachronism. The generation of my son and daughters has a wildly different view. The Feminazi "sex is a crime" attitude is fading faster than Gena Davis acting career.
It doesn't demean rape. Rape is non-consentual sex.

If there is any "no" at any time, there is no consent. And, those whose minds are altered either by chemical or organic reason, are not able to consent, just as children are not able to consent.

Is that right?

So if a woman has a drink, it's rape?

I'm living in fucking Iran...
Hmmm, did I say "a" drink?


Nope. I didn't.
At the risk of being labeled the knuckle dragging neanderthal that I nearly am, dressing provocatively indicates a desire to attract attention.
Beyond that the fault is that of the rapist.
Bull shit to the highest degree.

He was so cool and sexy last night, now he looks like a slob.

Off to prison with him.

My nads are fine it's your continued and willful misinterpretation of what constitutes date rape that is your shortcoming here.

I'm not misrepresenting anything. You've criminalized human relations. Force and coercion are crimes. Calling other things crimes is criminal.
At the risk of being labeled the knuckle dragging neanderthal that I nearly am, dressing provocatively indicates a desire to attract attention.
Beyond that the fault is that of the rapist.
First sentence: Very true.

Second sentence: Very true.

Truth doesn't equate to being neanderthal.

Just sayin'.


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