"She Was Warned. She was Given an Explanation. Nevertheless, She Persisted."

The squaw is on her way out. She has that shrill voice, is spastic, and is extremely leftist... all like Hillary. Plus, I imagine that if you hard enough you will find some interesting and dirty funding and gifting going on between her and the financial sector.
"She Was Warned. She was Given an Explanation. Nevertheless, She Persisted."

Thanks to Mitch McConnell, he has given the women's movement a new slogan. I suspect this will be a political saying that will forever more be part of America's political lexicon. And we know the campaign slogan for many women. Look at him holding his lecturing finger up.









Mitch McConnell is da MAN!
The squaw is on her way out. She has that shrill voice, is spastic, and is extremely leftist... all like Hillary. Plus, I imagine that if you hard enough you will find some interesting and dirty funding and gifting going on between her and the financial sector.
"The squaw"? Thank you for showing why we marched....and will again.
The squaw is on her way out. She has that shrill voice, is spastic, and is extremely leftist... all like Hillary. Plus, I imagine that if you hard enough you will find some interesting and dirty funding and gifting going on between her and the financial sector.
"The squaw"? Thank you for showing why we marched....and will again.
Typical leftist. Brainwashed to completely meltdown and engage default mode when the trigger word is encountered.

Don't you ever yearn to be free to have your own thoughts and beliefs?
The squaw needs to sit down and shut up.


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I suspect that Warren was rebuked for a different reason beyond rule 19. I suspect that they know she is one of the main instigators of inciting riots from her base she's preaching to on youtube, etc., and her outburst was more than a typical spat on the floor. Her outburst was tailored to incite her followers to harbor blatant disrespect for duly elected officials and the People who disagree with her army that were in the majority.

If the GOP framed it up this way, and warned Warren further about the larger meaning of her outburst, they could at once save face and also send a message to other would-be public figures that "inciting disrespect for the results of a democratic vote in our country is the same as sedition".

You LOST the power for us Liz. Inciting riots and flaunting malignant (not just random benign) disrespect for elected officials is NOT how we do things in America to get the power back...
I suspect that Warren was rebuked for a different reason beyond rule 19. I suspect that they know she is one of the main instigators of inciting riots from her base she's preaching to on youtube, etc., and her outburst was more than a typical spat on the floor. Her outburst was tailored to incite her followers to harbor blatant disrespect for duly elected officials and the People who disagree with her army that were in the majority.

If the GOP framed it up this way, and warned Warren further about the larger meaning of her outburst, they could at once save face and also send a message to other would-be public figures that "inciting disrespect for the results of a democratic vote in our country is the same as sedition".

You LOST the power for us Liz. Inciting riots and flaunting malignant (not just random benign) disrespect for elected officials is NOT how we do things in America to get the power back...
Okay, I'm no fan of Elizabeth Warren, but this was not an "outburst." Some say she should have brought the letter up in committee, rather than on the floor. It is curious to me (1) that there can be discussion of Sessions' nomination as AG without bringing up anything "negative," and (2) that three men were able to quote from Coretta Scott King's letter, two on the same day as Warren. I wonder what parts THEY read? Are their nicer parts? I've heard it somehow did not get put into the senate record thirty years ago when she first wrote this letter condemning Senator Sessions. Now at least parts of it are in there, thanks to Warren and the other three guys who read from it.
Anyway, it was not an outburst.
She was grand standing and got slapped down for being an idiot.
Lotta grandstanding going on in that chamber during the past couple days. What made hers so much worse? Warren is a lot of things but not an idiot. I agree with you that she did get "slapped down," though. And it has backfired.
She was grand standing and got slapped down for being an idiot.
Lotta grandstanding going on in that chamber during the past couple days. What made hers so much worse? Warren is a lot of things but not an idiot. I agree with you that she did get "slapped down," though. And it has backfired.

No it hasn't, here is a clue....don't pay any attention to what the media is telling you. In fact you can pretty much use them as a reverse barometer.
Grouping that lying bitch with REAL women is a REAL "war on women". You of you leftists make me sick.
I can't laugh hard enough rdean.

He keeps making these predictions.

And they never happen.

Trump won.

The GOP kept the senate.

The GOP kept the house.

The GOP has twice as many state houses as the democrats.

The left lost.

Keep sucking on it for four long hard (pardon the pun) years.
Which predictions are you talking about? I predicted Trump would win and he did. I predicted Obama would win and he did twice. I predicted the GOP would do everything they could to fuck over Obama and they did. I predicted Bush would win. I predicted Bush would be a fuck up and boy, was I right.

I don't make many predictions, but when I do, they usually happen.

And Trump is such a fuck up, there will be a huge backlash just like the kind that elected Obama.

You have predicted these huge backlashes since I've been on the board. And they've never happened.

You can show us a post where you predicted he would win.....please do.
Grouping that lying bitch with REAL women is a REAL "war on women". You of you leftists make me sick.
I don't know who "you of you leftists" are, but she's no more obnoxious than some men in the senate (Cruz comes to mind). Don't say a woman can't be a loud mouthed progressive if she wants to. That makes you sound much older than you actually are.
Apparently the narrative here is that "she's a woman, she can't be expected to be held to the same standards".

Gotta love progressives.

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