Sheriff Arpaio Predicts War on Police


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio came on the Breitbart News Sunday Show on Sirius XM Patriot radio to talk about the national war on police with host Stephen K. Bannon. “America’s toughest Sheriff” started off with a bang telling Breitbart’s Executive News Chairman that, “I’m going to court tomorrow, down in Washington, suing Obama, so we’ll see how that goes.”

Arpaio is suing the president, arguing that the imposed executive amnesty is unconstitutional. He is also suing Obama for ordering the release of some 4,000 criminals from his jail over the last year. He told the Daily News back in November that one of the many negative effects of the new executive order “will be the increased release of criminal aliens back onto streets.”

The sheriff said that he believes the heightened rhetoric coming from politicians and community leaders about police brutality and racism “at least indirectly” caused the death of Officers Liu and Ramos on Saturday. The two NYPD officers were shot execution style by an assassin while they were eating their lunch in a patrol car.

Arpaio pointed out that police officers report to the Mayor and they need to be supported. “It’s sickening what’s going on,” he lamented. “I was on a show in New York a couple of nights ago and at that time I said I’m afraid some cops are gonna get killed and fourteen hours later it happened. It’s sad for the families, sad for the NYPD, and I’m afraid it’s going to spread across the nation.”

Bannon asked Arpaio what was it that prompted his prediction: “Was it protesters chanting in the streets for hours at a time, What do we want? Dead Cops. When do we want them? Now. And then not have Mayor De Blasio and other senior non-police officials condemn that?”

The Sheriff said, “I’ll tell you what it was. About a year-and-a-half ago, I had three separate threats on me and my family… all of them regarded my anti-illegal immigration position.” Arpaio argued that the police authority controversy and the illegal immigrant situation are similar because they are political issues.

The media is complicit according to Arpaio. They may be covering the two slain police officers now. he points out, but, “Where were they before? They were leaning to the demonstrators, to the politicians. Twenty four hours, and over and over and over again. And we needed someone to come out and say ‘Hey anyone messes with our Cops and they’re going to jail.’ You didn’t see that from the Mayor.”

He added, “Maybe if someone came out tough and said you’re going to jail if you mess with our cops maybe some people would get a different idea.”

Arpaio also claims that the Attorney General of the United States is also not a great supporter of the police. “I think if you are a cop supporter you won’t be investigating 19 to 20 police departments for alleged racial profiling,” he argued.

Sheriff Arpaio Predicts War on Police

The guy seems quite tough and reasonable, with great experience. Do you think his evaluation of the situation is correct? Is real war on police possible?

Yes, it has been discussed for some time now, but is it an actual possibility? Something we need to be prepared for?

I can hardly see this happening. Probably, a couple of incidents might take place, but I think that wouldn’t be more than gang violence. There should be something way more serious to start a war on police.
Arpaio "tough and reasonable, with great experience"???

You don't get out much, do you.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio's tough guy policing is contributing to the rift between the public and its police force. He presents an Us vs them mentality with his policing and is an example of what is wrong with police forces today
Sheriff Joe Arpaio's tough guy policing is contributing to the rift between the public and its police force. He presents an Us vs them mentality with his policing and is an example of what is wrong with police forces today

He is corrupt as hell.
When is he gonna share that proof he found that Obama was born in Kenya?

He said he has proof and would publish it but then he wandered off to make up some other idiotic and very racist nonsense.

Come to think of it, Donald Trump said the same thing but we've never heard his "proof" either.

When is he gonna share that proof he found that Obama was born in Kenya?

He said he has proof and would publish it but then he wandered off to make up some other idiotic and very racist nonsense.

Come to think of it, Donald Trump said the same thing but we've never heard his "proof" either.

Yeah, remember Sheriff Asshole's partner in crime was "fixing" to release the name of the BC forger, in a week, back in 2011.

Forger Of Obama s Birth Certificate Has Been Located And Fixing To Be Exposed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

May 21, 2011
This is fixing to explode like Watergate. Obama coming out at his press conference releasing the certificate was a bad move because he now has attached himself to the forgery which is a crime. Nixon did the same thing. The person that did the forgery works in the media and will be exposed next week. This is going to be horrible for the White House.

Corsi Will Reveal Details On Media Person Who Helped Forge Obama's Birth Certificate
As long as there is an Obama and a Holder and Deblazio and a Sharpton and a crime ridden inner city in the world there will always be a hatred and an NAACP there will always be authority approved massacre of cops and no apology to the families of the dead cops.
Sherriff Joe is the poster child for bad policing

A bully at heart who hates minorities and uses his cops to enforce his political agenda
Wont be any war in NYC that's for sure.......when you live here for decades like me, you understand that the savages understand you don't start a war with the NYPD. Here, they understand that it'd go very badly and have for generations.

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