Sheriff Arpaio Enforced The Law


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
You dumbocrats don't like a law change it...

August 27, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The left so badly abused our system that it's become all but illegal to enforce immigration laws.

Sheriff Arpaio and President Trump were both targeted by judges for enforcing immigration laws. Meanwhile Obama was allowed to dismantle immigration laws without hardly any interference.

Let's be clear about this. Sheriff Arpaio did not commit a crime. He enforced the law.

The only crime committed was by a judicial establishment that decided that illegal immigration should be legalized, the way that it had unilaterally legalized gay marriage, while punishing any opposition to it.

Sheriff Arpaio should never have needed a pardon. The fact that he needed one was a sign of how broken the system is.

But there was never a crime here.


Sheriff Arpaio Did Not Commit a Crime. He Enforced the Law.
Let's be clear about this. The sheriff most definitely broke the law. That is why he needed a pardon to keep from being sent to jail. America is a country of laws that everyone is supposed to follow. It is not up to individuals to decide which ones to follow and we leave it to our Constitutional process of enforcing and judging whether laws are broken or not. The pardon clause in our constitutions, federal and state, allow for our chief executive to make exceptions and that is what happened to Sheriff Joe. He was convicted of a crime, but the President decided to use his pardon power to keep him out of prison. Our constitutional system worked.
No one is supposed to have the right to pick and choose which laws to follow and which ones to ignore.
By issuing a pardon while the case is still in progress, Trump has himself committed a serious crime, obstruction of justice. But then, he's done a bit of that in his time.
This one will likely be tacked on to the long list of infractions being investigated by Mueller, and the Grand Jury.
By issuing a pardon while the case is still in progress, Trump has himself committed a serious crime, obstruction of justice. But then, he's done a bit of that in his time.
This one will likely be tacked on to the long list of infractions being investigated by Mueller, and the Grand Jury.

They're all this stupid folks....

Every last one of them.

You dumbocrats don't like a law change it...

August 27, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The left so badly abused our system that it's become all but illegal to enforce immigration laws.

Sheriff Arpaio and President Trump were both targeted by judges for enforcing immigration laws. Meanwhile Obama was allowed to dismantle immigration laws without hardly any interference.

Let's be clear about this. Sheriff Arpaio did not commit a crime. He enforced the law.

The only crime committed was by a judicial establishment that decided that illegal immigration should be legalized, the way that it had unilaterally legalized gay marriage, while punishing any opposition to it.

Sheriff Arpaio should never have needed a pardon. The fact that he needed one was a sign of how broken the system is.

But there was never a crime here.


Sheriff Arpaio Did Not Commit a Crime. He Enforced the Law.
Did he also enforce laws for the treasury dept or the IRS? Cause those are federal jurisdictions, along with INS...So Joe broke the law when he was ordered by a federal judge to stop overstepping his boundaries, yes even Joe has boundaries of jurisdiction...
Now we see why rightist always are sucking on cops dick's, they love the whole subjugate or die routine...Boot licking fags..And now we can have more lawlessness from LEO's because Trump has shown he will cover their asses, and told them earlier this year to use more force when dealing with citizens that have not been found guilty in a court of law..
Here is the thing that pisses me off about Arpaio. He ran a shit jail. They were understaffed, under trained, were not payed for overtime (impacts turnover rate), violated the 8th amendment multiple times and this kept piling up and piling up and not a damn thing was done. Not really. Sued. Payed money.

Instead the DOJ goes a different direction.

The federal government should have enforced immigration law; however, maintaining cheap labor was way more important. This did nothing more than fuel Joe Arpaio.
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To be clear, Sheriff Joe was told to STOP "PROFILING." Specifically, he and his deputies would go to places where illegals would congregate, sometimes looking for day-work and others just hanging out. There, they would approach them, ask for ID, and if they were found to be in the country illegally, they would detain them and notify the appropriate federal authorities.

The people they found in these "sweeps" all appeared to be ethnic "Hispanics," from Mexico, Guatemala, and other countries south of the border. is ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL to ARREST someone without either a warrant or a reasonable cause to believe that they are guilty of some crime. But we are not talking about ARRESTS; just approaching and asking for identification. It is analogous to "stop & frisk" in NYC. It makes Progressives very uncomfortable, but it is neither illegal nor unconstitutional.

"Profiling" is the Progressive-invented "police-crime" of harassing people because of their race or perceived ethnicity. Again, this is not a real crime, merely a Progressive invention. What Progressives call "profiling" is what sane people refer to as "good police work." It is only in jurisdictions ruled for decades by Progressives that this concept carries any weight at all, because police are governed by the civilian elected superiors.

The Federal District Court (Senior) judge in the Arpaio case (a Clinton appointee, if you must know) instructed Arpaio to "stop this profiling shit!" But since profiling is not a crime, and what he was doing with suspected illegals was not a crime, the only way to smack his hands was to charge him with "contempt of court." Which they did.

So, ironically, both statements are true: (a) "Sheriff Joe didn't do nothin' wrong!" and (2) "Sheriff Joe done broke the law [by ignoring the bullshit order from the judge]!"

While the timing was not ideal, the pardon was totally appropriate. Sheriff Joe was basically prosecuted and convicted for ENFORCING THE IMMIGRATION LAWS.

NOTICE: the final hearing for his sentencing was scheduled for THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE COLUMBUS DAY HOLIDAY WEEKEND. With this petty, diabolical schedule trick, the judge ensured that Arpaio would spend at least four days in jail, probably more, even if he appealed successfully.

And note also: The illustrious Congressperson Ryan said, through a spokesperson, that he did not agree with the decision to pardon Sheriff Joe. This mild and inconsequential difference of opinion has been repeatedly characterized by the Leftist Press as "Ryan EXCORIATES Trump for his decision..."

Yeah, right. Don't believe everything you read in the papers.
Sheriff Joe is a notional treasure and will go down in the history books as a great American...too bad Barry won't.
He sure is a 'notional' treasure!
But the rest of that post is delusional clap-trap.
BHO is already a highly-regarded historical figure. Sheriff Heinrich Arpaio, not so much...
If he enforced the law why didn't he go after employers?

This is the problem with an elected Sheriff, and why the practice is so stupid.
Now we see why rightist always are sucking on cops dick's, they love the whole subjugate or die routine...Boot licking fags..And now we can have more lawlessness from LEO's because Trump has shown he will cover their asses, and told them earlier this year to use more force when dealing with citizens that have not been found guilty in a court of law..
There you go again, you're describing what you do and who you are...
The Sheriff has no authority to enforce immigration laws..That is a federal jurisdiction.. I don't expect you lowbrows to understand..
Former Sheriff Arapio was an ass. We should not forget that the voters sent him packing for a reason. He even defended a deputy who stole documents from a lawyers briefcase in the courtroom.

Court Deputy Ordered to Apologize or Face Jail After Taking Lawyer's Paperwork

The way our system works is that the legislature passes the laws. The police enforce the laws, and the courts determine if the law was broken, and what punishment would be appropriate. This is not a new thing. When the police are violating the law the courts say knock it off and the police are supposed to say yes your honor.

Joe said fuck you. His self aggrandizement is part of the reason his is the former Sheriff. That is a crime. If you don't like the court order you appeal, you don't just ignore it.

It was a misdemeanor. Even if the Judge threw the book at Joe it would have been a maximum of six months in jail. There is no possibility of a longer sentence. So get over it.

Now, the second half. The President can Pardon anyone he or she wants for any reason. There is no requirement for a conviction. There is no requirement for any process. He does not have to go through the Justice Department and get their approval. He can Pardon them on a whim. There is nothing preventing The President from issuing any pardons. It is not obstruction of justice. It is not a crime that can get him in trouble. It is his right under the Constitution of the United States. I don't care if you or anyone disapproves of the Pardon. The Constitution says you can complain, but it is not a fucking crime.

Now what does this all mean? Both the left and the right are completely full of shit on this issue.

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