she was considered one of America’s most beloved senators. Today, she is the most reviled. Susan Collins' approval among Maine women under 50 is 25%


comments, please?
I voted for her in 2008 and 2014.....

Although I am Democrat, she was looking out for Mainers first and that was good enough for me....even if on some issues, we differed.

I'm uncertain on how I will vote, on her come November....

She does seem to be in Mitch' s pocket on everything now, first looking like she cared about Mainers, but then on key issues for Mainers, she's gone with Mitch and not us...

I think she's had a tough road playing like she's independent of the GOP/Mitch since senator Snowe retired.... And has made some stupid decisions and comments that have pissed Mainers off.... she had to go with Mitch, so they wouldn't primary her.... which was gutless.

She did promise when first elected, to only serve two terms.... she's at 4 or so terms now.... maybe it is time for her to leave....? I just don't think she will make it, this time.... she really made Mainers mad on the humongous tax reduction on corporations that were permanent, while the tax cuts for every day Mainers were piddly and temporary.....

Just curious, how do you compare her to King? First, did you vote for him as well? Also, who is more independent from the party they caucus with?
I was mad at King, for previously entering the Maine governor's race as an independent, splitting the democratic candidate's vote, and our asshole governor's reelection was the result... so he did not get my vote when he ran for Senator to replace Snowe out of spite! :D

NOW, I really like Angus King.... he's level headed.... and usually votes in ways that I would or could support.... so, yeah, I support him, more than Collins....but I was fine with Collins for over a decade.

Ah, so that's how LePage kept his job.
No, King didn't run against LePage. Must have been another asshole governor.
Oh Lord, call it an almost senior moment! that was Eliot Cutler with Michaud as the Dem......and in 2014.... boy was I off..... King supported Cutler in that one, at least initially, I think?
i dont think she's gonna make it!

The reason for her difficulty is that she supports Trump's position nearly every time. The vote on Obamacare is the only major vote where she acted like a moderate. Other than that, she has supported Trump and the Republicans on every issue.
She is a RINO.

If it wasn't for her and another RINO that filthy ass Obamacare bill would have never passed the Senate Cloture vote.

Piss on her. She might as be a Democrat.

Both Collins and Snowe voted against ObamaCare

That is not entirely true. They actually talked about a compromise with Obama but pressure from the Republican Senate caucus forced them to back down.
Democrats’ 3 best pickup opportunities (spoiler) are Maine, Colorado, and Arizona. Where’s the 4th? has been the question looming over the Senate puzzle this whole time. We now appear to have an answer: It’s in North Carolina, where Dems invented a specimen named “Cal Cunningham” (troop, lawyer, dad!) to take on incumbent Thom Tillis, whom voters dislike.

There is a fifth in Montana. The current Governor Steve Bullock is running for the Senate seat. He won in 2016 despite Trump's route of Clinton. He seems to have a small lead above the margin of error.
i dont think she's gonna make it!

The reason for her difficulty is that she supports Trump's position nearly every time. The vote on Obamacare is the only major vote where she acted like a moderate. Other than that, she has supported Trump and the Republicans on every issue.
She IS a Republican.
She's voted with President Trump's positions 2/3 of the time, which might be expected of a Republican. I dunno.
But she denounced Trump's "Muslim Ban," which was an important one to me.

According to CQ Roll Call, Collins sided with President Obama's position 75.9% of the time in 2013, one of only two Republicans to vote with him more than 70% of the time.[13] FiveThirtyEight, which tracks Congressional votes, found that Collins voted with President Trump's positions about 66% of the time as of December, 2019.[14] Nonetheless, she has voted with the GOP majority on party-line votes with much greater frequency during the Trump presidency than during the Obama presidency.[15]


comments, please?
I voted for her in 2008 and 2014.....

Although I am Democrat, she was looking out for Mainers first and that was good enough for me....even if on some issues, we differed.

I'm uncertain on how I will vote, on her come November....

She does seem to be in Mitch' s pocket on everything now, first looking like she cared about Mainers, but then on key issues for Mainers, she's gone with Mitch and not us...

I think she's had a tough road playing like she's independent of the GOP/Mitch since senator Snowe retired.... And has made some stupid decisions and comments that have pissed Mainers off.... she had to go with Mitch, so they wouldn't primary her.... which was gutless.

She did promise when first elected, to only serve two terms.... she's at 4 or so terms now.... maybe it is time for her to leave....? I just don't think she will make it, this time.... she really made Mainers mad on the humongous tax reduction on corporations that were permanent, while the tax cuts for every day Mainers were piddly and temporary.....

Just curious, how do you compare her to King? First, did you vote for him as well? Also, who is more independent from the party they caucus with?
I was mad at King, for previously entering the Maine governor's race as an independent, splitting the democratic candidate's vote, and our asshole governor's reelection was the result... so he did not get my vote when he ran for Senator to replace Snowe out of spite! :D

NOW, I really like Angus King.... he's level headed.... and usually votes in ways that I would or could support.... so, yeah, I support him, more than Collins....but I was fine with Collins for over a decade.

Ah, so that's how LePage kept his job.
No, King didn't run against LePage. Must have been another asshole governor.
Oh Lord, call it an almost senior moment! that was Eliot Cutler with Michaud as the Dem......and in 2014.... boy was I off..... King supported Cutler in that one, at least initially, I think?
Eliot Cutler needed a dart board made of him!!! He brought us LePage twice!!! He barely had a stance on anything--I swear to God he was paid by the Republicans. Okay, I can't prove it, but that's my conspiracy theory and I'm sticking with it.
Kavanaugh was innocent. Only an idiot could not figure that out.
But that's not why she voted for him. That circus was bullshit. Susan Collins took the time to review the case law and interview him and ask him pointed questions about Rowe. Now whether he was being honest is another story--maybe someday we'll find out. But he said he believes in precedent and would not overturn Rowe. She based her vote on that and on his professional career.

I would have voted against him because of his highly emotional partisan attack against the Democrats. Sure, anyone would be pissed off, but a little self control and a more objective and professional summation of his qualifications is what one looks for in a Supreme Court justice. Collins totally ignored the tantrum. I disagreed with her decision on that.
Kavanaugh was innocent. Only an idiot could not figure that out.
But that's not why she voted for him. That circus was bullshit. Susan Collins took the time to review the case law and interview him and ask him pointed questions about Rowe. Now whether he was being honest is another story--maybe someday we'll find out. But he said he believes in precedent and would not overturn Rowe. She based her vote on that and on his professional career.

I would have voted against him because of his highly emotional partisan attack against the Democrats. Sure, anyone would be pissed off, but a little self control and a more objective and professional summation of his qualifications is what one looks for in a Supreme Court justice. Collins totally ignored the tantrum. I disagreed with her decision on that.
I thought the Democrats treated him like he was already guilty. Especially Harris and Hirono. Embarrassing. Kavanaugh was railroaded. Gun to your head, do you believe Blasey Ford lied? I do.
i dont think she's gonna make it!

The reason for her difficulty is that she supports Trump's position nearly every time. The vote on Obamacare is the only major vote where she acted like a moderate. Other than that, she has supported Trump and the Republicans on every issue.
She IS a Republican.
She's voted with President Trump's positions 2/3 of the time, which might be expected of a Republican. I dunno.
But she denounced Trump's "Muslim Ban," which was an important one to me.

According to CQ Roll Call, Collins sided with President Obama's position 75.9% of the time in 2013, one of only two Republicans to vote with him more than 70% of the time.[13] FiveThirtyEight, which tracks Congressional votes, found that Collins voted with President Trump's positions about 66% of the time as of December, 2019.[14] Nonetheless, she has voted with the GOP majority on party-line votes with much greater frequency during the Trump presidency than during the Obama presidency.[15]

Did she vote for Mitch? Will she vote for a Republican senate majority leader in the future? Yep. Time for Collins to go as we can't afford Republicanism/Trumpism anymore.

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